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2 necros in every game - why is no one talking about this?

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> @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > @"Mikkel.8427" said:

> > You're not going to find any support here.

> >

> > 1) Necro is an extremely popular profession. There is no end to the number of people that will defend Necro when its overperforming.

> > 2) Long-time Necro mains have PTSD from not getting invited to dungeons 4+ years ago. So, even a whisper of a nerf sends them into panic.

> > 3) Most people judge a class by its dueling potential. Since Necromancers almost never build for dueling, most people are left with the impression that Necro is a "free lunch".

> > 4) Necro is (and has almost always been) a meta-defining asset in PvP and WvW. The natural response is to endlessly nerf the professions that counter it (obviously).

> So much this



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> @"Mikkel.8427" said:

> You're not going to find any support here.


> 1) Necro is an extremely popular profession. There is no end to the number of people that will defend Necro when its overperforming.

> 2) Long-time Necro mains have PTSD from not getting invited to dungeons 4+ years ago. So, even a whisper of a nerf sends them into panic.

> 3) Most people judge a class by its dueling potential. Since Necromancers almost never build for dueling, most people are left with the impression that Necro is a "free lunch".

> 4) Necro is (and has almost always been) a meta-defining asset in PvP and WvW. The natural response is to endlessly nerf the professions that counter it (obviously).


1. Build a necro for dueling and i will fight you on any class you tell me to play.


2. Try solo queue scourge before crying nerfs.


3. You seem like low skilled solo queue player who stands in shades or eats reaper shroud4 and forms a convoluted opinion that they are overpowered.


4. I cant believe how many times ive died in under a second as scourge on full hp as soon as i come out of no port spot. Every decent player literally farms solo scourges. How much would you nerf necro so that lower skilled players dont get steamrolled by corrupts?

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> @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > range

> > kite

> > patience

> >

> > the 3 counters to necro.


> And if you don’t have range? Oh I get it, then you need patience cause all you can do is kite until game is over. ?




heh lol. if you stop being funny for a sec tho you will realize it is teh troof.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> 1. Build a necro for dueling and i will fight you on any class you tell me to play.


> 2. Try solo queue scourge before crying nerfs.


> 3. You seem like low skilled solo queue player who stands in shades or eats reaper shroud4 and forms a convoluted opinion that they are overpowered.


> 4. I cant believe how many times ive died in under a second as scourge on full hp as soon as i come out of no port spot. Every decent player literally farms solo scourges. How much would you nerf necro so that lower skilled players dont get steamrolled by corrupts?


1. My 4 main characters are Mes, Thief, Ele, Necro. I used to solo roam in wvw on Necro all the time... It is definitely underestimated. Which is a POSITIVE thing, btw.

2. I'm not asking for nerfs... I love my Scourge.

3. I am very aware of how Necro functions. You know... because I play one regularly.

4. I could say "You sound like a low skilled solo queue player that needs to learn how to dodge" but I'm going to resist the urge to feed into your negativity.


You sound like an ol' school necro... Add me, I'll run dungeons with you.


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> @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> Interesting to see that many that are defending necro are the same that are crying for nerfs on mesmer.


You won't get a lot of respect for your opinion if you try and put necro in the same boat as mesmer. The only class that would benefit from being "brougt up to necromancers level" is probably elementalist. Every other class by bringing them up to necro level would actually be a nerf and most would lose some of their carry potential. By and large most classes are a better pick than necro in solo queue, which is the facet of this game mode that a majority of people play.



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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > Interesting to see that many that are defending necro are the same that are crying for nerfs on mesmer.


> You won't get a lot of respect for your opinion if you try and put necro in the same boat as mesmer. The only class that would benefit from being "brougt up to necromancers level" is probably elementalist. Every other class by bringing them up to necro level would actually be a nerf and most would lose some of their carry potential. By and large most classes are a better pick than necro in solo queue, which is the facet of this game mode that a majority of people play.

