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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > > The intent is to complain about Warclaw incessantly to the point that it gets deleted, which will never happen. He hates Warclaw and will do anything and everything to show everybody just how much he hates it. Doesn't understand that WvW is not strictly PvP and that people should and do have a choice as to whether or not they engage in a 1v1 matchup. If people do not want to fight other people, they will not fight. Whether that means running away, waypointing away, or simply just standing there while the other person kills them. You can't force somebody to play a game the way you want it to be played and expect it to be played. Doesn't work that way. Yes WvW is an openworld setting where people can fight other people, but they also do not have to. There are other things to do as well that doesn't involve 1v1.

> > > >

> > > > Yea totally agree... when I play battlefield I get angry that other people kill me, I just want to run around and admire the graphics and anyone who says im playing the game wrong needs to adapt.

> > > >

> > > > Same goes for WvW.. I just want to admire the armor of my enemies. Thats why I do open world pvp of course...

> > > > End sarcasm.

> > > >

> > > > I get his point, I get yours... but these arguements are borderline ludicrous.

> > > >

> > > > Its either open world pvp or its not, currently WvW has the wrong description as its not open world pvp but claims to be.... Its like saying GW2 is a racing game just because it has beetle racing when its not... well thats wvw right now, claiming to be something its not.

> > > >

> > >

> > > it takes two to tango, unfortunately. while it is pvp, players can simply choose not to participate. :/

> >

> > See thats why I cant call it open world pvp anymore because theres now an option to participate in the mode without actually doing pvp.

> > Its just a PvE map now that allows player killing.

> >

> >


> no no, i mean in any game mode, you can choose not to participate.


> unless its pve


Ah I see now.. Thats true.

I love and care for the game a lot and wouldnt say thats an ideal solution. Id rather see this game grow and be something that is still played for the next 10 or so years.


But yes, there are plenty of games on the market for a player to play, thousands upon thousands of pve games to chose from.

If anyone has a list of WvWvW games that are as good as this one please feel free to list them as I have none that come to mind.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> The intent is to complain about Warclaw incessantly to the point that it gets deleted, which will never happen. He hates Warclaw and will do anything and everything to show everybody just how much he hates it. Doesn't understand that WvW is not strictly PvP and that people should and do have a choice as to whether or not they engage in a 1v1 matchup. If people do not want to fight other people, they will not fight. Whether that means running away, waypointing away, or simply just standing there while the other person kills them. You can't force somebody to play a game the way you want it to be played and expect it to be played. Doesn't work that way. Yes WvW is an openworld setting where people can fight other people, but they also do not have to. There are other things to do as well that doesn't involve 1v1.


What other things? The only other thing that you can do in WvW thats not in any matter PvP is Veterans (wurm, harpy, warg etc.) daily. Other _involve_ PvP.

You want to cap sentry? You get marked debuff that means whole enemy server (that is atm in the map) see where you are and have interest in killing you.

Capping camps and escorting/killing dollies? Enemies want their structures T3 and dont want your structures T3 that means they will defend camp and ally dollies, they have interest in killing you.

Capping tower/keep for daily/getting more points/whatever? Read above, ppl will defend them because its one of WvW reasons, they have interest in killing you.


Except for Veteran creature daily, **everything** you do in WvW means you are exposed to PvP encounter.

Im not saying, that Scourge did a bad thing. This fight in 80% of situations was a necro loss, so its understandable that he WPd away (especially that he was in south camp, faster map scrolling). But what is a bad thing, is Warclaw in current state. Thats another handicap to players and let them think they are safe even in enemy territory, more than half of atm builds is unable to dismount ppl. What it causes? Two things:

-less fights, because ppl are bored following stupid kitty dodging around and just WP away, wait for enemy in camp (hidden), wait for moment this guy dismounts and then ambush him. More time wasted, same result (even worse because its 1v1+npcs, not 1v1)

-powercreep intensifies, if you cant dismount with normal build, what you do? Maximize your dps. And then ppl go to forums crying about one-shot builds, others cry about mount handicap, and over and over again.


Its unhealthy state and ANet sees that and wants to do sth about it (even one Dev wrote that lately, woah).

So hehehe, enjoy your mount, we enjoy our teefs ;)


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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > The intent is to complain about Warclaw incessantly to the point that it gets deleted, which will never happen. He hates Warclaw and will do anything and everything to show everybody just how much he hates it. Doesn't understand that WvW is not strictly PvP and that people should and do have a choice as to whether or not they engage in a 1v1 matchup. If people do not want to fight other people, they will not fight. Whether that means running away, waypointing away, or simply just standing there while the other person kills them. You can't force somebody to play a game the way you want it to be played and expect it to be played. Doesn't work that way. Yes WvW is an openworld setting where people can fight other people, but they also do not have to. There are other things to do as well that doesn't involve 1v1.


> What other things? The only other thing that you can do in WvW thats not in any matter PvP is Veterans (wurm, harpy, warg etc.) daily. Other _involve_ PvP.

> You want to cap sentry? You get marked debuff that means whole enemy server (that is atm in the map) see where you are and have interest in killing you.

> Capping camps and escorting/killing dollies? Enemies want their structures T3 and dont want your structures T3 that means they will defend camp and ally dollies, they have interest in killing you.

> Capping tower/keep for daily/getting more points/whatever? Read above, ppl will defend them because its one of WvW reasons, they have interest in killing you.


> Except for Veteran creature daily, **everything** you do in WvW means you are exposed to PvP encounter.

