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Is the "Kingslayer" title even worth something anymore?

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Just curious about if it's even considered an achievement anymore or if this is easy content that almost everyone has done by now given by the statistics that 13,043 of 219,483 (5.978%) unlocked it. Feeling kind of discouraged to even use that title after I aquired it way before the current festival since I have the feeling that it's too easy to get. Feeling the same way about other things like legendaries or the skyscale and even raid clears by now. But that's a different story however. What are your opinions on this matter? Is there any "hard" content left these days? Even "God Amongst Mere Mortals" is so common by now that I literally see everyone running around with it.


Edit: added the %)

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It was never worth anything. Just a neat subtitle. Only things that are worth it is what the community puts value on, which is even more subjective in actuality.


But there's plenty of challenging content in the game, but whether or not it feels like it to you just depends on if you've been there long enough to know everything about the encounter, to the point that what may challenge you falls into the realm of unfair.


It's just the truth of shallow encounter design, I'm afraid.


Edit: phone typos. Also "God Amongst Mere Mortals" just means you've played GW1 to unhealthy levels. :p

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> almost everyone has done by now given by the statistics that 13,043 of 219,483

"Almost everyone" is nowhere near the case, given the quoted statistic: under **six percent** of GW2 Efficiency accounts. (And those likely over-represent achievement hunters compared to the general population..) The vast majority of people haven't earned the title.


What's even more surprising is that in order for the OP to have copied those numbers, they would have seen it presented as:

> 13,043 of 219,483 (5.943%)

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It's an achievement that is challenging, but of course over time and as people get better it will lose some of that "value". However, most of the value comes from what *feel* it is worth. I really love it because I've wanted a title like that for a long time and even if there are 2 million people with it running around I can still enjoy it for that purpose.

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Personally I don't value this title quite as high because it was mostly about finding an efficient way to make a run and my class happened to be very good at that. Once you have seen through the mechanics of the fight it is fairly easy to find a way to make him lose his buffs and after that you can more or less straight up kill him. It might have been my class choice (Holo) but I don't see anything remarkable in running circles with a 2s cooldown leap and permanent superspeed and dodging one ranged skill with big tells every 20s.


The Light the Darkness achievement was way way harder for me as you had to play around an instakill mechanic while being exposed to a barrage of AoE and an enemy that would constantly cripple and weaken you while you have to play a positional game to get 8 throws in. Unfortunately Anet didn't hand out a title for that one but I put a lot of time and sweat into it and felt very rewarded when I finally got it.


As mentioned by someone earlier, 6% on efficiency is really not that much as the more casual part of the playerbase is less likely to use efficiency in the first place, making the actual percentage quite a bit lower. Furthermore it is still one of the very few titles that actually indicates any kind of individual skill in a PvE environment, the only other I can think of being Leaves No Hero Behind as all other PvE-titles are either grinded or allow you to get carried big time.

So yeah, among the present titles in the game, it is probably one where I'll at least know where it comes from. If you want to feel like a special snowflake though, you'll either need a high rank PvP title or a very grindy one along the lines of Envoy's Herald or Fractal God.

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It depends on how much pride you put into it. If you are looking at gw2efficiency, you also have to remember that is based off of people with an efficiency account, so there is a slight bias to the people who are very actively playing. Similar to raid stuff, yeah there are buyers but i would argue only 5% of players play em

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When i read the posts in this thread it makes me sad. Where is the competition in GW2, games need to be competitive otherwise its just boring barbie dress up. Everyone is just so blah about the game, what is wrong here? Where is the drive to push into the next level, the drive to become better , do more. I dont want the bar lowered, that makes for games that have little identity and def nothing interesting content wise. Games are competitive, the Olympics are games, chess is a game, video games are the same, there has to be something to fuel the drive to play and do well.

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> Only if your name is Jaime Lannister.


Haha good one ^^Almost haven't thought about this.


> @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:



> Edit: phone typos. Also "God Amongst Mere Mortals" just means you've played GW1 to unhealthy levels. :p


Yes, I'm aware of this but I've seen almost everyone running around with it lately. It's much more these days than before. Is anything currently happening in gw1 I'm not awre of which increases the chances of getting that title/or made things easier? Currently not able to check the situation.


> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Means as much to me as " The blazing light" which is alot actually, both werent easy for me.


Well, those are actually no problem at all. There are raid bosses that are much more a problem and even raids are too easy.



