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What do you want after LS5?

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The game needs reworks of old features as-well as Dungeons could be redone fractals could be split into two or more different hubs for more fractals.


Pvp mainly because there is no real measure of skill since all fights are 5v5 pvp needs to exist in multiple states whether it be in variations of 1v1 2v2 or more as well as guild wars needs to return.

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Want engine update, perhaps new system like subclassing other profession skills/traits (limited).


I also want an overhaul of some vanilla weapons, vanilla zone AI (harder, please). Maybe add some things to classes that need it: Engineer MH power weapon to pair with shield.


I love the LS maps and updates. I am happy with the amount of maps they are doing, love dragonfall!


Basically, I want them to do a good, comprehensive update to outdated things from vanilla.

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> @"Raknar.4735" said:

> Depends on the results of LS5. If we do in fact get "expansion-like" content, LS6 could be nice. If not i'd prefer an expansion.


what exactly do you understand under "expansion-like" content ? im curious about that, because i dont know what there is, that makes it feel like that, besides that they ad new elite-specs ^^

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> @"Saerin.1032" said:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > Depends on the results of LS5. If we do in fact get "expansion-like" content, LS6 could be nice. If not i'd prefer an expansion.


> what exactly do you understand under "expansion-like" content ? im curious about that, because i dont know what there is, that makes it feel like that, besides that they ad new elite-specs ^^


To be honest, I don't really know myself. New ESpecs, new maps, new mechanics the size of the mount-system we got with PoF, new systems/tech like the mastery-system. It could be a lot of things. Just something new that is not the same old package of: [New Map with a new Currency, ~3 Story Missions, New Legendary].

Honestly, the only thing I can do is wait for Anet to release the content, play it and then judge it.

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Either underwater elites or mounted combat elites, depending on where the next xpac is headed.


However, so much of the current game needs rework, and so many great paths forward are not practical with the current game, GW3 may need to enter the planning stage soon. The best example is the recent player instanced content in open world maps (where the player was followed by a critter but everyone else saw an ambient), this new 'technology' could be expanded to make the zones more dynamic & evolving and less 'stuck in time'. Honestly, the current system is a bit too twilight zone. My Asura suspect that their infinity balls were improperly destroyed and all of Tyria is partially stuck in the Mists.

How amazing would

a post-Zhaitan Orr or a post-Mordremoth Maguuma or a post-Balthazar Crystal Desert or a post-Kralk Ascalon

be... and to watch them change as you progressed through the story. Everyone would be replaying content.

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I like to play three new classes, one heavy armor, one medium armor and one light armor. I don't mine if they bring in the Paragon, Dervish and Monk from GW1 to fill those roles. Just getting a little tire of making new toons of the same ole classes.



Why not add a new class per each episode or every two episodes on LWS6 till we get three new classes and not only give us new mounts and armors every episode to unlock? A third option would be nice. :)

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Expansion, 3 seasons of living world between expansions would be a bit to excessive for me.


Even from the begining I've always seen the living world as a tool for building up to expansion content.

Scarlet ended up leading to Mordremoth which lead to Heart of Thorns.

Season 3 led to Bathazar and Path of Fire which lead to Kralkatorrik and Season 4.


It's possible we'll see a season 6 before the next expansion but I hope we can stick to 2 living world releases between expansions, considering how long it takes to get the living world out at times I feel like waiting on 3 seasons of living world to release would be too much, specially since a lot of fans have for years wanted a large traditional expansion like experience in Gw2 and since it'll be over 2 years since PoF after Living world 5 has ended, some of as are already itching for the next expansion.


That said, realistically.. if there is no expansion in development right now then it'll be a while yet before one drops, specially if Anet do plan on delivering that big content drop fans have wanted for years.

That would suggest a season 6 is far more likely than an expansion after season 5.. however Anet are not exactly the most open company when it comes to discussing upcoming content, specially story content so it's possible there is an expansion in development and they are keeping it a secret for many reasons.

On that we just have to wait and see and learn about things as they happen.

I'm hoping they do have a secret expansion in the works, if not then hopefully soon.. if there won't be anymore expansions for Gw2 then I will be really disappointed.

Living world is great and all but i'll take a big paid expansion over having to wait months and months for the next chapter,

It's kinda like the difference between buying a whole series on DvD or being forced to watch it episodic as the episodes release.. I'd rather binge the boxset :)

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Just want an asuran expac, exploring the unknown, they started that kind of thing with rata novus but just as a scratch, it could have been way far more. Was just rushed, unfinished, left in suspend with a closed door... just take a look on the HOT rata novus step loading screen then observe rata novus: I want to cry


The loading screens are so well made that once you discover the area you're disapointed.


