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Revenant Fixes and QoL Changes


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Hey there,


I have some suggestions regarding Revenant's QoL. I think that there could be changes made to specific skills in order to feel more smooth. So, let's go straight into it:


## Basic Changes


>Forced Engagement - this change aims for the smoother skill usage when swapping Legends.

- Cooldown reduced from **15**s to **10**s

- Now actually _interrupts_ in PvE

- Optional, Add: **_Unblockable_**


>Vengeful Hammers

- Add a Number of Targets tooltip


>Call to Anguish

- Energy cost reduced from **35** to **30**

- Or remove the Initial cost of **Embrace the Darkness**; atm you lose extra energy when using **EtD** + **CtA** for Dark Aura, because of leap cast time, extra 5 energy costs.


>Soulcleave's Summit

- Fix the **Combo Field: Fire** not working.


>Breakrazor's Bastion

- Add the Summon duration to the tooltip


>Weapon Skill (Shortbow): Spiritcrush

- Allow it to be casted from behind or side


>Weapon Skill (Off-hand Sword): Deathstrike

- Show the tooltip description of the second hit of Deathstrike when hovering over the skill.


>Trait (Renegade): Sudden Reversal

- Cooldown reduced from **20**s to **10**s (allows for more reliable usage upon legend swap with Invocation)



Well, I think these could be useful without making major changes to the skills.













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> @"kroof.5468" said:

> I likey - especailly the spiritcrush suggestion. I still have no idea why you can't cast it from the side or behind ; - ;


I hope this can be looked at because it just doesn't allow for the smoothness in SB. And most of these are some changes that could literally be made by number fixes.

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > These are buffs and not QOL changes. Nevertheless I’m all for buffing the weak parts of Rev.


> Weak parts? Havent seen anything about the Herald :#

Literally all of the utilities in Mallyx. Ventari is well below the Mendoza Line compared to others. Renegade/short bow all but useless in pvp. There is life outside of Herald but it’s on life support.



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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> >Vengeful Hammers

> - Add a Number of Targets tooltip


I was always under the belief that it had no fixed number of targets, meaning the hammers would hit as many mobs as was in range, and that was just something unique about this ability. Have I been mistaken, and this was just a tooltip thing?

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > >Vengeful Hammers

> > - Add a Number of Targets tooltip


> I was always under the belief that it had no fixed number of targets, meaning the hammers would hit as many mobs as was in range, and that was just something unique about this ability. Have I been mistaken, and this was just a tooltip thing?


See, that's the point. I would like to know wheter it's unlimited or 5 targets on the tooltip. This could be helpful and wouldn't hurt anybody.

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Make all the weapons work like trident so we can pick and choose what we want to run, thus offering similar build a wide array of customization. Because its kind of crap that we are pigeon holed into legend utilities AND weapons, I wouldn't mind swords swapping to apply conditions when in mallyx thus giving mallyx some decent mobility to go along with his play0style (all that keeps him from being really, really strong in PvP as a whole is mobility and sustain.)


Perhaps even making revenant more hybrid focused, since its not leaning one way or the other? Make it the ONE class who can go hybrid and preform decently well because that to me was the original design. A hybrid who is a mix- up intensive character with an answer to any situation, for any given moment when faced with a new threat or foe. I don't mind being a "Jack of all trades, master of none." As long as it can be somewhat competitive.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> Make all the weapons work like trident so we can pick and choose what we want to run, thus offering similar build a wide array of customization. Because its kind of kitten that we are pigeon holed into legend utilities AND weapons, I wouldn't mind swords swapping to apply conditions when in mallyx thus giving mallyx some decent mobility to go along with his play0style (all that keeps him from being really, really strong in PvP as a whole is mobility and sustain.)


> Perhaps even making revenant more hybrid focused, since its not leaning one way or the other? Make it the ONE class who can go hybrid and preform decently well because that to me was the original design. A hybrid who is a mix- up intensive character with an answer to any situation, for any given moment when faced with a new threat or foe. I don't mind being a "Jack of all trades, master of none." As long as it can be somewhat competitive.


Exactly, well said.

It just feels that Revenant was designed to be the ultimate hybrid, hence the Chill Hammer, MH and OH Sword's, DPS on Axe and ultimate combination of utility and offensive on Staff.


I think Trident Treatment could fix a lot of Balance issues among Build versatility on Revenant.