> Im not saying, that Scourge did a bad thing. This fight in 80% of situations was a necro loss, so its understandable that he WPd away (especially that he was in south camp, faster map scrolling). But what is a bad thing, is Warclaw in current state. Thats another handicap to players and let them think they are safe even in enemy territory, more than half of atm builds is unable to dismount ppl. What it causes? Two things:

> -less fights, because ppl are bored following stupid kitty dodging around and just WP away, wait for enemy in camp (hidden), wait for moment this guy dismounts and then ambush him. More time wasted, same result (even worse because its 1v1+npcs, not 1v1)

> -powercreep intensifies, if you cant dismount with normal build, what you do? Maximize your dps. And then ppl go to forums crying about one-shot builds, others cry about mount handicap, and over and over again.


> Its unhealthy state and ANet sees that and wants to do sth about it (even one Dev wrote that lately, woah).

> So hehehe, enjoy your mount, we enjoy our teefs ;)



You can run around and kill Yaks, you can run around and capture camps, you can run and defend towers and keeps from within, you can kill veteran creatures, you can scout for your server, you can run around and repair walls to towers and keeps, you can treb or catapult enemy towers or keeps, you can ram doors to enemy towers and keeps and try to capture them, you can tag your enemy's keeps to take away their waypoint, you can attack a tower or keep to distract your server's enemy, you can participate in 30v30 blob fights, you know other things besides 1v1. Not everybody likes to do 1v1. Not everybody has all the 1337 gear and build to do 1v1. Not everybody is skilled enough to 1v1. GW2 WvW is not designed to be a 1v1 environment, you can 1v1 in it if you so choose but it's designed to be entire servers against other servers. If you want to strictly play 1v1 then you need to go find a game that has that option for you, not try to force others who do not wish to 1v1 into doing 1v1.

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> @"Anput.4620" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > The intent is to complain about Warclaw incessantly to the point that it gets deleted, which will never happen. He hates Warclaw and will do anything and everything to show everybody just how much he hates it. Doesn't understand that WvW is not strictly PvP and that people should and do have a choice as to whether or not they engage in a 1v1 matchup. If people do not want to fight other people, they will not fight. Whether that means running away, waypointing away, or simply just standing there while the other person kills them. You can't force somebody to play a game the way you want it to be played and expect it to be played. Doesn't work that way. Yes WvW is an openworld setting where people can fight other people, but they also do not have to. There are other things to do as well that doesn't involve 1v1.


> I can also join PvP and not fight over caps because i don't want to.


> Or join tarir and kill octovine because i like DPSing and thats how i like to play, to see if our side can kill it first.


> Or play a BR game except i don't want poeple to shoot at me so i just go and jump in the water to die.


> Or i can play football without ever touching the ball.


> Or i can just play the game normally. It isn't about 1v1, it is about a free for all wild west open PvP whether it is 1v1, 2v2, 10v10, 30v30. Instead we get monoblob skilllag ktrain meta which is a pathetic joke to any world PvP oriented player comming from other MMO's, the fact that for most poeple WvW is almost strictly PvE says enough here. Simply playing PvD is not intended design, you know this, and you know that no other PvP game would dare design their mechanics like this game but that this game panders towards casuals.

> But yeah next time you play a MOBA and your midlaner is feeding by diving on every chance just tell yourself "I can't force them to play how i want to, if they like going 0-21 because they like diving let them".


> Who am i kidding though talking to you about mounts, you don't understand balance lol.


> PvP modes shouldn't be carebear modes. Meanwhile in MOBA's you can be reported for not playing your assigned role, how come competitively focused games seem to get everything way better?


> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > > > @"Anput.4620" said:

> > > > > > > I never talked being strongly defended, i talked about trying at all, especially because trying doesn't cost anything, dying ingame doesn't mean you die irl.

> > > > > > It's a mistake to assume that people see the game the same as you do. Dying in game costs people time, if nothing else. Not every WvWarrior is interested in player-vs-player.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > Once i fougfht someone almost beat them but i got +1nd and died, was pre mount. Saw the person whom +1nd me on their own a bit later in their territory and they glided off a cliff as soon as i hit them and waypointed as soon as they where OOC. Zero reason to cater to those.

> > > > > > You started the thread by making the assumption that changing from Warrior to Ranger would change how other people react. That has nothing to do with mounts or running into one person who avoided you after "nearly losing".

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > We really shouldn't cater to, or balance around poeple that don't want to PvP in a PvP mode.

> > > > It's not a PvP mode; it's a WvW mode and there's room for all sorts of players. It has PvP elements and PvE elements and elements that don't belong in either mode directly.

> > > >

> > > > Regardless, you started the thread by expressing astonishment that someone ran away from you at a camp, which has _nothing_ to do with balance. It has to do with your expectations not matching what you were likely to find at a camp.

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > That wasn't the assumption i made, i made no assumption at all, this thread is satire over the fact that other poeple keep telling me, and others that poeples reaction would change if the fight you tried to initiated would be over an objective instead of in the open.

> > > > You've made all sorts of assumptions, including the idea that everyone plays the same; they don't.

> > > >

> > > > If your goal is to find fights, it's important to consider objectives over open world as a location; it's not the only factor.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Theres a difference between caring about objectives and winning and carring about the ktrain and pips.

> >

> > Correct, there is a difference. And just like @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" pointed out... there are "all sorts of players"...

> >

> > I honestly don't understand your thread. You provide 1 clip of 1 encounter and that's your sample of the playerbase not wanting to fight? Your arguments would be stronger if you didn't find any fights throughout an entire game session, but we all know that won't ever be the case... So again, not sure what the real point to the thread really is?



> Literally explained the thread in comments above.


So I’m going to summarize by saying that you’re just venting.


If you play CU when it comes out, you will cross players who behave the exact same way as in GW2. Players can, and will, do what they want inside the zone, whether it be dueling, roaming, zerging, chatting, sitting on siege, protecting objectives, looking for fights, avoiding fights, scouting, looking for scouts... you name it. And that’s the beauty of an “open world” design.


You have your preference and that’s fine, but the mode allows for everyone to choose what they want to do too, and @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" pretty much summed that up for you.



