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Mobile ideas

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I would like a Top Down RPG strategy multi-player game that can have effect on the GW2 game through some control and direction of NPCs and events in the game.


Would be like players in GW2 effect the NPC in the mobile game and Vice verse.


Also PvE wise I want to play story of Lore figures, not the "Your created player character is the main hero"

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > A good idea for a gw2 mobile game is to not make a gw2 mobile game and focus on the original gw2, instead.


> This. Mobile MMOs are horrible cash grabs and they don't even have enough space on the screen for a proper skill bar, they're stuck with 4-5 skills so the combat is a snoozefest. I do not understand how can people enjoy something like that.


You lack imagination. Just because something is a mobile MMO doesn't mean it has to be like PC MMos. There are many browsers based MMORTS nothing like GW2/WoW. A Mobile GW2 game could be like that. Could have its own form of interaction with the game.

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I don't exactly play mobile games and am not interested in a gw2 mobile game either. But then again, are we (pc gw2 players) the target group of said mobile games. Maybe some youth that plays mobile games non stop instead of pc/console games may be the target group. They would get to know the GW franchise this way and perhaps try the pc games because of this. Or maybe the target group would even be outside of Eu/Na territories. I assume this tread was made because of the Ncsoft interview where they mentioned they are open minded towards a mobile game in gw aestetics and have some prototyping going on regarding. That never mentioned it was targetted for our region. The only games I would fire up on a phone (when I am not behind a pc) would be puzzle like games or perhaps something like Rythlocks Rampage (but this feels like a gameboy game). I would never start up a game that takes so long to play it drains my battery within an hour of play or something I can do better on a pc. But in example Asia, mobile mmo's or the likes may be immense popular. I just don't think the European and American regions are that fond of mobile games due to the aggressive monetisation and lootboxing in it (and the fact that gamers have a pc or console). The only game I know was popular around here was Pokemon Go, however I hear nobody play it anymore either. And the Harry Potter version of that game seems to be failing in hype as well so I don't think it would be a good move to get such a game for GW. But I assume the marketing team knows what to do as they do the market researches.

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Why when they haven't even made the leap the console yet? There would be more return and interest in a console guild wars 2, than a mobile one and most the community here would be PISSED if they announced a mobile item. Remember diablo immortal? Yea. It would go down something like that if they did it right now and probably a ton of people would just dip out.


Mobile is horrible, the design and fundamental nature can never be more than a cash grab.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > Using ALL skills isn't that good eather, just saying


> Well, I only play open world PvE where I don't have to use a perfect rotation because I do what I want so I do use all of my skills because I enjoy pressing many buttons. :tongue: I guess I'm weird but it works for me and I find it fun, lol.


There are builds where you can get away with this.


There's also longbow Ranger, in which case please unbind your skill 4 key because everyone else finds you incredibly annoying. ;)


> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> Why when they haven't even made the leap the console yet? There would be more return and interest in a console guild wars 2, than a mobile one and most the community here would be PISSED if they announced a mobile item. Remember diablo immortal? Yea. It would go down something like that if they did it right now and probably a ton of people would just dip out.


> Mobile is horrible, the design and fundamental nature can never be more than a cash grab.


Mobile has considerably more reach than console, so while I think you're probably right that there would be more interest in a console version of GW2 right now, there's potentially more return out of a mobile version in the long term. And Diablo fans weren't just annoyed by the announcement of a mobile version, they were annoyed by the announcement of a mobile version at an event they expected to be the announcement of a PC version. It was perceived as a bait-and-switch.


I'm sure there will be some people who think ANet should never work on a mobile game, but that's myopic. Provided they can keep their existing customers happy it makes sense to diversify where possible.

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I could see a gw2 companion app which allows you to select a character to craft stuff and buy/sell on the trading post.


I would rather see an Anet website that allows us to look at our character, it's gear, build, etc... When people ask for help or theory craft builds, its stupid that we can only give them a link to a 3rd party site to facilitate the discussion.