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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > Make all the weapons work like trident so we can pick and choose what we want to run, thus offering similar build a wide array of customization. Because its kind of kitten that we are pigeon holed into legend utilities AND weapons, I wouldn't mind swords swapping to apply conditions when in mallyx thus giving mallyx some decent mobility to go along with his play0style (all that keeps him from being really, really strong in PvP as a whole is mobility and sustain.)

> >

> > Perhaps even making revenant more hybrid focused, since its not leaning one way or the other? Make it the ONE class who can go hybrid and preform decently well because that to me was the original design. A hybrid who is a mix- up intensive character with an answer to any situation, for any given moment when faced with a new threat or foe. I don't mind being a "Jack of all trades, master of none." As long as it can be somewhat competitive.


> Exactly, well said.

> It just feels that Revenant was designed to be the ultimate hybrid, hence the Chill Hammer, MH and OH Sword's, DPS on Axe and ultimate combination of utility and offensive on Staff.


> I think Trident Treatment could fix a lot of Balance issues among Build versatility on Revenant.


This really won’t fix the issues y’all think it’s going to fix. It’s going to pigeonhole Rev specs into using specific legends for specific effects/conditions/etc. and make the class have a higher skill ceiling than it does now (and it’s already high) AND make it clunkier to use simultaneously

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > Make all the weapons work like trident so we can pick and choose what we want to run, thus offering similar build a wide array of customization. Because its kind of kitten that we are pigeon holed into legend utilities AND weapons, I wouldn't mind swords swapping to apply conditions when in mallyx thus giving mallyx some decent mobility to go along with his play0style (all that keeps him from being really, really strong in PvP as a whole is mobility and sustain.)

> > >

> > > Perhaps even making revenant more hybrid focused, since its not leaning one way or the other? Make it the ONE class who can go hybrid and preform decently well because that to me was the original design. A hybrid who is a mix- up intensive character with an answer to any situation, for any given moment when faced with a new threat or foe. I don't mind being a "Jack of all trades, master of none." As long as it can be somewhat competitive.

> >

> > Exactly, well said.

> > It just feels that Revenant was designed to be the ultimate hybrid, hence the Chill Hammer, MH and OH Sword's, DPS on Axe and ultimate combination of utility and offensive on Staff.

> >

> > I think Trident Treatment could fix a lot of Balance issues among Build versatility on Revenant.


> This really won’t fix the issues y’all think it’s going to fix. It’s going to pigeonhole Rev specs into using specific legends for specific effects/conditions/etc. and make the class have a higher skill ceiling than it does now (and it’s already high) AND make it clunkier to use simultaneously


I agree completely. Last thing I need is my mace 3 to inflict 4 stacks of vulnerability. Trident feels like kitten if you are running condi and are in Jalis or Shiro and that is because of the overly simplistic and inherently imbalanced design of trident's condition application.

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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > Make all the weapons work like trident so we can pick and choose what we want to run, thus offering similar build a wide array of customization. Because its kind of kitten that we are pigeon holed into legend utilities AND weapons, I wouldn't mind swords swapping to apply conditions when in mallyx thus giving mallyx some decent mobility to go along with his play0style (all that keeps him from being really, really strong in PvP as a whole is mobility and sustain.)

> >

> > Perhaps even making revenant more hybrid focused, since its not leaning one way or the other? Make it the ONE class who can go hybrid and preform decently well because that to me was the original design. A hybrid who is a mix- up intensive character with an answer to any situation, for any given moment when faced with a new threat or foe. I don't mind being a "Jack of all trades, master of none." As long as it can be somewhat competitive.


> Exactly, well said.

> It just feels that Revenant was designed to be the ultimate hybrid, hence the Chill Hammer, MH and OH Sword's, DPS on Axe and ultimate combination of utility and offensive on Staff.


> I think Trident Treatment could fix a lot of Balance issues among Build versatility on Revenant.


> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > Make all the weapons work like trident so we can pick and choose what we want to run, thus offering similar build a wide array of customization. Because its kind of kitten that we are pigeon holed into legend utilities AND weapons, I wouldn't mind swords swapping to apply conditions when in mallyx thus giving mallyx some decent mobility to go along with his play0style (all that keeps him from being really, really strong in PvP as a whole is mobility and sustain.)

