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Dodge Jump

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So, it's cool you think people are just bragging, but that's probably not the case. It is a fairly simple maneuver if you know what you're doing and practice. I will admit I have an advantage in that I have a Naga with Space and V bound to the 1 and 4 thumb buttons so I just roll my thumb along them. Still, even before that failure to get it was the exception more than the rule.


Incidentally, your premise is wrong. You should not be pressing them simultaneously, you should be pressing jump, then dodge, in rapid succession. Jump has to happen before dodge or it won't work. That's why your macro is not 100% effective. If it's doing them at the same time it's possible for dodge to get registered before jump. everytime that happens it will fail. If you added a fraction of a second delay between the space key and the dodge key being pressed it would probably work every time. You would also be breaking the code of conduct for use of a macro.

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I think people are missing the point and getting distracted by my choice of words so I'll try to make it simple:

Using a macro to dodge jump should not be necessary - it is an imperfect solution and it makes more sense to simply add a hotkey in the game to perform a dodge jump (or somehow remove the advantage it provides, or make it impossible to dodge and jump at the same time, or [insert better solution here])

I started this thread hoping to get a response from ArenaNet, but now I understand I was being too optimistic.


On a side note, I tinkered with my AutoHotkey script and now my dodge jump macro works 100% of the time. I personally had greater success with sending the dodge hotkey after the jump hotkey, then found guaranteed success by spamming the dodge hotkey after the jump hotkey. I am still not sure exactly why this works (perhaps ping, perhaps lagg, perhaps packet loss, perhaps something else) but if you copy my code, your results may vary.


>~Shift & Space::

> Send, {Space}vvvvv



{Space} = Jump

v = Dodge


If you plan to use a macro for dodge jumping, you will probably have to mess with the macro until it works for you.

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Nerf. Dodge. Jump.


I did not just read this. This is probably the most second ridiculous complaint I've seen yet. You want something, that mostly PvP do, NERFED in one of your suggestions???


Nope, I need my coffee for this explaination, because literally I come back here and threads are getting more and more absurd.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > > @"Pooktress.2805" said:

> > >

> > > I know you might think "oh boo hoo, only 99% success rate, why is he crying?" but failing to dodge jump will result in a normal jump instead which could be bad news in competitive play since you cannot cancel a jump or channel abilities while airborne (unless you start channelling an ability before you begin to jump, but that doesn't count because dodging would have cancelled the channelling anyway).

> >

> > Wait, where is the “competitive play” that you claim a dodge jump is an unfair advantage?


> spvp


How does the dodge jump give any advantage in spvp


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

It's a huge help in all kinds of areas: ... and of course competitive arenas.



or be a hugh help in competitive arenas?!

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > How does the dodge jump give any advantage in spvp


> Greater range in the same amount of time. It's helpful, if you know how/when to use it. It's not "an advantage" in the sense that having dodge jump is going to be the difference between stalemate and dominating.


I don’t think it’s an advantage at all in pvp, period.

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  • 5 months later...

Its only really something people ever needed to master if you play something like warrior or core thief tbh everything else cant really make that much use out of it but i do see warriors do like 10 jump dodges back to back flawlessly and often wonder if its macro'ed or not.


While i myself can do it a few times in a row i cant ever perform it perfectly as many times as i see some people do it in pvp back to back. I even see mirages do it and im pretty sure they dont actually get a benefit from it. You can tell cause why else would a mirage jump on every single evasive use which leads me to ponder if the player is macro'ing and they just forgot that they are playing mirage.


I do think warrior is one of the only few professions where it can make a massive difference for the most part everyone else it just moves you a bit farther. But warrior can roll on people for 4-5k crits so i mean that range on dodge can help massively to make sure you always wanna land that for some one who is slightly farther away.

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I like neat little tricks like these. They add little nuances to the game that can be fun and satisfying to pull off in the right scenarios. It's easy enough to perform. I wouldn't consider myself mechanically gifted in the slightest, yet even I can press pull it off with ~99% success.


Simply adjust your keybinds if need be and practice it for a few minutes. You'll have it down in no time.

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2020 and ppl have problems with dodge jump, call it OP and accuse ppl of using macros xDDDD

Really, if you think ppl actually use macros because they dodge jump each time, without a single failure, and its too hard for you - > stick to PvE, keep slaying dragons and clicking skills with mouse.


PS: Do you know that you can also use skills with jump, not only dodge? For example Hearthseeker + jump and makes you jump higher/jump through objects while using skill? Try it yourself, if you think ppl use macros for dodge jump, what about ppl jumping while using HS. They must be descendant of Jesus or sth :p

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> @"Pooktress.2805" said:

> I think people are missing the point and getting distracted by my choice of words so I'll try to make it simple:

> Using a macro to dodge jump should not be necessary - it is an imperfect solution and it makes more sense to simply add a hotkey in the game to perform a dodge jump (or somehow remove the advantage it provides, or make it impossible to dodge and jump at the same time, or [insert better solution here])

> I started this thread hoping to get a response from ArenaNet, but now I understand I was being too optimistic.


I don't think that people are missing the point or being distracted by your choice of words. I think they just disagree with you. Adding a hotkey to perform a dodge jump only makes more sense to you and anyone who agrees with your point of view. From Arena Net's perspective, allowing a macro makes more sense, because they don't have to write a macro, test it make sure it works, roll it out in a new build, & deal with all the outcry about how "nobody" asked for this/why can't you fix X or implement Y. Their solution is essentially free to them and satisfies most people who want to only hit one button to jump-dodge. Your solution, while making jump-dodge reliably available to everyone, requires more work on their part for minimal gain.


TLDR: disagreement =/= missing the point, Anet isn't going to change something they see as working fine.


Addendum: If you really want some response from Arena Net on this topic, might I recommend the Suggestions/QoL Thread stickied at the top of this forum? You're much more likely to be noticed and/or responded to by Anet there.

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I wasn't even going to comment anything on this, as it's one of those things that you do a shrek onion layer face and move on.



I didn't even know the existence of roll jumping.

Funny enough, I tried it once, didn't work, so forgot about it and probably aren't going to try it again.


All that essay just to say "Just because I can't do it, no one else should"


I play with a controller, laying down, because I can't sit for long periods of time due to an bulging disc/herniated lombar disc. Does that give me an advantage?


I still suck at pvp and 1on1 fights in wvw.

My characters die 99% of time when facing 1on1 foes.

I don't pvp and on wvw when I'm alone and see an enemy player, I run.

I don't say to them, fear me, I can dodge jump at the same time.

Yeah, I'm sure pvpers would kill me in record time. 0.0000.0001 second flat.


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