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Option of making players being able to attack/get attacked in the open world

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > @"cNd.1096" said:

> > > > > Why people are against something that doesn't affect them? If you don't want to fight with other players in PvE maps then fine - don't do it, but let others have fun this way if they feel like it. Personally I would love to see some kind of duels in PvE, like it was done in 4story for example.

> > > > Because it does affect them. If players duell in open world pve, they will produce visual and audio noise for other players in the area, and potentially have an influence on other people's play experience, too, for example when they upscale events and mobs without participating or fill out the population limits on maps that try to go for a map-wide meta event.

> > >

> > > Anet DO NOT have problem with the visual noises in the game. If that was an issue for them they wouldn't add all those shiny weapons, and armors, and mounts, and gliders, and World Bosses to gather all those shinies on one place.

> > I'm not talking about shiny stuff (although I do try to avoid that as much as I can). I'm talking about people bashing each right other on top of me. I've had my share of that in other games, and it's one of the things I really can do without.


> This is you. Some win, some lose. Anet decides what is best for sustaining and growing the gw2 community.

ANet decides, and all signs point at them deciding repeatedly to not include open world pvp.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> I think I'd be a great idea and add alot of flavor to pve. Be cool exploring pve and coming across players battling it out.seeing as how I'm not effected unless I opt for it to effect me I just be more variety and non static activity to enjoy in pve.


I mean... it's a game with weapons and armors, combat system, spells and all. :D No idea why people would like their gaming experience to be the same as their irl... just doing their everyday PvE chores in a save environment like they usually do. It's like having a second job. Little bit "of flavor" as you said would be nice. ;)

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> @"Li Xiaolu.4823" said:

> Just a suggestion for those who want to have open-world PvP. After killing a player you will be arrested by the Seraph, Peacemaker, Wardens, Lionguard …… and sent to prison for lets say two week online time. :)


Well... What you are saying has been done in many games, but the fact that the one you are killing has agreed to be killed in the first place means you don't have to be arrested overall. Your idea can be implemented in a smaller scale if you fight in the cities, but this means even more of the "precious" resources, that all of you are talking about like Anet is starving to death begging for piece of bread, will be spend.

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There are SO many ways this would be used by trolls to make pve folks miserable. Especially if attacking someone flagged makes them flagged too.


One of the things I most enjoy about GW is how everything is leaned toward cooperative gameplay. This is not that.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> There are SO many ways this would be used by trolls to make pve folks miserable. Especially if attacking someone flagged makes them flagged too.


> One of the things I most enjoy about GW is how everything is leaned toward cooperative gameplay. This is not that.


I wouldn't like that as well if it's done like this. The idea is to not disturb any pve player if he doesn't want to. The only disturbance will be seeing few players fighting and it will look the same way as someone passing by or being near you with a mount. Same visual disturbance imo.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > It doesn't really matter how many times this idea gets brought up it doesn't change the fact that it's overall not s great idea and will get shot down time and time again.

> > >

> > > Using the search function would show you the results of this discussion as time has gone on.

> >

> > Not winning the lottery doesn't stop you buying more lottery tickets and hoping to get lucky ... :D


> “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” - Albert Einstein


And someone buying lottery tickets doesn't affect me in any way what so ever--LOL.

and yes the search function does wonders

and as Anet has clearly said NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > > > Oh look! It's another one of these.

> > > >

> > > > It was a bad idea last week. It's still a bad idea this week.

> > >

> > > Oh look! It's another one complaining for the same thing like the others:

> > >

> > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > > Anyone know why there's been so many PvP in PvE topics recently? We used to get one every few months at most, then for the last few weeks it seems like we've had a new one every other day.*

> > >

> > > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > > It doesn't really matter how many times this idea gets brought up it doesn't change the fact that it's overall not s great idea and will get shot down time and time again.

> > > >

> > > > Using the search function would show you the results of this discussion as time has gone on.

> > >

> > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > I need a copy and paste response for these threads. So here we go, wall of text incoming...

> > > >

> > > > No

> > >

> > > Well, my friend, I guess people do like to be repetitive... you just don't like what you are reading.

> >

> > I have no issue with people wanting this, but it has been repeatedly asked that people use the search function and not keep bringing the same subject up.