> > >

> > > Perhaps even making revenant more hybrid focused, since its not leaning one way or the other? Make it the ONE class who can go hybrid and preform decently well because that to me was the original design. A hybrid who is a mix- up intensive character with an answer to any situation, for any given moment when faced with a new threat or foe. I don't mind being a "Jack of all trades, master of none." As long as it can be somewhat competitive.

> >

> > Exactly, well said.

> > It just feels that Revenant was designed to be the ultimate hybrid, hence the Chill Hammer, MH and OH Sword's, DPS on Axe and ultimate combination of utility and offensive on Staff.

> >

> > I think Trident Treatment could fix a lot of Balance issues among Build versatility on Revenant.


> This really won’t fix the issues y’all think it’s going to fix. It’s going to pigeonhole Rev specs into using specific legends for specific effects/conditions/etc. and make the class have a higher skill ceiling than it does now (and it’s already high) AND make it clunkier to use simultaneously


That will never happen, skill ceiling? None of this game takes skill. So why not just let us have our cake and eat it too? They let messmers, guardians and warriors do all the things so why cant we? I personally would take what I suggest over whatever trash-can level change they will do (I mean look at this last balance change, utterly terrible and basically killed the barley alive mallyx. How could it get any worse.) you talk about being pigeonholed? Well you already are. There is no choice to playing rev anymore, competitively you are stuck with shiro/glint. For support, You are either Ventari/glint or ventari/kalla both of which are not prefered in any game mode. And for raids you are stuck in power most of the time, seeing as condi is medicore at best.


Its either sword/sword + Staff or Sword/sword + Hammer (Swords could be swapped with staff, but thats all.) If you want to be maximum efficiency . If not you could swap off hand sword for axe, but that is not optimal as axe is a hard condi-wep. Now imagine if main had sword was able to become a condi weapon too but keep its utility. Trident is our strongest weapon, and when I get underwater in WvW now I can mess people up using it; You can sit here and try to prove me wrong all day long and it wont be fruitful. Trident hits hard, provided utility and even can do alot of what all the other weapons do better than them because it can swap to fit the players spec and basic function. ( all our weapons are good, but could be better. Besides short bow and shield that is...)


> I agree completely. Last thing I need is my mace 3 to inflict 4 stacks of vulnerability. Trident feels like kitten if you are running condi and are in Jalis or Shiro and that is because of the overly simplistic and inherently imbalanced design of trident's condition application.


It only feels like this because condi-rev as a whole sucks. Its not the weapons fault that our condition spec is complete trash when it comes to functionality; Its been this way forever with only power Rev being able to hold us together. Because its the only thing that remotely in any capacity works at least on a fundamental level, condi rev has three drawbacks.

1. Mallyx doesn't synergize well with other legends, and we have no base condi spec to work with him. He basically applies a few albeit not strong condi's and lacks any of the tools to be good at his job.

2. He is slow and lacks any form of mobility outside of axe 5, and even that won't save him when he is getting jumped by a warrior.

3. He has really bad sustain even with rune of tormenting~ You could run glint since it does apply condi's sorta but the condi's are not abundant or strong so yes it comes down to condition damage on this class being horrible.


But power trident? Nah you can't beat that. It is almost as strong for ranged damaged at least on performance on my end as hammer; It hits hard and has tons of tools to be a little stink with. Id rather be a jack of all trades and know what I am than be the mess we are now; Because frankly it feels like we are being gutted of any choice and forced to be power herald. (I don't want it nerfed, I just want everything else we can do being as good as the herald so we can play more than one type of rev.)

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > Make all the weapons work like trident so we can pick and choose what we want to run, thus offering similar build a wide array of customization. Because its kind of kitten that we are pigeon holed into legend utilities AND weapons, I wouldn't mind swords swapping to apply conditions when in mallyx thus giving mallyx some decent mobility to go along with his play0style (all that keeps him from being really, really strong in PvP as a whole is mobility and sustain.)

> > >

> > > Perhaps even making revenant more hybrid focused, since its not leaning one way or the other? Make it the ONE class who can go hybrid and preform decently well because that to me was the original design. A hybrid who is a mix- up intensive character with an answer to any situation, for any given moment when faced with a new threat or foe. I don't mind being a "Jack of all trades, master of none." As long as it can be somewhat competitive.

> >

> > Exactly, well said.

