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Inexcusable bias from arena net , this behavior has to stop


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> @"Chiuvitas.8946" said:

> > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > > @"Chiuvitas.8946" said:

> > > Thanks for showing the average mentality around here, take only the half of the facts that benefit u and not all of them

> >

> > The irony of this statement is mind-blowing.

> >

> > CI mirage was clearly over-performing, pretty much the entire non-mesmer-main population (and quite a few of the mesmer-mains too) agreed on that, but you've somehow convinced yourself that it wasn't even viable. Despite it being present in basically every match for the past season.

> >

> > This is what class-bias looks like. Is this an Incissor alt?


> what mesmer mains agreed on that ? i saw 2 mesmer mains playing CI yday i killed them w/o taking damage and they went back to their old builds after i mocked them for playing this meme


> how is CI mirage over-performing? there were legit 4 people playing it on high elo in europe and none of them are even in top 20 . I don't call that over-performing when theres 5 revenants in top 10


Absolute nonsense. Just read around the forums a bit and you'll see mesmers who dislike CI.


I still see CI mirages basically every single game. Does this not count as high ELO? https://i.imgur.com/eUgyZcY.jpg


And which is all besides the point, because there's more to this game than just the top 20. If something is creating misery amongst the majority, i.e. S3/G1/G2/G3/P1 population, it still needs to be addressed.


See: Trapper DH

See: Rifle Deadeye

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4 years ago 5 stacks of might and a random boon was added to **'reflect the introduction of specialization mechanics'**

So, it was indeed immobilizing since 6 years ago, but received some might 4 years ago.

Therefore, I wouldn't say the trait was exactly the same until 4 years ago . . . long enough though :o


Therefore, if the devs are working on moving **'specialization mechanics'** more in line with core trait lines, it would make the most sense to look at the change on June 23, 2015. However, lets be real, people aren't complaining about the might. They are complaining about getting immobilized and complaints from a mob will always trump any kind of logic.

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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> @"Chiuvitas.8946"

> 4 years ago 5 stacks of might and a random boon was added to **'reflect the introduction of specialization mechanics'**

> So, it was indeed immobilizing since 6 years ago, but received some might 4 years ago.

> Therefore, I wouldn't say the trait was exactly the same until 4 years ago . . . long enough though :o


> Therefore, if the devs are working on moving **'specialization mechanics'** more in line with core trait lines, it would make the most sense to look at the change on June 23, 2015. However, lets be real, people aren't complaining about the might. They are complaining about getting immobilized and complaints from a mob will always trump any kind of logic.


Except the trait doesn't exist in a vacuum.


Mesmer didn't used to get Chaos Storm on heal, now they do.

Mesmer didn't used to get IP as baseline, now they do.

MoD didn't used to reduce CD of Diversion, now it does.

MoD used to have a 30 second recharge, now it has a 12 second recharge.

Mantras didn't used to regenerate charges without re-casting, now they do.

MoD used to have a 3.25s cast-time. Now it has a 2.25s cast-time.

With core, you couldn't cover mantra-casting with mirage-cloak, now you can.


This is why it has "become" an issue, when it wasn't in the past. Open your eyes.

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"The trait has been the same for years" Yes but the game hasn't.

So many things have been introduced/buffed/shuffled /reworked since the last time this trait was changed. Just because the trait hasn't changed in a vacuum doesn't mean the game hasn't changed around it to make it a problem.


The same thing happened to epidemic.

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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > @"Chiuvitas.8946"

> > 4 years ago 5 stacks of might and a random boon was added to **'reflect the introduction of specialization mechanics'**

> > So, it was indeed immobilizing since 6 years ago, but received some might 4 years ago.

> > Therefore, I wouldn't say the trait was exactly the same until 4 years ago . . . long enough though :o

> >

> > Therefore, if the devs are working on moving **'specialization mechanics'** more in line with core trait lines, it would make the most sense to look at the change on June 23, 2015. However, lets be real, people aren't complaining about the might. They are complaining about getting immobilized and complaints from a mob will always trump any kind of logic.


> Except the trait doesn't exist in a vacuum.


