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Solo mode

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No, it's a multiplayer game so it makes sense that the vast majority of content is designed for groups.


I play solo most of the time, although I also play open world content most of the time so solo in this case means alongside whoever happens to be in the area rather than literally alone. Part of the reason I do that is because playing in a group is rarely convenient for me - I can't commit to being online at a specific time and rarely know how long I'll be on so grouping up is difficult and playing with a regular group is out of the question. Even so I manage to do dungeons and Fractals when I want to and probably could do raids if I got around to organising it. I don't feel like I'm prevented from playing any of the content because I can't usually play in a group, it just needs an extra layer of planning which I'm not usually interested in dealing with when there's other alternatives I enjoy at least as much.


And if it's the challenge of doing it solo you're looking for bear in mind that creating a solo mode would almost certainly involve making it easier, so it would be more like additional story content than solo raiding.

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No, it doesn't. One of the (main) reasons I play an MMO is because of being surrounded by the outcome of choices which I haven't make myself, which adds to the suspension of disbelief. Group-locked content should give distinctive visible rewards which I could only attain by grouping up myself.


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> @"mikilopta.1089" said:

> Do you think this game needs solo mode? Such as "solo mode" in fractrals or even perhaps raids? What do you think?


Yes I do, it would be nice if there was challenging solo content with decent rewards, like some kind of endless boss arena.

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> @"mikilopta.1089" said:

> Do you think this game needs solo mode? Such as "solo mode" in fractrals or even perhaps raids? What do you think?


It would bereft the game of the main purpose of any MMO, namely teamplay. ;) Since GW2's story content is for solo play, though, I wouldn't mind being able to do more content solo when I feel like it.

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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> Only thing I'd really like to see be made easily soloable is specifically the story mode route of dungeons. Just so people can go do those and enjoy the stories. Could cause problems with the dungeon frequenter infinite achievement though.


Dungeon Frequenter applies only to explorable mode afaik, so if you were doing Story Mode, it wouldn't count.


A simple way to fix this would be to massively boost the power of the NPCs with you, and maybe include more, so you could indeed solo it. But this is abandoned content, so I doubt we will ever see fixes or changes for them.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > Only thing I'd really like to see be made easily soloable is specifically the story mode route of dungeons. Just so people can go do those and enjoy the stories. Could cause problems with the dungeon frequenter infinite achievement though.


> Dungeon Frequenter applies only to explorable mode afaik, so if you were doing Story Mode, it wouldn't count.


> A simple way to fix this would be to massively boost the power of the NPCs with you, and maybe include more, so you could indeed solo it. But this is abandoned content, so I doubt we will ever see fixes or changes for them.



I could have swore story modes counted but I can't check right now. And I know it's abandoned content but I feel like that is kinda why it should be soloable...I guess? Since it can be a pain to find people willing to watch cutscenes with. More helpful NPCs would definitely be a start.


Edit: forgot I could check the wiki and it does say this "Dungeon Frequenter requires completion of eight different paths including Story Modes"

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If map instances are created solely for individuals doing story content, how costly or difficult would it be to create the option to block entry to the map your in if your the only player on the map? An option like this might allow those players who want, to see what they can do on their own, by themselves, and to explore different character types and skill and trait combinations on different levels of difficulty and varying opponent types in actual map situations.

This might also create a real opportunity to compete with other players on things like timed world boss kills or jumping puzzles in a Player versus Everyone mode. There is clearly player interest in playing the game and competing in a group, and also sometimes competing alone. It would likely require some limits but would it be cost prohibitive?

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Fractal and Dungeons already can be soloed if you are skilled enough, plenty of youtube videos floating around


would you call a Raid a raid if it is solo?


You may well just play offline rpg, like Dark Souls, because the whole point of MMORPG is the social aspect of bringing people who do not know each other together to overcome a single challenging content through the internet

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SWTOR's Story Flashpoints were a lot of fun; that droid basically became my best friend, and the system opened up a lot of "new" repeatable story content for me. But part of the fun was the great story and character stuff in those Flashpoints. I have no idea how this game's dungeons/fractals measure up.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"mikilopta.1089" said:

> > Do you think this game needs solo mode? Such as "solo mode" in fractrals or even perhaps raids? What do you think?


> Yes I do, it would be nice if there was challenging solo content with decent rewards, like some kind of endless boss arena.


Log in during the Festival of Four winds. The queen jubilee gauntlet should be there. Hopefully with not so many wait lines this time (as ppl didn't like that last year) but it was an arena to solo bosses and you got rewarded for beating them (several difficulties and so on).


The whole story in game is already solo mode from personal till and incl war eternal.

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > @"mikilopta.1089" said:

> > > Do you think this game needs solo mode? Such as "solo mode" in fractrals or even perhaps raids? What do you think?

> >

> > Yes I do, it would be nice if there was challenging solo content with decent rewards, like some kind of endless boss arena.


> Log in during the Festival of Four winds. The queen jubilee gauntlet should be there. Hopefully with not so many wait lines this time (as ppl didn't like that last year) but it was an arena to solo bosses and you got rewarded for beating them (several difficulties and so on).



Yes I know, but this is not what I had in mind, the queens jubilee is a joke, you can do it with your eyes closed, it often requires you to queue up for each boss, and it is also unrewarding. I would like something instanced with difficult bosses that scale up each time you kill one, and upon killing a boss the next boss enters the arena.

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> @"Ryukai.6524" said:

> I'd love to see all the dungeons have a solo story mode, Zero loot from them, just something I could do myself at my own pace, and to experience the story without feeling rushed to get them done ASAP NOW NOW! NOW!! FASTER FASTER! as they tend to be :/


Start an lfg that states "watching cutscenes, anyone welcome". So long as you don't play during obscure hours, I think you will find more likeminded individuals than you might expect.

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