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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > The intent is to complain about Warclaw incessantly to the point that it gets deleted, which will never happen. He hates Warclaw and will do anything and everything to show everybody just how much he hates it. Doesn't understand that WvW is not strictly PvP and that people should and do have a choice as to whether or not they engage in a 1v1 matchup. If people do not want to fight other people, they will not fight. Whether that means running away, waypointing away, or simply just standing there while the other person kills them. You can't force somebody to play a game the way you want it to be played and expect it to be played. Doesn't work that way. Yes WvW is an openworld setting where people can fight other people, but they also do not have to. There are other things to do as well that doesn't involve 1v1.

> >

> > What other things? The only other thing that you can do in WvW thats not in any matter PvP is Veterans (wurm, harpy, warg etc.) daily. Other _involve_ PvP.

> > You want to cap sentry? You get marked debuff that means whole enemy server (that is atm in the map) see where you are and have interest in killing you.

> > Capping camps and escorting/killing dollies? Enemies want their structures T3 and dont want your structures T3 that means they will defend camp and ally dollies, they have interest in killing you.

> > Capping tower/keep for daily/getting more points/whatever? Read above, ppl will defend them because its one of WvW reasons, they have interest in killing you.

> >

> > Except for Veteran creature daily, **everything** you do in WvW means you are exposed to PvP encounter.

> > Im not saying, that Scourge did a bad thing. This fight in 80% of situations was a necro loss, so its understandable that he WPd away (especially that he was in south camp, faster map scrolling). But what is a bad thing, is Warclaw in current state. Thats another handicap to players and let them think they are safe even in enemy territory, more than half of atm builds is unable to dismount ppl. What it causes? Two things:

> > -less fights, because ppl are bored following stupid kitty dodging around and just WP away, wait for enemy in camp (hidden), wait for moment this guy dismounts and then ambush him. More time wasted, same result (even worse because its 1v1+npcs, not 1v1)

> > -powercreep intensifies, if you cant dismount with normal build, what you do? Maximize your dps. And then ppl go to forums crying about one-shot builds, others cry about mount handicap, and over and over again.

> >

> > Its unhealthy state and ANet sees that and wants to do sth about it (even one Dev wrote that lately, woah).

> > So hehehe, enjoy your mount, we enjoy our teefs ;)

> >


> You can run around and kill Yaks, you can run around and capture camps, you can run and defend towers and keeps from within, you can kill veteran creatures, you can scout for your server, you can run around and repair walls to towers and keeps, you can treb or catapult enemy towers or keeps, you can ram doors to enemy towers and keeps and try to capture them, you can tag your enemy's keeps to take away their waypoint, you can attack a tower or keep to distract your server's enemy, you can participate in 30v30 blob fights, you know other things besides 1v1. Not everybody likes to do 1v1. Not everybody has all the 1337 gear and build to do 1v1. Not everybody is skilled enough to 1v1. GW2 WvW is not designed to be a 1v1 environment, you can 1v1 in it if you so choose but it's designed to be entire servers against other servers. If you want to strictly play 1v1 then you need to go find a game that has that option for you, not try to force others who do not wish to 1v1 into doing 1v1.


In your post you used "1v1" 9 times. In mine, I used twice. Nice reading and interpretation.

>You can run around and kill Yaks,


>you can run around and capture camps


>you can run and defend towers and keeps


This is what you want to do in the video game? Run? Cool. You dont see my point, everything you do, killing yaks, capturing camps, towers, keeps, ramming towers n' keeps, tagging enemy keep ends up being exposed to **PvP** action. If there are alive ppl and you try to keep contesting keep, it'll end as a fight. Same goes with trying to ram and capture towers/keeps, ppl see swords (white or orange) in the map, they go there and ends as another PvP situation. So, maybe youre actually right, theres one thing you can do about it. _r u n_

The only thing that you can do and is not exposed to PvP is Vetern creature daily, because it's in the places that usually ppl go solely for a daily and WvW/PvP ppl respect them and dont attack (with some exceptions, but it depends on somebodys personality).


Also 30v30 blob fights, its PvP, isnt it?


My point was PvP, not 1v1. But talking about it, I mentioned that because its fair (more or less) fight. At least more fair than ganking. Would you prefer 1v1 or 1v5 because you annoyed some ppl with dodging mount-kitty so he asked friends for help and ends up as gank party? Guessed so. Or maybe see what happens after 30 minutes of constant tagging keep vs active server and annoying ppl with it.

Its Open World PvP, you dont have to fight other ppl, but if u want to play this mode, you will have to deal with enemies. If you are not good enough, run in zergs, if you feel like a pro (lol), then try yourself roaming. But dont tell me you cant force players to PvP here, this game was made to do structures capping with PvP action and you cant escape that while playing vs normal and active server. Bothers you, go PvE.

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > The intent is to complain about Warclaw incessantly to the point that it gets deleted, which will never happen. He hates Warclaw and will do anything and everything to show everybody just how much he hates it. Doesn't understand that WvW is not strictly PvP and that people should and do have a choice as to whether or not they engage in a 1v1 matchup. If people do not want to fight other people, they will not fight. Whether that means running away, waypointing away, or simply just standing there while the other person kills them. You can't force somebody to play a game the way you want it to be played and expect it to be played. Doesn't work that way. Yes WvW is an openworld setting where people can fight other people, but they also do not have to. There are other things to do as well that doesn't involve 1v1.

> > >

> > > What other things? The only other thing that you can do in WvW thats not in any matter PvP is Veterans (wurm, harpy, warg etc.) daily. Other _involve_ PvP.

> > > You want to cap sentry? You get marked debuff that means whole enemy server (that is atm in the map) see where you are and have interest in killing you.

> > > Capping camps and escorting/killing dollies? Enemies want their structures T3 and dont want your structures T3 that means they will defend camp and ally dollies, they have interest in killing you.