> Mesmer didn't used to get Chaos Storm on heal, now they do.

> Mesmer didn't used to get IP as baseline, now they do.

> MoD didn't used to reduce CD of Diversion, now it does.

> MoD used to have a 30 second recharge, now it has a 12 second recharge.

> Mantras didn't used to regenerate charges without re-casting, now they do.

> MoD used to have a 3.25s cast-time. Now it has a 2.25s cast-time.

> With core, you couldn't cover mantra-casting with mirage-cloak, now you can.


> This is why it has "become" an issue, when it wasn't in the past. Open your eyes.


Your quibbling

1. What?

2. IP went baseline at the exact same time that CI became an immobilization trait. Therefore, I don't know why you brought this up.

3. The patch that added a reduction of CD to diversion after recharging the mantra also reduced the ammo count down to 2. Therefore, all together, that patch was a nerf to MoD.

4. Once again, MoD used to have a higher ammo count. Additionally, they used to go on cool down and recharge as soon as you prepared it, not when you used the last charge. Mantras were in this form for about 3 years before the cool down system was changed. That is why the cool down on MoD was reduced, to compensate for a change in how the mechanics worked.

5. The cast time was reduced from 3.25 sec to 2.25 seconds on Apr 30, 2013. That was still over 6 years ago and before CI could Immobilize!

6. Yes, you are correct. Without mirage cloak, people used to mainly charge their mantras in between fights instead of during a fight. Oh wait, they still do!


You don't even appear to understand some of the changes over the years and why they took place.

Why are you citing reduced mantra channel cast time as a reason when it was changed before CI?

This just shows me you likely just googled mantra of distraction and tried to find any changes possible to try to rationalize CI somehow magically becoming super OP and more powerful within the last 6 months when no such think has ever occurred.


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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> "The trait has been the same for years" Yes but the game hasn't.

> So many things have been introduced/buffed/shuffled /reworked since the last time this trait was changed. Just because the trait hasn't changed in a vacuum doesn't mean the game hasn't changed around it to make it a problem.


> The same thing happened to epidemic.


I'm not even saying this isn't the case for sure, as I don't even play CI.

But if this is the case, then what **HAS** been changed to make it a problem within the last several months?

I'm not posting on here because I think mesmer shouldn't be changed.

I'm posting on here because I find it insulting that players can complain about a trait that's several years old to have it removed in the middle of a season.

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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > @"Chiuvitas.8946"

> > > 4 years ago 5 stacks of might and a random boon was added to **'reflect the introduction of specialization mechanics'**

> > > So, it was indeed immobilizing since 6 years ago, but received some might 4 years ago.

> > > Therefore, I wouldn't say the trait was exactly the same until 4 years ago . . . long enough though :o

> > >

> > > Therefore, if the devs are working on moving **'specialization mechanics'** more in line with core trait lines, it would make the most sense to look at the change on June 23, 2015. However, lets be real, people aren't complaining about the might. They are complaining about getting immobilized and complaints from a mob will always trump any kind of logic.

> >

> > Except the trait doesn't exist in a vacuum.

> >

> > Mesmer didn't used to get Chaos Storm on heal, now they do.

> > Mesmer didn't used to get IP as baseline, now they do.

> > MoD didn't used to reduce CD of Diversion, now it does.

> > MoD used to have a 30 second recharge, now it has a 12 second recharge.

> > Mantras didn't used to regenerate charges without re-casting, now they do.

> > MoD used to have a 3.25s cast-time. Now it has a 2.25s cast-time.

> > With core, you couldn't cover mantra-casting with mirage-cloak, now you can.

> >

> > This is why it has "become" an issue, when it wasn't in the past. Open your eyes.


> Your quibbling

> 1. What?

> 2. IP went baseline at the exact same time that CI became an immobilization trait. Therefore, I don't know why you brought this up.

> 3. The patch that added a reduction of CD to diversion after recharging the mantra also reduced the ammo count down to 2. Therefore, all together, that patch was a nerf to MoD.

> 4. Once again, MoD used to have a higher ammo count. Additionally, they used to go on cool down and recharge as soon as you prepared it, not when you used the last charge. Mantras were in this form for about 3 years before the cool down system was changed. That is why the cool down on MoD was reduced, to compensate for a change in how the mechanics worked.

