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What's your "favorite" profession?


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I'm talking about you 295 mastery players.

Who is your go-to?

Your old faithful?

The first character you log onto after not playing for a few weeks?

The one you bring to unfamiliar content?


One of my favorite things in large in-game events is to click on people and see what profession people chose to get 100% world completion on. I'd love to hear what everyone's choice is. From observation I've seen mostly Guardians and Mesmers with the badge.

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Pre HoT, I would have said kamakaze staff ele or pewpew ranger. Nowadays my go to class for solo content is my thief (daredevil). It has good mobility, utility, cc, life leech and dps, is very reactive, and comes with decent ranged and melee options. Thief is an all round decent carry.


I used to like revenant too, but then they kept nerfing shiro/herald...

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Mesmer! Loved it in GW and choose it as my first profession in GW2. For a lot of reasons I only wanted to take a look at GW2, the mesmer ended up having me hooked to the game and I know I wouldn't have been hooked by any of the other professions. At release the mesmer gameplay just felt fantastic, even 7 years later it's still my soft spot for this game.

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Necromancer is always what I choose in every game. If a necromancer isn't available in an RPG i'm playing then I'm less likely to continue playing that game. GW2's necromancer really doesn't have everything I love about the class in RPGs, but there is enough of it compared to the other classes to keep it as my preferred. Scourge is my preferred elite spec. I like death/dark knights but I'm not much of a melee bruiser type person so Reaper tends to be a sometimes for me.

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Ranger and Necro were since the start of GW2 my go too for everything (PvE/WvW/SPvP), but it was not until I started to play a Mesmer that I fell in love with its playstyle. The clone/illusion concept fits my personality. Regardless of how good/bad any of the mesmer skill lines due in their respective area of questing/killing mobs/players, I always come back to this class for the fun factor.

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First and probably last character, started as a joke, ended up as being the only thing I can play without being bored. He's seen it all, built around all themes and beyond; dueled, ganked, tanked, trolled in all contents and probably died as many times as it has hours played which is too scary to look at. It's the only class the people I know associate me with. And if I ever bring anything else for the sake of trying something stupid in an event I'm sometimes considered absent from the event because I'm nowhere to be found.


(Also I hate weapon swap cooldowns outside Warrior's)

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> @"Arklite.4013" said:

> One of my favorite things in large in-game events is to click on people and see what profession people chose to get 100% world completion on. I'd love to hear what everyone's choice is. From observation I've seen mostly Guardians and Mesmers with the badge.


I've never really thought about doing that, but this finding kind of surprises me since Mesmers were the slowest profession for travelling, at least in the time before mounts and before they added swiftness to Signet of Inspiration.


I also never thought Mesmer was that great of a profession for open world (at least until it was expanded upon with the elite specs) since the clone system felt clunky against enemies with small health pools and there weren't many AoE abilities for event tagging.


Either way, this is probably a really old way of thinking since every professions has strong build options for open world now and mounts make all travel a breeze.


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Back in the early days my favourite character was my necromancer, did everything with him including LS1 and world completion.

In the run up to HoT (after the trait overhaul?) I got really into WvW, and started using my ranger more there because traps were a lot of fun.

When HoT hit I played the story with both my necro and my ranger but finished the story with my ranger first (mainly due to questing for new pets). At this point open world PvE and guild stuff was mainly done on necro while PvP/WvW stuff mainly on ranger.

Took a break until one of the holiday events drew me back in, and I ended up playing revenant more (she had the most free bag space). Found it to be a lot of fun and kept playing it (although I could never care much about herald/Glint), but I still WvWed on my ranger mostly.

When PoF hit I brought both of them to it first, I enjoyed the story more on my human rev but still finished it on my ranger first thanks to pet hunting and mounts


Now I don't get to play very often, but when my ranger isn't hunting players in WvW she's hunting new mount unlocks and progressing on chuka and champawat (slowly).

My revenant is still the first one I bring to any holiday events.

My necromancer still haunts the old PvE zones and world boss areas.

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I voted thief.

However, all classes were my favourite at some point or another, and I like them all equally.


Reason I chose thief, is because I really like the double daggers, double pistols, and a dead eye rifle switch.


They also have bows, and so there are lots of fun combinations you can make.


Other than Rpg, I'm all for action shooters and war games, may I give an example, Conflict: Global Storm. Hence, the assassin style play.


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  • 2 weeks later...

My necro is my map/ game completion character. First in and first out for new content, but my favorite is currently revenant. I say "favorite" as in it's subject to change due to whatever fashion mood I'm in. Class and build-wise, I feel like... I've done everything already, so I wont have a favorite class by nature of its design unless Monk comes out or something...

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