> > > Capping tower/keep for daily/getting more points/whatever? Read above, ppl will defend them because its one of WvW reasons, they have interest in killing you.

> > >

> > > Except for Veteran creature daily, **everything** you do in WvW means you are exposed to PvP encounter.

> > > Im not saying, that Scourge did a bad thing. This fight in 80% of situations was a necro loss, so its understandable that he WPd away (especially that he was in south camp, faster map scrolling). But what is a bad thing, is Warclaw in current state. Thats another handicap to players and let them think they are safe even in enemy territory, more than half of atm builds is unable to dismount ppl. What it causes? Two things:

> > > -less fights, because ppl are bored following stupid kitty dodging around and just WP away, wait for enemy in camp (hidden), wait for moment this guy dismounts and then ambush him. More time wasted, same result (even worse because its 1v1+npcs, not 1v1)

> > > -powercreep intensifies, if you cant dismount with normal build, what you do? Maximize your dps. And then ppl go to forums crying about one-shot builds, others cry about mount handicap, and over and over again.

> > >

> > > Its unhealthy state and ANet sees that and wants to do sth about it (even one Dev wrote that lately, woah).

> > > So hehehe, enjoy your mount, we enjoy our teefs ;)

> > >

> >

> > You can run around and kill Yaks, you can run around and capture camps, you can run and defend towers and keeps from within, you can kill veteran creatures, you can scout for your server, you can run around and repair walls to towers and keeps, you can treb or catapult enemy towers or keeps, you can ram doors to enemy towers and keeps and try to capture them, you can tag your enemy's keeps to take away their waypoint, you can attack a tower or keep to distract your server's enemy, you can participate in 30v30 blob fights, you know other things besides 1v1. Not everybody likes to do 1v1. Not everybody has all the 1337 gear and build to do 1v1. Not everybody is skilled enough to 1v1. GW2 WvW is not designed to be a 1v1 environment, you can 1v1 in it if you so choose but it's designed to be entire servers against other servers. If you want to strictly play 1v1 then you need to go find a game that has that option for you, not try to force others who do not wish to 1v1 into doing 1v1.


> In your post you used "1v1" 9 times. In mine, I used twice. Nice reading and interpretation.

> >You can run around and kill Yaks,


> >you can run around and capture camps


> >you can run and defend towers and keeps


> This is what you want to do in the video game? Run? Cool. You dont see my point, everything you do, killing yaks, capturing camps, towers, keeps, ramming towers n' keeps, tagging enemy keep ends up being exposed to **PvP** action. If there are alive ppl and you try to keep contesting keep, it'll end as a fight. Same goes with trying to ram and capture towers/keeps, ppl see swords (white or orange) in the map, they go there and ends as another PvP situation. So, maybe youre actually right, theres one thing you can do about it. _r u n_

> The only thing that you can do and is not exposed to PvP is Vetern creature daily, because it's in the places that usually ppl go solely for a daily and WvW/PvP ppl respect them and dont attack (with some exceptions, but it depends on somebodys personality).


> Also 30v30 blob fights, its PvP, isnt it?


> My point was PvP, not 1v1. But talking about it, I mentioned that because its fair (more or less) fight. At least more fair than ganking. Would you prefer 1v1 or 1v5 because you annoyed some ppl with dodging mount-kitty so he asked friends for help and ends up as gank party? Guessed so. Or maybe see what happens after 30 minutes of constant tagging keep vs active server and annoying ppl with it.

> Its Open World PvP, you dont have to fight other ppl, but if u want to play this mode, you will have to deal with enemies. If you are not good enough, run in zergs, if you feel like a pro (lol), then try yourself roaming. But dont tell me you cant force players to PvP here, this game was made to do structures capping with PvP action and you cant escape that while playing vs normal and active server. Bothers you, go PvE.


The OP is only concerned with 1v1 PvP, not 5v5 PvP or any other version of PvP. THAT is the point I am trying to make. Yes you will have to encounter other players and play against them, to be expected. However, the OP only wants to force 1v1 encounters upon other people that do not wish to have such encounters. WvW was not designed for strictly 1v1 PvP encounters. You asked what else there was to do besides PvP, well there are other things to do. They may be boring, to other people, but there are other things that a person can do while trying to avoid encounters with other players. Will that always work? Probably not, but when they see other players heading their way they can always run away or Waypoint back to safety. That is their choice. The OP wants to take that choice away and force them into doing something that they do not want to do. The OP is not really looking for "fights", but instead "kills". People who want to fight, will fight. Those that don't, won't. Pure and simple. OP just wants to kill, or gank, other players and "fel gud" about it.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > The intent is to complain about Warclaw incessantly to the point that it gets deleted, which will never happen. He hates Warclaw and will do anything and everything to show everybody just how much he hates it. Doesn't understand that WvW is not strictly PvP and that people should and do have a choice as to whether or not they engage in a 1v1 matchup. If people do not want to fight other people, they will not fight. Whether that means running away, waypointing away, or simply just standing there while the other person kills them. You can't force somebody to play a game the way you want it to be played and expect it to be played. Doesn't work that way. Yes WvW is an openworld setting where people can fight other people, but they also do not have to. There are other things to do as well that doesn't involve 1v1.

> >

> > What other things? The only other thing that you can do in WvW thats not in any matter PvP is Veterans (wurm, harpy, warg etc.) daily. Other _involve_ PvP.

> > You want to cap sentry? You get marked debuff that means whole enemy server (that is atm in the map) see where you are and have interest in killing you.

> > Capping camps and escorting/killing dollies? Enemies want their structures T3 and dont want your structures T3 that means they will defend camp and ally dollies, they have interest in killing you.

> > Capping tower/keep for daily/getting more points/whatever? Read above, ppl will defend them because its one of WvW reasons, they have interest in killing you.