> 5. The cast time was reduced from 3.25 sec to 2.25 seconds on Apr 30, 2013. That was still over 6 years ago and before CI could Immobilize!

> 6. Yes, you are correct. Without mirage cloak, people used to mainly charge their mantras in between fights instead of during a fight. Oh wait, they still do!


> You don't even appear to understand some of the changes over the years and why they took place.

> Why are you citing reduced mantra channel cast time as a reason when it was changed before CI?

> This just shows me you likely just googled mantra of distraction and tried to find any changes possible to try to rationalize CI somehow magically becoming super OP and more powerful within the last 6 months when no such think has ever occurred.



1. It's perfectly clear, August 8th, 2017, Descent Into Madness trait buffed to grant Chaos Storm upon using heal, when previously it was only upon falling-damage. This is a strong source of interrupts, and is therefore relevant to discussion about CI. How can't you follow that?

2. Fine, didn't make that connection

3. Debatable. Diversion is much harder to deal with than a single daze. 1 stack of stab will stop one, not the other.

4. Fair, although you skipped how that is off-set by charge-regeneration

5. I like how you totally skipped my #5, the point about charge-regeneration

5b. No it wasn't, that only came in 2017, not 2013. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mantra_of_Distraction/history

6. I guess I imagined fighting all those mirages re-casting mid-fight then ^^


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**This is copy and pasta'd from one of my previous posts**



I'm a multiclasser in high plat on NA ([r2](https://imgur.com/a/HXmRGKS) and [r4](https://imgur.com/a/d9vHNHS)). In other words, I play ALL classes at this rating. I can say from personal experience, playing as/with/against mesmers for years, that the amount of effort it takes to be effective on this class is disproportionately low in comparison to the effort it takes to play every other class in the game at the same level.


I posted this [screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/Oo5b1hQ.png?1) on one of my threads where I went 26-0 in unranked during my _second_ time playing berserker power mirage. I also play the CI build and the traditional Dueling/Illusions/Mirage condi build in ranked and they also work extremely well.


There are so many mesmer mains downplaying the strengths of this class. I see them [whining](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82223/wow-this-new-patch-is-it-me-or-all-mesmer-builds-are-right-out-owned-underwhelming) on the mesmer forums saying stuff like: _we've been nerfed the hardest, can't deal damage, don't have mobility, are worst class in the game etc. etc._


It's ridiculous. I played these so-called "nerfed and unviable" builds a few days ago **[on stream](https://clips.twitch.tv/TsundereAbstruseDumplings4Head)** and farmed players in ranked going 16-1, 9-1, etc. etc. back to back while winning/kiting outnumbered easily because of how much damage/cc/survivability/mobility/utility mesmers have access to. The only matchups a mesmer _could_ ever lose are against s/d thieves that never miss their steals, other mesmers, and/or holosmiths IF the mesmer plays terribly and stays in melee range on the node. Funnily enough, even if they "lose" the fight, the mesmer can just blink away, escape with stealth, cc any counterpressure or attempt to chase, and block/blind/invuln/distort until their cooldowns come back.


The class is literally ez-mode and probably the most overpowered and reliable carry in ranked if you want to completely roll over 99% of the players you come across.


If the links don't work, here they are in order:


1. https://imgur.com/a/HXmRGKS

2. https://imgur.com/a/d9vHNHS

3. https://i.imgur.com/Oo5b1hQ.png?1

4. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82223/wow-this-new-patch-is-it-me-or-all-mesmer-builds-are-right-out-owned-underwhelming

5. https://clips.twitch.tv/TsundereAbstruseDumplings4Head

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> @"Chiuvitas.8946" said:


> if you admit you aren't high elo and don't do good in pve > why would you go around giving your opinion?


> That's like saying i was once in the cockpit of a plane and i can't drive a plane but heres my opinion on how u should drive a plane even tho i've never done it myself.

> Get legendary with mirage in its current state and then come here and say it's op because of this and that reason and i'll believe your opinion and it'll have more influence and impact on me.



