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How does everyone feel about Anet's communication and community interaction?

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Elothar.4382" said:

> > I play the game as its offered and have fun. When it ceases to be fun, I'll quit. Dev posts and communications don't really affect my perception of the game very much. It's nice, in a casual sort of way, to see what's coming but I don't need a lot of detailed communication about it. As it stands, I'm okay with the way it is now.


> That easy to say when your way of having fun has not had its legs cut out from under it over and over for years. Look out side of your bubble of "fun" and try to empathizes with others ppl "fun." Try reading other forms and look just how often a dev even talked about a bug very much repeating to that form let alone responding to open criticizing of what they are doing and the choose they are making. My suggestion where to look is blunt but cant be said. At least 4 years and counting with the same problems and same post over and over tell me is it ok for this communications?


This was my own particular opinion from my own unique perspective. I make no judgment whatsoever on the perspectives and opinions of others nor do I attempt to minimize or denigrate them. You don't like the communication right now, fine. I won't dispute nor try to tell you you're wrong. My point... my own opinion... based on my nearly seven years of game play, is as I stated. Your response would have been justified had I asserted that you had no right to feel the way you do or if your opinions were somehow flawed. I made no such assertion... explicit or implied.

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As a start I will not flame Anet for the communication but I do hope they take some notes to improve...


I agree they should not miscommunicate or communicate unclear for players (just expect players to be clueless). Great example on that last was that the Miller Volatile Magic exchange event was not very clear about what it was, what you have to do/expect and when it would run. Same for Dragon Bash actually since they did not mention if its an annual event or not. Also the meta event, I found out it was not fully clear among players as to which meta's counted (not everyone reads forums/facebook/twitter,..) so it should be visible in game in some way (be it an ingame mail summing them up or a toggle on the event popup on the screen). Next to that, always announce things on your website main page first, or in announcement section of forums. Since Gaile is gone I notice I miss a lot of posts about updates and events and festivals simply because its either somewhere in the discussions section or wvw section or... And I even check forums daily (not everyone does this). I also find lots of info announced on Twitter (I don't use Twitter) or Facebook (many ppl don't use Facebook either). Sneak peaks you can announce first on the Guild Chat but post it on the website/announce of forum as soon as possible after (before you put it on social media). Do make Guild Chat easier accessible to find as well via the website because "Streaming Schedule" I read as Community Video's/Creations. Do add the link to the channel you broadcast this one (Twitch/Youtube), idk what you use. Little headsup on Guild Chat, possible to add a short clearly visible recap on mayor things at the end for ppl with less time to watch (think of new updates/festivals)? You could add a big text in screen before so ppl know where it starts or add a timestamp. For details players can watch the whole interview that takes an hour or so.


Next to that, it would be nice if bug reports in forum could be feedbacked on when dev's are aware of the issue and what they are working on (bug tracker needs an update). Or if its not a bug make it known its not a bug. Atm we have no clue what is known, what is not, and what is being looked at...


Finally I agree they should communicate their plans for future... It does not have to be into detail but you can say "we are working to making/launching a new expansion", "We are working to improve WvW/PvP by adding new battlegrounds/maps/ fight modes". If players do not know the future they will just put in doubt everything Anet does , going negative, stop communicating that this game is good to play and has a bright future to other people (potential new players), put their hand on their wallets as they fear the end is near (even if its not). Other games have made whole roadmaps saying exactly whats coming in future without going into full details about it. Create some positivity and hype. Your product is not bad you know, its very alive... (yes I would love to see some changes when it comes to player experience on the long term, like the increased grind we are getting and the "cheap predictable story writing" (bad in my eyes), but that is not the discussion we have here).


Conversation with playerbase is good btw but keep it in specific made treads so its not allover the place on forums... (There was no official feedback thread upon the last episode in example which meant the forums exploded with posts and double posts which makes it a harder job to maintain as an Anet employee). Maybe do a question AMA once in a while about current big topics.

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> @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> I have been playing mmo's for a long time and one thing i know is your playerbase needs to see a future in the game. If you dont propose to them that future they get restless. I dont think they communicate with the players esp when it comes to things they planned to do and didnt. I hear from people all the time that they were going to change wvw with alliances, no word and its been a while.




