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Which ingame titles do you use the most and why?

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I have a few that just fit the character.


My main story guy, a man with an ego the size of Tyria (he'll tell you it's not ego, it's justified pride), a man who has to seize the limelight in any situation unless he's showing off how subtle he can be for later bragging rights, a man who wears aviator sunglasses and looks good in them, the most handsome of men as he'll tell you -- well, he's just got to be Rock Star.


The Rock Star's sister who has helped run the noble family investments while he was gallivanting around being foolish is Respected Achiever, even though I have higher tiers of the Achiever titles now.


My down-to-earth practical necromancer who helps her parents run a general store in DR when she's not out adventuring, full of common sense, kindness, and loyalty, she's Faithful.


Those are the ones I remember off the top of my head as being fairly indelibly assigned. Almost all my alts have some sort of title floating over their head though.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > Your experience of GW2 and your sense of achievement in GW2 doesn't equal to anyone else opinion on that. Just because someone feels GW2 achievements are trashy, doesn't mean they are diminishing your achievements, probably because they haven't done those very few select achievements that do require some more skill in GW2 than in GW1.


> I, and others in the previous page, simply responded to those comments about how hard GWAMM was to get, nothing more. If indeed they haven't done the hard achievements of GW2 that's all the more reason to tell them so they can search more and go get them. I'm not sure why it's so bad to call it out. As much as you don't like someone saying that GWAMM is easy, others don't like reading that GWAMM was hard, as long as some post the latter, someone will respond with the former.


There's nothing bad about either, if you want to argue in a circle about whose achievement is better. The answer will always be "my achievement", as such a thing is personal and difficulty players experience is subjective.



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> @"Bridget Morrigan.1752" said:

> The thing is, it's apparent that you got the GWAMM title, if you have it, after it became nothing but a massive grind. You don't understand the experience of getting it along the way, but only after everything was available for you to pick and choose from. That's just...not what it was like back in 2005-06. Less power creep, no heroes, no big boon or DP removing consumables. It just wasn't what you experienced.


I did most of GWAMM titles as I went along, I never finished it though because I need gold for my last parts and can't bother to grind so much. In 2005-06 there was no hard mode yet. So which part of GWAMM was challenging/hard back then? Legendary Defender of Ascalon and Survivor are the only unique titles of the time and they were both tedious, not hard. I got my Survivor rather easily btw playing a Monk, even with henchmen you can do it, yes playing a yolo dps build would make it considerably more annoying, but you can use the tools given to you. The Missions were easy, even without power creep, because we are talking normal mode, plus the game was populated and you could find other humans to play them with (hello Thunderhead Keep). And literally everything else was a grind fest, either for gold, chests, identifications or things like cartographer (hug those walls, that was simply boring/tedious) and skill gatherer. I experienced the real thing just fine, still finding it more tedious than anything challenging.


> But neither you nor the guy who started this with the claim that nothing would compare to GWAMM are really right that your personal achievements require more skill than the other's personal achievements. Easier, grindier ways will always come: it is the nature of MMO's. It isn't up to GWAMMs to defend their titles any more than it is up to you to defend yours.


I actually never claimed that Furious Achiever is more challenging than GWAMM, I just said the achievement titles are the equivalents to it. Also, that to get those titles (the most current ones at least) you need to finish the hardest parts of the game. Unlike in GW1 where the hardest parts aren't even included in the title.

You don't have to finish any of the hardest instances, like Underworld, Fissure of Woe or Domain of Anguish in hard mode to get GWAMM. My personal achievements in GW1 include those, GWAMM does not. I also have some of the equivalent titles in GW2 too (Raid CMs, Fractal CMs, Liadri, Turai and so on). There are actually hard things to do in both games, GWAMM isn't that, on either game.

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I don't want to hurt anyones feelings. However, I just wanted to throw out what I truly believe about the GWAMM title as someone who has never played gw1 before, particularly for those who use the title with the intent of it being a status symbol.


First, I think the title is great. Aesthetically, it is really fun. However, if you want to know what an assumably average opinion of non gw1 player thinks when they see it, it is likely this: **That person must have played gw1 a lot!**


And that is it. It is certainly not a bad thought. However, maybe you were hoping for more?, but that is pretty much about it. To me, the title is as tied to gw2 as a linked Call of Duty title would be. Perhaps it is a hard achievement. However, it is a different game. If someone came into gw2 with a Call of Duty title, what would you think? You are not going to think, "wow, that person must be really good at this game." If you want to show your accomplishments or love for Call of Duty then it would be a great title. However, that is about it. I have known people with the GWAMM title who have played hardly any gw2 and are what I would call 'very unskillful at the game'. This isn't deriding their game skills, just that they obviously haven't put the time into being good at gw2. Harder raid titles simply impress me more in this game because they are gw2 related and although there may be exceptions, everyone I have seen with those titles that I know were actual raiders and not just faking/buying it.