> > It just feels that Revenant was designed to be the ultimate hybrid, hence the Chill Hammer, MH and OH Sword's, DPS on Axe and ultimate combination of utility and offensive on Staff.

> >

> > I think Trident Treatment could fix a lot of Balance issues among Build versatility on Revenant.


> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > Make all the weapons work like trident so we can pick and choose what we want to run, thus offering similar build a wide array of customization. Because its kind of kitten that we are pigeon holed into legend utilities AND weapons, I wouldn't mind swords swapping to apply conditions when in mallyx thus giving mallyx some decent mobility to go along with his play0style (all that keeps him from being really, really strong in PvP as a whole is mobility and sustain.)

> > > >

> > > > Perhaps even making revenant more hybrid focused, since its not leaning one way or the other? Make it the ONE class who can go hybrid and preform decently well because that to me was the original design. A hybrid who is a mix- up intensive character with an answer to any situation, for any given moment when faced with a new threat or foe. I don't mind being a "Jack of all trades, master of none." As long as it can be somewhat competitive.

> > >

> > > Exactly, well said.

> > > It just feels that Revenant was designed to be the ultimate hybrid, hence the Chill Hammer, MH and OH Sword's, DPS on Axe and ultimate combination of utility and offensive on Staff.

> > >

> > > I think Trident Treatment could fix a lot of Balance issues among Build versatility on Revenant.

> >

> > This really won’t fix the issues y’all think it’s going to fix. It’s going to pigeonhole Rev specs into using specific legends for specific effects/conditions/etc. and make the class have a higher skill ceiling than it does now (and it’s already high) AND make it clunkier to use simultaneously


> That will never happen, skill ceiling? None of this game takes skill. So why not just let us have our cake and eat it too? They let messmers, guardians and warriors do all the things so why cant we? I personally would take what I suggest over whatever trash-can level change they will do (I mean look at this last balance change, utterly terrible and basically killed the barley alive mallyx. How could it get any worse.) you talk about being pigeonholed? Well you already are. There is no choice to playing rev anymore, competitively you are stuck with shiro/glint. For support, You are either Ventari/glint or ventari/kalla both of which are not prefered in any game mode. And for raids you are stuck in power most of the time, seeing as condi is medicore at best.


> Its either sword/sword + Staff or Sword/sword + Hammer (Swords could be swapped with staff, but thats all.) If you want to be maximum efficiency . If not you could swap off hand sword for axe, but that is not optimal as axe is a hard condi-wep. Now imagine if main had sword was able to become a condi weapon too but keep its utility. Trident is our strongest weapon, and when I get underwater in WvW now I can mess people up using it; You can sit here and try to prove me wrong all day long and it wont be fruitful. Trident hits hard, provided utility and even can do alot of what all the other weapons do better than them because it can swap to fit the players spec and basic function. ( all our weapons are good, but could be better. Besides short bow and shield that is...)


> > I agree completely. Last thing I need is my mace 3 to inflict 4 stacks of vulnerability. Trident feels like kitten if you are running condi and are in Jalis or Shiro and that is because of the overly simplistic and inherently imbalanced design of trident's condition application.


> It only feels like this because condi-rev as a whole sucks. Its not the weapons fault that our condition spec is complete trash when it comes to functionality; Its been this way forever with only power Rev being able to hold us together. Because its the only thing that remotely in any capacity works at least on a fundamental level, condi rev has three drawbacks.

> 1. Mallyx doesn't synergize well with other legends, and we have no base condi spec to work with him. He basically applies a few albeit not strong condi's and lacks any of the tools to be good at his job.

> 2. He is slow and lacks any form of mobility outside of axe 5, and even that won't save him when he is getting jumped by a warrior.

> 3. He has really bad sustain even with rune of tormenting~ You could run glint since it does apply condi's sorta but the condi's are not abundant or strong so yes it comes down to condition damage on this class being horrible.


> But power trident? Nah you can't beat that. It is almost as strong for ranged damaged at least on performance on my end as hammer; It hits hard and has tons of tools to be a little stink with. Id rather be a jack of all trades and know what I am than be the mess we are now; Because frankly it feels like we are being gutted of any choice and forced to be power herald. (I don't want it nerfed, I just want everything else we can do being as good as the herald so we can play more than one type of rev.)


The factis, Revenant can't get more pigeonholed than it is now. It's design just screams for hybridized gameplay, while you are actually locked to the build which utilizes your weapon best.