> >

> > Except for Veteran creature daily, **everything** you do in WvW means you are exposed to PvP encounter.

> > Im not saying, that Scourge did a bad thing. This fight in 80% of situations was a necro loss, so its understandable that he WPd away (especially that he was in south camp, faster map scrolling). But what is a bad thing, is Warclaw in current state. Thats another handicap to players and let them think they are safe even in enemy territory, more than half of atm builds is unable to dismount ppl. What it causes? Two things:

> > -less fights, because ppl are bored following stupid kitty dodging around and just WP away, wait for enemy in camp (hidden), wait for moment this guy dismounts and then ambush him. More time wasted, same result (even worse because its 1v1+npcs, not 1v1)

> > -powercreep intensifies, if you cant dismount with normal build, what you do? Maximize your dps. And then ppl go to forums crying about one-shot builds, others cry about mount handicap, and over and over again.

> >

> > Its unhealthy state and ANet sees that and wants to do sth about it (even one Dev wrote that lately, woah).

> > So hehehe, enjoy your mount, we enjoy our teefs ;)

> >


> You can run around and kill Yaks, you can run around and capture camps, you can run and defend towers and keeps from within, you can kill veteran creatures, you can scout for your server, you can run around and repair walls to towers and keeps, you can treb or catapult enemy towers or keeps, you can ram doors to enemy towers and keeps and try to capture them, you can tag your enemy's keeps to take away their waypoint, you can attack a tower or keep to distract your server's enemy, you can participate in 30v30 blob fights, you know other things besides 1v1. Not everybody likes to do 1v1. Not everybody has all the 1337 gear and build to do 1v1. Not everybody is skilled enough to 1v1. GW2 WvW is not designed to be a 1v1 environment, you can 1v1 in it if you so choose but it's designed to be entire servers against other servers. If you want to strictly play 1v1 then you need to go find a game that has that option for you, not try to force others who do not wish to 1v1 into doing 1v1.


Except world PvP is literally forcing PvP onto others, what you describe is a carebear handholding game which is of low quality.


This is the only PvP game i have ever played where this mentality exists, bring this mentality to any other PvP game and poeple will think you are crazy.

WvW was also not designed as taking empty castles simulator, it was ment to be battles between players fighting over them.



> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > > > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > > The intent is to complain about Warclaw incessantly to the point that it gets deleted, which will never happen. He hates Warclaw and will do anything and everything to show everybody just how much he hates it. Doesn't understand that WvW is not strictly PvP and that people should and do have a choice as to whether or not they engage in a 1v1 matchup. If people do not want to fight other people, they will not fight. Whether that means running away, waypointing away, or simply just standing there while the other person kills them. You can't force somebody to play a game the way you want it to be played and expect it to be played. Doesn't work that way. Yes WvW is an openworld setting where people can fight other people, but they also do not have to. There are other things to do as well that doesn't involve 1v1.

> > > >

> > > > What other things? The only other thing that you can do in WvW thats not in any matter PvP is Veterans (wurm, harpy, warg etc.) daily. Other _involve_ PvP.

> > > > You want to cap sentry? You get marked debuff that means whole enemy server (that is atm in the map) see where you are and have interest in killing you.

> > > > Capping camps and escorting/killing dollies? Enemies want their structures T3 and dont want your structures T3 that means they will defend camp and ally dollies, they have interest in killing you.

> > > > Capping tower/keep for daily/getting more points/whatever? Read above, ppl will defend them because its one of WvW reasons, they have interest in killing you.

> > > >

> > > > Except for Veteran creature daily, **everything** you do in WvW means you are exposed to PvP encounter.

> > > > Im not saying, that Scourge did a bad thing. This fight in 80% of situations was a necro loss, so its understandable that he WPd away (especially that he was in south camp, faster map scrolling). But what is a bad thing, is Warclaw in current state. Thats another handicap to players and let them think they are safe even in enemy territory, more than half of atm builds is unable to dismount ppl. What it causes? Two things:

> > > > -less fights, because ppl are bored following stupid kitty dodging around and just WP away, wait for enemy in camp (hidden), wait for moment this guy dismounts and then ambush him. More time wasted, same result (even worse because its 1v1+npcs, not 1v1)

> > > > -powercreep intensifies, if you cant dismount with normal build, what you do? Maximize your dps. And then ppl go to forums crying about one-shot builds, others cry about mount handicap, and over and over again.

> > > >

> > > > Its unhealthy state and ANet sees that and wants to do sth about it (even one Dev wrote that lately, woah).

> > > > So hehehe, enjoy your mount, we enjoy our teefs ;)

> > > >

> > >

> > > You can run around and kill Yaks, you can run around and capture camps, you can run and defend towers and keeps from within, you can kill veteran creatures, you can scout for your server, you can run around and repair walls to towers and keeps, you can treb or catapult enemy towers or keeps, you can ram doors to enemy towers and keeps and try to capture them, you can tag your enemy's keeps to take away their waypoint, you can attack a tower or keep to distract your server's enemy, you can participate in 30v30 blob fights, you know other things besides 1v1. Not everybody likes to do 1v1. Not everybody has all the 1337 gear and build to do 1v1. Not everybody is skilled enough to 1v1. GW2 WvW is not designed to be a 1v1 environment, you can 1v1 in it if you so choose but it's designed to be entire servers against other servers. If you want to strictly play 1v1 then you need to go find a game that has that option for you, not try to force others who do not wish to 1v1 into doing 1v1.

> >

> > In your post you used "1v1" 9 times. In mine, I used twice. Nice reading and interpretation.

