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suggestion: can we have Dungeon rush?

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> You can unlock them via PvP reward tracks.


and WvW tracks :+1:


@OP great suggestion. The #1 complaint people have about dungeons is it's too much time/work for little reward. I don't think such an event should occur soon, as the market is flooded with materials from recent events, but this would surely get people to do dungeons. Whether it will be fun to see groups wipe as they blindly stumble in thinking they can 1-1-1- their way to loot is a different question.


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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> You can unlock them via PvP reward tracks.


not when the game mode makes me want to quit the game


[https://media.tenor.com/images/1aff5d765b2e3883a0b1caed4a1edd57/tenor.gif](https://media.tenor.com/images/1aff5d765b2e3883a0b1caed4a1edd57/tenor.gif "https://media.tenor.com/images/1aff5d765b2e3883a0b1caed4a1edd57/tenor.gif")

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > You can unlock them via PvP reward tracks.


> and WvW tracks :+1:


> @OP great suggestion. The #1 complaint people have about dungeons is it's too much time/work for little reward. I don't think such an event should occur soon, as the market is flooded with materials from recent events, but this would surely get people to do dungeons. Whether it will be fun to see groups wipe as they blindly stumble in thinking they can 1-1-1- their way to loot is a different question.



im confident i can carry ppl with my healer, except for arah, idk how to solo lupicus x.x

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:


> im confident i can carry ppl with my healer, except for arah, idk how to solo lupicus x.x


As long as you keep Lupicus from eating grubs, he is not so bad. Having a healer can definitely help, but the main obstacle in many dungeons are specific mechanics that require coordination, but fractals and especially raids have that, so people ought to be prepared. I enjoy dungeons and likewise have a lot more skins I would like to unlock. PvP only unlocks one armor piece per completed track but it’s a decent way to get the weapons (if the track rewards are about the same as they were two years ago).


I agree that a dungeon rush could be a fun event! Ooh, and a great reward that wouldn’t impact the economy of mats etc. would be extra tokens! =)


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > So people can expose anet for how buggy they are and flood with gullible requests to bring them back?


> I have run dungeons many times. I don't recall any of them being buggy in particular.


i know of two... or three. AC u can do all 3 in 1. arah skip to end boss. CM = stand on the hedge to kill boss easily

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> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> >

> > im confident i can carry ppl with my healer, except for arah, idk how to solo lupicus x.x


> As long as you keep Lupicus from eating grubs, he is not so bad. Having a healer can definitely help, but the main obstacle in many dungeons are specific mechanics that require coordination, but fractals and especially raids have that, so people ought to be prepared. I enjoy dungeons and likewise have a lot more skins I would like to unlock. PvP only unlocks one armor piece per completed track but it’s a decent way to get the weapons (if the track rewards are about the same as they were two years ago).


> I agree that a dungeon rush could be a fun event! Ooh, and a great reward that wouldn’t impact the economy of mats etc. would be extra tokens! =)



i always get KO'ed by the zig zag green thingies

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> i know of two... or three. AC u can do all 3 in 1. arah skip to end boss. CM = stand on the hedge to kill boss easily


Those aren't bugs, those are features. ;)


> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> Hodgins AI has been increasingly become more agro over the years. I remember that, when collecting the scepters, he used to walk to a point and wait for the group. Now he rushes into the graveling hall 100% of the time, forcing the party to clear them.


True that, and some of the other things you listed, but none are game-breaking. At least I have not encountered the incidents you mentioned. Must have been lucky.

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Arah? Lupi? Guards own that so quick. Reflect is your friend. Veteran guards even know some shortcuts with gs3. I brought a pure healer there once and after a full set of runs down each path, I decided to make my own guard. I was just running to catch up with them, and as I made it to big things like Lupi, I was only in time to see it die.

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Strongly support the revamp of dungeons and boost rewards. Such as rewarding a daily mystic coins per dungeon - cap at 1 per 1 dungeon per day. People will do it again. I will start to do it too for rewards since i have unlocked everything there.

I actually like to see new map that comes with dungeons.. fractal doesnt feel like map explorable dungeons

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > > You can unlock them via PvP reward tracks.

> >

> > and WvW tracks :+1:

> >

> > @OP great suggestion. The #1 complaint people have about dungeons is it's too much time/work for little reward. I don't think such an event should occur soon, as the market is flooded with materials from recent events, but this would surely get people to do dungeons. Whether it will be fun to see groups wipe as they blindly stumble in thinking they can 1-1-1- their way to loot is a different question.

> >


> im confident i can carry ppl with my healer, except for arah, idk how to solo lupicus x.x


Considering I can get through lupicus with just Invigorating Precision and Unload healing through him should be a piece of cake ... unless people manage to screw up every grub


Anyway, the only thing a dungeon rush would do is revive CoF p1 farming or maybe SE p1. SE might be faster since there is no timed segments.


> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> PvP only unlocks one armor piece per completed track but it’s a decent way to get the weapons (if the track rewards are about the same as they were two years ago).


You can get more than one piece per track because each track also gives 240 tokens. Wiki already did the math. You only need 8 tracks per dungeon to finish their respective collection.



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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> still have 70% locked skins to unlock cuz i didn't do dungeons while it was trendy

So do dungeons now.

If you start a group, it's not hard to get 2+ people and with the "power creep" of the last four years, that's plenty.


The rewards for doing 8 different paths are competitive with all but hardcore farming.


> You can unlock them via PvP reward tracks.

> and WvW

That's not necessarily a lot faster; it mostly just bypasses learning the dungeons.



It seems unlikely that ANet is going to do anything to encourage people to do more the original dungeons. If anything, they'd want to incentivize the new dungeons (i.e. fractals). Plus, increased attention on the originals would mean increased attentions on the various issues they have. One member of the team estimated it takes 8x as much effort to fix an issue with the original dungeons as it does to address a fractal issue. That would be a huge time commitment, compared to the recent "bonus events" which only add to the existing rewards, without requiring changes to the mechanics of the events.



* You can already do (tradtional) dungeons

* The rewards are decent to good

* It seems unlikely that ANet would want to spend more time on the traditional paths.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > still have 70% locked skins to unlock cuz i didn't do dungeons while it was trendy

> So do dungeons now.

> If you start a group, it's not hard to get 2+ people and with the "power creep" of the last four years, that's plenty.



sis this was possible b4 anet added the bonus events... now it's literally near impossible (not implying the bonus events are a bad thing).

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