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The large disparity in gold per hour compared to other game modes.


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Hello fellow players. I spend a lot of time in both ranked pvp and world versus world. My preferred game mode is world versus world however. I have noticed an astonishing disparity in my gold per hour gains in ranked pvp compared to world versus world. I could spend 10 hours in world versus world getting 100 kills an hour with tier 6 participation and I could net maybe 20 gold from selling off all the mats I have farmed. But if I do pvp for just 2-3 hours I net that easily in RAW gold. I think the wvw rewards earned from pips should give out a larger chunk of raw gold from the rewards chests to compete with other farming methods in the open world and even to compete with pvp gold farming. Since a lot of wvw is capturing objectives it does often feel like a pve style map and I think players who dedicate time to world versus world should be rewarded with more gold. I also feel if the world versus world gold per hour was increased it would incentivize more people to play the game mode because it is incredibly fun but it gives very little monetary gain compared to other modes and maps. The large disparity in gold per hour often leaves casual players and pvers feeling like it is simply not worth their time if they are on a busy schedule. If someone can only play 4 hours a week why would they play world versus world when they can do raids or fractals or pvp and earn way more gold. The addition of the pips was an amazing thing for world versus world fans but I feel like only good things can come from a raw gold buff on the reward chests. Thank you I look forward to a civil and productive discussion.

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Is spvp doable by afking and participating every 10 mins for one minute? Probably not. Now, dont get me wrong, here. Wvw is my main mode, plenty of hours in this. But rewards have been waaaay worse. At least we have legendary armor. The easiest to craft.

Edit: to answer your question 'why would anyone play wvw over pve', the answer is : cause they enjoy the mode. You can only clear T4 fractals so many times before getting bored out of your mind.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Is spvp doable by afking and participating every 10 mins for one minute? Probably not. Now, dont get me wrong, here. Wvw is my main mode, plenty of hours in this. But rewards have been waaaay worse. At least we have legendary armor. The easiest to craft.

> Edit: to answer your question 'why would anyone play wvw over pve', the answer is : cause they enjoy the mode. You can only clear T4 fractals so many times before getting bored out of your mind.


You absolutely can AFK in PvP, sure players its just a different style of AFK, in WvW if you afk, when you drop below T3 you no longer get any pip based rewards, in PvP people move the char to a point die, and just afk at spawn, seen this several times,


WvW needs a massive overhaul in rewards.

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Wvw depends on players for content. Players who come for the rewards rather than the gameplay will be interested in getting maximum rewards with minimum effort, which is rational but does not create quality gameplay . . .


Maybe there is room to improve wvw rewards, but it should always be kept far less rewarding than pve . . .

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Is spvp doable by afking and participating every 10 mins for one minute? Probably not. Now, dont get me wrong, here. Wvw is my main mode, plenty of hours in this. But rewards have been waaaay worse. At least we have legendary armor. The easiest to craft.

> Edit: to answer your question 'why would anyone play wvw over pve', the answer is : cause they enjoy the mode. You can only clear T4 fractals so many times before getting bored out of your mind.


Wintrading and bots says hi.

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Reward wise WvW is a terrible game mode. You rank up very slowly, unless you have a Karma-Train to follow, which can be rare depending on the server you are on and the tier you play in. And doing that feels like you are not playing the game mode correctly, instead just doing boring PvE (or PvD, as some call it), which could be done outside of WvW and in more interesting ways there.


If you play WvW for the reward, you are playing the game wrong. And it's honestly quite disheartening every time I think about how much more "progress" I could make in the game, if I didn't spend my time playing WvW, but did other content instead. For me WvW just has been the only worthwhile content lately. I still wish the rewards were adjusted to the better. People say it's so players don't afk in WvW and get stuff, but I could much easier afk in PvE and get much more out of it.


I especially feel like it is not actually worth fighting people in WvW, you gain the most by ignoring enemies and focussing on flipping objectives. Especially zerg fights are disappointingly scarcely rewarded, only the occasional WXP bonus or ascended drop are nice, but those are so rare you could just as well hope to get something nice from a black lion chest.