You cant say mesmer is meta defining in all competitive modes as necromancer. They are indeed not in the same boat.

Are you trying to put a necromancer in 1x1 scenarion and compare it to other duelist which its never meant to be? And truly believe that would cause a nerf on all other classes that barely affect all competitive game modes? You are pretty humorous person, I give you that.

Solo q... soloq... in the pvp where you have best chances in duoq ? Like Wing q with sindrener(thief, not firebrand even) and top1 for two or three seasons in a row? How many times he have got god of pvp ? Overall it was 3 or 4 times? What about real 5x5's where its a must have (with firebrand of course because without support you cant survive and your team either cant survive scourge pressure on their own as well)

>You won't get a lot of respect for your opinion

Neither you are

>! As you would want to assume I complain about seeing 2 necromancers per game, I'm not, I just pointed out how terribly wrong you are

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > @"Mikkel.8427" said:

> > You're not going to find any support here.

> >

> > 1) Necro is an extremely popular profession. There is no end to the number of people that will defend Necro when its overperforming.

> > 2) Long-time Necro mains have PTSD from not getting invited to dungeons 4+ years ago. So, even a whisper of a nerf sends them into panic.

> > 3) Most people judge a class by its dueling potential. Since Necromancers almost never build for dueling, most people are left with the impression that Necro is a "free lunch".

> > 4) Necro is (and has almost always been) a meta-defining asset in PvP and WvW. The natural response is to endlessly nerf the professions that counter it (obviously).


> 1. Build a necro for dueling and i will fight you on any class you tell me to play.

Are you EU? If yes would you want to duel not me but another necromancer player? ;)

(Even if you win some, lose some, what that would prove? That necromancer can 1x1? Regardless of he could or not, thats not what he should be doing)

> 2. Try solo queue scourge before crying nerfs.

How its relevant to..anything? Ranked is allowed to duoq, AT/mAT are 5man q. Your chances to win soloq on all classes way lower than in duo q, high rated duoq most likely going to win becuause they can communicate and you have 4 randoms. Soloq performance is never been a reason to nerf/buff any class.

3,4 - wtf?

Actually you didnt adress any of his points ... Anyway I dont understand your "solo q" argument

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > Interesting to see that many that are defending necro are the same that are crying for nerfs on mesmer.


> You won't get a lot of respect for your opinion if you try and put necro in the same boat as mesmer. The only class that would benefit from being "brougt up to necromancers level" is probably elementalist. Every other class by bringing them up to necro level would actually be a nerf and most would lose some of their carry potential. By and large most classes are a better pick than necro in solo queue, which is the facet of this game mode that a majority of people play.




If that is the case. Why are there 2-3 necros in EVERY game in solo Q at the moment? But I guess YOU know the real truth and everyone else is stupid, right? Do you think someone that obviously is very biased will get more respect for their opinion?

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> @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > > Interesting to see that many that are defending necro are the same that are crying for nerfs on mesmer.

> >

> > You won't get a lot of respect for your opinion if you try and put necro in the same boat as mesmer. The only class that would benefit from being "brougt up to necromancers level" is probably elementalist. Every other class by bringing them up to necro level would actually be a nerf and most would lose some of their carry potential. By and large most classes are a better pick than necro in solo queue, which is the facet of this game mode that a majority of people play.

> >

> >


> If that is the case. Why are there 2-3 necros in EVERY game in solo Q at the moment? But I guess YOU know the real truth and everyone else is stupid, right? Do you think someone that obviously is very biased will get more respect for their opinion?


Well I'm sorry I don't agree with you. You know..you can be biased against something which is what this thread come across as.

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> @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > > Interesting to see that many that are defending necro are the same that are crying for nerfs on mesmer.

> >

> > You won't get a lot of respect for your opinion if you try and put necro in the same boat as mesmer. The only class that would benefit from being "brougt up to necromancers level" is probably elementalist. Every other class by bringing them up to necro level would actually be a nerf and most would lose some of their carry potential. By and large most classes are a better pick than necro in solo queue, which is the facet of this game mode that a majority of people play.

