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Why don't you sPvP?

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I used to pvp a lot, got to diamond league in the first two seasons, got my legendary backpack and then lost interest in pvp. My main issue is the lack of team/guild matchmaking. Instead of team rating, they use individual ratings, but that means afkers, quiters and trolls can affect the rating of individual players. Creating uneven matches and causing lots of frustration. The random nature of the matches also causes the toxicity, if there was a proper 5vs5 premade format with team MMRs then toxicity wouldn't exist (at least not as much). But they tried to make pvp much more accessible, press a button, be put in a team of randoms against randoms, the lucky one wins. This accessibility leads to toxicity and frustration as player skill is thrown out of the window, but it's a matter of luck, what kind of teammates you'll get and what kind of opponents.


Only the automated tournaments work for full teams, but those aren't accessible at all

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I still do one PvP match per day for the easy dailies, but:


1. Damage is extremely bursty. This is because defense is also extremely "bursty." And condition application is extremely bursty. And condition clense is extremely bursty. Basically it feels like playing a normal PvP game at 4x speed.

2. Very limited build options (ie, bad balance).

3. No tie-in to PvE efforts. What I mean is, when you step into PvP, you may as well be playing a generic character. WvW is more interesting in this way; I feel quite proud of my WvW character, whose gear I personally grinded for and tailored to my liking.

4. Duo queuing in ranked. Just no.

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Because it's not fun?

If I wanted to play a PvP game, I'd go play a game like LoL where the entire game is designed to be PvP.

The way I like to play some classes aren't viable in PvP, some classes are way too overpowered, I don't like the capture point system, etc.

If I had friends to play it with, I might...But none of my friends like PvP

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The format is meh. I'm not a fan of medium scale teams pvp. I would like to see some small scale 2v2, or even 1v1 pvp with more 'deathmatch' style of scoring of course(point cap would hardly make sense for 1-2 player teams). I also kinda liked that stronghold gamemode(Battle of Champion's Dusk), but as far as I can tell most people doesn't really like it so it doesn't receive any attention and is just one map made long time ago.


sPvP is nice for grinding tomes with new character for leveling tho.

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I dabble in it from time to time. I don't often because:


1. I'm not very good at it because I can be a bit slow using my skills at times.

2. To state it gently, a lot of the people that frequent PvP tend to have in game personalities that don't mesh well with my own. So I prefer avoiding them.

3. I enjoy cooperative play more.

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> @"Zychuu.7294" said:

> The format is meh. I'm not a fan of medium scale teams pvp. I would like to see some small scale 2v2, or even 1v1 pvp with more 'deathmatch' style of scoring of course(point cap would hardly make sense for 1-2 player teams). I also kinda liked that stronghold gamemode(Battle of Champion's Dusk), but as far as I can tell most people doesn't really like it so it doesn't receive any attention and is just one map made long time ago.


> sPvP is nice for grinding tomes with new character for leveling tho.


For a 1v1 game mode you probably need a capture point at some time similar to the courtyard map to prevent just playing tanky builds that never die which leads to an endless fight.


For stronghold mode I feel like 5 players is too few for the map. You need resources from mid, push the attack lane, defend your base, get champions and the trebuchet should be used too. This stretches players very thin so that i rarely encounter others to PvP against. That and the neglect to adjust the map/gameplay. Like the permastealthed NPC bombers, that completely broke the game mode and weren't addressed for ages.

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Why don't I play PvP?

Well, back in the Days of GW1 I tried it, but the level of aggro I received - from my own team - was staggering. Even though I told people I was new and tried to learn, I still was told in no uncertain terms that I didn't belong in PvP.


After quite a few such attempts I decided they were right...

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I was actually having fun in the GW2 PvP for a few seasons.

At the moment I don't play though, because I feel I'm getting worse instead of better. Maybe I've been stuck in some routines and paid less attention, no idea. I've tried a few things to break those routines, but so far nothing worked and I don't feel I'm improving at all. Maybe I'm just getting old.


Also, I don't agree with the general mindset that your own team is mostly your true enemy in PvP. I'm mostly focussed on cooperation, even in PvP.

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I'm very much a 'work together' type of player. I can do WvW in small chunks, if as a group, we're focused on accomplishing specific tasks. But if it ends up being a skirmish against other players, even in a zerg, I'm not a fan. So, I've never been a fan of general PvP gameplay outside the occasional goofy get together antics where the object is more just to have a good time with friends, rather than trying to be the best.

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Im not good enough to go against other players, and thats the real of it. I like pvp i think its fun, and i do it sometimes. But im just not fast enough to do much of anything in there. Also damage is insane in there, you are dead before you even know what hit you, no thanks. They really need to lower the damage some so people can actually have a fight instead of ..oops u dead in 2 seconds

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Because I don't feel a need to prove myself to anyone.

Because I know my abilities and where I rank and that no matter how good you are there are always others that are better.

Because knowing I can kill someone has no impact on any other part of the game.

Because I can turn on my phone or tv or radio and see people being killed any time of the day.

Because I get no sense of accomplishment from killing other people.

Because there are so many other things I can enjoy in the game and get that sense of accomplishment.