No more ls or dragons I'm so fed up. Episodes feel disconected also the bad feel of spitting on the lore.

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The game should focus on stuff that can be enjoyed repeatedly over a long time - so it can reach a final state where people still would play it a lot but it would not need content updates anymore but only bugfixes.


I'm not sure if more expansions are the right thing. Since I guess after expansion 3 1-2 years later people might want an expansion 4 (= not satisfied with expansion 3).


PvP and WvW seems long term interesting (because of the player interactin and playing with/against other players). I don't know about PvE content though. (I mean addind new raids n stuff ... and new elite specs ... and people still will get bored wanting new stuff leading to even more expansions maging it harde to balance and "cluttering" the game.)


Engine and stuff should be the same. (I don't want to upgrade the computer. If then only gameplay-wise and optimization - no graphics. Grahicps are fine and beautiful.)


Underground or sea stuff would be fun. Or in the air. I mean afaik underwater combat isn't really used - even with the 2 expansions. (I still play core only but I still often read that there isn't lots of underwater stuff besides the daily krait killing for a key + sunken chests.)




For PvE. Since I like exploring and JPs: Maybe some minigames set in the "real" (= not as "activity") world involved with medium level (not too hard) jumping and own mechanis - that could be fun. (Like obsidian sanctum but without PvP but other mechanis and in a PvE map where people need to work together. As different stuff besides zerging down the crap out of events and bosses to farm chests.)

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Collections added so that people who don't want to spend money can get some new skins in game to make getting the previous expacs more enticing for people. I mean, doing the raids nets you a chair, you should be able to get a new glider/mount skin in game too. And to the nitpick, I do have disposable income but it would be nice to you know, get a collection quest from Gorrik or someone saying they found a mutation in *blank* and want you to investigate and find out bloodstones, djinn or something else caused it and completing it got a skin. Or getting a letter in the mail from an NPC of one of the factions saying visit me and them discovering some new info and asking you to investigate that collections leads you to getting a Priory/Vigil/Whispers glider.


A true centralized hub of operations for your character. I am still frustrated over Sun's Refuge (why do all that work to make it pretty only to know it's gonna be abandoned, WoW garrison all over again) and it'd be nice just to have that centralized hub to go back to for everything. Redesign the home instances, make a commander instance, just SOMETHING that will stay relevant from here on in.


Something, anything to do with the factions of Vigil/Priory/Whispers. I relinquished being the commander of the Pact but I don't remember saying adios to the Priory and I should still be getting asked to investigate and do things from them. And I'm sure my mentor will understand but be quite disappointed that I never make mention of them nor do I have anything to do with the faction anymore.

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What is very sad is that our personnal story choices doesn't matter. Who cares that I'm from synergetics and from order of whispers? Played with the infinity ball or choosing to study grawls? You will never hear an npc or our destiny edge friends saying "we need the synergetics expert here!", "commander, haven't you studied grawls?", "you saw yourself as a leader of steam creatures?"


I've chosen awakened for amnoon and killed joko, kinda contradictory apart if you want to be the new leader of awakened...


What I could enjoy is an hq for the commander and its friends that you can customize. Firstly choosing from 5 designs each corresponding to a race.

Secondly have item related to your story and expansions: having awakened banner if awakened for amnoon....

DJ golem and a bookshelf for all lore books.


Finally something to do in every map, fun to do, occupying yourself for additionnal infos:

Researchs about all creature of the game as little books even a simple page with text. Collecting intels by speaking to order members and random npcs about past events or their cultures...

Some kind of investigations to become a kind of detective whatever with strange stories of disappearance, murders, mysteries..... Mini instances scaterred around tyria with rounds scaling up harder and harder doable alone or 5 persons group rewarding tokens. More world bosses with a fixed spawn time and not instance based, that way they can even be added to wiki event timer.


More non gemstore rewards, more titles as example, it's free will not kill anybody. Also why not chairs for doing new collections, I don't see why those are locked behind raids, if released in PvE, should be for everybody. As someone said above why not orders gliders? I loved the fanmade weapons collections. Also would do anything to be able to join an evil faction (Just earning their insigna and having access to some of their secret areas can be great as side stories, I'm not asking to develop that very much but at least beeing able to join them)

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