> >

> > This subject has been brought up a great deal and it always comes back to a resounding and emphatic no from the community. It can't even happen on a technical basis because the open world is specifically not set up for pvp due to the way the game flag players and creatures among other things.

> >

> > So by all means be in favour of it, but there does not need to be a daily thread on this subject. It isn't going to make it more likely to happen. If anything t is just going to annoy both the community and the dev teams for constant asking for something they have already addressed


> So what you are saying is that Anet cannot make all the creatures in the open world one fraction that can kill all, the normal/neutral players a second fraction that can kill the first fraction only, and the dueling players a third fraction that can kill each other and the first fraction? This sounds a bit like WvW mechanics and don't see what the issue will be to be implemented. Just make the third fraction being able to kill each other just like in the small arena in the PvP Lobby.


No, I'm saying the issue of flagging was raised by Anet. They know their game engine better than 100% of the GW2 community. If they say this is is an issue/complication, then that's the end of it. They are the only ones who could find a workaround for it and they have stated neither a desire to do it or a commitment to making it a priority given they have two fully working competitive modes and the sheer volume of people who are vehemently against it.


The number of reasons not to do this outweigh any reasons to do it. There aren't many things that could lead to a mass loss of players from one design decision. This would be one of them.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > > > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > > > > > Oh look! It's another one of these.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It was a bad idea last week. It's still a bad idea this week.

> > > > >

> > > > > Oh look! It's another one complaining for the same thing like the others:

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > > > > Anyone know why there's been so many PvP in PvE topics recently? We used to get one every few months at most, then for the last few weeks it seems like we've had a new one every other day.*

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > > > > It doesn't really matter how many times this idea gets brought up it doesn't change the fact that it's overall not s great idea and will get shot down time and time again.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Using the search function would show you the results of this discussion as time has gone on.

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > > > I need a copy and paste response for these threads. So here we go, wall of text incoming...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No

> > > > >

> > > > > Well, my friend, I guess people do like to be repetitive... you just don't like what you are reading.

> > > >

> > > > I have no issue with people wanting this, but it has been repeatedly asked that people use the search function and not keep bringing the same subject up.

> > > >

> > > > This subject has been brought up a great deal and it always comes back to a resounding and emphatic no from the community. It can't even happen on a technical basis because the open world is specifically not set up for pvp due to the way the game flag players and creatures among other things.

> > > >

> > > > So by all means be in favour of it, but there does not need to be a daily thread on this subject. It isn't going to make it more likely to happen. If anything t is just going to annoy both the community and the dev teams for constant asking for something they have already addressed

> > >

> > > So what you are saying is that Anet cannot make all the creatures in the open world one fraction that can kill all, the normal/neutral players a second fraction that can kill the first fraction only, and the dueling players a third fraction that can kill each other and the first fraction? This sounds a bit like WvW mechanics and don't see what the issue will be to be implemented. Just make the third fraction being able to kill each other just like in the small arena in the PvP Lobby.

> >

> > No, I'm saying the issue of flagging was raised by Anet. They know their game engine better than 100% of the GW2 community. If they say this is is an issue/complication, then that's the end of it. They are the only ones who could find a workaround for it and they have stated neither a desire to do it or a commitment to making it a priority given they have two fully working competitive modes and the sheer volume of people who are vehemently against it.


> How old/new is your information about Anet statement on the subject ?


One response was a few months back, one was further back. Maybe 2-3 years.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Play pvp or wvw. Problem solved for everyone.


You can say the same thing about the prehistoric man, not using tools to hunt or fire to cook. The idea is progression, moving forward, getting bigger, stronger... this is the way of the bigger companies to be big and stay big. Last time I checked ArenaNet is a company... yes ? What we are talking about here is a way for ArenaNet to get bigger and stay big.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > Play pvp or wvw. Problem solved for everyone.


> You can say the same thing about the prehistoric man, not using tools to hunt or fire to cook. The idea is progression, moving forward, getting bigger, stronger... this is the way of the bigger companies to be big and stay big. Last time I checked ArenaNet is a company... yes ? What we are talking about here is a way for ArenaNet to get bigger and stay big.


Unlikely. Given the backlash response every time the issue is raised, this would be one of the few things to genuinely damage the games population (ESPECIALLY after 7 years without it). Open world pvp is niche at the best of times, but GW2 is a game world based on cooperation. This is a stated pillar of the game and they have never changed their design "pillars" in 7 years. It simply doesn't fit the game and GW2 open world attracts a lot of players who really aren't interested or want to even see it in their zone. I wouldn't demand more pve in pvp after all.