Because I don't make friends by killing them.


But go ahead and enjoy if it's your thing.


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Well, I played PvP for the backpiece, then I played for AP's, then I played for the legendary armor. Over the years, I just played enough of it. Anet's focus on "more deadlier gameplay", i.e. cranking up damage on every class to forbid a bunker meta ever being a thing again, just took a lot of the strategy and gameplay I liked uot of the game mode. At the time of writing I haven't played PvP for about half a year and the only thing I'm missing are the rewards, playing ranked was good gold after all. I certainly don't miss mapchat, the meta or the gameplay I remember from when I last played. Maybe things have changed by now and I just don't know, but at the moment I don't see myself returning to PvP in the near future.

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"Too much dmg, getting bursted in 2-3 seconds is no fun."

"Anet's focus on "more deadlier gameplay"..."


These. I loved sPvP when I was into it. But the spike damage in this game is WAY out of control compared to other MMO's. This sort of "dodge or die" Dark souls mentality kills the game both in PvP and PvE. It's the same principle as to why so many more people farm AB over raids. If they want to bring player participation into any part of the game I think they really need to address the gameplay mechanics on a fundamental level.

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I'm absolute garbage playing against other people, it also gives me anxiety. I did play it for a bit with a friend since I want the glorious armor chest piece, but he hasn't been on in a long while so I stopped. I'd prefer not to have someone get mad at me for not knowing what I'm doing or fell the need to gloat when they wipe me out almost instantly.

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I did it to make The Ascension. I thought I would continue to legendary armor but as it turns out the gating which limits you to 2 piece per season murders my motivation to do it. The Ascension was gated too but it also had the 3 matches a day thing.


Then there are the people involved ... people actually clicking ready should be the norm rather than a "happy surprise". If they were actually using that time to strategize then fine but that has never happened. Why would I want to continue playing with people who just want to waste time?


This quote is very appropriate as well. "I'm not afraid of clever opponents but afraid of stupid teammates.". Such as the teammates who keeps throwing themselves at far then dying but somehow think they are a tactical genius.


> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> Hi guys,


> I wanted to post my question here since it is basically the same 12 people in the PvP forum.


> Why don't you sPvP?


> I can't think of anything more rewarding for end game than GW2 pvp and it is a shame that so many of you opt out. Just curious. Thanks for your input.


Did you mean "unrewarding"?


Do you get a good match one in a while? Sure but these are also the least materially rewarding. This is even more true for the winning team because while the losing teams gets a near victory bonus, it is just business as usual for the winning team except it took you longer to get there.


The work equivalent of a "good match" is unpaid overtime. Who wants that?


> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> Gw2 is a skill based system, so noobs have no chance against a superior player. I'm not fond of this game design, since I either destroy people or am destroyed. It's very rare that I can find that "worthy adversary".


That is not a problem if there are enough of a population for proper stratification but this is a catch-22 situation made worse by the matchmaker's attempt to keep queue times reasonable. In order to keep queue times from getting too high the quality of matches the matchmaker will accept for someone decreases over time to allow a wider range of people to match against.

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I'm a PvE player who does the PvP dailies (in unranked) because they are usually faster to complete. The reason why I don't PvP "seriously" is because I only enjoy it in small doses and I have better things to do. Also, I always try my best but I'm quite bad at playing meta builds so I play my own builds because I'm actually better with them. However, this makes some people overly angry... I don't need that kind of negativity in my life. :neutral:

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I enjoyed unranked dailies for a while so I decided to try ranked just for giggles (and rewards). In one match, I thought I played well because I stayed alive and successfully defended my point. My team won but one guy whispered me and said, "You got carried!". Maybe he was upset because I didn't follow a prescribed approach (which I didn't even know because I was newish). I don't know really but I didn't like being insulted when I was still learning (and I was trying hard).


I find sPvP stressful which is also why I don't do raids or T4 Fractals.

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Capture the flag style in mmo is honestly kind of boring to watch, and weird to play for long periods of time. You can simply not play it seriously, nor for fun since you are ruining some1 elses progression. Deathmatch would probably be better for MMO's.


I generally still believe that Gw2 should have put their money on GvG or WvW style of PvP. Not only unique to Gw2, but interesting to see the fights for new players (lots of boom and yelling) and there is an actual progression based on the wins and losses for the collective team, not times, you can see who does what best and who needs to imrpove.

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Even if you like to play sPvP the game makes it hard to keep playing if you consider a game something to enjoy. It often feels like telling you to get lost.

Since Anet decided to put all its resources into PvE (Raids, LS) PvP got worse in almost every aspect. Class balance is pretty poor for a game mode where classes play against each other and not together against npc. It uses PvE balancing with some "number" adjustments. For every good adjustment there are new bad ones introduced which overall gives you the feeling of never ending beta testing. Even worse without any dedication towards PvP it takes ages to address issues. Match making has problems that do not get solved (in a way I would consider beneficial) for good match ups. Match quality is often really bad. Many matches feel not fair and aren't fun to play even when you win (forced 50% win rate). I don't think PvP has a future the way Anet handles it.

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