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3 warriors doing 100 blades on a down player and he still gets resurected by 1 ele just pressing f


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I am a full berserker. There were 3 warriors and we got one necro down, his elementalist friend just pressed f and he resurrected his friend.

How the hell is this even possible? 3 100 blades for god's sake! 3 3 3 3 3 3 3. How in hell can someone get resurected by just pressing f?


My gear is completely berseker and I am not sure about the other warriors but they were very competent players.


Resurrecting by just pressing f needs a tonedown.


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It's not just pressing F.



- Equipping a specific trait from a specific traitline

- Casting skill 3 on staff while in water attunement on the body

- Pressing F

- Attune to earth in order to reduce downcleave by 33%


It lasts for 4 seconds so after that no way there is a ress, and anything condi (especially poison) is a hard counter and it can only be attempted once every 20 seconds.


For something that requires a specific trait with no other benefit, investment into a full traitline that bases itself on utility and a specific two-handed weapon that on a healing spec is only half useful and on top of that most likely sacrifice rune bonuses for mercy - it's just as balanced as mercy signet, but even with that you don't need to sacrifice half the things elementalists do.

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maybe try using CC on the ele that is ressing ? just a thought...


I dont see why ppl are surprised by that. he must've been full minstrel and traited for res build to pull that off.....

Its not even that strong compared to guardian MI which can get ppl up from like 50% hp in downstate INSTANTLY....


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> @"Fish.2769" said:

> Did they Mistform by chance? As long as they've started an action, they can use Mistform to negate damage to themselves... But that sounds like a support Healing Tempest tbh.


No staff, no mistform.

3 100 blades and the necro just went up like nothing happened. Like I said, I am a 100% pure berserker build. Those who know me from BG know that my build is a beast.

That is why I was astounded by the fact that an ele by just pressing F was able to overcome 3 100 blades.

At least one of those 100 blades was from an extreme berserk build (me). I don't know about the other warriors but they seemed like they were doing very decent damage with their skills.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"rng.1024" said:

> > > It's not just pressing F.

> > What do you mean, it is just pressing F.

> >

> > F to stomp.


> he drops waterfield too. like we guards do f2 5 mercy.

Waterfield doesnt matter. If you outman people and they dont have any pressure (such as everyone ressing), you pressure the downed **and** stomp. Just pressuring the downed will fail when your damage skills goes on cd. This isnt exactly rocket science, I've stomped people at like 98% res just because I dumped poison and burns to suppress while stomping as their pocket guardian res. No stomp no chance. Hell I've done that *in the middle of enemy guilds with 3+ ressing* just because they thought they could outres the dps. Which they totally could. But it was slowed enough.


But adding to OPs situation, warriors can stunlock for 10+ seconds.


Hitman got outplayed and decided it was forum worthy. And they probably won the fight anyway, the outcome is conspicously missing.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> Pics or it didn't happen.

> Vid or never did.


This can be replicated, all you need is

* 3 warriors friends

* 1 necro enemy

* 1 Elementalist enemy


Now, Since I don't know the exact builds the ele was using, lets just assume the ele had the best healing build available and then go from there.


Also, the other two warriors most likely were no full berserker because one of them was spellbreaker and the other was berserker (however I don't know if he was full serk gear)


Anyway, just go and do it yourself. Like Jesus told judas, "go and test your doubt.." or something like that...

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"rng.1024" said:

> > > > It's not just pressing F.

> > > What do you mean, it is just pressing F.

> > >

> > > F to stomp.

> >

> > he drops waterfield too. like we guards do f2 5 mercy.

> Waterfield doesnt matter. If you outman people and they dont have any pressure (such as everyone ressing), you pressure the downed **and** stomp. Just pressuring the downed will fail when your damage skills goes on cd. This isnt exactly rocket science, I've stomped people at like 98% res just because I dumped poison and burns to suppress while stomping as their pocket guardian res. No stomp no chance. Hell I've done that *in the middle of enemy guilds with 3+ ressing* just because they thought they could outres the dps. Which they totally could. But it was slowed enough.