It's been 9 days:

*"As we prepare for world restructuring in World vs. World..."*

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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> PVErs/ casuals >>>> People who want GvG & better PvP modes - that's how I feel about the game & the dev team, When people who have yet to play gw2 ask me about the PvP or the large open world fights, I just tell them to play something else.

> There was some plan to encourage GvG but that was just to keep players in WvW, then the plan was secretly scrapped & we're all the John Travolta meme wondering where our GvG is -- but look guys! more mount and logging skins!


Dont put all of us in 1 basket, its only the ow pve players that have it nice, if someone wants good, instanced pve content on a consistent and healthy pace this isnt the game for them.


Id argue that this isnt even the game for ow pvers as even that is inconsistent but at least it gets the most content out...

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > I have been playing mmo's for a long time and one thing i know is your playerbase needs to see a future in the game. If you dont propose to them that future they get restless. I dont think they communicate with the players esp when it comes to things they planned to do and didnt. I hear from people all the time that they were going to change wvw with alliances, no word and its been a while.

> >



> It's been 9 days:

> *"As we prepare for world restructuring in World vs. World..."*


No real timeframe, which is whats importand. They've been preparing for alliances for over a year now.

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> @"Elothar.4382" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Elothar.4382" said:

> > > I play the game as its offered and have fun. When it ceases to be fun, I'll quit. Dev posts and communications don't really affect my perception of the game very much. It's nice, in a casual sort of way, to see what's coming but I don't need a lot of detailed communication about it. As it stands, I'm okay with the way it is now.

> >

> > That easy to say when your way of having fun has not had its legs cut out from under it over and over for years. Look out side of your bubble of "fun" and try to empathizes with others ppl "fun." Try reading other forms and look just how often a dev even talked about a bug very much repeating to that form let alone responding to open criticizing of what they are doing and the choose they are making. My suggestion where to look is blunt but cant be said. At least 4 years and counting with the same problems and same post over and over tell me is it ok for this communications?


> This was my own particular opinion from my own unique perspective. I make no judgment whatsoever on the perspectives and opinions of others nor do I attempt to minimize or denigrate them. You don't like the communication right now, fine. I won't dispute nor try to tell you you're wrong. My point... my own opinion... based on my nearly seven years of game play, is as I stated. Your response would have been justified had I asserted that you had no right to feel the way you do or if your opinions were somehow flawed. I made no such assertion... explicit or implied.


Always nice to see some one from way back the thing is there are real problems that ppl have been posting about for 7 years now with out any real update. Most of the time we get from anet updates on effects comply out of the blue with massive lake of logic and reason in there explanation. A post about there update with out any back and forward is NOT communication its some one talking at another. Communication needs an back and forward and anet has comply failed at this for a good 7 years now.


Its nice to have opinions but at some point you cant say a view on something is nothing more then an opinion. With a group body of evidences of how anet act to the community on simple bugs with out even saying a know bug by anet it becomes a fact that anet communication is sadly lacking. This is not an opinion anet has a bad history of communication they talk at the community with out any realty back and forward.


Read the old forms ppl are asking for the same things and talking about the same problems nothing has been fixed or changed.



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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > > I have been playing mmo's for a long time and one thing i know is your playerbase needs to see a future in the game. If you dont propose to them that future they get restless. I dont think they communicate with the players esp when it comes to things they planned to do and didnt. I hear from people all the time that they were going to change wvw with alliances, no word and its been a while.

> > >

> >

> >

> > It's been 9 days:

> > *"As we prepare for world restructuring in World vs. World..."*


> No real timeframe, which is whats importand. They've been preparing for alliances for over a year now.


It's 'word', and it hasn't 'been awhile'. Can't change the goalposts when confronted with facts.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > PVErs/ casuals >>>> People who want GvG & better PvP modes - that's how I feel about the game & the dev team, When people who have yet to play gw2 ask me about the PvP or the large open world fights, I just tell them to play something else.

> > There was some plan to encourage GvG but that was just to keep players in WvW, then the plan was secretly scrapped & we're all the John Travolta meme wondering where our GvG is -- but look guys! more mount and logging skins!


> Dont put all of us in 1 basket, its only the ow pve players that have it nice, if someone wants good, instanced pve content on a consistent and healthy pace this isnt the game for them.


> Id argue that this isnt even the game for ow pvers as even that is inconsistent but at least it gets the most content out...


