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" Top players " were nobodies when the game had population


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Anyone else can see the irony when these " top players" talk like they are so good and that duo Q system is balanced but when this game had an actual healthy population they were nobodies? They somehow only managed to become top players when 99% of the good players quit the game . Now they are abusing the duo Q system and farming silvers at 4 am and claiming that duo Qing is totally fine and healthy for the game. Find me one player in 2019 that was relevant back in 2014-16 when the game had decent amount of competitive players? yeah right not a single person was found that day, being a top player nowadays means nothing because everyone has quit, this game is just a casual meme at this point, why is the whole solo Q vs duo Qs not fixed yet? 95% of the player base is solo Q only, why would you cater to the 5% claiming to be top players and abusing the system?

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A lot of the top players have been playing since the game came out. A lot of them were playing competitively in tournaments/rated highly on the leaderboards.


The only top player that is relatively new is Helio. Most of the others I can remember from core GW2. A lot of people's teammates quit also. So you'll see players like Eurantien or Zeromis still around but Supcutie (who was more well known) no longer plays.


Anyways, your post is full of bias. Regardless of whether or not you place quotes around "top players," you fail to acknowledge that players can be good even if they didn't play competitively back in the day. Also, I know plenty of lower tier players that also duo que and enjoy it. In fact, I'd be hard-pressed to find people in-game that actually dislike the notion of playing with friends in an MMO.

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I Spvp now just for my dailies. Its about all I can take from all the sh*t talking in map chat/afking, and just downright pathetic matchmaking.


Fortunately, It lead me to WvW--which I ONLY did for Gift of Battle--and now I am finding I really do enjoy it. I can focus on solo roaming and really testing my skills (and not limited to certain amulets) on escape and outnumbers....so much more refreshing than standing on a control point.

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There's still some decent people around, and a few i'd say actually earned the right to brag. It's the one's that choose not to be all egotistical and don't overstate their accomplishments that are usually the best at this game.


Like... shoutout to Eurantien, and Falan. I don't know how long Falan has been playing, but they play good, and they stay humble. Eurantein has been around for a couple of years at least, and they're able to recognize corruption and exploitation where it happens; never dabbling in it themselves as far as I know. There's also a ton of hidden talent in this game that will unfortunately never shine because they don't have the platform.


Honestly the percentage of top players that abuse the system is probably less than a whole number of a percent of the population, nowhere near 5%. Most people SoloQ; that's a fact, but some people actually do Duo without sinister intentions, or solely for the purpose of playing with friends.


When it comes to the top players who put actual effort into cheating the matchmaker(which is usually through DuoQ for easy games versus the majority of uncoordinated or lower-rated players, u rite) then yeah, you're right in a lot of cases. There's absolutely no reason for them to be frontin' and stuntin' like that if they have the skill to back it up. Anyone who still plays ranked consistently knows what they do to get there, and just how unimpressive that makes the accomplishment.


You're also right to say Arenanet appeals to this 0.X% of players, because tools like merged queues only really only benefit this small fraction of top players, and hinder everyone else. If the queues were split, SoloQ and the wholesome DuoQ players(The vast majority of players basically) would both be happier, and without any ways to cheat the matchmaker; real skill would show.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> Or mb some of us have friends and actually want to play with them ? have you consider that ?


If you arent pushing p3 solo queue, then you being duo queue is no problem.


Easiest fix is just limit duo queue to everyone under p3 (NA). The most competitive solo queue players hit that rank solo, so you'll have fair competition for the high ranks.

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> @"Ryan.9387" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > Or mb some of us have friends and actually want to play with them ? have you consider that ?


> If you arent pushing p3 solo queue, then you being duo queue is no problem.


> Easiest fix is just limit duo queue to everyone under p3 (NA). The most competitive solo queue players hit that rank solo, so you'll have fair competition for the high ranks.


if someone wants to match manipulate they will, and implementing this wont change a thing, other then pissing off people that actually wanna play with friends.


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> @"Ryan.9387" said:

> If you arent pushing p3 solo queue, then you being duo queue is no problem.


> Easiest fix is just limit duo queue to everyone under p3 (NA). The most competitive solo queue players hit that rank solo, so you'll have fair competition for the high ranks.


So punishing people for playing well is a good idea to you?

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"Ryan.9387" said:

> > If you arent pushing p3 solo queue, then you being duo queue is no problem.

> >

> > Easiest fix is just limit duo queue to everyone under p3 (NA). The most competitive solo queue players hit that rank solo, so you'll have fair competition for the high ranks.


> So punishing people for playing well is a good idea to you?


It is not a punishment, it is enforcing the most even field anet can at the highest tier of the leaderboard. In NA this would affect all of 20 players (more like 10 if you remove alts). The secondary problem is their duo affects matches of lower rated players.


