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If you could...

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Fortunately enough, nothing major comes to mind. I'm very hesitant when making purchases, often delaying doing so until I've contemplated it sufficiently.


But one thing I can think of is I was so sure I wanted the Wild Magic Backpack + Glider combo...this was back when I only had 1 other glider skin besides stock, and I thought the glowing balls of light as well as how they became the glider looked so cool. I'd saved up enough statuettes so when it became available for 60 statuettes, I snapped it up.


I regretted it almost instantly, as I found that those light globes were more annoying than enhancing, and they didn't compliment some of my fashion choices as well as I had hoped. The glider skin also was rather lackluster after using it for a bit, and has since remained unused while my characters run about with other skins.


I supposed if this is the only time I bought something for which I now wish I could get a refund, I consider myself fortunate.


*** that said, I did buy the Runecrafter Salvage kit when it launched, under the mistaken impression it retrieved the upgrade component rather than salvaging it into motes, but I put in a ticket with support and they were happy to refund my gems after I destroyed the item.

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Armistice Bastion Pass. My friend kept going on about how nice it is and then another friend also bought it so I thought it couldn't be that bad, given how pretty it was.


I absolutely hate the layout and the teleport mechanic on there. Prefer my Mistlock zoomies.

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Molten Alliance Pickaxe. I bought it back when it was the only one available, and it had come back to the gem store 2 or 3 times so it seemed like it would be the only one they'd sell, but I've never liked the animation and if I'd known there would be others I'd have waited. Eventually I bought the Watchwork Pickaxe as well, on the basis that the animation is ok and it paid for itself relatively quickly.


I actually really like the flute tools, but I don't want to spend another 1,000 gems each just for the skins.


I also got the pirate costume refunded, back when town clothes were changed into outfits. It's a shame because I really liked it, but without being able to change the boots (which I really don't like) and with the weird dye slots it has now it's pretty much useless to me. But I guess Anet knew that would happen since that's one of the rare times they actually did offer refunds.

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> @"ragingpuma.4618" said:

> Yea it kind of sucks that the old unlimited use pickaxes and stuff are soulbound. Why couldn't they make those account bound also?


It's been possible to convert them to account bound since the account bound ones were introduced. You just put it in your inventory and talk to a Black Lion Weapons Specialist in the TP in LA and they swap it for the account bound version.


But that doesn't change the animation - when I swapped my Molten Alliance Pickaxe I got an identical one back, it's just the binding which has changed. So it's no help at all if I don't like the animation and want a different one.

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There are quite a few outfits I bought thinking I'd wear more, and don't. At least a half-dozen there. I want them to work so much, I buy ones that are 'close' to what I want, I think. :/


I'd say copper fed, but while I only use it on blues these days, and arguably should just bank it to free up a shared slot, I did buy it when it dropped, and got a 'lot' of use out of it. So nothing really wasted there.


I've bought very few mount skins, and I use the ones I bought, like the humming bird. All my characters have a humming bird. It's awesome.

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Only one? Silver-fed Salvage. I just don't use it anymore.

There's also a number of cosmetics I wish I could unbind and sell back.


I'm still of the opinion that a consignment shop would be great for the players. Sell those unwanted Black Lion items to someone who wants them. Discounts while supplies last!

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... I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, if I could, I surely would [mmm, mmm...](

"mmm, mmm...") (Vague title is vague... please make a definitive topic statement. Thank you.)


As far as the question/topic: I have two Home Portal Stones. Thanks to Shared Inventory, I no longer need both. If I could get the gems back for the extra one, that'd be neat.

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The game, since it became free there was no reason to buy it. And all the good stuff happened when it went free to play; I mean honestly though if I knew what I knew now about this game, the community and its direction Id probably of done a hard pass even though Im a Gw1 lover and Tyria lover.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> The game, since it became free there was no reason to buy it. And all the good stuff happened when it went free to play; I mean honestly though if I knew what I knew now about this game, the community and its direction Id probably of done a hard pass even though Im a Gw1 lover and Tyria lover.


Throwing a tantrum isn't going to help you.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > The game, since it became free there was no reason to buy it. And all the good stuff happened when it went free to play; I mean honestly though if I knew what I knew now about this game, the community and its direction Id probably of done a hard pass even though Im a Gw1 lover and Tyria lover.


> Throwing a tantrum isn't going to help you.


Im not im being 100% the game isn't as good as we thought it was going to be, I was disgruntled when they made it free to play and I had bought the core version of the game. Just because you feel it's a tantrum doesn't mean none of us really needed to buy the base game, HoT was what made the game fun or at least better than it had been. But think what you want~ Not like it matters.

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I purchased lots of Pavilion passes before we had shared slots. I vaguely recall that they were offering some kind of compensation but I was too lazy to look into it. So here I sit with about twelve passes in the bank taking up slots (I haven't convinced myself to delete them yet). Otherwise, can't think of anything I'd return for a refund.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > The game, since it became free there was no reason to buy it. And all the good stuff happened when it went free to play; I mean honestly though if I knew what I knew now about this game, the community and its direction Id probably of done a hard pass even though Im a Gw1 lover and Tyria lover.

> >

> > Throwing a tantrum isn't going to help you.