> > >You can run around and kill Yaks,

> >

> > >you can run around and capture camps

> >

> > >you can run and defend towers and keeps

> >

> > This is what you want to do in the video game? Run? Cool. You dont see my point, everything you do, killing yaks, capturing camps, towers, keeps, ramming towers n' keeps, tagging enemy keep ends up being exposed to **PvP** action. If there are alive ppl and you try to keep contesting keep, it'll end as a fight. Same goes with trying to ram and capture towers/keeps, ppl see swords (white or orange) in the map, they go there and ends as another PvP situation. So, maybe youre actually right, theres one thing you can do about it. _r u n_

> > The only thing that you can do and is not exposed to PvP is Vetern creature daily, because it's in the places that usually ppl go solely for a daily and WvW/PvP ppl respect them and dont attack (with some exceptions, but it depends on somebodys personality).

> >

> > Also 30v30 blob fights, its PvP, isnt it?

> >

> > My point was PvP, not 1v1. But talking about it, I mentioned that because its fair (more or less) fight. At least more fair than ganking. Would you prefer 1v1 or 1v5 because you annoyed some ppl with dodging mount-kitty so he asked friends for help and ends up as gank party? Guessed so. Or maybe see what happens after 30 minutes of constant tagging keep vs active server and annoying ppl with it.

> > Its Open World PvP, you dont have to fight other ppl, but if u want to play this mode, you will have to deal with enemies. If you are not good enough, run in zergs, if you feel like a pro (lol), then try yourself roaming. But dont tell me you cant force players to PvP here, this game was made to do structures capping with PvP action and you cant escape that while playing vs normal and active server. Bothers you, go PvE.


> The OP is only concerned with 1v1 PvP, not 5v5 PvP or any other version of PvP. THAT is the point I am trying to make. Yes you will have to encounter other players and play against them, to be expected. However, the OP only wants to force 1v1 encounters upon other people that do not wish to have such encounters. WvW was not designed for strictly 1v1 PvP encounters. You asked what else there was to do besides PvP, well there are other things to do. They may be boring, to other people, but there are other things that a person can do while trying to avoid encounters with other players. Will that always work? Probably not, but when they see other players heading their way they can always run away or Waypoint back to safety. That is their choice. The OP wants to take that choice away and force them into doing something that they do not want to do. The OP is not really looking for "fights", but instead "kills". People who want to fight, will fight. Those that don't, won't. Pure and simple. OP just wants to kill, or gank, other players and "fel gud" about it.


Why does your argument always have to devolve over feeling good about something instead of me just wanting to have fun killing poeple? You don't understand that poeple play games for fun?


A game that allows poeple to not fight when they join a open PvP mode simply is bad, look at all popular PvP games, none offer that, now look how popular WvW/Gw2 is in comparison.


Why do you think a well-made competitive fun and interactice PvP game requires heavy handholding and carebearing when reality shows otherwise? 99% of poeple who play MMO's for world PvP play for the exact same reason as me, they want to run around and kill random poeple.

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When I'm trying to steal x camp or sentry for daily, and some soulbeast appears, I just think: _"hell no, b*tch, I'm leaving this place"._ I'm not a coward, I'm leaving because I know that the soulbeast will kill me and probably make fun of me. **I am main Scourge. So...**


Currently my server (SFR) is fighting against WSR / Deso, and curiously there is this soulbeast that always appears when I'm alone, trying to steal camps or sentries. _He always kills me_ and I avoid him now. He kills me because he knows I can not win against him, he kills me for fun.


What's so funny about fighting the enemy knowing that she / he will always win? I pass.

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> @"Astrolicus.3716" said:

> When I'm trying to steal x camp or sentry for daily, and some soulbeast appears, I just think: _"hell no, b*tch, I'm leaving this place"._ I'm not a coward, I'm leaving because I know that the soulbeast will kill me and probably make fun of me. **I am main Scourge. So...**


> Currently my server (SFR) is fighting against WSR / Deso, and curiously there is this soulbeast that always appears when I'm alone, trying to steal camps or sentries. _He always kills me_ and I avoid him now. He kills me because he knows I can not win against him, he kills me for fun.


> What's so funny about fighting the enemy knowing that she / he will always win? I pass.


=) you are correct. you dont have to fight anyone unless you want to. dont play into their advantage

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> @"Astrolicus.3716" said:

> When I'm trying to steal x camp or sentry for daily, and some soulbeast appears, I just think: _"hell no, b*tch, I'm leaving this place"._ I'm not a coward, I'm leaving because I know that the soulbeast will kill me and probably make fun of me. **I am main Scourge. So...**


> Currently my server (SFR) is fighting against WSR / Deso, and curiously there is this soulbeast that always appears when I'm alone, trying to steal camps or sentries. _He always kills me_ and I avoid him now. He kills me because he knows I can not win against him, he kills me for fun.


> What's so funny about fighting the enemy knowing that she / he will always win? I pass.


Why not go core necro to steal camps? Or is it too annoying to change builds when doing it? I usually think so even though I know scourge is shit for capping small things. :/ Too lazy myself changing builds all the time.

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> @"Anput.4620" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > So you show someone bailing on a camp capture. Were the camps on the daily? Going to have to show more than one to show consistency...


> I mean sure but i rather play other games given the current state of the game ...


Good. Go do it. Anyone who has been following any of your threads knew where this was going anyways.


> @"Celestia.9128" said:

> What is this trying to show? I legit don't get it.


It's just the OP's attempt to prove mounts in WvW = bad because he doesn't like them.

... or maybe it's that the game should work how he thinks it should, not how Anet makes it

... or maybe he's just mad he doesn't understand WvW even though he's wasted lots of hours playing it



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When I see a class that I have bad experience with approaching me, I just waypoint away.

There´s no point fighting if the outcome and how the fight will play out is already clear from the very beginning,

It´s not so much that I don´t like loosing, heck I don´t care if I die or live, though the fight itself has to be fun. Getting pew-pew´d in a matter of seconds without reliable counterplay, besides invulnerability or blocks or invsisibility that necro doesn´t have access to.


It´s just not fun how crippled some classes are.