Swapping Legends should mean changing the playstyle. That's wy it should be perfectly fine to run Mallyx with Shiro or Ventari with Mallyx.


At the moment we are in a situation where there is literally no other weapon thatn Staff, that could do Ventari job. And now - Why would you need a Swords or Axe, OR HAMMER using Ventari? There is literally nothing to do with these weapons outside damaging capabilites. And while other classes are more single-playstyle-oriented Revenant could be actually great in its design.

If you have access to let's say Shiro and Ventari - then you can't be 100% dps nor 100% support. But let's say your effectiveness drops to 70% each (just an idea). You can still fill these roles pretty well.


And the skill-ceiling? Just because Revenant has the energy doesn't mean the skill ceiling is that high. Actually, the skill-ceiling is set very low when your Legend **doesn't actually affect your weapons**.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:



And next patch we will see Revenant Trident damage nerfed by 30%....


I do like the idea of tying weapons to legends, but for one small problem: we don't change legends to change our playstyle, we change legends to refill our energy tank.


In WvW as a Hammer Rev I get to play differently than in other game modes. I'll stay in Glint, keeping up boons and attacking with my hammer, and can stay energy positive for quite a while. If we get into melee range or under heavy pressure, I'll switch to Jalis for stability, protection and veng hammer cleave.


In PvE or roaming 1v1, you can't play that way. You blow through your energy and then swap legends to refill.


So if in general play we had a choice on swapping legends, I'm all for tying more stuff to that. But so long as swapping legends MUST be a part of my rotation, I'm not as excited at the notion.


As an theoretical example, if my condi damage becomes higher while channeling Mallyx, it would suck to see that DPS drop off for 9 seconds while I swap to Shiro, who likely would be more power damage focused.


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Yeah I'll bite...

This right here is an example of why changes get implemented that feel out of touch and does not address what can actually help build diversity for this class

> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> 1. Mallyx doesn't synergize well with other legends, and we have no base condi spec to work with him. He basically applies a few albeit not strong condi's and lacks any of the tools to be good at his job.

I gotta admit this is some excellent bait, sir. Firstly, only two legends properly synergize with each other (excluding glint since it's the glue holding this class together) , mallyx and kalla simply because they are two condition focused legends. Mallyx and Shiro? Hybrid damage that's mediocre at best. Mallyx and Jalis? Jalis' heal removes condi, Mallyx wants to keep them. Mallyx and Ventari? I'll just move on. But that's the whole novelty of rev, we get to artificially combine two archetypes, at the expense of perfect synergy, something you can come close to if you double dip like with kalla and mallyx or use anything with glint. Secondly, not sure if you were playing the same Mallyx I was post patch but it's condi output got buffed based off the elite alone. Easiest 20+ torment stacks I've ever seen for Mallyx by far. I can also assure you that Anet's idea of Mallyx "doing his job" resulted in more cooldowns and energy costs for the legend.

> 2. He is slow and lacks any form of mobility outside of axe 5, and even that won't save him when he is getting jumped by a warrior.

I fail to see why every build now has to be fast and agile. I'm sure you meant to say Axe 4, but even that isn't the only mobility option, namely CtA (though gutted by its new cost). Mallyx clearly fits more so the slower bruiser archetype, taking condi and manipulating them in different ways. The only reason this is probably even mentioned is because of the amount that other professions and builds (even shiro's kind of guilty) have in PvP, but that's an issue with them, don't take it out on a legend that doesn't fit that theme.

> 3. He has really bad sustain even with rune of tormenting~ You could run glint since it does apply condi's sorta but the condi's are not abundant or strong so yes it comes down to condition damage on this class being horrible.

It sounds like you're jaded because of previous tragedies like nuclear silo scourges dumping every condi under the sun but I can assure you that that is not normal condi build behavior. Running glint and Pulsating pestilence turns Mallyx back to the condi manipulator it was always meant to be, while also improving its sustain. All of a sudden it's no longer, who can puke up the most condis the quickest, but it turns into a game of how can I use their shit against them and swing pressure back their way.