> Im not im being 100% the game isn't as good as we thought it was going to be, I was disgruntled when they made it free to play and I had bought the core version of the game. Just because you feel it's a tantrum doesn't mean none of us really needed to buy the base game, HoT was what made the game fun or at least better than it had been. But think what you want~ Not like it matters.


No. It doesn't matter. Because this is a video game, a leisure activity, an expensive toy. Nothing about this game, in the grand scheme of things, actually matters.


That's the beauty of Guild Wars 2, specifically. It doesn't *have* to matter. It doesn't insist upon itself. It doesn't try to trick you with gimmicks, or take things away just to sell them back to you. It is what it is, and that's okay. Whatever gets added or doesn't, doesn't matter. Because it's still Guild Wars 2.


Besides, nobody with this kind of passion gives up that easily. You're gonna be okay too.

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Can't think of anything. The only things I've spent real money on are the game and the two expansions and I certainly don't regret having access to any of that content, which is only available through the use of real money. I waited about a year after release before buying HoT and I'm very comfortable saying playing without f2p restrictions was well worth the cost of the base game, even discounting all the time I spent playing before it went f2p . . .


It would be silly to regret any purchases made with in game currency bc it's all cosmetics or convenience, which if refunded would just be spent on other cosmetics or convenience that I could just as easily buy with other in game currency . . .

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > The game, since it became free there was no reason to buy it. And all the good stuff happened when it went free to play; I mean honestly though if I knew what I knew now about this game, the community and its direction Id probably of done a hard pass even though Im a Gw1 lover and Tyria lover.

> >

> > Throwing a tantrum isn't going to help you.


> Im not im being 100% the game isn't as good as we thought it was going to be, I was disgruntled when they made it free to play and I had bought the core version of the game. Just because you feel it's a tantrum doesn't mean none of us really needed to buy the base game, HoT was what made the game fun or at least better than it had been. But think what you want~ Not like it matters.


Free to play players have a lot of restrictions on their accounts.


I think of free to play as an unlimited and very open free trial.


Edit: To answer the question of the OP: there is nothing I would want to get a refund for.

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Well there are a few items I would like a full refund for - those copper fed salvage things I bought for all my toons before the shared inventory but I have sort of got over that and I did get a partial refund. The biggie for me would be my second account. I bought it for full price and at the time - five plus years ago - it seemed a good idea. I was in a small and rather claustrophobic guild and the second account gave me the anonymity to explore and play without feeling obligated to join with my guildies. Yes, instead of being honest and forthright I sneakily bought another account. Serves me right for being a coward and especially as those guild members all left the game within a year. This alt account has been a stone around my neck ever since. I have tried ignoring it but it nags at me. I have a lot of characters on my main account so its not as if I don't have enough to do with such a big family. Add a few more poor cousins who had no mounts or gliders or anything much except their guilt-inducing looks and I often dreamt they had never existed. However, I am my own worst enemy and I recently I upgraded it with HoT and PoF when they were on sale. So, now I have a bigger stone around my neck because I just have to work on it to get all the masteries for mounts and gliding. As problems go, it is an enjoyable one, but if I had a choice it would be to disappear it with a full refund and no more guilty feelings of wasting time and money.

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> @"Figlilly.3907" said:

> Well there are a few items I would like a full refund for - those copper fed salvage things I bought for all my toons before the shared inventory but I have sort of got over that and I did get a partial refund. The biggie for me would be my second account. I bought it for full price and at the time - five plus years ago - it seemed a good idea. I was in a small and rather claustrophobic guild and the second account gave me the anonymity to explore and play without feeling obligated to join with my guildies. Yes, instead of being honest and forthright I sneakily bought another account. Serves me right for being a coward and especially as those guild members all left the game within a year. This alt account has been a stone around my neck ever since. I have tried ignoring it but it nags at me. I have a lot of characters on my main account so its not as if I don't have enough to do with such a big family. Add a few more poor cousins who had no mounts or gliders or anything much except their guilt-inducing looks and I often dreamt they had never existed. However, I am my own worst enemy and I recently I upgraded it with HoT and PoF when they were on sale. So, now I have a bigger stone around my neck because I just have to work on it to get all the masteries for mounts and gliding. As problems go, it is an enjoyable one, but if I had a choice it would be to disappear it with a full refund and no more guilty feelings of wasting time and money.


Just log into the alt account and grab your daily logins or even do the daily achievements for some nice passive gold income :)

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Not really a "i want" but a "should i?" I bought PoF Digital Deluxe Upgrade when it was 50% off, character slot is great, Identity Repair Kit is ok, Sunspear Outfit is ugly, VIP Area in Amnoon..................i barely use it. I now have 3 passes i wonder if it's too much.

And that is, i don't have money so i just farm gold and exchange for gem then i wait for a discount to buy

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If I could get a refund for any item I had purchased, it'd 100% be the Winter Monarch outfit. At first it looked so pretty to me, but looking it on my characters now its just so...Branchier then I'd like it to be. It doesn't really scream winter to me but instead more Sylvari Monarch with some Krampus thrown in. Like its not a big deal, but I never use it because I can't really get it to look...winter like

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The World Boss Portal Device.

I was too fast at purchasing it and did regret 10 minutes later already. Reason: For me, the wiki event timer is real great. I have it opened all the time and need nothing else. The portal device remains sleeping at my bank, covering with dust. :/

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