Alright, just to clear this up: I'm highly insecure about myself and I fear that this behaviour is somehow transported from rl into playing games as well. The main focus here is actually me trying to show off so that I don't have to feel anxious and paranoid around everyone. Like all other veterans I want to be taken seriously and not to be considered useless. I want to prove everyone that I've been there since 2012 (Even if it's spread between two accounts of which I had lost the original due to losing login informations during a long break after I got back in September 2015 with this current one) and know everything! I'm always afraid of what people think of me and I feel the need to perform 100% without any mistake at everything and that everyone watches every little step I take so if I make a single small mistake I'll be discredited from my status and be called "just as worthless as someone who just started" even if it's not the case. I'm tired of that I can't "enjoy" the game anymore and have to prove myself every time. Is that so? Do you all observe everyone else and insult them for mistakes or laugh at them? I just can't get over this anymore and I feel the need to discourage every new player whenever I see one just like all other fellow veterans do and i hate it, if i'm honest. Why can't people just be nice to eachother and leave each one alone these days? Why has the community become so toxic and why is it only about showing off? Does one need to be an utterly kitten to show they're a veteran these days?

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> Why can't people just be nice to eachother and leave each one alone these days? Why has the community become so toxic and why is it only about showing off? Does one need to be an utterly kitten to show they're a veteran these days?




> I want to be taken seriously and not to be considered useless. I want to prove everyone that I've been there since 2012 (Even if it's spread between two accounts of which I had lost the original due to losing login informations during a long break after I got back in September 2015 with this current one) and know everything! I'm always afraid of what people think of me and I feel the need to perform 100% without any mistake at everything and that everyone watches every little step I take so if I make a single small mistake I'll be discredited from my status and be called "just as worthless as someone who just started" even if it's not the case. I'm tired of that I can't "enjoy" the game anymore and have to prove myself every time. Is that so? Do you all observe everyone else and insult them for mistakes or laugh at them? I just can't get over this anymore and I feel the need to discourage every new player whenever I see one just like all other fellow veterans do and i hate it, if i'm honest.


You can be better than all of them. Be the change you want to see.


If you need a template, you can be like me. I'm a GW1 and pre-beta "veteran", and I don't give a kitten what those morons think. I already know I'm awesome. I wear titles I like, or that make sense. I use gear that I like, and use skills that I like. If I see someone struggling, I offer some help. If I see someone doing their own thing, I do what I can to leave them be. I have nothing to prove... and neither do you.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:


> Alright, just to clear this up: I'm highly insecure about myself and I fear that this behaviour is somehow transported from rl into playing games as well. The main focus here is actually me trying to show off so that I don't have to feel anxious and paranoid around everyone. Like all other veterans I want to be taken seriously and not to be considered useless. I want to prove everyone that I've been there since 2012 (Even if it's spread between two accounts of which I had lost the original due to losing login informations during a long break after I got back in September 2015 with this current one) and know everything! I'm always afraid of what people think of me and I feel the need to perform 100% without any mistake at everything and that everyone watches every little step I take so if I make a single small mistake I'll be discredited from my status and be called "just as worthless as someone who just started" even if it's not the case. I'm tired of that I can't "enjoy" the game anymore and have to prove myself every time. Is that so? Do you all observe everyone else and insult them for mistakes or laugh at them? I just can't get over this anymore and I feel the need to discourage every new player whenever I see one just like all other fellow veterans do and i hate it, if i'm honest. Why can't people just be nice to eachother and leave each one alone these days? Why has the community become so toxic and why is it only about showing off? Does one need to be an utterly kitten to show they're a veteran these days?


I believe that were you able to look into the psyches of those who feel a need to put others down in a video game, you might find that many of them -- if not most -- are themselves insecure. They'll never admit it, but it's probably there. What you can do with that is to accept that the good opinion of people who don't give a kitten about you isn't worth much.

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Thanks, everyone. <3

I'll consider this and try to be an example and try to offer my help. It's just sad that some say that "It's not even worth hanging around new players" or "consider offering them help". But I guess not everyone is like that in the end. I remember when I came back from the break I mentioned earlier with almost no idea what to do because I completely forgot about the game so I had to re-learn. You know what everyone in that guild I was in to that time did when I was asking for help on picking up on everything again: They only redirected me to the wiki, the lfg, dulfy etc. despite being a guild. It was pretty horrible because the only thing they did together was one of those PvP evenings and aside from that everyone was being an asshole towards eachother and there was even a "rent system" where each member had to pay like 5 or 10g per month. But all of that was a different story. I do however have a different and more pleasent memory as well of my time re-learning: I was trying to level a character and while doing so someone randomly joined me and took me on some kind of leveling spree. I remember it being a lot of fun actually running around maps, doing events, tasks etc. It was one of the nice momories I have.Alright but long story short: These were only a few things I wanted to share because I felt like it.