Legit why I dislike PvE in this game.


There are MMORPGs that do it much better than GW2, from a rewards perspective and from a challenge perspective. Sure there is a bunch of it with all the meta events and such across many maps but they aren't challenging...they aren't satisfying to complete. They are just bland. Then you have FFXIV, and hell even WoW (I know burn me at the stake) that provide a PvE experience that actually feels rewarding and satisfying to complete. They are also about 100x more challenging.


Look at Raids in GW2 compared to Raids in FFXIV and WoW.


The new GW2 Raid was released on June 11th. The top guilds cleared it entirely *that same day*.


It takes the top guilds on both FFXIV and WoW either weeks to a month(s) to fully clear a new Raid and its difficulty levels (if it has any).


GW2 PvE is just...its not great. Its depressingly simple and casual. Hell I saw in another thread on these forums that someone who *mouse clicks skills* supposed beat and got the Achievement for Liadri (Light up the Darkness) during the last time the Queen's Gauntlet was available. Which is, as I understand it, apparently one of the hardest challenges in that event to complete...and someone who clicks their skills with their mouse cleared it. OOF buddy.

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If one finds the content in a game unsatisfying, and finds the content in other games satisfying, why play the unsatisfying game? Why not spend one's valuable time playing the satisfying game, rather than bemoaning the unsatisfying game? Especially when the unsatisfying game hasn't changed basically (satisfaction-wise) in 7 years?


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If one finds the content in a game unsatisfying, and finds the content in other games satisfying, why play the unsatisfying game? Why not spend one's valuable time playing the satisfying game, rather than bemoaning the unsatisfying game? Especially when the unsatisfying game hasn't changed basically (satisfaction-wise) in 7 years?



Thats why I don't play PvE on this said game. I only ever touch it when I have to bother with making a Legendary. Otherwise I do still enjoy this game *to some extent*, and have stayed in WvW/PvP.


Thats also why I take breaks from the game and don't take "competitive" aspects of it any degree of serious.


The biggest thing is that we see GW1 see where they took that game, how great it was, the abundance of things to do, actual satisfying content to complete with actual challenge...and then we see GW2. They lost something between these games, either perspective or desire. Something is missing from GW2 and how its been developed and updated compared to GW1 and its evolution over time.


I've been with this franchise since Prophecies in GW1, when it *released*. So yeah I'm a little passionate and a little invested in seeing the devs actually live up to the standard they set *for themselves* back with GW1. A more naive and lacking perspective version of myself in the earlier days of GW2 didn't see it before, but I see it now. I still love Guild Wars, thats *why* I speak up. Thats *why* I criticize. We have seen them do better, all I and others are suggesting is that they do the same with this game.

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9/10 people take their own opinions and situation 50% more seriously than they ought to leading to a deficit in positive feedback and an influx over-saturation of negative respondents, 75% of which leads to repetitive and reinforced hostility, and only 5% of which has a clear foundation.


5/10 people reading this response will take it as seriously as it was intended to be.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> It could be better.


> On the other hand, with the way you people behave, I'm amazed they still *have* a Community team.

Perhaps, if they were communicating for real, the people would behave differently. Somehow the relations between community and devs were far better in GW1, for example.


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Well, ArenaNet looks very absent from their game and it doesn't look like they care about it based on their extremely few announcements.


If they were answering more questions from the community, interacting more with players, showing that they care about problems in the game (when you report someone, there is 0 way to know if they take action.)


Acts speak more than words.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If one finds the content in a game unsatisfying, and finds the content in other games satisfying, why play the unsatisfying game? Why not spend one's valuable time playing the satisfying game, rather than bemoaning the unsatisfying game? Especially when the unsatisfying game hasn't changed basically (satisfaction-wise) in 7 years?



Because game showed me a better pace in content and more of the content that i enjoyed in the past so i stuck with it. It does less so now and i have reduced my play time to playing the lw update every third of a year.


Im still following to see if its changing or whats happening and im leaving my feedback as someone who played and spent more in the past and would like to go back to that.

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> @"Edge.8724" said:

> Well, ArenaNet looks very absent from their game and it doesn't look like they care about it based on their extremely few announcements.


> If they were answering more questions from the community, interacting more with players, showing that they care about problems in the game (when you report someone, there is 0 way to know if they take action.)