You have multiple, top 10 players in this thread (one of them has won every single monthly on NA) telling you that you're wrong btw.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

> **This is copy and pasta'd from one of my previous posts**

> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


> I'm a multiclasser in high plat on NA ([r2](https://imgur.com/a/HXmRGKS) and [r4](https://imgur.com/a/d9vHNHS)). In other words, I play ALL classes at this rating. I can say from personal experience, playing as/with/against mesmers for years, that the amount of effort it takes to be effective on this class is disproportionately low in comparison to the effort it takes to play every other class in the game at the same level.


> I posted this [screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/Oo5b1hQ.png?1) on one of my threads where I went 26-0 in unranked during my _second_ time playing berserker power mirage. I also play the CI build and the traditional Dueling/Illusions/Mirage condi build in ranked and they also work extremely well.


> There are so many mesmer mains downplaying the strengths of this class. I see them [whining](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82223/wow-this-new-patch-is-it-me-or-all-mesmer-builds-are-right-out-owned-underwhelming) on the mesmer forums saying stuff like: _we've been nerfed the hardest, can't deal damage, don't have mobility, are worst class in the game etc. etc._


> It's ridiculous. I played these so-called "nerfed and unviable" builds a few days ago **[on stream](https://clips.twitch.tv/TsundereAbstruseDumplings4Head)** and farmed players in ranked going 16-1, 9-1, etc. etc. back to back while winning/kiting outnumbered easily because of how much damage/cc/survivability/mobility/utility mesmers have access to. The only matchups a mesmer _could_ ever lose are against s/d thieves that never miss their steals, other mesmers, and/or holosmiths IF the mesmer plays terribly and stays in melee range on the node. Funnily enough, even if they "lose" the fight, the mesmer can just blink away, escape with stealth, cc any counterpressure or attempt to chase, and block/blind/invuln/distort until their cooldowns come back.


> The class is literally ez-mode and probably the most overpowered and reliable carry in ranked if you want to completely roll over 99% of the players you come across.


> If the links don't work, here they are in order:


> 1. https://imgur.com/a/HXmRGKS

> 2. https://imgur.com/a/d9vHNHS

> 3. https://i.imgur.com/Oo5b1hQ.png?1

> 4. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82223/wow-this-new-patch-is-it-me-or-all-mesmer-builds-are-right-out-owned-underwhelming

> 5. https://clips.twitch.tv/TsundereAbstruseDumplings4Head


Here is your post with replies.



I would rather people just read the whole thing with replies instead of just screenshots.



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I really don’t mind. I didn’t like condi CI.... but we’re still back to the same problem that A-net is refusing to fix.


A-net keeps nerfing surviviability -> players adapt and try new things and find ways around it. (like when they thought “no one plays chaos restoring distortion is a good buff!” Then boom they figure out how good CI is.) This time mes found a way to lock people down so they can’t just walk away, and unlike power interrupt specs there are a ton of cover condis on the bar constantly being re-uploaded.


The issue once AGAIN lies in the realm of condi, power mes didn’t have this issue. Power mirage’s damage method is fair. (At least fair to anyone who can read a stealth burst considering the short window.) Yet it's getting nerfed in the process, every time, for the sins of condi.


What will A-net do this time?

Probably still not balance condi output and the supporting lines; to be on par with power’s few cooldowns that do substantial damage, innate squishyness while needing to all in on damage traits to perform comparably to the other classes.


But it’s okay, don’t listen A-net, it’s not like I haven’t been saying it all along; just listen to the screeching mob that you created by not making the changes needed for so long.


Again I don’t mind that it happened, good riddance to bad rubbish and all that. But let’s be honest there, if anything but Mesmer was over performing in this way, a trait wouldn’t just be flat out “banned from pvp.” A-net would let it dominate for months and maybe even multiple seasons.


Also a-nets excuse is just unfathomably ridiculous “we don’t think we can fit anything blah blah; have to wait for next balance patch.” You telling me you have such little control over your game and it’s code that you can’t hotfix slap a 5 second cooldowns or something and then work for a fix? Lol

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> @"Xstein.2187" said:


> Here is your post with replies.