While it's "acceptable" to not have WvW absolutely as profitable as PvE, in the current state it is just massively disproportionately unbalanced.

I don't necessarily see a problem with people coming to WvW for the reward, it feels like less and less people play the game mode every week anyway. Maybe I'm not the only one who feels like he's getting nowhere despite playing the game mode so much, who knows.


I know people say "use boosters every day!!!" ... that's not a solution to the problem, boosters would give their boni outside of WvW just as well and two times "a lot" is still more than two times "quite little".


Maybe adding more things you get via pips might be an option, but there are problems with that as well, like veterans getting more pips and people stacking the winning servers. Maybe improving the reward tracks, just increasing the amount of reward track progress needed to complete them would already increase the loot gained for example.


But in the end, it's WvW we're talking about here. One of the main things that sets GW2 apart from other games ... and yet the most neglected game mode of it.

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The more casuals playing the mode the more better. GW2 is a casual game. Any players playing the mode means ArenaNet will want to focus more resources on it. I am a hardcore player myself but wanting to exclude casual PvE players is the complete wrong mentality for the health of the game mode.

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> @"Bdews.7236" said:

> The more casuals playing the mode the more better. GW2 is a casual game. Any players playing the mode means ArenaNet will want to focus more resources on it. I am a hardcore player myself but wanting to exclude casual PvE players is the complete wrong mentality for the health of the game mode.


That's not how competitive games/game modes work though. Especially not wvw because queues exist.


Fractals are played by everyone yet they get updated twice a year at best.

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personally i would play WvW even if all rewards would be removed as i really dont care for items.

but if u want to crank up WvW rewards so badly i would just shorten the reward tracks and maybe give a increase chance of recieving exotics on killing players.


but then again i frankly dont care :D

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> That's not how competitive games/game modes work though. Especially not wvw because queues exist.


Queues exist?


I jest. At reset queues exist. Even on my "most-hated" server, queues rarely pop up during the week; maybe for an hour on one map during NA.


I, for one, would love to see higher rewards in WvW to encourage more participation, especially from casuals. They'll learn the game mode if they stick around; but they won't stick around due to constant death or losing if there's hardly any extrinsic reward and much better ones from other game modes.


WvW should not be elitist, especially with the diminishing population.

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Nah, let's just keep the status quo. It's been working perfectly fine.


Please, the rewards are bad not because they want to keep the game mode competitive (lol) but rather because they didn't care and is based on an archaic tagging system that is really no longer there from the rest of this game. We didn't have healers and support as the meta that don't have attack skills back then, but we do now. It's just another sign the game mode is stuck in 2013. And the result is nobody really cares either way since the reward for killing a player is apparently worth less than killing a veteran boar.


The fear of undeserving players is absurd because it already happens. The reason for undeserving leeches is because....


1.) Gift of Battle required for Legendaries.... they really don't have a choice and leave ASAP


2.) People being rewarded the same for doing good as the same as doing bad.... if rewards are bad for everyone then it doesn't matter. Hence the afk.


3.) You can run in a group of 60 and not learn how to play the game.


4.) Terrible balance leading people to have no respect for combat and doing more of 3.


5.) You can also just hop on siege, negating the necessity to learn how to play your character.


6.) The game does not teach people how to play it. The game is buried under a nightmare of arbitrary mechanics that change whenever some genius in the "balance team" has a novel idea or needs to sell some form of power creep.


7.) People that contribute have been chased off. Whether it's the pugmander that gets flamed too much, the scout that gets ignored, abusing fight guilds because they don't PPT hard enough, or just people realizing this game mode has no support.


Why do you fear PvE leeches? Are WvW leeches any better, just because they put a different label on themselves? Both are going to die in 2 seconds and kitten about being kicked from squad for being useless anyways. We have people that can't even get through on a mount... with 3 dodges!


Does anyone remember back then when scouts and commanders needed donations because they were going broke from siege and upgrades? If people didn't complain at all, there wouldn't even be reward tracks or provisioners. We'd have to grind each character from scratch in pve just to play WvW. Yea...

