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What is the nicest thing someone did or said to you in GW2?

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mermer portals are the biggie for me(im old and have trouble doing jps) but anytime someone helps me out. one thing was one random in dr stated he was giving presents to people who sent him one gold. i sent him one gold and he sent back three expensive skins i didnt have but i always loved getting skins. i know one was 50 or so gold cause i had been saving up for it and hadnt quite got it. i try my best to help out other when i can

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Actual nice behaviors: too many to count, but I'd like to mention the strangers who open their full home instances to me almost daily, sometimes just to stand there doing nothing for the 5 minutes it takes me to mine all the nodes. Not only it has no gain to the player, it costs them time. I ask *once* in map chat and usually get a party invite within seconds.


Nice things said: "Are you female?" after I had been helpful explaining the gist of the Dragon Bash festival to another player in Hoelbrak. If people think I'm a woman, I'm doing something right.

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My nicest enemy, mailed me that he wants to fight me and that my server is not up to par because I killed him in EB, but truthfully I must have ran past that guy who was duelling and mistakenly messaged me, and no I was not on the server he mentioned. Too much lulz.

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One of the things I really enjoy is that most of the time I try to fight a tough ennemy (champions) or if I try to do a group event alone (because I didn't saw anyone around), well a group or a few people usually stops doing their things to help me. Also, most of the time I need help and I ask in map chat for some, I get some answers from peoples willing to help me.


Due to this (and also because I think It's nice to do this), I always help people in need when they ask in the map. Ex: "can someone help me fight the champion beetle in far silverwastes?" I stop doing my things and go for it.

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> @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> A couple of other notable incidents also involved jps. Once I was trying to figure out how to do the Wall Breach jp and was failing miserably at it. A passing player noticed my efforts and stopped to show me how to do the puzzle step by step. I would miss a jump and fall, having to go back to try again and this player stuck with me the whole time, through all my fumbles, till I finally completed the puzzle. It still touches my heart to remember that.


Agreeing with this one. Was having trouble with the JP after Morgan's Spiral and kept falling and dying. Random player who happened to be there that day (it was very empty) glided down and kept rezzing me and walked me through the jp for about 30 mins until I finally completed it. (Also showed me the Tiger's den which I had no clue what it was from being in my first 2 weeks of playing) I've nicknamed them "Literal Angel" and we still chat occassionally and do nothing in general but try to find glitches in the game. Definitely was close to crying from the help though. They were very very nice.


Other moment that stuck to me was when I was playing with some irl friends and chatting through discord. We were at Tequatl's meta (I and another were lv 80 and the our other friend was a barely lv 50 ish). We joked about how underleveled she was and she was ready to take on Tequatl alone, but that aside she was one of the only underleveled players for the meta. She begged me to make an insult about underleveled players (directed at her) in the chat bc she was curious how the community would act/she found it funny. I refused, and our other friend agreed to do it, and promptly stated somethig along the lines of "go home newbie, why are you here" in map chat. Immediately we got a flood of comments of other players supporting the low level player and even offering to help teach her how the meta works. All three of us were instantly heartwarmed and couldn't stop "awww" ing in our discord voicechat. She admits that that moment is one of the major reasons why she loves the game because the community was supportive instead of toxic as she was expecting and it really sticks to me.


Final humorous one would probably be from the Skyscale of life or something achievement where you had to revive a certain number of players. (I was at the start of the flood of people who immediately got skyscale so there were a lot of people rushing to complete it) After receiving our "blessing" to unlock the necessary achievement, about 10 players immediately ran to the left and jumped off the wall so we could rez each other. It was pretty comical to see a constant rain of player bodies from the skies at this tiny corner of the wall in Divinity's Reach. And every player in this group stuck around until we completed our achievement for Skyscale. A morbidly nice and helpful little thing

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At the time where you had to do the WvW maps for map completion, I was exploring a WvW map alone, trying to avoid all enemies. There was no thing in GW2 I hated more than WvW exploration. A single enemy appeared and blocked the way, and I halfheartely engaged in a fight, since I didn't want to run away again. It showed we were both really bad in 1vs1 fights, but we matched in our inability, so the fight lasted quite long, and actually it was quite fun - despite my PvP hate.


