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Top recommendation to improve match quality for Season 18

Faux Play.6104

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**Rework the soft reset and get rid of the huge rating deviation at the start of the season.**

I'm proposing people start at the bottom of the tier they finished in and keep their rating deviation -- e.g. same plus/minus in rating that you get from matches after your rating settles.



* It is too easy for bad or good luck to put someone in a division they don't belong in, and it takes a while to claw yourself out, or to slowly slide back to where you belong.

* It is too easy for people trying to play the minimum number of matches for season rewards to tank rating to low silver/bronze at the start of the season so they get a bunch of easy matches for the rest of the season.

* People start the season at different times, and most of the top players have several alts. That means the chaos that happens at the start of the season will continue through out the season. 1800 rating people will start out at 1400 rating (gold 2). Not as big of an issue day 1 when everyone is skewed, but 3-4 weeks into the season it can be pretty annoying to have someone that out of place in a match.

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I like and agree with your suggestion. However, the way things are currently, I dont think it will have that big of an effect on match quality.

Because of population!

Now I have many thoughts on how to improve that, but the fastest/simplest/most basic, is to simply remove dailies from unranked. This would be the fast and dirty method of getting more people into ranked for "at least" 1 match per day, automatically filling out some more tiers.

It may even have the added benefit, that new players get a chance to actually experience a less toxic version of pvp (where also fun builds can be played), not be farmed by premade pros (as much at least), and hopefully learn to WANT to continue with PvP in ranked.

As I said, this would be the fast and dirty part 1 to getting more population.

And with more population, refining ideas like yours would flourish to further improve quality.

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> @"Thorstienn.1642" said:

This would be the fast and dirty method of getting more people into ranked for "at least" 1 match per day, automatically filling out some more tiers.

at least 1 **won** match per day. That way people won t just queue in then afk but will actually play and try their best to win that dailie.

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> @"Loki.1763" said:

> No F2P in Ranked

> No rewards for losing


I don't see an issue with F2P. I think it is good to bring in new players.


The only downside with the current implementation is people can make multiple accounts, however the abusers can still do the same thing with full accounts. Enough people have quit the game that it isn't hard to get a full account. I'd rather make people use an authenticated account to a phone number to play ranked. They can use that number for as many guild wars 2 accounts as they want, but they all share that number's rating gain loss.

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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > @"Loki.1763" said:

> > No F2P in Ranked

> > No rewards for losing


> I don't see an issue with F2P. I think it is good to bring in new players.


> The only downside with the current implementation is people can make multiple accounts, however the abusers can still do the same thing with full accounts. Enough people have quit the game that it isn't hard to get a full account. I'd rather make people use an authenticated account to a phone number to play ranked. They can use that number for as many guild wars 2 accounts as they want, but they all share that number's rating gain loss.


^ This


Something like that needs to be done at this point. Though I'd also add in that, only one account that is tied to the same phone, can be allowed a position on the leaderboard. The other accounts can still play and get rating/badge icon, but they never show on the leaderboard and are not eligible for end season rewards as such. This would help a lot vs. account sharing and leaderboard position blocking.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> There is quite seriously nothing that can be done to improve match quality within this glicko based solo/duo only que, outside of 2x things:


> * Bring back 5 man ques so wise players can block themselves from PUG throws.

> * Do things to bring back interest & population to the game mode.


Leave ranked as solo queue only.

Count ATs for rating.

Only allow phone authenticated accounts to be in ranked.


Problem solved.


The original suggestion is the best way to ensure people are rated as closely as possible to their actual rating. Having 5 man teams vs. pugs allows people to get carried to higher rating than they deserve if they pay someone or have the right friends. If you keep 5 man teams in AT only (and count matches for rating) that will provide better results.


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If they attach phone numbers to ranked accounts there's a few problems:


-Which account gets the title?


-How would they prevent someone from just selling top spots at the end of season?


-What's to stop someone using a free Skype account for each alt?


Best bet is 2v2 ranked, soloq ranked, and ATs. That covers solo players, friends, and groups

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> Just remove the soft reset. Don't need to do anything else. Rating volatility will increase during the downtime, which should be enough to shuffle players around a bit during the 10 placement matches (which is just a facade so that you don't see the rating adjustments).


It doesn't increase naturally. It is set to the same value as a brand new player at the start of the season.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > Though I'd also add in that, only one account that is tied to the same phone


> I think it would be better if it was tied to a credit card instead of a phone. anet already has the credit card info, and a credit card is at least slightly harder to get then a new sim card.


no, no, no, no and no. anet doesnt have my card info, and i would like to keep it this way. thank you very much.

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I would suggest the following:


* Add pips to unranked. 4 for losing, 6 for winning. This gives an incentive to people to win, but means you get your rewards anyway. People who just want the rewards, want to mess around with random builds etc can just have fun in unranked without getting in the way of people who care about and want to attain rank. For this reason it's *very important* that the average pip gain in this mode is equal to the average pip gain in ranked, or pip farmers will continue to play ranked.

* Edit pips in ranked. 10 for a win, 0 for a loss. If you're just planning to afk, mess around etc, you should expect to lose a lot on average and get nothing -- incentive to stick to unranked. If you really think you're hot shit and can maintain an above 50% average, then you get more rewards for it -- but you have to put your money where your mouth is by risking getting nothing.

* Lower the amount of pips needed per chest to compensate for the average gain being 5 instead of 6.5.


This way you can still reward all pvp players, casual or hardcore for continuing to play pvp, make both ranked and unranked desirable destinations for their respective audiences without punishing anyone.

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> @"illuminosity.8537" said:

> I would suggest the following:


> * Add pips to unranked. 4 for losing, 6 for winning. This gives an incentive to people to win, but means you get your rewards anyway. People who just want the rewards, want to mess around with random builds etc can just have fun in unranked without getting in the way of people who care about and want to attain rank. For this reason it's *very important* that the average pip gain in this mode is equal to the average pip gain in ranked, or pip farmers will continue to play ranked.


Adding pips to unranked will completely kill the population in ranked. Its low enough as it is, if you remove the pip farmers you will have literally the same 20 or 30 or whatever (just kidding here) hard core pvp players in ranked.


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