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I'm surprised OP hasn't complained about Waypointing and how unbalanced that is. I mean, it completely robs somebody of being able to PvP somebody. Why should somebody be allowed to teleport away from someone else that wants to fight them? People shouldn't be able to avoid fights. That's just not fair. Should also make it so that people can't enter towers or keeps if another player is within a certain distance of them to avoid a fight. Make WvW 1v1able again!!

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> I'm surprised OP hasn't complained about Waypointing and how unbalanced that is. I mean, it completely robs somebody of being able to PvP somebody. Why should somebody be allowed to teleport away from someone else that wants to fight them? People shouldn't be able to avoid fights. That's just not fair. Should also make it so that people can't enter towers or keeps if another player is within a certain distance of them to avoid a fight. Make WvW 1v1able again!!


I mean i did, any other game would either only allow WP's in owned objectives or make it a casted channel that is like 4s long and breaks on damage, just look at other PvP games. Tell me any dedicated PvP game that allows for instawp from anywhere because it is always either channel that breaks on damage, no WP's at all or inside of owned objectives.


> @"Karnasis.6892" said:

> > @"Anput.4620" said:


> > Why would i have wasted time playing it? Every minute playing pre mounts was pure fun.


> I doubt that, given the time to run between objectives was longer which could mean you'd see less players, not more. Also, if they saw you they could turn around and go another way to avoid you, which breaks your whole argument that people could start fights even easier without mounts.


> > There is a reason carebear wars 2 is way more popular than most dedicated PvP games out there, this must be the secret formular to game design, i am sure of it.


> Well, I mean, GW2 is a PvE game first, with PvP and WvW (Which is PvPvE).... so no wonder it's more popular than PvP centric games. Oh and btw, you must hate War mode in WoW now that anyone can opt in or out of open world pvp, but I don't hear you crying that people are avoiding fights there



I was sarcastic, compared to dedicated PvP games this game is dead, wierd you didn't see that. I quit WoW a long time ago for being a bad game lol, just an arbitrary grind to keep you paying sub no ty. Warmode also sounds like shit yes, i bet WPvP is also dead there now.


Also why would i see less players if i could also see players before while moving to objectives instead of just at objectives?

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> @"Anput.4620" said:


> I was sarcastic, compared to dedicated PvP games this game is dead, wierd you didn't see that. I quit WoW a long time ago for being a bad game lol, just an arbitrary grind to keep you paying sub no ty. Warmode also sounds like kitten yes.


You keep comparing GW2 to a dedicated pvp game. That's your first mistake, once you realize that GW2 ISN'T, and has never been, a dedicated pvp game you might be able to see anothers point of veiw on the warclaw and wvw as a whole. Also, in what world do you think WvW is dead, it hasn't died. You think it has becuase of this notion "you don't get fights anymore". But I've seen more new players and some vets coming back because of the changes, not in spite of them.


> Also why would i see less players if i could also see players before while moving to objectives instead of just at objectives?


Because of the time it took to cross the map between objectives was longer, therefore you were less likely to see someone you could interact with. Also because of that time frame, your opponents had a longer length of time to avoid you. Having the mount shortens that time of running cross map and potentially running into another player to interact with.

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> @"Karnasis.6892" said:

> > @"Anput.4620" said:


> > I was sarcastic, compared to dedicated PvP games this game is dead, wierd you didn't see that. I quit WoW a long time ago for being a bad game lol, just an arbitrary grind to keep you paying sub no ty. Warmode also sounds like kitten yes.


> You keep comparing GW2 to a dedicated pvp game. That's your first mistake, once you realize that GW2 ISN'T, and has never been, a dedicated pvp game you might be able to see anothers point of veiw on the warclaw and wvw as a whole. Also, in what world do you think WvW is dead, it hasn't died. You think it has becuase of this notion "you don't get fights anymore". But I've seen more new players and some vets coming back because of the changes, not in spite of them.


> > Also why would i see less players if i could also see players before while moving to objectives instead of just at objectives?


> Because of the time it took to cross the map between objectives was longer, therefore you were less likely to see someone you could interact with. Also because of that time frame, your opponents had a longer length of time to avoid you. Having the mount shortens that time of running cross map and potentially running into another player to interact with.


Except WvW is a dedicated PvP mode, why should it make a difference whether it is a game or a gamemode?


Except it didn't take longer to find someone to interact with, because you could interact with others while traveling.


You keep saying that WvW wasn't made for 1v1ns but WvW wasn't made for PvE ktrains or brainless farming either, WvW is a PvP mode first and foremost, the devs said it themselves, it just fails to deliver the intended result. WvW was supposed to be big battles over castles and towers and smallscale fights over ruins and camps, not a monoblob ktrain avoiding enemy contact with the farming pips while some players just press 1 vs camps and then WP out when they see an enemy, this sadly is the majority of WvW right now, heck, even in other MMO's WPvP is mostly roaming the way i do.



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> @"Anput.4620" said:


> Except WvW is a dedicated PvP mode, why should it make a difference whether it is a game or a gamemode?


"World versus World (also known as WvW) is a combination Player versus Player/Player versus Environment game mode where players from three different worlds (which can involve 6+ servers), battle in the Mists." - GW2 Wiki.


Both PvP and PvE is acceptable, but both will intersect at some points.


Also to answer the question whether why it should make a difference between a DEDICATED GAME and a game mode is that the game is DESIGNED from the ground up to be a pvp game, everything that is made from maps to weapons, to classes/builds/pick 10 systems, etc. Balance is designed around that pvp game.


MMO's however, especially GW2 was designed initially to be a PvE game first, and PvP second. Proof of this is a) the fact mounts were added to PvE before WvW. b) Balance has happened and will probably continue to happen based of PvE issues (though they have slowly been splitting skills occasionally). And c) That WvW gets a little attention, but the attention it does get is from a very small core of GW2 devs.


