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More Character Slots?

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Hey, I was wondering if we have had any word from ANet on whether we will ever get a slot cap increase. I have been at cap since PoF launched, have mapped every single character, and want to do more. Thing is, my alt acct sucks because it doesn't have all the QoL purchases and skins unlocked. Any ideas if/when we will be able to? Thanks :)

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Delete a character and start over?


I have considered this, but by the time I finish the world on them I get really attached lol. May have to tho if ANet won't let us buy more :(

Edit: just to add, my original plan was to map one of every race/profession/sex combo, so atm I am working on my alt acct, but as I said originally, without griffon, endless tools, skyscale, dismount skills, perma kits, and you name what else, it is way less fun.

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Why would people need soo many char slots? I mean 1 per class is enough. (I do it like that and plan to world complete on every char + I have them spread over the different races - 1-2 each race.) Even if you'd like to play all the versions of the normal main story 1 additional slot might genough to play and delete - for the racial options and the level 1 - 30 stuff.


Maybe buying a 2nd account ... or they could increase the cost for more char slots - and offer them at double the price. ;) (Easy money .. when people need it that badly want want to pay.)

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I'm no where near the cap myself (13 character slots so far) but IMO having made the cap 70 characters, which is far more than I think most people are ever likely to get, they may as well make it unlimited. I imagine relatively few accounts will reach the current cap - [according to GW2Efficiency only 10% of accounts have 14 or more character slots](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/statistics/statistics.characterCount "according to GW2Efficiency only 10% of accounts have 14 or more character slots") and only 0.5% have more than 36 characters (and unlike a lot of stats I think GW2Efficiency is more likely to be biased in favour of people who have large numbers of characters, because they will find it's automatic tracking of things more useful). So it doesn't appear to be doing a lot to restrict the number of characters in the game as a whole and therefore demand on Anet's servers to store all that data. But it is frustrating for the minority who have reached the cap but still want more.


If for some reason they can't or don't want to make it unlimited I think the cap should be raised to 90 - enough to have every race/gender/profession combination in the game.



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> @"Luthan.5236" said:

> Why would people need soo many char slots? I mean 1 per class is enough. (I do it like that and plan to world complete on every char + I have them spread over the different races - 1-2 each race.) Even if you'd like to play all the versions of the normal main story 1 additional slot might genough to play and delete - for the racial options and the level 1 - 30 stuff.


> Maybe buying a 2nd account ... or they could increase the cost for more char slots - and offer them at double the price. ;) (Easy money .. when people need it that badly want want to pay.)


You could ask, why would anyone need to play GW2 at all? Bottom line, we all play different ways and get different things out of the game.


Personally, I'm mostly PvE. I don't raid, don't PvP, don't do much WvW, rarely do Fractals. I still manage to keep busy. And I find levelling a new character makes for a change of pace from, e.g., grinding this zone or that. After which, it's safe to say that I'm not going to casually delete a character that I've spent hours developing. Plus there are times when being able to endlessly log in new characters makes acquiring resources or currency significantly easier (and I'm doing it over two accounts, multiboxing, which I heartily recommend if your machine will cope - being able to party up to help yourself out can be really useful). And if I want to leave an alt or two parked in "useful" places, I can. Result - I'm (only) at 49 characters so far. But then again, that includes one of each race/profession combo, and I'm working on adding gender into the mix, simply because it's there...

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I understand completely that each race + sex makes sense for the different armors. (Looking different on each race I guess.) Maybe even the class if you want to play each class and have all the different looks available. I was just wondering if it isn't a lot of work though to play all those chars. But I mean ... if you have the money for the slots and maybe play only some of those chars regularly (and the other ones only every now and then) ... and relogging is fast with a strong machine - totally makes sense. Why not.


Just a bit hard to understand why people to such a think. (I am already busy with tons of other stuff still to do.) But everyone can do what thety want and I'm not even against more slots - when ArenaNet can earn more money to keep the game alive that way.


I acutally try all the jumping puzzles and I guess there are even people that don't try those. (And probably a lot of new players directly buying the expansions and never experiencing jumping puzzles without a mount/gliding.)


So it's totally okay. Personally for most people I think 1 of each class is enough though. (And already a lot ... surely there are people that don't even have one of each class.) Main gameplay mainly based on the class. And as long as you don't care too much about visuals/armor skins (but I guess that's exactly what the people that want tons of chars do) that is enough even to "park" some chars in good harvesting spots.


(I guess there are even people farming for every legandery and the ones that can be equipped twice - main + offhand they'll get 2 times.)

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Haha, although I find it a bit funny to see some people having that many characters, I am also a bit surprised to know that there is a cap.


Why is there a cap though? I can't see any reason at all They should either increase the cap or make it unlimited.

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Increasing the cap sounds reasonable!


Honestly though, I wish they’d make managing multiple characters less stressful before anything.

* Give us smaller icons of the characters’ face and show their full body on hover so that you can fit most of them on one page.

* Sell us an inventory manager so that I can see what my toon has and move their junk around without reactivating their soul + loading screens.

* Let us pin our favorites at the top of the list so that they don’t keep cycling down as I hunt for that one exotic I’ve been saving and maybe even allow us to group them up by type/organize them!


I only have like 8 characters so far but I do love creating alts. Finally geared up my 2nd Ele that I’ve abandoned forever (got caught up making “FFIX’s Vivi” staff ele instead) when I got the dragon bash helmet (Spell Knight vibes!) and I still have a warrior to make - most likely Cantha themed. Also need a Charr something at least (Future alchemist engineer spec?)

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