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How active is your friends list?

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Between 1-2 and over 15 depending on which day and time of day I look.


Most evenings with 10-15+ people consistently. Especially on raid nights or WvW guild events.


That's from a list of around 30-40 since I don't tend to immediately add people to my friends list. My process to add people is based on some few steps:

- did I enjoy my time playing with this person?

- is this person already part of my social sphere (aka are they in my guild or do we both hacve access to similar voice chat like discord ot ts)?

- how challenging was the content and how well did this person perform?

- might I be interested in playing repeatedly with this person?


Depending on how I answer some of the questions, I might add or not add someone. I general, if I can keep in contact with someone via other means (them being a member of my guild or so), I will not add them. I see the friends list rather as a tool to keep in touch with people I otherwise would have to write the account name down I guess.

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Most of my freinds list is people from a pre-gw2 established freind group, and that is filled with a lot of alt accounts of same peoples while few of those friends are very active. So on the average day, i see about 8-9 of my freinds list online; a chunk of which are friends i met in gw2 who i group up with frequently (though i have more friends than that- i mostly use friends list for easy party and squad join, and guild facilitates that too), the other chunk is commanders i follow for easy sqjoin which is about 4 people overall on the entire list.

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This is like those "how many of your Facebook friends have you seen in real life this month?" questions which make me realise I must use these tools very differently to other people. I have 15 friends total and most of those are people I know from outside the game who I added specifically because they rarely play so I want a notification if they do log in. (Or a way to mail them if they're not online.)


Other than that it's 3 people from this forum I added so it's quicker to send them mail if I want to and my second account and my husbands account - both of which can't be on at the same time as me because we only have 1 PC - who I added in case I accidentally kick them out our private guild (again).


If I know someone is likely to be online when I am then I can probably find or contact them without needing to resort to the friends list, so it doesn't ever occur to me to add them.

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All of my "friends" came over from Guild Wars 1. At that time our guild LaZy was one of the biggest / most recognized guilds in the game. After about 3 months of GW2 launch players slowly started quitting as Gw2 is not a Guild based game in any sense nor is it an MMORPG that you need others to help you complete it. I and like 3 others are the only ones that log in from time to time.

Some might say it's more so do to life dynamics changing. I assure you most of my Guild mates have moved over to other games and remain a close Knit family, just on to more challenging clan/team oriented games...

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everyone on my friends list is on when i'm on. 100% activity. though i should probably point out there's only one person on there.


though there's a bunch of people on my stalker list which is rather creepy, i'd like to remove them without blocking, i assume block would do that, never use that feature.

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My friends list is full of people I don't talk to, but rather people I am sworn to join if I ever spot them on the lfg (basically marking them as players who are cool to be around). As it's not hard to find a cool person in this community, I'm not reserved in adding players - leading to many inactive names.

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Depends on the time of day. Anywhere from 6-12, but I don't add that many people. Ask how many are online in my guild. Lots. With the guild I'm in being comprised of 5 guilds, there's 600+ online any time of day or night. I'm constantly running into guildies in game too, which considering the size of the world and multiple map shards, is actually pretty surprising.

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To be honest I am a little confused (not difficult granted), but for weeks the OP has been trying to convince the forums the game is dieing, the game is not real, the "insert game element " sucks but now wants to know how we use our friends list and tell us about his/hers own in this dead, boring, unreal, not fit for human consumption MMO... hmmm

TBH outside of guild my friends list has been pretty stable and alive since start up, most of which stem from early WvW days when we had a few guild alliances formed even though many have server hopped over the years.

PvE wise me and mine tend to stick within our own closed guild as we have become RL friends over the past 7-10 yrs since early DDO:eu days and have little need to play outside of it.

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