> But adding to OPs situation, warriors can stunlock for 10+ seconds.


> Hitman got outplayed and decided it was forum worthy. And they probably won the fight anyway, the outcome is conspicously missing.


on the warriors part, probably not a hammer war. because hammer 4 5 would have stopped the res.


and hundred blades does kitten, only big in total, he should have gs 5 arc swap f1 cc.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > Pics or it didn't happen.

> > Vid or never did.


> This can be replicated, all you need is

> * 3 warriors friends

> * 1 necro enemy

> * 1 Elementalist enemy


> Now, Since I don't know the exact builds the ele was using, lets just assume the ele had the best healing build available and then go from there.


> Also, the other two warriors most likely were no full berserker because one of them was spellbreaker and the other was berserker (however I don't know if he was full serk gear)


> Anyway, just go and do it yourself. Like Jesus told judas, "go and test your doubt.." or something like that...


To continue your analogy you have yet to prove yourself the son of Christ. I have no reason to believe you or in you.


Everything you post is from an angle "warrior is the weakest class there is." Along with some of your other posts about stuff that is OP (because it counters warrior) or broken (because warrior can't do it /isn't the best at it ) it's hard for me , and I can hedge my bets on a lot of others, to actually believe you about....well anything.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> I am a full berserker. There were 3 warriors and we got one necro down, his elementalist friend just pressed f and he resurrected his friend.

> How the hell is this even possible? 3 100 blades for god's sake! 3 3 3 3 3 3 3. How in hell can someone get resurected by just pressing f?


> My gear is completely berseker and I am not sure about the other warriors but they were very competent players.


> Resurrecting by just pressing f needs a tonedown.



Just out of curiosity, when was the last time you posted (or personally considered) anything in support of any other class other than warrior?


Curiosy since you seem as though you lack vast experience in anything but warrior and/or are extremely biased in favor of warrior, always and all the time.


Makes it hard to take things at face value without evidence. It doesn't help that you can't explain what the other class was doing due to lack of understanding on top of all that.


As to the topic at hand, I guess it was unfortunate that all 3 warriors had cooldown on weaponswap at the same time and were unable to switch to hammer to create more down pressure.

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We can do the math for the fun of it.


**Arcane Ressurection:**

We can assume the elementalist has maximum outgoing healing, namely 35% (15% from water line, 10% from sigil and 10% from rice ball food).

It then heals for 7×1,35 = 9,45% each second for a total of 47,25% after all pulses.



Base revival speed is 15% per second. Since revival bonuses stack additively we can add the trait (10%) and the runes (20%) and we get a speed of 19,5% per second.



This puts our final ressing speed, assuming the ele has no staff and just presses F, at ~29% per second. Given downstate health is equal to about double the healthpool (tested by vaporforming and reading combat log dmg it does) this constitutes to about (18 000×2) (marauder) × 0,29 = 10440 dmg per sec in order to completely nullify the ticks. In order to achieve normal ress speed, only 8800 is required.


How 3 full dps classes can manage to do less than 3k dmg per sec each all with a weapon that has skills that reach 5k easily, is beyond me. Did they all have weakness? Did the ele stun them all with shocking aura? Blinds? Maybe.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> I am a full berserker. There were 3 warriors and we got one necro down, his elementalist friend just pressed f and he resurrected his friend.

> How the hell is this even possible? 3 100 blades for god's sake! 3 3 3 3 3 3 3. How in hell can someone get resurected by just pressing f?


> My gear is completely berseker and I am not sure about the other warriors but they were very competent players.


> Resurrecting by just pressing f needs a tonedown.



This is not possible. Perhaps you are not aware that some support enemies are helping to revive that necro too but from a distance and maybe a fb is nearby? Or a hack?


I played a full ascended minstrel healing tempest, meta build and with fully infused and attuned accessorries. I can never tank that much hits or revive players that fast. No way. But i wish i could though.

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