Besides the issue of pvp skills being separate to pve, there other issues beyond flagging and the overwhelmingly negative feedback on the proposal.


- they have very little resources for competitive modes.

- If they were to add in more resources, the priority would be for he existing modes

- to add this in before fully supported GvG would cause further uproar, since that is an actually popular idea that would be beneficial for the game


To try and remove some element of bias, I am not wholly opposed to city arenas in the same way Gauntlet works during the current festival. However, I would be against resources wasted on something that should really be confined to the two existing pvp modes.


My final words on the subject (until tomorrow when someone chooses to make another one anyway and the cycle continues). Open World pvp should not - ever - be added to this game. There are tons, absolutely tons of threads and polls on this subject that basically have pages and pages of people saying the same thing:



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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Anyone know why there's been so many PvP in PvE topics recently? We used to get one every few months at most, then for the last few weeks it seems like we've had a new one every other day.*

Perhaps because there are not enough people playing PvP that they would now rather force others to participate in open world? Other than that, open world PvP is really only for griefers, not people who want competition or a more challenging leveling experience.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > Play pvp or wvw. Problem solved for everyone.


> You can say the same thing about the prehistoric man, not using tools to hunt or fire to cook. The idea is progression, moving forward, getting bigger, stronger... this is the way of the bigger companies to be big and stay big. Last time I checked ArenaNet is a company... yes ? What we are talking about here is a way for ArenaNet to get bigger and stay big.


You got it backwards. Games used to have open pvp then gaming progressed and it was removed from most games. You aren't asking for progress you are asking to go back to the dark ages.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > Play pvp or wvw. Problem solved for everyone.

> >

> > You can say the same thing about the prehistoric man, not using tools to hunt or fire to cook. The idea is progression, moving forward, getting bigger, stronger... this is the way of the bigger companies to be big and stay big. Last time I checked ArenaNet is a company... yes ? What we are talking about here is a way for ArenaNet to get bigger and stay big.


> You have to convince me, anet, and everyone in general HOW this would be beneficial to THE number one casual game, where people need no vertical gear progression and can pretty much roflstomp any story or single player content by pressing 1.

> "Anet's chance to stay big". I would laugh if i didnt think you troll.


The game is casual for the casuals, and is challenging for the players searching to be challenging. You think raiding is easy? Or creating all the legendaries? Or being like this guy in Efficiency with 1 mln account value ? Or the other one who collected all the items that can be dropped from the Wardrobe Unlock ? This game isn't played because it's casual... well maybe this is why it's been tried from the players with free accounts by promising them they can play the game casually whenever... but after time only the real players stick around and buy the expansions and stuff from the gem store. So yeah... the game may look casual on the surface but it's not in it's core if you dig deep down. And that's why I think the suggestion I gave at the beginning would be accepted by the mass and even loved by many of them. Also I think it's going to be interesting feature, mount's are interesting implementation in the game.... Watched Wooden Potatoes Lets Play and he was role-playing so hard without a mount while others jump around on them.... I just can't imagine how the new players are feeling while observing this. Open world PvP would feel the same way I assume.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > Play pvp or wvw. Problem solved for everyone.

> >

> > You can say the same thing about the prehistoric man, not using tools to hunt or fire to cook. The idea is progression, moving forward, getting bigger, stronger... this is the way of the bigger companies to be big and stay big. Last time I checked ArenaNet is a company... yes ? What we are talking about here is a way for ArenaNet to get bigger and stay big.


> You got it backwards. Games used to have open pvp then gaming progressed and it was removed from most games. You aren't asking for progress you are asking to go back to the dark ages.


I'm asking for the progress and the dark ages coexisting because maybe some of us like both at the same time. Yes if you have to choose one or the other everyone will choose the progress. But if both is an option I'm all in... This game have it all, so why not eve more? Funzies for everyone.

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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > Anyone know why there's been so many PvP in PvE topics recently? We used to get one every few months at most, then for the last few weeks it seems like we've had a new one every other day.*

> Perhaps because there are not enough people playing PvP that they would now rather force others to participate in open world? Other than that, open world PvP is really only for griefers, not people who want competition or a more challenging leveling experience.