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> @"Bdews.7236" said:

> Hello fellow players. I spend a lot of time in both ranked pvp and world versus world. My preferred game mode is world versus world however. I have noticed an astonishing disparity in my gold per hour gains in ranked pvp compared to world versus world. I could spend 10 hours in world versus world getting 100 kills an hour with tier 6 participation and I could net maybe 20 gold from selling off all the mats I have farmed. But if I do pvp for just 2-3 hours I net that easily in RAW gold. I think the wvw rewards earned from pips should give out a larger chunk of raw gold from the rewards chests to compete with other farming methods in the open world and even to compete with pvp gold farming. Since a lot of wvw is capturing objectives it does often feel like a pve style map and I think players who dedicate time to world versus world should be rewarded with more gold. I also feel if the world versus world gold per hour was increased it would incentivize more people to play the game mode because it is incredibly fun but it gives very little monetary gain compared to other modes and maps. The large disparity in gold per hour often leaves casual players and pvers feeling like it is simply not worth their time if they are on a busy schedule. If someone can only play 4 hours a week why would they play world versus world when they can do raids or fractals or pvp and earn way more gold. The addition of the pips was an amazing thing for world versus world fans but I feel like only good things can come from a raw gold buff on the reward chests. Thank you I look forward to a civil and productive discussion.


Theres a flaw the premise you're under. PvP's rewards are gold heavy, because you DO NOT generate drops the way the other game modes do. The intent is you use that gold to buy what you want off the TP..... which isn't much besides Legendary weapons. You don't need gear in PvP, so its only in the Post-Pip revamps that you even see any of those new rewards reflected.


WvW for the longest time was meant as a major Gold sink, since it was intended to be the original "End game" for most players. Guilds were expected to invest heavily into fortifications, and holding it against enemy attacks. But the flaw in the design became apparent, when it was realized upgrading locations wasn't worth it, since they could easily be overrun with siege at a faction of the cost. You could also get more accomplished for man power investment by zerging, since defense siege wasn't lethal without a direct fight to keep the pressure on them. The entire logistics system for WvW was abysmal when you consider PvE activity was supposed to Fund it. And even with the changes to make it revolve around Yaks, its still pretty terrible in light of how much a zerg can outweigh fortifications.


Nearly all the WvW reward changes are there to help WvW fund itself now via Skirmish chests; with several incentives to steer players toward crafting and PvE via raw materials needed for Guild halls, Scribe, and Decorations.


And like I pointed out in another thread....... trying to use rewards as the main incentive to play a game mode only leads to players "gaming the system", regardless of the damage to the game mode itself. The Game mode has to be fun in of itself to play, otherwise rewards just become an addiction mechanism that is utterly unsustainable. Looking at what adding rewards to PvP did- it flooded the game with newbies, but utterly failed in terms of retention rates. And while the newbies were fumbling around, the entire ranking system in the mid and lower tiers was thrown into chaos. ELO Hell is "REAL".... and if players don't have the internal motivation to get better for the sake of having better matches, they can be a massive detriment to the tiers they get stuck in.


Rewards as the primary motivator for performance in Competitive modes always results in players trying go the lowest effort route. Its no surprise that PvE metas are divided up almost entirely by their Payout to Effort ratio. And as soon as one become even marginally worse then another, the bulk will move the better options.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > Is spvp doable by afking and participating every 10 mins for one minute? Probably not. Now, dont get me wrong, here. Wvw is my main mode, plenty of hours in this. But rewards have been waaaay worse. At least we have legendary armor. The easiest to craft.

> > Edit: to answer your question 'why would anyone play wvw over pve', the answer is : cause they enjoy the mode. You can only clear T4 fractals so many times before getting bored out of your mind.


> You absolutely can AFK in PvP, sure players its just a different style of AFK, in WvW if you afk, when you drop below T3 you no longer get any pip based rewards, in PvP people move the char to a point die, and just afk at spawn, seen this several times,


> WvW needs a massive overhaul in rewards.


You would be surprised as to how many wvw people afk pipfarm in outnumbered maps. While this happens in pvp, it is far from the norm. It IS, however, in wvw. Where people skip scouting and prefer to lose T2 and T3 stuff cause defending will ruin outnumbered.

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