If you aren't one of those 20 then you aren't affected. Of course you can have it your way and then go right back to complaining about getting destroyed by high tier duos at 5am in the morning.

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> @"Ryan.9387" said:

> It is not a punishment, it is enforcing the most even field anet can at the highest tier of the leaderboard. In NA this would affect all of 20 players (more like 10 if you remove alts). The secondary problem is their duo affects matches of lower rated players.


> If you aren't one of those 20 then you aren't affected. Of course you can have it your way and then go right back to complaining about getting destroyed by high tier duos at 5am in the morning.


I am capable of thinking about other people aside from myself.

This doesn't affect me in any way but even I can see that it's a bit unfair to ask someone to give up on having fun if they want to be highly rated.

There should never be two sets of rules for different players.

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> @"Ryan.9387" said:

> > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > @"Ryan.9387" said:

> > > If you arent pushing p3 solo queue, then you being duo queue is no problem.

> > >

> > > Easiest fix is just limit duo queue to everyone under p3 (NA). The most competitive solo queue players hit that rank solo, so you'll have fair competition for the high ranks.

> >

> > So punishing people for playing well is a good idea to you?


> It is not a punishment, it is enforcing the most even field anet can at the highest tier of the leaderboard. In NA this would affect all of 20 players (more like 10 if you remove alts). The secondary problem is their duo affects matches of lower rated players.


> If you aren't one of those 20 then you aren't affected. Of course you can have it your way and then go right back to complaining about getting destroyed by high tier duos at 5am in the morning.


Sorry, but it looks like Anet Ben P disagrees with you.


- [Re: the matchmaker not keeping high rated players in queue longer: The reward for getting better at the game can't be, "You don't get to play anymore."

Re: Duo queue - We thought about this for a long time. In the end, we decided it's just not fun to not be able to play with your friends. Additionally, removing a feature is a poor reward for getting better at the game. It also motivated all sorts of bad behavior, which I won't go into.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/964740#Comment_964740)


He specifically stated that removing duo que for high rated players was a punishment, shouldn't have happened, and encouraged match manipulation. :^)

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Ryan.9387" said:

> > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > > @"Ryan.9387" said:

> > > > If you arent pushing p3 solo queue, then you being duo queue is no problem.

> > > >

> > > > Easiest fix is just limit duo queue to everyone under p3 (NA). The most competitive solo queue players hit that rank solo, so you'll have fair competition for the high ranks.

> > >

> > > So punishing people for playing well is a good idea to you?

> >

> > It is not a punishment, it is enforcing the most even field anet can at the highest tier of the leaderboard. In NA this would affect all of 20 players (more like 10 if you remove alts). The secondary problem is their duo affects matches of lower rated players.

> >

> > If you aren't one of those 20 then you aren't affected. Of course you can have it your way and then go right back to complaining about getting destroyed by high tier duos at 5am in the morning.


> Sorry, but it looks like Anet Ben P disagrees with you.


> - [Re: the matchmaker not keeping high rated players in queue longer: The reward for getting better at the game can't be, "You don't get to play anymore."

> Re: Duo queue - We thought about this for a long time. In the end, we decided it's just not fun to not be able to play with your friends. Additionally, removing a feature is a poor reward for getting better at the game. It also motivated all sorts of bad behavior, which I won't go into.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/964740#Comment_964740)


> He specifically stated that removing duo que for high rated players was a punishment, shouldn't have happened, and encouraged match manipulation. :^)


And the wise decisions of Anet keep the scene as healthy as ever...


Not really advocating for change though, I'm checked out and don't know why I'm here.

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> And the wise decisions of Anet keep the scene as healthy as ever...


My feelies at every patch. Oh yes infinite sage wisdom. Neglectful? Down right absentee? Naw. Here's a 2v2 map to prove we still care.


Do you like Swiss? Wrong answer, lose your monthly AT for that. You can have some great value cheddar instead you hyperbole spewing plebian.

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The true value of a player in a Massive Multiplayer game shines inside a team, where he/she can coordinate and create synergy with other team members. Playing Solo means a player has nothing to do with team integration, and it's more about patience to play alone as much as possible, at the right times for farming with a random team.


From a mathematical perspective with SoloQ it's like this: every player has 20% value of the team (because there are 5 players). If you have a full premade team, the value of a player is hard to calculate because that player has access to what others are doing. As such, a player's value within a team, at a specific moment, can go way beyond 20%, dynamically completing the team, because of real time voice communication and access to deductive information in what should do and where should be.


With DuoQ a couple has no more than 40% value of team, because the rest of 3 players (60%) are assigned by Anet. Therefore, the fact that you get good players in your team, can be considered as pure luck; since you can't communicate with them in real time and you can't know what they are doing, or what their intentions are, at any specific moment within the match.


