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Most bland playable race

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The Norn are a close second - theoretically (and in _GW1_) they were interesting, in practice not so much - but humans win the prize, as they do in almost every game I've ever played. That's probably a conscious decision on the part of game developers. They're the default, the normal, the comfortable, the relatable, etc. It's also apparently the #1 race that folks generally choose.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > @"Mizaru.5708" said:

> > Humans, I already play as one in real life 24/7.


> But real humans are fat and ugly.


Agreed. All I have to do is go to Walmart and there they are.


I voted Norn because they're just BIG generic version bookah.



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Humans have the GW1 depth, and just like real life, will always have the option of being highly varied. Pretty much shouldn't be on the list...

Charr warlike culture is interesting to dissect. Also, the new tribal Charr has just increased their depth.

Asura are ... everywhere (Inquest overload), so they're always doing stuff behind the scenes giving them great potential if things are ever explained.

Sylvari are the new kids on the lore block, and have an expansion devoted to them.

Norn ... have yet to get a real spotlight. They've been dull ever since Jora disappeared.


So until something happens, I'm sticking with Norn.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> They're really all bland except asura. I'm not sure 'annoying' is better than 'bland' though . . .


> OTOH asura do have those floppy arms when they jump . . .


How are asura not bland, they’re all the same: me like math and science, leave me to calculate pls.


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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > They're really all bland except asura. I'm not sure 'annoying' is better than 'bland' though . . .

> >

> > OTOH asura do have those floppy arms when they jump . . .


> How are asura not bland, they’re all the same: me like math and science, leave me to calculate pls.



Bc they're annoying. Bland does not elicit a response, annoying does . . .

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Humans. Not necessarily because of their lore or personal story in this game (I actually like the lore and personal stories), but because I find humans in *any* game that has playable races other than humans, to be bland.

Probably explains why I was a severe altoholic in SWTOR, and yet only one of my many, *many* characters was human...


Norn are a close second, though. There's so much that could be explored with their culture...and wasn't. Yet. Hopefully in the future (as tentatively indicated by some of the devs in the lore Q&A), it will be.

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Norn. At this point, I think the devs are actually afraid of digging into the race's culture and history given how much they've ignored or avoided it. So, they're just bigger, dumber humans that don't mind the cold as much.


It's a shame, really. There's just so much potential there! And it's all, 100%, wasted.

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Norn. Because they should be interesting but they aren't. Sure, you could argue humans are bland. But at least we've been inundated with lore for humans. Also, in Tyria humans are technically aliens and I find that interesting. Norn are just....big humans that feel like their lore has been abandoned. And male Norn look weird to me. So they're more bland imo.

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Humans are the most boring bland race the only reason they are played by so many is because of the pretty factor. RL humans dont want to play the so called "ugly" races. But honestly charr are the most interesting in their looks and society, then i have to say asura because why be a bookah when you can be a brilliant asura. Slyvari are also far more exciting than humans, they are like plants even though they have a humanoid shape, and well they are kinda hatched.

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See, every playable character on here behaves and thinks like a human, and even is just some retelling of a human-based culture. So, in that light, it comes down to what race does the least among them.


This is why the company needs to hire more real life Sylvari writers. So many problems would be solved!

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Norn. Because what would have made them an interesting race, their ability to shapechange, has been so thoroughly nerfed that it’s unused by most players and not even used by ANet. They could have fit in times where Norn NPCs shapechange to fight both in the story and on PvE maps during events, but they didn’t. Shapechanging has been effectively removed from the game and made the Norn no more than large humans with a drinking problem.

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I'd vote norn, but their personal story was a drunken barrel of laughs! I miss the (yet to be) commander who could get drunk and somehow lose a tank...


Sylvari have a few moral dilemmas, and kinda feel like the cannon playthrough with character intro's for many key players in the vanilla story.


I kinda liked the human quinn storyline - being forced to choose between self destructive friends or a bunch of random bystanders was unexpectedly dark. The missing sibbling plot wasn't all that much on its own, but definately paid off when deborah joins you on the vigil tank charge in orr.


I'm not fond of mice or cats, mainly because it paints the commander as some brilliant mary sue inventor which never really comes up again. Their early personal story kinda feels like a lorebreak when you hit the generalised personal story where your backstory and choices don't matter.

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Visually human and norn are the most bland, while the other 3 are quite interesting and facinating (clipping issues aside). Especially love the many ways sylvari can look.

Lorewise they all got at least some interesting parts. Some of that interesting lore have to be found outside of the game itself though.

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Personally I did not like the Sylvari lore that much. I always like humans. The Norn with their spirits are also great. And I liked the Asuran technological stuff and their system. Charr look ugly ... but the thing with the legions n stuff ... was nice.


Since I haven't played expansions and other stuff past main core personal story vs. Zhaitan yet I have to say though: Norn didn't get a lot of attention there after the racial stories. With Trahearne as Sylvari + the leaders of the orders there were important persons of all races as leaders of the orers + Trahearne as Sylvari. I missed a bit a important Norn character - besides Destiny's Edge. (They could have at least made one of the preceptors a Norn.)

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It's got to be humans. Yes they have a head start on the _amount_ of lore and history which made it into the games because they were the sole playable race in GW1, and they did go slightly away from the 'generic race' default which humans usually are by reducing their dominance and restricting them to Kryta and Ebonhawk, but they're still the least distinctive race.


I understand why that is. The game is made by and for humans who live in a world where the only recognised sentient race is humans, so of course they're going to be the starting point, consciously or unconsciously. And (probably as a result of that) there's also a convention in RPGs that human is the "safe" race you can pick for your first character to learn the game without having to deal with the quirks of racial abilities. That's not relevant in GW2 of course but I suspect a lot of people still pick human for their first character for that reason, or just because it's something familiar and safe.

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