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Teapot Quitting? Is this the beginning of the end?

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He has been talking about this for some time time. And he is not quitting GW2 but is shifting his focus to WoW classic as he has never played the game.


Will this be a hit for GW2 community. It most certainly will be as he is probably one of more known content creators.


It wont be hit in terms of "people quitting because he quit" as some of you here wrongly suggest with your gymnastics approach to twitch/youtube community but it will definitely be a hit in sense of some people who already are jaded to continue loosing faith in the future of the game and continuous sense of player base falling a part- which can then lead to them quitting.


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I understand that you, guys, dont give a damm about what streamers/youtubers do. But fact is, game is losing its players, not because ls4 was bad ( it was decent), but because other mmos now getting expansions or new releases. On top of that anet announced we are not getting expansion for atleast next 1,5 years. And expansion is a big thing for player growth and hype around the game.


Others that never played gw2 before have no kitten clue what living world is about, on top of that Anet doesnt even try to advertise their game (youtube trailers doesnt count, since Anet have no viewers on youtube).


Atleast for me and my guild game is dead, we dont raid anymore as static, on peak times I see like 10 players on (atleast 10 months ago we had like 30-50 players online in peak times). In discord i see most people are playing ffxiv, wow, eso and other games.


Not going for expansion and ofcourse the layoffs did no good for anet or gw2. Maybe anet was on developing gw3 and they never thought about giving any expansion for gw2.


Now, with upcoming ls5 they have to step it up, give us actual hard, meaningful endgame content (Story instances is not a content, its bad, story is boring and predictable), more balance patches, fix wvw, give us alliances and maybe players will start coming back.


Or just put gw2 on maintance mode. Go full development mode on w/e you were doing before layoffs AND START COMMUNICATING WITH US.

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lmao -shaking my head-


Ok...so....WoW Classic. I seriously _cannot_ believe the hype about a re-release of a FIFTEEN year old game. I'm going to say something crazy here: **Streamers don't have the influence they pretend they have. They don't represent the overall community.** At the end of the day, social media is nothing but noise. gw2 does have glaring problems, but at the end of the day, due to its pve-centric business model, it will continue to chug along. At the end of the day, money talks. As long as people keep buying expansions and gem store content, gw2 will keep going. Most of this community are not at the forums or viewers of twitch, they're off playing the game. I'm really sick and tired of social media "influencers" trying to peddle their importance and their cult-worshippers trying to pretend they're more important than they really are.



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If I were to venture a guess, a streamer for GW2 at their peak probably got less viewers than goldfish playing street fighter. The game isn't really stream material with the visual effect spam and invisible trait interactions. Naturally, a streamer would have to move on if that's their livelihood.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > Bless online was the gw2 killer.

> >

> > Then it was released.

> >

> > How did that work out?

> >

> > Social media and streamers try to monetize the idea that the sky is falling.


> Teapot didnt monetise wow classic or present it as a gw2 killer, all he did was get fed up with the slow cadence and asocial design that gw2 has been pushing and is looking for actual mmo experience.


It’s ok to just tell the raw truth. He sees more opportunities for his stream business in classic wow. He wants his customers to follow him. That’s fine. And just for the record, anything a streamer tells you is about monetization of a message. Don’t look at the man behind the green curtain.


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the GW2 most popular videos is the PVE guides, this one to new players, had only 2 years, and had 300k views. Much more views then celebrated streamers like aurora peach. So the ppl are more interested in **learn play the game** than view others playing the game. celebrated streamers play almost end-game content, so the some "filter" on player interested in their videos.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> the GW2 most popular videos is the PVE guides, this one to new players, had only 2 years, and had 300k views. Much more views then celebrated streamers like aurora peach. So the ppl are more interested in **learn play the game** than view others playing the game. celebrated streamers play almost end-game content, so the some "filter" on player interested in their videos.



teapot is very entertaining to watch, he is hosting raid tournments with huge pool prizes. Also he does some of raid training guides (very detailed). He showed people that gear or experience is not that needed to start raiding. Got his alt account in full exotics and worst class to raid (reaper) , w/o any LI or KP he cleared every boss. He is probably the only one that wants casuals to teach how to raid, because he wants more raids developed.

His teatime was entertaining to watch, but for like past 6 months he was bashing Anet real hard for lack of meaningful endgame content, balance and WvW being clown fiesta. And i agree, these things are important for game success.

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I agree with the OP's criticism of the game (i.e., what types of pseudo-content we have been fed lately and how LW seasons aren't ideal, either - see my sig), but the whole "doomsday" attitude is truly getting old. I doubt that's the right way to make the devs listen to their player base, by telling them their game was dead. ;)


P.S. Never understood the fascination for watching streams, either. The only gaming streams worth watching, IMO, are the ones that live-stream competitive content from tournaments, because e-sports can be exciting to watch.

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > Hmm it's never a good thing when the most famous streamer of a game quits the game. Does not matter if you watched him or not, or even if you know him in this case.


> 700 viewers on twitch = "FAMOUS"...i guess they have lowered the bar..A LOT!!!


Context is important. 700 is much if the player base is small, to begin with. Comparing it to games like LoL and their viewership is like comparing apples and oranges.

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > Hmm it's never a good thing when the most famous streamer of a game quits the game. Does not matter if you watched him or not, or even if you know him in this case.


> 700 viewers on twitch = "FAMOUS"...i guess they have lowered the bar..A LOT!!!


It's not a great number that's right, but compared to the rest of the streamers who mostly hover around 20+ it is not good for gw2 twitch that he is stopping the game.

And who knows, perhaps he wont get more than that streaming WoW, we will see. (or not :P )

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> @"bbop.9706" said:

> So I heard that the number one streamer for gw2 has finally had enough and is leaving for WoW classic.


> Watching his patch stream last night there were 700+ viewers... I have never see this many on a gw2 twitch stream in 2 years...


> But to put that in perspective, Asmongold was hosting 30,000+ playing WoW . At the same time some random was hosting 4000+ playing ESO.


> We have endured a lot as GW2 fans and I have tried to remain positive and loyal, but this diet of gem skins, rubbish world events and terrible balance patches, along with lacklustre LW episodes is beginning to leave a bad taste in my mouth. As a casual i still have a lot i'd like to do in the game, but i'm feeling increasingly part of a slowly sinking ship with little to no hope for it's survival.


> and Anet have gone quiet...


> Why I am i still playing this game again?


These doom and gloom posts are getting real old. Why not just move on and dispense with the drama?

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GL to him in WoW classic, though I doubt he'll be able to grow his community there, as the "WoW-Streamer market" is pretty over-saturated with good streamers like Asmongold, Sodapoppin, Nixxiom, Esfand, Reckful? etc.

I doubt it will have any consequences for GW2. Most parts of the GW2 community don't really watch GW2 gameplay on Twitch (in my experience).

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First thing that came to my mind is "See you when you come back". All of these grass is greener threads are getting ridiculous. The game is not dead even though it may be dead to you. Plenty of people play every day. So until Anet comes out and says it in a post for the love of humanity stop with these waste of space posts.


Anyways see you all tomorrow when the next one of these topics get posted... :confounded:

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