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I'm worried about this game, When WOW classic Comes out.

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> @"Yugz.6925" said:

> GW2 community is absolutly nowhere close to WoW classic community. WoW classic, is a slow game, very close to IRL roleplay games. GW2 community just cries when they can't get something easily, that just won't be the case on Classic WoW. More than that, the whole roleplay aspect is essential to fully enjoy the game, the GW2 community is faaaar from that and they just won't enjoy the game.


> The hype about classic is real but it won't last. When people are going to realise what the game is about they will simply leave it. However, there will be players that actually enjoy the immersion of the game and the whole roleplay aspect of it. These will be the players that stay on the game, not GW2 instantdopamine players.

> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Yugz.6925" said:

> > GW2 community is absolutly nowhere close to WoW classic community. WoW classic, is a slow game, very close to IRL roleplay games. GW2 community just cries when they can't get something easily, that just won't be the case on Classic WoW. More than that, the whole roleplay aspect is essential to fully enjoy the game, the GW2 community is faaaar from that and they just won't enjoy the game.

> >

> > The hype about classic is real but it won't last. When people are going to realise what the game is about they will simply leave it. However, there will be players that actually enjoy the immersion of the game and the whole roleplay aspect of it. These will be the players that stay on the game, not GW2 instantdopamine players.


> I think you mean people who have a life beside playing games rather than "instant dopamine players".





Considering most of the WoW players are quite toxic unlike the original GW community, this might be a Bless-ing.

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It's been a while since we've had one of these. It used to be at least once a month we had a "What is Anet doing to counter [new game]?! How will they stop everyone leaving?" type topic. I wonder if MMO releases died down, or if people just lost interest in the idea that developers must all copy each other and rush their new releases to match other companies schedules no matter what impact that would have on the quality of the release?


Anyway, I think the release of WoW Classic will have very little impact on GW2. I know it's **The Big Thing** among it's fans, but even among WoW players I know reactions seem divided - some think it's the best thing since...well, since WoW was released I suppose. Others think it's a silly nostalgia trip and playing WoW without all the newer content and QoL improvements is out of the question.


More importantly however GW2 and WoW are very different games and appeal to different people. Contrary to popular belief not everyone started their MMO experience with WoW and then moved to other games when an update they didn't like was released. A lot of us have never played WoW at all, including some who had played MMOs before it was released and were able to determine based on that experience it wasn't for them. It seems highly unlikely that re-releasing the same game we weren't interested in before is going to appeal any of us now.


For example I love Warcraft 2, it remains one of my favourite RTS games, and when I was a kid I thought a Warcraft RPG could be the best thing ever. (I'd still be interested in playing a single-player RPG set during the Warcraft 2 era.) So when WoW was announced I was excited but I lost interest before it was released, for a variety of reasons ranging from not wanting to play a subscription game because that model doesn't work for me to not liking the focus on gear progression and being disappointed that they destroyed Quel'thalas and high/sun elves wouldn't be a playable race. So unless they changed basically every defining feature of the game except the name and the universe it's set in I'm not going to be any more interested in WoW Classic than I was in WoW 14 years ago, or at any time since. I imagine other people who decided not to play WoW previously will be in a similar situation.


From my perspective the one down side to that decision is that when I lost interest in WoW I also stopped following the rumours that there had been a "massive schism" at Blizzard and 'loads' of high level people had quit to form a new studio and make their own MMO. I heard that it was actually only a few people who quit and decided it wasn't a big deal and was just gossip. If I'd known 3 of them were in the process of founding Arenanet and creating what would become one (and later 2) of my favourite games and the one that stopped me thinking MMOs weren't for me I'd have paid more attention and started playing GW1 much sooner.

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> @"mikhail.3506" said:

> I'm worried about this game, When WOW classic Comes out.

> I honestly Hooope nothing will happen to this game, it's a good game. But if we don't get a HUGE update like a new expansion/content come August there won't be anyone left playing this game. No players= no money = no content. It's gonna be a vicious cycle.