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> @"Poormany.4507" said:

> > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > A good idea for a gw2 mobile game is to not make a gw2 mobile game and focus on the original gw2, instead.

> >

> > Why? Gw2 is aging needs refreshing ideas and Mobile is the hot new thing. MMOs aren’t as big as they used to be, maybe gw2 mobile could be battle royals wvw


> Mobile MMOs are mostly very generic and paywalled to the ground, so I doubt many people who play GW2 would bother playing a mobile version if they have a better version already. I would rather even get a GW3 than another generic mobile game (still would rather have Anet focusing their resources on GW2 rather than any other side projects).


Tbf I'm quite curious what anet would do with it. Gw2 was quite innovative.

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I don't play mobile games. I hate those small screens and touch displays.


And with that said, some tools on mobile would be nice. Like tp, banking, something like gw2eff.


But no games.


There is a reason Heartstone is dead.


And most battle royale games are already struggling (they are boring after a couple of games).

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> I don't play mobile games. I hate those small screens and touch displays.



Yeah, those are agonizing. I hate small screens so much. I don't even have a phone anymore because of that reason and instead switched to tablets and even the tablet screen is sometimes too small for me.


> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:


> And with that said, some tools on mobile would be nice. Like tp, banking, something like gw2eff.



Would sound like a good idea! Especially the banking and storage stuff.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > Using ALL skills isn't that good eather, just saying

> >

> > Well, I only play open world PvE where I don't have to use a perfect rotation because I do what I want so I do use all of my skills because I enjoy pressing many buttons. :tongue: I guess I'm weird but it works for me and I find it fun, lol.


> There are builds where you can get away with this.


> There's also longbow Ranger, in which case please unbind your skill 4 key because everyone else finds you incredibly annoying. ;)


> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > Why when they haven't even made the leap the console yet? There would be more return and interest in a console guild wars 2, than a mobile one and most the community here would be PISSED if they announced a mobile item. Remember diablo immortal? Yea. It would go down something like that if they did it right now and probably a ton of people would just dip out.

> >

> > Mobile is horrible, the design and fundamental nature can never be more than a cash grab.


> Mobile has considerably more reach than console, so while I think you're probably right that there would be more interest in a console version of GW2 right now, there's potentially more return out of a mobile version in the long term. And Diablo fans weren't just annoyed by the announcement of a mobile version, they were annoyed by the announcement of a mobile version at an event they expected to be the announcement of a PC version. It was perceived as a bait-and-switch.


> I'm sure there will be some people who think ANet should never work on a mobile game, but that's myopic. Provided they can keep their existing customers happy it makes sense to diversify where possible.


Regardless mobile is terrible and I honestly stopped supporting blizz in any form DUE to diablo immortal, they butchered one of my favorite franchises for the sake of a quick buck because they lack and creative integrity anymore or any vision for that matter. Id do the very same thing to A-net if they came out with a mobile game because with the current issues with guild wars as a whole, you go and make a mobile game? No thank you, ill see myself out. It would be very telling where their interest is and is not and I don't want A-net to suffer a hit like that, nor do I want them to trek down that road right now. I want them to fix this game and make it strong before they venture forth into that churning pot.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> What are some good ideas for a gw2 mobile game? It could be a spinoff of gw2, like Hearthstone is to WoW. Maybe it’s a costume game where you play dress up, even more so than original gw2. Idk I’m not dataminer.


> What are some good ideas for GW2 mobile game? We all have phones, right?


No , just no.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > A good idea for a gw2 mobile game is to not make a gw2 mobile game and focus on the original gw2, instead.


> This. Mobile MMOs are horrible cash grabs and they don't even have enough space on the screen for a proper skill bar, they're stuck with 4-5 skills so the combat is a snoozefest. I do not understand how can people enjoy something like that.


Mobile in general not just MMOs.


If someone has more money then sense there are plenty of charities that can put the money to better use.

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