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/79593/nerf-mantra-mesmers-and-revenants/p1


> I would rather people just read the whole thing with replies instead of just screenshots.

> Cheers,



The majority of that thread consists of people telling me mesmer is bad whilst I'm over here farming players on it.

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> @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> I wonder, why's this the first ever balanced related thing they've decided needs immediate action rather than waiting 3-4 months per usual? Did someone figure out how to solo a raid boss with it?


I was thinking the same thing.. why does this 1 particular trait warrant an immediate intervention. Was one of the Dev's getting owned during a match because of it that caused this sudden intervention? I don't remember a single thread anywhere where people are asking to have it altered or removed, or at least nothing en mass like we see about the constant crying about necros and holos.

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> @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> I wonder, why's this the first ever balanced related thing they've decided needs immediate action rather than waiting 3-4 months per usual? Did someone figure out how to solo a raid boss with it?


It's not. Asides from the other examples people gave, We Heal As One on ranger was nerfed the day after it got buffed. The CI build has been running rampant for a few weeks now. The time it took Anet to deal with it is way longer in comparison.

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I'm just mad that they posted on the forum that the trait is disabled but in-game it doesn't say anything. Someone had to tell me that my build was broken now because I had no way to know for sure...


You see the trait in-game, the description is still the same, you pick it thinking it'll work but it just does nothing. Good job >.>

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> @"Steal Chest.8214" said:

> I'm just mad that they posted on the forum that the trait is disabled but in-game it doesn't say anything. Someone had to tell me that my build was broken now because I had no way to know for sure...


> You see the trait in-game, the description is still the same, you pick it thinking it'll work but it just does nothing. Good job >.>


sure, same here. I was expecting the trait couldnt be selected. But no, nothing.

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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > @"Chiuvitas.8946"

> > > 4 years ago 5 stacks of might and a random boon was added to **'reflect the introduction of specialization mechanics'**

> > > So, it was indeed immobilizing since 6 years ago, but received some might 4 years ago.

> > > Therefore, I wouldn't say the trait was exactly the same until 4 years ago . . . long enough though :o

> > >

> > > Therefore, if the devs are working on moving **'specialization mechanics'** more in line with core trait lines, it would make the most sense to look at the change on June 23, 2015. However, lets be real, people aren't complaining about the might. They are complaining about getting immobilized and complaints from a mob will always trump any kind of logic.

> >

> > Except the trait doesn't exist in a vacuum.

> >

> > Mesmer didn't used to get Chaos Storm on heal, now they do.

> > Mesmer didn't used to get IP as baseline, now they do.

> > MoD didn't used to reduce CD of Diversion, now it does.

> > MoD used to have a 30 second recharge, now it has a 12 second recharge.

> > Mantras didn't used to regenerate charges without re-casting, now they do.

> > MoD used to have a 3.25s cast-time. Now it has a 2.25s cast-time.

> > With core, you couldn't cover mantra-casting with mirage-cloak, now you can.

> >

> > This is why it has "become" an issue, when it wasn't in the past. Open your eyes.


> Your quibbling

> 1. What?

> 2. IP went baseline at the exact same time that CI became an immobilization trait. Therefore, I don't know why you brought this up.

> 3. The patch that added a reduction of CD to diversion after recharging the mantra also reduced the ammo count down to 2. Therefore, all together, that patch was a nerf to MoD.

> 4. Once again, MoD used to have a higher ammo count. Additionally, they used to go on cool down and recharge as soon as you prepared it, not when you used the last charge. Mantras were in this form for about 3 years before the cool down system was changed. That is why the cool down on MoD was reduced, to compensate for a change in how the mechanics worked.

> 5. The cast time was reduced from 3.25 sec to 2.25 seconds on Apr 30, 2013. That was still over 6 years ago and before CI could Immobilize!

> 6. Yes, you are correct. Without mirage cloak, people used to mainly charge their mantras in between fights instead of during a fight. Oh wait, they still do!


> You don't even appear to understand some of the changes over the years and why they took place.

> Why are you citing reduced mantra channel cast time as a reason when it was changed before CI?