> I don't think you fully realized how hyped up WOW classic is.

> > Who cares about WoW Classic?


> Like majority of the Real old school mmo players? So most of us?


Combining all of that, I'd say the OP need not worry, based on even their anecdote-based analysis. The target audience is "real old school MMO players who fondly remember the original WoW and are playing GW2 instead, because they couldn't get 'old school' MMO." That's such a narrow fraction of the GW2 community, then even if they all left and never returned, it's hard to imagine the game would notice.

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I guess it's the only thing Blizzard can do in these times. Rehashing of their glory days games. I doubt it will be hugely popular after the initial hype.

Vanilla Wow was technically a good game for it's time and like any new mmo it was fun because everything was new and there was a lot of exploration of game world and mechanics. But today? Unless they will introduce new content into the world, the game will die down quickly.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Some people may go try WoW classic but how long will they stay to do the leveling quests and the dungeons that they could already do in the old game, and minus all the conveniences that the old game has added. And once they’ve done them, then what? Is Blizzard going to add expansions that covers the same lore that the old game already has covered?


> Rose colored nostalgia goggles are rampant.


You never know. The Vanilla private servers were crazily populated and had unbelievably dedicated communityieat. I think classic wow will have a steady population, probably bigger than GW2 has.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > Some people may go try WoW classic but how long will they stay to do the leveling quests and the dungeons that they could already do in the old game, and minus all the conveniences that the old game has added. And once they’ve done them, then what? Is Blizzard going to add expansions that covers the same lore that the old game already has covered?

> >

> > Rose colored nostalgia goggles are rampant.


> You never know. The Vanilla private servers were crazily populated and had unbelievably dedicated communityieat. I think classic wow will have a steady population, probably bigger than GW2 has.


Ok. I’ll guess we should all panic now


Or not


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Wow classic will be popular or at least initially. It’s worked elsewhere - lotro did a similar thing to success beyond expectations.


It will however not cause any significant issues for gw2. GW2 for all its current problems (point of view dependant), is popular and retains a loyal player base. Wow classic will likely grab lapsed players who prob only dabble a little on mmos or existing wow players.


GW2 will do it’s own thing and carry on regardless. There is simply nothing to worry about.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > Some people may go try WoW classic but how long will they stay to do the leveling quests and the dungeons that they could already do in the old game, and minus all the conveniences that the old game has added. And once they’ve done them, then what? Is Blizzard going to add expansions that covers the same lore that the old game already has covered?

> > >

> > > Rose colored nostalgia goggles are rampant.

> >

> > You never know. The Vanilla private servers were crazily populated and had unbelievably dedicated communityieat. I think classic wow will have a steady population, probably bigger than GW2 has.


> Ok. I’ll guess we should all panic now


> Or not


What are you smoking?

No reason to panic, I actually said in this thread that GW2 doesn't compete with Classic WoW and that its not an issue. o_0". They appeal to different games.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > Some people may go try WoW classic but how long will they stay to do the leveling quests and the dungeons that they could already do in the old game, and minus all the conveniences that the old game has added. And once they’ve done them, then what? Is Blizzard going to add expansions that covers the same lore that the old game already has covered?

> > > >

> > > > Rose colored nostalgia goggles are rampant.

> > >

> > > You never know. The Vanilla private servers were crazily populated and had unbelievably dedicated communityieat. I think classic wow will have a steady population, probably bigger than GW2 has.

> >

> > Ok. I’ll guess we should all panic now

> >

> > Or not

> >

> What are you smoking?

> No reason to panic, I actually said in this thread that GW2 doesn't compete with Classic WoW and that its not an issue. o_0". They appeal to different games.