It's because all those pro players are leaving the game because everything is the same and Anet doesn't break the rules. Just adding new zone and the work here is done. Breaking the rules and implementing such feature would not only add new feature... it will change the way the game feels, the old will feel new and interesting.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > @"cNd.1096" said:

> > > > > Why people are against something that doesn't affect them? If you don't want to fight with other players in PvE maps then fine - don't do it, but let others have fun this way if they feel like it. Personally I would love to see some kind of duels in PvE, like it was done in 4story for example.

> > > > Because it does affect them. If players duell in open world pve, they will produce visual and audio noise for other players in the area, and potentially have an influence on other people's play experience, too, for example when they upscale events and mobs without participating or fill out the population limits on maps that try to go for a map-wide meta event.

> > >

> > > Anet DO NOT have problem with the visual noises in the game. If that was an issue for them they wouldn't add all those shiny weapons, and armors, and mounts, and gliders, and World Bosses to gather all those shinies on one place.

> > I'm not talking about shiny stuff (although I do try to avoid that as much as I can). I'm talking about people bashing each right other on top of me. I've had my share of that in other games, and it's one of the things I really can do without.


> This is you. Some win, some lose. Anet decides what is best for sustaining and growing the gw2 community.


And they've decided not to add PvP in PvE and many players agreed with that decision. Some win, some lose.

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people don't like change. They complain about no content but won't embrace what could be new content or even bother to say what new content they want, unless it;s housing or fishing, every one loves that.

Game needs a shake up, be it more PVP, Cantha or other stuff. If you don't want open world PVP so badly why not say what you want?

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> Where's the middle ground between PvE and PvP/WvW ? The PvE is too sterile while PvP/WvW is too brutal. Most PvE players are afraid to enter PvP because of points and competition, and failing the team, and for WvW it's just train with the zerg or get trained by the other zergs and you are there for the pure reason to kill or get killed. PvP in the open world would me more like....I'm doing PvE stuff but can do PvP stuff at any moment while at it. I gave the WoW example for a reason. People enjoy open world PvP, if not, the game wouldn't be so popular. Players like to experience PvE and PvP in the same time, there is a moment of surprise.


GW2's open world is not at war, at least not the playable races among each other. Therefore, it makes no sense to attack other players. It would only break the immersion even more than some other already implemented ill design choices do.


I'd rather see them add more exciting exploration tasks into open world maps. This game has a high enough percentage of fight content, it gets boring.

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No, go play WoW if that is what you want.

Also use the search function, this has been talked to death. Anet has clearly stated many times they don't want open world PvP in PvE. we have Guild halls for dueling, WvW, PvP, Dueling arena in EoTM, Dueling arena in HoTM, and last but not least many private/open arenas in PvP. Players who keep crying for pvp in PvE are just wishing to gank any lower level they can.

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Structured pvp exists, WVW exists, Guild hall pvp exists, hell they even added a small pvp arena in suns refuge if you do the (very easily accomplished) achievement to do so, and you get to invite players in your party to join from anywhere in the world if you get the (also very easily attainable) spearmarshal's plea.


in essence, duels exist in a variety of forms, each of them very far away from open-world pve. even if it was possible (since according to the devs themselves, engine-wise it's not), it seems like the devs don't intend on having open world duelling and have done everything since the launch of the game to make sure it's not in the game. And the suns refuge pvp arena feels like a HUGE bone to throw at people who want dueling, since that's essentially what that arena is.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > Where's the middle ground between PvE and PvP/WvW ? The PvE is too sterile while PvP/WvW is too brutal. Most PvE players are afraid to enter PvP because of points and competition, and failing the team, and for WvW it's just train with the zerg or get trained by the other zergs and you are there for the pure reason to kill or get killed. PvP in the open world would me more like....I'm doing PvE stuff but can do PvP stuff at any moment while at it. I gave the WoW example for a reason. People enjoy open world PvP, if not, the game wouldn't be so popular. Players like to experience PvE and PvP in the same time, there is a moment of surprise.


> GW2's open world is not at war, at least not the playable races among each other. Therefore, it makes no sense to attack other players. It would only break the immersion even more than some other already implemented ill design choices do.


People are running around the open world lathered in sparkly oil and armoured diapers. I believe the immersion argument is kind of invalid at this point.

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