> >

> >


> If that is the case. Why are there 2-3 necros in EVERY game in solo Q at the moment? But I guess YOU know the real truth and everyone else is stupid, right? Do you think someone that obviously is very biased will get more respect for their opinion?


For one the theme. Necro and any related class in mmo's are always from my experience a favorite archetype. Reaper is a text book noob stomper class that can annihilate newer players fast and is easy for new players to pick up and do well with, again against new or bad players which also accounts for its popularity. Reapers in a weird spot though because of it obvious weaknesses and short comings a reaper has a rough time against players/classes at a matching skill level. Reapers only really viable at the top if the player learns to play around these short coming to help make up for said weaknesses, for example holt's ability to use wurm and spectral walk to help alleviate mobility issues with speed runes etc. I would consider reaper pretty balanced especially compared to most classes these days lol scourge in wvw is a prob tho

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> Could please specify how necro is meta defining and " Scourge and to some extent reaper is much stronger than all other classes right now"? I can't stop laughing about those claims.


Scourge is the only class that can offer support as a damage/team fight role. This doesn't count scrapper which has next to no damage, or holo because it's not really a team fighter, but more of a skirmisher, and healing turret alone does not a support make.


You used to have two supporty players - cele ele and cele engi, or bunker guard and cele ele, D/D or staff. Support is recursive. The longer player A survives, the more support he can put out. He supports player B, who survives longer to support player A, who survives longer etc... And anyone else present on the team benefits from both support outputs.


Now, in a damage meta, with focus on kills and snowballs more than ever, combining that secondary support into a team fighter with damage and corrupts is too strong to pass up. More than that, with this combo, they are always together. Firebrand + scourge is the versatile element to any comp, allowing it to team fight as well as stall the enemy if you can't win the team fights, allowing your other 3 players to out rotate.


It's an interesting development and it's new. Players have tried to make damage/support hybrids out of guardian/DH before. The closest we had was D/D cele ele with might stacking before the nerfs, and it did eventually replace bunker guard (i.e. taking 2 cele eles). It's effective, hence why it can be said to define the meta in the sense that you need a scourge to be able to team fight against a meta comp.


Reaper is also a reason for the abundance of necros. People like direct damage, and reaper has a lot of it. Necro doesn't have blocks or a load of dodges because it's got a second health pool to absorb damage with. It's not just access to shroud skills, it is a defensive mechanic, too. But viewing it thus, requires thought, and reaper atm is the new 2013 GS War. Everyone who just wants to make big damage rolls reaper and thinks that by taking the class, they are instantly valuable because of its damage "potential," even when they can't actually kite or survive well. There are only a handful of players who actually know how to play reaper well at the moment, and that's across both EU and NA. Those who don't play it often get annoyed when they have the reaper on their team, because 95% of them are glorified suicide bombers. They charge, they faceroll, they die and rally anyone who was downed because you can pretty much guarantee they tagged the reaper.


Necro does have fair mobility. It's not like 2014 pre-spectral walk meta. Good reapers kite with shroud 2. Some scourges swap utilities for the punishment portal if they think they will need it. There's wurm, and 10s of spectra walk. Core necro is getting a little buff to its shroud 2 shadow step, next week. These skills will not take you very far while heavily focused, though, which is why kiting is important. I guarantee you'll get faster results by trying to kite than asking for mobility buffs.

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> @"Impact.2780" said:

> Scourge is the only class that can offer support as a damage/team fight role. This doesn't count scrapper which has next to no damage, or holo because it's not really a team fighter, but more of a skirmisher, and healing turret alone does not a support make.


Not even remotely true.

Tempest, druid, firebrand and chronomancer can also deal damage while also supporting the team. Of course, they deal less damage, but they offer better support. Also, scourge offer sub-par support while druid, tempest and firebrand offer much better support and thus are more valuable than sub-par support who deal mediocre damage.