> This just shows me you likely just googled mantra of distraction and tried to find any changes possible to try to rationalize CI somehow magically becoming super OP and more powerful within the last 6 months when no such think has ever occurred.



I'm sorry but all mesmer mantras had their cast times further reduced by 0.50 seconds (2.75 to 2.25) in the Path of Fire pre-patch (August 2017). Back in 2013 the cast time went from 3.25 to 2.75 which was still a little too high. Additionally, mantra charges had been observed in the buffs under a player's healthbar which could be counterplayed. Now, we don't know how many charges a player has.


Mirage works so well with CI because of mirage cloak and its interaction with the reflect trait (which can activate while casting mantras), but more importantly, Infinite Horizon consistently builds condition covers over the immobilize. The end result is a disgusting burst that can generate 9 unique conditions in a moment's glance. Once those conditions have been set, all the Mirage needs to do is stack burns, bleeds, torment, and confusion all the while continuously covering them to prevent them from being cleansed.

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The most favored profession, since pof:

confounding suggestion nerfed

power block nerfed

blinding dissipation nerfed

evasive mirror nerfed

ineptitude nerfed

bountiful disillusionment nerfed

chaotic interruption deleted

maim the disillusioned nerfed

master of misdirection nerfed

cry of pain nerfed

elusive mind deleted

critical infusion nerfed

nomads endurance nerfed

chrono deleted

blurred frenzy nerfed

torch 4 nerfed

axe deleted

all phantasms nerfed

portal deleted

illusionary ambush nerfed

jaunt nerfed

mirage cloak double nerfed.


Probably I'm forgetting some.


Some people are just delusional...



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blinding dissipation got nerfed out of the blue for no reason by the way


went from 3-4 potential blinds with 20+ sec cd to one blind that and the irony is that the duration is 1sec and a half on that blind, gimme a break


meanwhile holo. rev, guard, warrior, running around with effortless 25 might stacks for years and nobody bats an eyelash

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> @"NotoriousNaru.1705" said:

> > @"Vicariuz.1605" said:

> > > @"NotoriousNaru.1705" said:

> > > Lmfao I lost braincells reading this post. People actually exist who think disabling this trait was a bad move or not a good idea by anet? XD

> > >

> > > Also, just an fyi mesmer has been the most favored class by anet in pvp for years for us top players its not even a debate. Since the dawn of time no other class has seen the highs that mesmer has seen from mantra one shot pre hot, to bunker chrono, to condi chrono, to bunker chrono again with phantasm rework(which also had to get hotfixed) to broken condi mirage. Even with this trait gone mirage is still good and has viable builds. No other class in HISTORY has been this oppressive from pre hot all the way to this moment and if you think mesmer isn't favored you either lack information or are delusional.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Disabling the trait was absolutely a bad idea. As an fyi there was how long of a time where Helseth, a top player, was the ONLY person playing mesmer at all? If you think that mesmer is the most oppressive class the game has ever seen please feel free to remember 5 necro teams in ranked after Dhuumfire buff, 5 cele ele comps, cele meta in general, among a plethora of other specific cases where mesmer was not even to be seen.

> >

> > I understand that spamming your entire skill bar is "fun" but CI was the perfect counter to BAD play, punishing those who played on auto pilot instead of ACTIVELY using their brain cells. If you want an example of this I will be more than willing to link SEVERAL Boyce vods, alone, where CI mesmers get facerolled by holo; when CI was able to be beaten by SEVERAL classes on SEVERAL builds. The only applicable build for mirage now is power, specifically one of your team members builds, which I dare say, is just as mindless due to it's 10+ seconds of invuln and evade frames and interrupt spam on sword ambush, while dumping its burst (which is essentially a 1shot burst mind you). Condi mirage will now be a glass cannon who's cannonball is rendered absolutely useless to 1 fb, and will STILL get facerolled by holo.

> >

> > It's VERY interesting to me that not only are the monthly tournaments gone until further notice (aka until CI is "fixed" since they "forgot" to in the last patch) but any build that's not essentially a mirror is being nerfed into being unplayable or literally disabled from play.