Suddenly the enemy zerg appeared, stomped over us, and I went out like a light. When the zerg was gone, I saw to my surprise that my opponent was still there and alive - it was his zerg. He made the /bow animation in front my dead body and I was really touched by that. Before that event, such encounters never ended with someone showing respect. Usually it is disrespect and humiliation what you get in fights against human players.

Unfortunately, I was unable to return the compliment, since there was no possibility to communicate with the player of a different server on a WvW map.

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Like a lot of you....way too many to pick just one but two recent that stand out was a couple guild members crafted me four 20 slot bags for a new toon I rolled, and just last night in EB I was treb'in SMC from a blind position and someone offered to spot for me. There are lots of nice, kind, and non-toxic people playing GW2 which is why I've stayed for over 6 years.

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Sometimes people complement my character's look or my mount skins.


Wooden Potatoes singled me out and said I had a cool Roller Beetle in one of his streams a short while back, I think he liked the colour combination :)


I often get people run up to me and then hover around me a bit without saying anything.

I tend to think they're checking out one of my characters or mounts when they do this.

Sometimes more rarely though they whisper me asking what armor/weapons i'm using or what dyes etc.


Mostly though people thank me for reviving them or helping them out in a jam.

I like to play characters with good to high survivability so I can often help keep others alive or pick them up when they get downed.

My Minion Master is really tanky and designed to keep a small group alive so had many cases where I've had people join my solo group events/bounties etc and comment their surprise afterwards how me managed to win despite nobody dying.

Last time that happened was when I commanded a small group of about 4-5 people and we took down the legendary bounty Seneb the Desecrated without anyone dying.

They said it was going to be hard but I told them i'd keep them alive ^^ I did and comments of surprise were made about how well it went and thanks to the comm for the bounty run.


People are generally very friendly and polite like that in Gw2 which is partly why I love this game ^^


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Awesome thread!


1. Another player whispered "Hello, handsome" to my main during the Chak Gerent event in Tangled Depths. Added to Friends list, and we still whisper to this day.

2. During a Ranked PvP match, a team-mate encouraged the team to victory in team chat throughout the entire match. We were 4v5 from the beginning of the match until the end, and we WON! I credit that player's positivity and direction as major factors in our victory. Later, we were teamed together again and the player's positive attitude was equal strong. We seemed to have a lesser experienced team-mate, and I have to credit both of them - Positive Player offered excellent game play advice, and Lesser-experienced Player was receptive and did his/her best to implement it. Sadly, we lost despite everyone's good efforts; however Positive Player's attitude and support made it feel like a win. Via in-game mail, I sent the player a well-deserved compliment (along with 5 gold) for displaying a positive attitude regardless of the circumstances.

3. The above-mentioned are the two stand-out instances that spring to mind. There have been many other instances ranging from rezzing assistance to Mesmer Portals for JPs to rendering Guild Bounty Mission assistance.


It's moments like the above that keep me looking forward to playing GW2.


Thanks to OP for starting this thread!

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Aside from guildies and friends...


I remember two players going out of their way to help me with a JP. :) Or various times when I could take on champions or bounties with one or two people. We may have died a lot here and there, but mostly in the end we still won.

Do the [Cmaj] concerts and street music count? I hope they do, they are awesome.

Also, the noob-friendly Teq team on EU. :) I don't know if the group has an official name, but they are doing a wonderful job there.

Even in sPvP I've met some really nice and positive people.

And I'm quite thankful for every HP train in HoT that I can catch.

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I was in my first two weeks, and while running around a lowbie area (Kessex Hills, maybe?), I ran into a level 80 player. They taught me about combo fields and helped me refine my buttons in options, then sent me a couple silk bags before logging off.


It made such a difference at that point in my game. I try to keep the spirit going by engaging in random acts of kindness now myself.

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About 4 and a half years ago I joined an LGBT guild and met someone just like me, although I wasn't out at the time. We talked one night and she motivated me into doing what I feared doing my entire life. After that night I stopped pretending and lying to everyone and started living as the person I always should have been. That night she saved my life, because up to then all I wanted to do was end it. I mailed her 1,000 gold to help make her legendary. I wish I could have done more!

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