And since when scrapper have no damage? It deal more damage (at least single target) than scourge.


> @"Impact.2780" said:

> Now, in a damage meta, with focus on kills and snowballs more than ever, combining that secondary support into a team fighter with damage and corrupts is too strong to pass up. More than that, with this combo, they are always together. Firebrand + scourge is the versatile element to any comp, allowing it to team fight as well as stall the enemy if you can't win the team fights, allowing your other 3 players to out rotate.


You just claimed, that current meta is all about damage, and by taking firebrand-scourge, you will only have 3.5 damage dealers (because scourge can't deal damage like actual damage deals if it takes support traits). Why take someone who isn't top damage dealer or top support, but mediocre at both? Also, you claimed that necro defines meta, how is being mediocre at something meta defining?


> @"Impact.2780" said:

> It's an interesting development and it's new. Players have tried to make damage/support hybrids out of guardian/DH before. The closest we had was D/D cele ele with might stacking before the nerfs, and it did eventually replace bunker guard (i.e. taking 2 cele eles). It's effective, hence why it can be said to define the meta in the sense that you need a scourge to be able to team fight against a meta comp.


And they (except ele) never defined meta with. And now, as you yourself claimed, meta is all about massive burst, so being sub-part in everything isn't part of meta.


> @"Impact.2780" said:

> Reaper is also a reason for the abundance of necros. People like direct damage, and reaper has a lot of it. Necro doesn't have blocks or a load of dodges because it's got a second health pool to absorb damage with. It's not just access to shroud skills, it is a defensive mechanic, too. But viewing it thus, requires thought, and reaper atm is the new 2013 GS War. Everyone who just wants to make big damage rolls reaper and thinks that by taking the class, they are instantly valuable because of its damage "potential," even when they can't actually kite or survive well. There are only a handful of players who actually know how to play reaper well at the moment, and that's across both EU and NA. Those who don't play it often get annoyed when they have the reaper on their team, because 95% of them are glorified suicide bombers. They charge, they faceroll, they die and rally anyone who was downed because you can pretty much guarantee they tagged the reaper.


And how is that meta defining it it fails at everything?


> @"Impact.2780" said:

> Necro does have fair mobility.


At this point i can't take anything you say seriously. Necro have the worst mobility in the game.



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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > No one complains because unsupported necros are food. We want them on the enemy team.


> I was going to say something similar...

> Unsupported necro is next to useless against a team that can focus.


That is just not true... necro obviously was wrecking everyone too hard in some cases the whole team would die in a 1v5 because of op reapers due to them having way too much survival coming from soul eater!


Nerf the reaper it's too much damage and way too much sustain - just ask Anet they will confirm this....

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> @"James.1065" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > No one complains because unsupported necros are food. We want them on the enemy team.

> >

> > I was going to say something similar...

> > Unsupported necro is next to useless against a team that can focus.


> That is just not true... necro obviously was wrecking everyone too hard in some cases the whole team would die in a 1v5 because of op reapers due to them having way too much survival coming from soul eater!


> Nerf the reaper it's too much damage and way too much sustain - just ask Anet they will confirm this....


My mind was full of what while reading this.


Then I read it again and started to think you be crazy..


Had a few more sips of my morning coffee..... AHA! It was sarcasm!

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"James.1065" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > No one complains because unsupported necros are food. We want them on the enemy team.

> > >

> > > I was going to say something similar...

> > > Unsupported necro is next to useless against a team that can focus.

> >

> > That is just not true... necro obviously was wrecking everyone too hard in some cases the whole team would die in a 1v5 because of op reapers due to them having way too much survival coming from soul eater!

> >

> > Nerf the reaper it's too much damage and way too much sustain - just ask Anet they will confirm this....


> My mind was full of what while reading this.


> Then I read it again and started to think you be crazy..


> Had a few more sips of my morning coffee..... AHA! It was sarcasm!


Hahaha indeed! Have a great morning further buddy xD

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