> Except it didn't take longer to find someone to interact with, because you could interact with others while traveling.


Really? Because I've crossed maps without seeing people BEFORE mounts, I've also seen people run away BEFORE mounts when they have seen me. No interaction. I've actually gotten more interaction with other players SINCE the mount has come out.


> You keep saying that WvW wasn't made for 1v1ns but WvW wasn't made for PvE ktrains or brainless farming either, WvW is a PvP mode first and foremost, the devs said it themselves, it just fails to deliver the intended result. WvW was supposed to be big battles over castles and towers and smallscale fights over ruins and camps, not a monoblob ktrain avoiding enemy contact with the farming pips while some players just press 1 vs camps and then WP out when they see an enemy, this sadly is the majority of WvW right now, heck, even in other MMO's WPvP is mostly roaming the way i do.


I never said it wasn't for 1v1's, however if that's all your doing, only looking for fights and doing nothing else then you might as well be just in sPvP, not WvW. In fact sPvP has MORE fights than in wvw since aside from capping a point you fight, a lot. If you bunker on a point you will get fights XD.


You also assume that there is ONLY blobs. I was running a rally with my guild last week where I didn't blob up with them at all. I scouted, roamed, took camps and got lots of 1v1's and 2v2 fights with no blob in sight. I had 0 issues, and had MORE fights than I would have had I not had the mount because I covered more ground than I would have pre-mount. Also, got dismounted by a warrior a lot more often than I did from soulbeasts on my time playing during that rally. I also dismounted and attacked others with no issues on a condi mes. But you might want to try ACTUALLY roaming.



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> @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> It´s not so much that I don´t like loosing, heck I don´t care if I die or live, though the fight itself has to be fun. Getting pew-pew´d in a matter of seconds without reliable counterplay, besides invulnerability or blocks or invsisibility that necro doesn´t have access to.


I agree with everything but invisibility. GW2 is the only game i know (maybe forgot about another, prove me wrong) that allows you to keep whole channel or even few AA against target that went into stealth. Start Rapid Fire, teef goes into stealth and Rangers rapid fire keeps shooting because thanks god it has laser tracking. Comparing to WoW (hehe) mage start casting Frostbolt, Rogue uses Vanish and guess what happens. Cast is canceled.

Not whining btw, just wanted to mention it.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> You found a 3rd faction scourge doing daily, while playing soulbeast and are surprised he just wp? It's a losing fight for him and he probably didn't want to put up with your soulbeast pewpew bs and kiting just to lose anyhow. Even I would have been 50/50 on taking that fight and I legit don't care anymore what I fight on what


Probably could tank the circle capture and avoid LoS behind the hut, and force bow on melee range even so I have my doubts he could kill the LB due how easy mode it has become due how Anet want very very bad players game overperforming once in a while, most ranger were very dull players with poor reaction Anet had to overbuff the class.


If isn’t a teleport/blink class with huge gap closers cant actually deal with the unblocables uptime and damage.


Unless the ranger stays still lol but those players should not even count that exists....

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> I agree with everything but invisibility. GW2 is the only game i know (maybe forgot about another, prove me wrong) that allows you to keep whole channel or even few AA against target that went into stealth. Start Rapid Fire, teef goes into stealth and Rangers rapid fire keeps shooting because thanks god it has laser tracking. Comparing to WoW (hehe) mage start casting Frostbolt, Rogue uses Vanish and guess what happens. Cast is canceled.

> Not whining btw, just wanted to mention it.


Another not well known thing is also enabling "autotargeting" and "snap to ground" in options [i've keybinded mine]. It can [within a certain amount of time&range] let you hit a stealthing opponent even without a channeled skill so long as you do it fast enough, it's almost like no scoping. It also helps to instantly target when they pop out too [but you also need to understand the durations of their stealth so you can insta hit them when they pop out, in some cases if you have perfect timing it will turn your char and you can avoid backstab, or you can spin your mouse :p]. Also it can tell you the general direction the stealthed opponent moved to. They are actually at a disadvantage mostly, but most people don't know or are willing to figure them out. I actually like stealth in this game because I've learnt how to deal playing against it, for me it is fun to fight with. It induces total fear with the inexperienced however. I also felt strange that channeled attacks tracked an opponent going into stealth, but I guess it's most likely a coding limitation and they haven't found a workaround or have not decided to invest time dealing with it.


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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:


> Typical "fite crew" expecting you to push when they outnumber you; when people are asking why people aren't coming to fight them, this is what happens.


I mean, it's a waste of their time when you won't leave the boundaries of your keep. Here's how this would go down, they push into you and either one of 5 things will happen here. Also I assume that's you and not a random youtube vid.


1. You try to fight back, get killed

2. You "fight" just enough to annoy them and run into the keep so you won't die

3. They push into you and you just run because they outnumber you.

4. They get bored and set up siege to force you to come to them

5. They get bored and just leave.


Also, keep in mind that had nothing to do with Warclaw. Which was nice XD

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Hey, since a lot of people are saying everyone should be able to play the game the way he wants, I just want to state real quick that I was a dedicated roamer on non meta builds, before the mount got implemented. I tried to make it work, but the mount fundamentally broke the dynamics of impromptu engagements. I gave up on some point. Couple of days ago I logged back in, out of boredom, after three month of playing other stuff, and sadly all three roaming guilds, I was part of, were dead. One was strait deleted, and the founder still plays, but only in zergs, because according his words noone is roaming anymore.

I try to be open to changes but I fail to understand how this mount brought more variety to the game.

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OP, I read some of your other threads - if you don't like mounts, and want fights, why the heck don't you go to PvP? There's lots of fights in PvP, the players are all there for the fights, and the gear is equalized?


All of your complaining here seems pointless - even without mounts you'll get far more fights in PvP than WvW.

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