**> Acts speak more than words**



Exactly this

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Edge.8724" said:

> > Well, ArenaNet looks very absent from their game and it doesn't look like they care about it based on their extremely few announcements.

> >

> > If they were answering more questions from the community, interacting more with players, showing that they care about problems in the game (when you report someone, there is 0 way to know if they take action.)

> >

> **> Acts speak more than words**


> +1

> Exactly this


Doesnt mean words are of no value, if you dont meaningfully communicate about your game, ppl might think its an afterthought.

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Just to hop back in on this topic for a moment I wanted to point out that the post closing the skyscale threads is exactly the kind of communication I'd like to see more of. It's not a post about something they are doing or an upcoming event, it's just 'Hey, we know ppl are concerned about this so we looked at it and we're now happy with the overall rate of progress on the new mount among the playerbase at large so no further changes will be made.' It didn't consume a lot of resources for anet to make that post, but it let players know that anet was 1) aware of the problem, 2) investigated the problem and 3) came to a conclusion about how they were going to address the problem. That's three invaluable pieces of information that there would be no way for players to be aware of without communication from anet . . .


This is why I say their communication is trending upwards . . .

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That's true, their handling of Skyscale case on the communication front was quite good. Even unusually good, based on past experience. So far though that's not (yet, anyway) a sign of a more general change. Their responses are way too uneven for that right now - while some topics _can_ get their attention now, in other cases we still hear crickets. And in some (like for example the expac issue) i'm quite sure we're being intentionally kept in the dark - not because they want to keep the suspense, but because they're afraid we would not like the answer.

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To communicate, you need to have something news to tell. The layoffs where a result of a change of direction for the entire company. This ment a big amount of information to give us. Now they are developing stuff and thing are more quit. They likely do not want to give us more information at this point so they are able to adjust further and learn from the process.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> That's true, their handling of Skyscale case on the communication front was quite good. Even unusually good, based on past experience. So far though that's not (yet, anyway) a sign of a more general change. Their responses are way too uneven for that right now - while some topics _can_ get their attention now, in other cases we still hear crickets. And in some (like for example the expac issue) i'm quite sure we're being intentionally kept in the dark - not because they want to keep the suspense, but because they're afraid we would not like the answer.


imagine why skyscale was handled so urgently and fast while other issues are ignored or lets say not so hastly changed. Has a lot to do with future income.

thats why i do not get why there is still no news about an upcoming exp. would generate a little hype and give the players the feeling of somehing to look forward to. a clear win-win. the only possibility i see on them not teasing SOMETHING is simple that there is nothing planned, or so far ahead (2+ years) that its not yet worth mentioning.

or as always there are afraid of 5ish forum warriors that could get angry because reasons.

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> thats why i do not get why there is still no news about an upcoming exp. would generate a little hype and give the players the feeling of somehing to look forward to. a clear win-win. the only possibility i see on them not teasing SOMETHING is simple that there is nothing planned, or so far ahead (2+ years) that its not yet worth mentioning.

Yes, that's one of the things where i think we're being kept in the dark because Anet is afraid we wouldn't like the answer.


> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> To communicate, you need to have something news to tell. The layoffs where a result of a change of direction for the entire company. This ment a big amount of information to give us.

...which we _didn't_ get. Most of the info the "future of the game" post gave us was just condensing things that have been said before in one place. The only thing new was the emphasis on LS, but then it was hardly anything more specific - there was nothing on how this might affect the release schedule, beyond the fact that we won't be getting an expac between s4 and s5 (which isn't new - we heard it over half a year before). Will there be an expac past S5? Uncertain. Are they moving to a full LS-based, expacless release mode? Uncertain. Will there even be S6? Uncertain. Will there be more raids? Uncertain. More fractals? Uncertain. Will there be any changes? Uncertain. Will the game stay on the old course? Uncertain. What even _was_ the pre-layoffs course? Uncertain.

The only hard information we've got then was "the game isn't shutting down right now". Which wasn't much, to be honest.


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Maybe they aren't telling us about an expansion because they don't know if we'll get an expansion. It will all depend on how the Living World performs financially. Maybe S5 will be much different than the previous seasons and they will make it "expansion-like", unlike all previous seasons which had very little expansion-like features. We'll know when S5 begins.

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