> >

> > No worries though, there are still builds that will farm meta comps. Due to Anet's lack of CAPACITY for balancing this game, there will literally always be builds that are "degenerate."

> >

> > Side note: extremely unprofessional of a dev describing CI as "degenerate" when it's been unchanged for MONTHS and only saw play from an extreme minority of players (because the narrative was that the former IH build was the only viable one when in actuality Dune Cloak (now gutted as well) was a much better option), when the devs were the ones to pigeonhole the class into these kinds of playstyles from nerf after nerf after nerf to every other option.

> >

> > Second side note: You want to nerf mirage correctly? Start with IH, careful though, you might nerf power mirage too ;]


> You are so misinformed its unreal. This is the last time I'm posting here because clearly anyone defending CI lacks information and is probably low-mid gold. Firstly, when did I ever say IH wasn't a problem? And when did I say I couldn't deal with ci mirages? I have spent this entire season farming ci mirages ON NECRO and holo which has a much easier go of it. That doesn't mean the trait is okay because good players can deal with it. Being able to immobilize someone instantly off of daze mantra or a first tick chaos storm is NOT HEALTHY. An entire 3 seconds and it was such an epidemic for most people they had to disable it. The way the trait worked with that iteration of mirage IS degenerate. Mantras are instant and have no tell because the 'tradeoff XD' is that you have to charge it, well guess what you can charge mantra into your mirage cloak because balance. Now for IH it is so funny you mention that and try to act like I even care what happens in terms of balance when it comes to my team. Team USA will win no matter what we didnt farm every single team that plays by getting 'lucky' we all multiclass and will swap when needed. But the irony of your statement when it comes to IH is that I want IH to stay because of zeromis? You are so misinformed I legit cant believe some people like you exist. IH is a problem because of its interaction with staff and scepter(previously axe before nerfs) and how oppressive the condis were in terms of cover condis AND dmg. Do you even know how much damage IH does with power on sword/greatsword? It is a joke. Zeromis swapped to dune cloak for aoe boon steal in teamfights so your entire comments about that are invalid because if IH was deleted or disabled today we wouldnt care.


> Now for you mentioning other things being broken, unreal how even that went over your head. Other things were broken in gw2? XD really? didnt know xd. I thought that was obvious and anyone with a brain would be able to infer that. what I said was NOTHING was as oppressive as mesmer for THE ENTIRETY OF HOT AND POF. Scourge,spellbreaker,fb etc really all of them had some highs but none of those highs were as strong as mesmer and none were for that long. You mentioning dhuumfire scourge when it was broken for 2 weeks then anet nerfed it is comical, i am talking about almost the entirety of this games existence. Cele ele had a good run in core too, but when it got nerfed it never regained that kind of opness, but mesmer has been consistent.


> You really need to do more research or further understand how the mechanics of this game work before you start throwing out accusations, personal attacks, and extremely misinformed comments because even though I play at legend anytime I speak on balance I understand there is an entire scope of players that have to deal with certain things and top players 'dealing' with it doesnt equate to the average population(majority of players) can or want to. And that is how bad balance kills a competitive scene and people like you defending it are extremely dishonest with yourself or just outright selfish because you play it.


Thinking the devs favour mesmer and discriminate against others is just stupid, the reason mesmer has been strong at times is because it is a difficult class to balance compared to, say, warrior, which is designed to be as simple and straightforward as possible. That's why it is generally a bad idea to add classes based on AI to PvP games.

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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> Chaotic Interruption: immobilizing since June 25, 2013


> 6 years later: CI removed middle of season because quick hot fix not possible.


> My question is, if a hot fix wasn't possible in 6 years, how long is a normal fix going to take?


> Chaotic Interruption is going to end up like Elusive Mind anyways and never be used again after the next balance patch. So, what is the difference between that and just removing it now?


I agree with you. This issue was and still is the clone generation from scepter and staff and the ability generate ranged clones that deal damage. Anet kept nerfing axe unnecessarily. Nerfed scepter 3.


The problem we will end up with is a build that most likely unplayable, kinda like all axe builds are. Yet someone is going to find out a new trollish build using ranged clones to deal damage. Then people going to come and complain about it.

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