There may be "bad" ones but I guess and hope that not the majority of the community is like that by now. A lot has changed since HoT and PoF were released and in this time span with stuff like raids being introduced the player mindsets have also changed and I fear the toxicity might have increased in some ways. What was toxic atmosphere in dungeons once is now happening in fractals and raids (and even open PvE due to some people always yelling at others if events fail). The thread might have been derailed at this point but I see that there was a hidden purpose in my concern as this can be the case often.

I hope that we can all learn from eachother and live together peacefully without harrassing others for their playstyle or whatever else it is. That behaviour should stay in PvP, if I'm honest.

Thank you again for your thoughts and for the conversation.

I wish everyone a great day (or whatever time it is where you are)!

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I did this Achievement yesterday for the first time, because I started doing Achievements only like a year ago, before that I wasn't so interested in it.


It took me like 30 attempts, honestly. I agree that it isn't difficult as soon as you understand how it works, but still you may happen to make a small mistake and die due to it.


But to me personally it means something having the title, yes. I used the Renegade Thief staff meta build for raiding and switched a few utility skills so I was able to stun him fast enough. After the second stun I just popped thief guild elite and watched Turrai getting really confused about whom to focus :)

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> When i read the posts in this thread it makes me sad. Where is the competition in GW2, games need to be competitive otherwise its just boring barbie dress up. Everyone is just so blah about the game, what is wrong here? Where is the drive to push into the next level, the drive to become better , do more. I dont want the bar lowered, that makes for games that have little identity and def nothing interesting content wise. Games are competitive, the Olympics are games, chess is a game, video games are the same, there has to be something to fuel the drive to play and do well.


And this post makes me sad. It's not sad because you believe that good games require you to be competitive. It's sad because you believe that's what a game has to be. There are plenty of fun games that aren't competitive that are enjoyed by millions of people. Some of us work hard enough in life where the last thing we need to do to sit down on our down time is to play a game competitively. Some of us just want to relax and blow of steam.


Is the title meaningful to other people was the actual question and I don't know why that matters. The real question is is it meaningful to the person wearing it. I'm not sure there are any titles in this game or any game that I"d stop and marvel over anyway.

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Do PvP if you want to be better than others. Titles and stuff never were meant to be exclusive to one player. If it were too hard people would complain that it is impossible. Also there seem to be some titles you can't get anymore nowadays. (I think the "Hero of Lion's Arch" which was linked to having played Living World S1 when it was live back then.)


The Hall of Monuments stuff is basically mainly grind from GW1 I think. There are lots of guides for it. I'm not even using titles. Only when they are new. I care more about the unlock itself. (Looks nice to have that achievement thing with the colored background + earned the AP.)


I think the rarest I got according to gw2efficiency are Distinction in Applied Jumping (I dunno ... isn't the SAB returning every year so others could get this as well easily with guides? or was the title 1-time when it got realeased first?) Also the "champion genius" which I think required hudreds of wins with engineer in PvP.


I got these when I played from release until end 2013 (until I took my long break til 2019). Never meant anything to me and I'm more of a noob when it comes to fast playing in competitive fights or careful fast doding and stuff. (JPs that don't are based on time are fun though. Clocktower was fun with a bit learning/training.) I more enjoyed the matches that felt balanced and when It felt as if I had contributed to the match (not leeched the win for stats from others that played well while i was bad).


So I guess most titles don't mean anything. It is up to you on how much you value your own achievements. Nowadays I see mesmer at every daily JP even at the easy ones when back then I did most stuff without them.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I'm tired of that I can't "enjoy" the game anymore and have to prove myself every time.


Play different content or with different people. Re-examine the goals you set yourself and be realistc about which of them you can actually tackle (both in-game as well as outside).


Also if your condition is serious or gets worse, try to get professional help if you haven't already.


As far as players being "bad" or "good", those are subjective labels you are handing out seemingly on the basis of how useful players were to you (re-read what you wrote and notice yourself). That in itsself is egoistical (so, are you "bad" now?). You are not entiteld to any ones time but your own.


That is not to say that some people might be more or less friendly and in case of your guild I would absolutely recommend to find other players to play with if you are displeased with the support you are given in the community you are.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> Just curious about if it's even considered an achievement anymore or if this is easy content that almost everyone has done by now given by the statistics that 13,043 of 219,483 (5.978%) unlocked it. Feeling kind of discouraged to even use that title after I aquired it way before the current festival since I have the feeling that it's too easy to get. Feeling the same way about other things like legendaries or the skyscale and even raid clears by now. But that's a different story however. What are your opinions on this matter? Is there any "hard" content left these days? Even "God Amongst Mere Mortals" is so common by now that I literally see everyone running around with it.


> Edit: added the %)

Since when does less than 6% equal "everyone"?


My opinion is that you're using false humility to brag. "Oh woe, these things that other people don't have **were so easy for me** ... "


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