All of this to say that these are very minor, if not negligible things that hold Mallyx back. It might not be clear to you, and tbh not ArenaNet either if patches like this last one is any indication, but the biggest issue is energy costs and cooldowns. Earlier I mentioned CtA as a mobility skill, and in a vacuum it wouldn't be that bad if the cost was so high for what it offered, making it almost worthless. Mallyx is plagued with skills that feel like they punish you for using them, making players gravitate to the only parts of the legend that are reliable, the elite and the heal. While I love most of Mallyx's skills, I am always frustrated that I never get to experiment with them since I can only get two utilities off at the most (Except Pain Absorption, that shit is trash to the tenth degree)

Also on a side note, the day sword gets trident treatment is the day even power rev completely falls off the map lul




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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

>None of this game takes skill. So why not just let us have our cake and eat it too? They let messmers, guardians and warriors do all the things so why cant we?


You can either quit the game a respectable rev, or stay long enough to want to be like mesmers....

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> @"GeneralBM.5781" said:

> Yeah I'll bite...

> This right here is an example of why changes get implemented that feel out of touch and does not address what can actually help build diversity for this class

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > 1. Mallyx doesn't synergize well with other legends, and we have no base condi spec to work with him. He basically applies a few albeit not strong condi's and lacks any of the tools to be good at his job.

> I gotta admit this is some excellent bait, sir. Firstly, only two legends properly synergize with each other (excluding glint since it's the glue holding this class together) , mallyx and kalla simply because they are two condition focused legends. Mallyx and Shiro? Hybrid damage that's mediocre at best. Mallyx and Jalis? Jalis' heal removes condi, Mallyx wants to keep them. Mallyx and Ventari? I'll just move on. But that's the whole novelty of rev, we get to artificially combine two archetypes, at the expense of perfect synergy, something you can come close to if you double dip like with kalla and mallyx or use anything with glint. Secondly, not sure if you were playing the same Mallyx I was post patch but it's condi output got buffed based off the elite alone. Easiest 20+ torment stacks I've ever seen for Mallyx by far. I can also assure you that Anet's idea of Mallyx "doing his job" resulted in more cooldowns and energy costs for the legend.

> > 2. He is slow and lacks any form of mobility outside of axe 5, and even that won't save him when he is getting jumped by a warrior.

> I fail to see why every build now has to be fast and agile. I'm sure you meant to say Axe 4, but even that isn't the only mobility option, namely CtA (though gutted by its new cost). Mallyx clearly fits more so the slower bruiser archetype, taking condi and manipulating them in different ways. The only reason this is probably even mentioned is because of the amount that other professions and builds (even shiro's kind of guilty) have in PvP, but that's an issue with them, don't take it out on a legend that doesn't fit that theme.

> > 3. He has really bad sustain even with rune of tormenting~ You could run glint since it does apply condi's sorta but the condi's are not abundant or strong so yes it comes down to condition damage on this class being horrible.

> It sounds like you're jaded because of previous tragedies like nuclear silo scourges dumping every condi under the sun but I can assure you that that is not normal condi build behavior. Running glint and Pulsating pestilence turns Mallyx back to the condi manipulator it was always meant to be, while also improving its sustain. All of a sudden it's no longer, who can puke up the most condis the quickest, but it turns into a game of how can I use their kitten against them and swing pressure back their way.


> All of this to say that these are very minor, if not negligible things that hold Mallyx back. It might not be clear to you, and tbh not ArenaNet either if patches like this last one is any indication, but the biggest issue is energy costs and cooldowns. Earlier I mentioned CtA as a mobility skill, and in a vacuum it wouldn't be that bad if the cost was so high for what it offered, making it almost worthless. Mallyx is plagued with skills that feel like they punish you for using them, making players gravitate to the only parts of the legend that are reliable, the elite and the heal. While I love most of Mallyx's skills, I am always frustrated that I never get to experiment with them since I can only get two utilities off at the most (Except Pain Absorption, that kitten is trash to the tenth degree)

> Also on a side note, the day sword gets trident treatment is the day even power rev completely falls off the map lul





And power rev is the only thing on the map for us in competitive game modes. Mallyx and kalla don't even come close to being viable in pvp or wvw because they are slow, their utilities suck and the only thing they have going for them (Mace, Axe. Shortbow sucks) Are kinda close range and with the ranged meta we have now if you take either legend you lack the gap closer to initiate a fight properly. ( You would need shiro for that, as phase traversal is far more reliable than axe 4.)