For all I know, in the future a Call of Duty achievement could be the hardest title in gw2. However, even if it were listed as a gw2 title, I wouldn't regard it as an actual 'gw2 title' and since I don't have practical experience with actually how hard the achievement is, I wouldn't view it as such. Therefore, I find 'hardest achievement' arguments involving such titles rather silly. **Those achievements are simply in a different category then gw2.**


This is not saying that gw1 players don't get impressed by the title, it is just that that is not the impression that the whole player base gets, if that is your intention.

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Your phrasing makes me stand by my statement that it's apparent that you weren't there in 05-06. Just not buying it.


> @"maddoctor.2738" said:


> I actually never claimed that Furious Achiever is more challenging than GWAMM, I just said the achievement titles are the equivalents to it. Also, that to get those titles (the most current ones at least) you need to finish the hardest parts of the game. Unlike in GW1 where the hardest parts aren't even included in the title.

> You don't have to finish any of the hardest instances, like Underworld, Fissure of Woe or Domain of Anguish in hard mode to get GWAMM. My personal achievements in GW1 include those, GWAMM does not. I also have some of the equivalent titles in GW2 too (Raid CMs, Fractal CMs, Liadri, Turai and so on). There are actually hard things to do in both games, GWAMM isn't that, on either game.


"I actually never claimed that Furious Achiever is more challenging than GWAMM, just that the stuff that you _have_ to do to get Furious Achiever is harder than the stuff that you _have_ to do to get GWAMM~~, and ignoring/refusing to admit that timing makes a difference in both of them~~."



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> @"Bridget Morrigan.1752" said:

> "I actually never claimed that Furious Achiever is more challenging than GWAMM, just that the stuff that you _have_ to do to get Furious Achiever is harder than the stuff that you _have_ to do to get GWAMM~~, and ignoring/refusing to admit that timing makes a difference in both of them~~."


Only I never said what you typed, misquoting someone isn't very nice. Fun part is you included the actual quote so I don't know what you are on about here.

Timing is irrelevant because I never compared Furious Achiever to GWAMM, I compared "the most current ones at least" instead and to get that timing means absolutely nothing, the more AP they add, the higher the title you'll get and I seriously doubt we'll ever reach Uncontrollable Achiever (requires 60k AP) in the game's lifetime.


Also, I demonstrated already that timing made very little difference in acquiring GWAMM. Is it much easier now? Yes. But it was never hard to begin with. Especially in the pre-hard mode era (btw heroes existed for the entire duration of hard mode), and further the most challenging/hard parts of GW1 weren't even required for GWAMM.


edit: As for whether you believe me or not if I was there in 05-06, I don't really care. My guild reached 14th place in the gvg ladder during the Factions Preview Tournament, when the top 6 teams went to Leipzig Germany to compete at the finals. As the guild was climbing fast and we almost reached that point, I went and got my passport ready (I didn't have one prior to that) in the event that we managed to get in top 6 and go to Leipzig. That was an actual achievement to be proud off, sad it didn't come with a title - finish in top 20 (or top 100) in the GVG Ladder, that would've been grand. I also was the main monk for every single guild match. Believe me or not, I don't really care.


There are people who find the first instance of POF hard, so I guess what's hard depends on the person. To me GWAMM was a tedious grind fest, much like crafting Legendary Weapons in GW2 and most of the greatest parts of GW1 weren't included.

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Hello, this is the thread starter.


I am glad you all are enthusiastic about comparing the obtaining effort/difficulty of GWAMM to the GW2 titles, but that is not the subject of this thread. I would prefer if you created a new topic for that conversation, and not derail this thread, thank you!

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Most of my characters don't have a title.

If they gave bonuses, I would pay attention to what I added.

They only have meaning if everyone knows what they mean and how they are achieved.

I like GWAMM because it means I did something special. If I wanted to go back and earn two more titles I'd have that track maxed out.

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I use Finders Keepers on my Treasure Hunter. The sole purpose of the character is to travel across maps, collect random chests and do (Jumping) Puzzles.


On my main-character I do not use any titles yet. I have not found one that fits and if you pick a title, you put a label on you. Reading the title creates prejudices and expectations. I want to be judged by my taste in fashion and how I play only. Except for the Volunteer, I do not have a rare title anyway. I do not like to tease others with stuff they cannot get their hands on. If I ever get the Unhappy Camper title, I'll probably use that when I do WvW, because that is what it is.

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If you think all of gw1 titles were grind/gold only you probably forgot vanquishes like joko's domain and lornar's pass. If you are looking for things you could actually fail at, ruins of surmia, nolani academy and Aurora Glade come to mind. Then there is Shards of Orr dungeon... Nevermind some of the bonuses/masters for some of the missions like eternal Grove, Dzagonur Bastion and dunes of despair.


Some of these items really required you to know what you are doing and even repeated attempts. They have fail conditions. With the 2019 AI update this spring I even had to relearn the start of thirsty river mission because of all the chaos storm spam was wiping my party and ghostly hero.

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**Champion Magus**- I earned it back when winning Ranked Matches was the only way to get a title- I also placed one of the top Elementalist players in NA because of this - Believe it or not, It actually used to be challenging to get PvP titles.

Nowadays about 50% of the time, someone is paid to throw the match and you can get Class PvP titles in unranked so there is no real reward.

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