A SoloQ player is just about luck, farming at specific times, or in certain situations. Don't get me wrong, a SoloQ player has a great value when it comes to 1v1 (because of training and patience), but within a team he/she can't possibly shine, precisely because of silence and egocentric loneliness.

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We already had this situation before.. Solo+DuoQ and everybody was whining about DuoQ being broken, Anet then removed duoQ and everybody was like "bRiNg BaCk dUoQ!1! Q_Q" and now we have it again and everybody's again "dUoQ Is BrOkEn"...

get the fuck over it and play duo yourself if you think it's soooooo busted..

Unless we get a full team only queue or a good equivalent (like maybe on demand AT or something) the game mode will always be a clown and coinflip meme fiesta anyway.


Also.. who cares if the current top players were not top players 2 years ago.. they are undeniably now so I don't see the point flaming them.. Especially since they had a lot of time to improve since ESL while the former top players who quit don't have a clue about current GW2 sPvP so arguably the current top players would still be top players even if former top players would return. At least for a while (if those former top players would reach their skill level again at all).

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> @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

> We already had this situation before.. Solo+DuoQ and everybody was whining about DuoQ being broken, Anet then removed duoQ and everybody was like "bRiNg BaCk dUoQ!1! Q_Q" and now we have it again and everybody's again "dUoQ Is BrOkEn"...

> get the kitten over it and play duo yourself if you think it's soooooo busted..

> Unless we get a full team only queue or a good equivalent (like maybe on demand AT or something) the game mode will always be a clown and coinflip meme fiesta anyway.


> Also.. who cares if the current top players were not top players 2 years ago.. they are undeniably now so I don't see the point flaming them.. Especially since they had a lot of time to improve since ESL while the former top players who quit don't have a clue about current GW2 sPvP so arguably the current top players would still be top players even if former top players would return. At least for a while (if those former top players would reach their skill level again at all).



It’s the same with the mid level players now. Some will stick to pvp and get better and be the next top players next year. People watch top players stream, take on board the exp from that and their own games and improve with each season. I was shite last year, okish this year and probably better next.


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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> A lot of the top players have been playing since the game came out. A lot of them were playing competitively in tournaments/rated highly on the leaderboards.


> The only top player that is relatively new is Helio. Most of the others I can remember from core GW2. A lot of people's teammates quit also. So you'll see players like Eurantien or Zeromis still around but Supcutie (who was more well known) no longer plays.


> Anyways, your post is full of bias. Regardless of whether or not you place quotes around "top players," you fail to acknowledge that players can be good even if they didn't play competitively back in the day. Also, I know plenty of lower tier players that also duo que and enjoy it. In fact, I'd be hard-pressed to find people in-game that actually dislike the notion of playing with friends in an MMO.


Man this post sure is full of bias the fact remains that top players, while they may have played in core even the ones you mentioned were still complete randoms. I think it’s ironic that these new players are so toxic(calling everyone randoms and stuff) that no one even wants to play with them. Fing biased and ironic if you ask me.

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> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > A lot of the top players have been playing since the game came out. A lot of them were playing competitively in tournaments/rated highly on the leaderboards.

> >

> > The only top player that is relatively new is Helio. Most of the others I can remember from core GW2. A lot of people's teammates quit also. So you'll see players like Eurantien or Zeromis still around but Supcutie (who was more well known) no longer plays.

> >

> > Anyways, your post is full of bias. Regardless of whether or not you place quotes around "top players," you fail to acknowledge that players can be good even if they didn't play competitively back in the day. Also, I know plenty of lower tier players that also duo que and enjoy it. In fact, I'd be hard-pressed to find people in-game that actually dislike the notion of playing with friends in an MMO.


> Man this post sure is full of bias the fact remains that top players, while they may have played in core even the ones you mentioned were still complete randoms. I think it’s ironic that these new players are so toxic(calling everyone randoms and stuff) that no one even wants to play with them. Fing biased and ironic if you ask me.


I'm not saying _all_ of the top players were competitive back in the day but there are a good amount of them that _were_ still recognized as skilled PvPers.


Also, Eurantien, Zeromis, and Supcutie were all very well-known even back in core GW2. They all played in Pro League/World Championships so the fact that you're telling me that they "were still complete randoms" means you have literally no idea what you're talking about lol


If you're talking about high-rated streamers trash talking people, it's normal. It happens in nearly every competitive game across the skill brackets. In fact, high-rated players are generally justified. The reason they are high-rated is because they know how to play the game better than the majority of other people. Thus, when they point out specific randoms (which is not inherently toxic, it's no different than referring to them as PUGs), they usually have good reasons to do so. Now, this is different than players in gold or below who have a weaker understanding of the game/mechanics. In other words, when a gold player starts to complain about another person, it's usually just because they're salty and want to blame someone else instead of focusing on their own gameplay.

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