I don't even pay attention to pve crap; Because open world you can run anything and be successful and raids don't even matter because it has the smallest of communities. Both of which are the ONLY places condi-rev even comes close to being competitive (Power kalla is more viable than condi for the majority of the fight. Alacregade is kinda the shit right now.) Kall also synergizes well with shiro as he gets damage boosts from vulnerability and she applies a ton of it, and also gets some love from kalla's fervor which can cause might which then leads to notoriety being really strong.


Power herald is really the only pvp or wvw build we can run that is guaranteed to preform well in those modes. Shrio/jalis depending on if you want a ranged build or a melee build but in the end we have little choice in what we run. Sword/Sword +Staff/hammer those are the weapons typically that do well and while you can run axe in the place of the sword, alot of the time it isn't needed (Im believe Axe is better than sword off-hand atm so its probably worth taking.)

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> @"GeneralBM.5781" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> >None of this game takes skill. So why not just let us have our cake and eat it too? They let messmers, guardians and warriors do all the things so why cant we?


> You can either quit the game a respectable rev, or stay long enough to want to be like mesmers....


Respect is earned, nothing of the current game has earned much more than Ire. Especially when build diversity is being used as an illusion of choice, and not an actual concept that is respected by those making the game. (Not that I assume they know how to make solid changes/balance decisions without either destroying, or gutting a class anymore.)

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HI there.

just a quick suggestion for the devs to look into:

MAKE every Ventari Skills function as the skill #1:

pull energy -> MOVE -> unleash effect.

the limited mobility of the tablet added to the necessity to activate a specific skill makes it feel very clunky ...

unnecessary so.

Thank you, :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there, i wanna discuss here some things I would like to change:

1) Jade Echo - this trait cast lesser jade winds and increase dmg while downed.

Why would anyone pick this one if two other traits give benefit to you while you are alive, for example necro have same trait but necro causes vulnerability to some point even if not downed. So merge this trait with Expose Defenses and its ok. Nothing overpowered here, and even if yes, you can move merged trait to the JE spot so it will need to be picked(if it causes dome problems).


2)Abyssal Chill - remove ICD or atleast lower it, there isn much source of chill anyway, and it can create new hybrid builds(condi swords,..).


3)Spiritual Reckoning and Retaliatory Evasion+Vicious Reprisal

Spiritual Reckoning - on casting a elite 3sec of retaliation. Like cmon is this even worth it? In PvE could work with kalla or mallyx but on mallyx you dont want to take this traitline, same with kalla. In PvP both other variants are better. 3sec reta after using 3 sec jade wings(wasted trait) same jalis ult(contra productive),

Mallyx can work but again 3 seconds not a big deal and ventari same. Not to say after casting ult you are without energy(except mallyx) useless trait after all.

Retaliatory Evasion - 2seconds of retaliation after dodge. Again, in PvE useless, you wanna stand and deal dmg anyway, not to dodge around and even if the gain is laughable.

Vicious Reprisal - this trait is pretty good but ICD could be halved.

Overall- if you dont take VR then SR and RE are piece of shit. Those 2 traits are only reliable sources of reta(no jalis heal isnt reliable source). So rework it around stability, that is easier to get thanks to other traits in invocation and jalis can produce it easier. That will invole merging of RE with Unwavering Avoidence and removing SR completly= 2 new traits for retribution and VR works the same.


3) Fierce Infusion - delete this. No use everywhere. There is enough fury from the traits and skills. And after crippling IR and Roiling Mists only a dumb will take that. In PvE you dont need that anywhere.



4)Rapid Flow - let this little bit better scale with healing power.


5)Herald Shield - for god sake, make it better. It's meme weapon, mostly skill 4. Is total rng. Im lucky if it works in 30% of situations.


6)ShortBow - 2+3+4

2 increase arrow speed so they will hit moving target (lmao).

3 let projectiles travel thru air, not copiing ground (why this anyway).

4 let it cast backwards and then turn character like rest of the skills.


7)Call to Anguish - increase AoE or lower the energy cost, its cost is hillarious. It have CD you know....


8)Impossible Odds - well idk how you can improve this crippled skill. So let it as it is. Please.


9)speed up staff skill 4. I mean casttime.


This list isnt nothing game breaking, other classes will not even notice but we will be muuuuuuch happier. Cuz this stuff rly can make us think that you guys fuck on us hard you know...sry for language. I want warrior style of treatment. No wonder only 3.8% game hours are for rev.

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