That was a joke/sarcasm


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People are dramatically overstating WoW classic. The wast majority of the playerbase may check it out, but most certainly run screaming away due to how unforgiving and demanding it is of your time. Pull too many mobs? You are dead. You have to frequently sit and eat and drink, and many classes have no means of selfhealing at all. It takes a long time to get to lvl 60, especially for a beginner. Be prepared for graveyard runs and respawning mobs in instances if you took too long to clear it.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > I still remember how Bless Online killed GW 2.


> Really? Since the game still exists, the servers are still running, people are playing this game and it still receives new content frequently, I think your statement is simply untrue.


That was the point of their post, Bless crashed and burned without a trace on release outside of Asia after being the next dream game that everyone would play.

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> @"Yargesh.4965" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > > I still remember how Bless Online killed GW 2.

> >

> > Really? Since the game still exists, the servers are still running, people are playing this game and it still receives new content frequently, I think your statement is simply untrue.


> That was the point of their post, Bless crashed and burned without a trace on release outside of Asia after being the next dream game that everyone would play.


Okay, never heard of it, hence didn't catch the sarcasm. ;)


By the way, never played WoW, so I had to look up the "big news". What a curious concept to release the game again, so to speak, from scratch.

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> @"mikhail.3506" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > Who cares about WoW Classic?


> Like majority of the Real old school mmo players? So most of us?


I don't think they do. WoW Classic has been out for years. There are a plethora of private servers dedicated to it.


Also, WoW Classic (going off private servers, some of which have even offered slight improvements but the many of which are 'vanilla') is 100% nostalgia factor. The game does not hold up in the modern day. It is grindy as all hell, it offers far less variety than what is currently available, the mechanics are dated (the MMO genre has improved on them vastly as a whole) and, of course, the graphics are terrible. It is pure nostalgia factor. There is a reason why the MMO community moved away from it, that was the bare bones for what an MMO should be now-a-days.


The people who truly feel like they enjoy it should be booting up private servers ASAP to give it a go. The people who actively enjoy it currently have established characters in communities within these private servers and will need some pretty hefty incentives to move away from them (kind of the same mentality to WoW Killers vs WoW back in the day).


I'm pretty sure all Classic WoW is, is Blizzard trying to draw people away from those private servers and into Blizzard-Activision's pockets again. Most people aren't going to enjoy it, it is a very niche game for the people who get their kicks from nostalgia (and dated design).


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > I still remember how Bless Online killed GW 2.


> Really? Since the game still exists, the servers are still running, people are playing this game and it still receives new content frequently, I think your statement is simply untrue.


That was sarcasm I think. Because people were talking about "Oh, Bless Online is going to kill GW2". Shortly after Bless's launch, we had refugees incoming.


Maybe many 'hardcore' MMO players are different (I like to enjoy a variety of games, not just one, which would make me more to the casual side of MMO gaming since I don't devote all my waking hours to it), but anytime a hot new MMO comes out, I see those conversations everywhere on MMO boards.


I guess MMO players have more reason to worry than people who play 'games not as a service', since if the MMO isn't profitable enough then the MMO will be shut down for good. Higher stakes, maybe.

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WoW classic is appealing for those stuck in sPvP and WvW who barely gets any attetion from Anet.

Those 2 game modes are dying, bugs takes ages to be fixed, promising updates that never come, updates are rare and most of the times they only create more problems than they fix.

WoW classic is fun a lot more fun for PvP oriented players, hardcore and casuals.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Despite still being very popular (esp compared to regular wow), have you even seen the drop in classic a week into their testing? People lost interest really quickly, most people didn't log back in.


> I don't think these two games have the same audience anyway. Sure, you'll have a bunch of people check it out (again) and maybe play for a while, but they're not going to quit one for the other.


Were did we get these stats? I do remember a drop but it wasnt nearly close to a week after beta launch. Also its worth considering that classic is quite the investmemt heavy game, i assume no one would want to get birned out before its even out.

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> @"mikhail.3506" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > Who cares about WoW Classic?


> Like majority of the Real old school mmo players? So most of us?


Old school mmo players would be more interested in classic Everquest or Classic Asheron's call. WoW is too recent.

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