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How do you all feel about Strike Missions?

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > They'll never ever touch this ever again. It's the same with dungeons.

> Remember, Zhaitan originally was the endboss of the Arah Dungeon Story mode.

> That was before Arah lost it's story mode and it became a long story mission.



It still is the Arah dungeon story mode except that you cannot choose to play it again. They changed the gate and tweaked the mouth of Zhaitan and lowered the overall difficulty to make it on par with personal story difficulty. If there were other minor changes I forgot they are not worth to mention. So in the end they changed some variables and locked the instance to story only.

If I'm not mistaken this change was made in 2015 according to the reddit posts that are from that time.

You can now start to explain me when did they overhauled models, recycled them or changed dungeons drastically **AFTER** that date. I take the answer beforehand: They didn't. They have never!

The only statements we got about dungeons were:

1. We'll fix things in dungeons if newer stuff will interfere with them and lead to gamebreaking bugs.

2. One of the later comments: It takes so much time to fix pathing/other stuff in dungeons we rather develop new content because overall we are way faster with that strategy.

3. Fractals are our idea of actual dungeons (at the moment --> nothing has changed here so far)


You and BlakThornArrow cannot be serious about your thoughts that such a Zhaitan fight will ever come. Maybe it's your wish or dream which I can respect but if you face the reality you know very well that they won't do that.

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As a guild leader for a guild that is doing Raid Training runs on almost every single day, I am looking forward to these as a lot of people are intimidated by the current raids after seeing a guide that explains everything.


I think it is a great addition to the game to help out those players into raiding scene. I think for most of our "raid students" would still not be participating in raids any time soon if it wasn't for our team that tells them it's ok to join us and it's not going to be easy, but we can do it.



I am really looking forward for this and hoping for the best hat this is actually going to be a good thing.


p.s. I think the only reasons we need "easier" approach for raids is that other content in the game does not provide as many mechanics or hard encounters yet and most raiding groups are either looking for ridiculous amounts of LI/KP to join them, or just straight up SELLING raid clears with like 100+ mystic coin?!

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Strike missions should finally provide some middle ground in the transition from a player not having done any raids at all, or only doing sparse training, to doing meta runs and so on. This gap is immense and currently can only be filled by statics. Most raiding guilds quickly grow into tight knit statics too and there is usually not enough _consistent_ population to keep creating more statics so that intermediate players who can't high level pug can also get some kills.


All in all I think **consistency** is the key word here and it's what Anet has so far failed to implement. Fractals have consistent daily runs you can always join even if you're out of a static and/or guild and the same is true for the rest of the game. Raids on the other hand enforce a regularity of social behavior that, while there is nothing wrong with it, is a complete disparity from any other mode in the game (perhaps only WvW gets close to it but still not quite). In other words, people who want to play GW2 like the _game itself_ taught them do are out of raids if they won't take a 180 and join a static. And the importance of consistency in this is that the veterans will keep saying "well yeah you can make your own group or join a training guild" whereas this is far from being as consistent as it is to simply hook yourself into T4 LFG when you just want your daily fractals (and with fractals you are also completely in-game, no looking up guilds on discord and/or forums and whatnot).

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After quickly testing soloing the strike mission, it pretty much requires moving a tiny bit every 10 seconds and you don't even need to jump over shockwaves if you have a healer or if your build heals itself (like thief's IP). And the dps requirement for this dps golem is meager 11k squad dps which is less than auto-attack from 3 players. Feels like a bigger and more visual champion hero point with slightly more hp and less danger than a normal HoT/PoF mob.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

> >dps requirement for this dps golem is meager 11k squad dps


> For real? Most professions have around 16k solo dps with only self boons. This is ridiculous.



Think of it like Frosty from Wintersday. But without the mechanics. And the difficulty (or any sense of it). I could have 1-1-1-1 with the rest of my squad and still have got all achievements. I only used my other skills to vary it up...


This is coming from me - a player who at best is t1/t2 skilled in fractals and who mains a mace and shield pvt warrior. That should tell you how these compare to raids

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Strike missions didn't fail my expectations. Not in thousand years they will serve as an entry point or stepping stone for raids. Fractals serve better for this purpose. The mini games on the new map are kinda ok'ish (for the first 3-5 times I guess) but overall: Nope! And I'm very thankful for those "slay 100 of those", "destroy 100 of those" etc. GW2 didn't want to be a grindy MMO but it seems that changed drastically. The long-term achievements in core Tyria with 1000 minions slain are ok but now we are getting such things every map it seems. Shame, shame, shame...

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> @"Blaeys.3102" said:

> They can do better than this. Hopefully this was just a test.


> The Wintersday instance is the standard they should be shooting for. This fight was just boring with no discernible mechanics whatsoever.


> They can do better than this.


I’m just wondering if this was done on purpose, they explained that the boss will upgrade through the episode, with new attacks. Maybe this is the easy version and it will slowly scale up in difficulty?

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Was soloed already. Total dps required is 16k to not hit enrage timer.


We will have to wait and see how this works out. The difficulty is below what I expected. How and if this works will be decided how valueable the rewards are and if it's worth farming. How many players decide to continue playing this content repeatedly (even after weeks, months, maybe years).


It does provide something I was thinking about and which I had mentioned: repeatable easy group content to farm with friends while chatting. The difficulty is unsuitable to train players for raid performance but might be enough to encourage players to try group content.

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My understanding is that it eventually gets 'upgraded' after more content drops.

It definitely doesn't leave a good first impression to have a flashy DPS golem without much threat. I suppose I could see them with the 'bonus chests' having groups form just to train...basics you learned during leveling lol.

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So it's solo content, except even then it's still boring with the only "challenge" being having to hit the DPS check solo while fighting not to fall asleep.

For 10 man, idk how <2k personal DPS is going to prepare anyone for raiding, and I'm not sure why Anet is so desperately afraid to challenge the "average" player in any way, as that is precisely why this massive skill gap between players exists in the first place.


For groups somehow struggling, just take 3-10 Thieves, pick up the Trait Invigorating Precision (GM, meaning Grand Master as in last in the line, in Critical Strikes), hit 1 (set up as auto attack by default, meaning it repeats attacking on it's own without further player input) and go make a coffee (optional, you can go do anything really). When you come back the Strike will be beaten, congratulations, you did it!

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> So it's solo content, except even then it's still boring with the only "challenge" being having to hit the DPS check solo while fighting not to fall asleep.

> For 10 man, idk how <2k personal DPS is going to prepare anyone for raiding, and I'm not sure why Anet is so desperately afraid to challenge the "average" player in any way, as that is precisely why this massive skill gap between players exists in the first place.


> For groups somehow struggling, just take 3-10 Thieves, pick up the Trait Invigorating Precision (GM, meaning Grand Master as in last in the line, in Critical Strikes), hit 1 (set up as auto attack by default, meaning it repeats attacking on it's own without further player input) and go make a coffee. When you come back the Strike will be beaten, congratulations!


This was more like a tutorial for instanced content where players should learn stuff like /GG(well teleport in this one), stacking, reading chat etc. For many players this might have been their first time when they Even join in 10 men squad. Perhaps next strike mission shows some more basic mechanics like CC etc and maybe later there will be actual mechanics in future strike missions.

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > So it's solo content, except even then it's still boring with the only "challenge" being having to hit the DPS check solo while fighting not to fall asleep.

> > For 10 man, idk how <2k personal DPS is going to prepare anyone for raiding, and I'm not sure why Anet is so desperately afraid to challenge the "average" player in any way, as that is precisely why this massive skill gap between players exists in the first place.

> >

> > For groups somehow struggling, just take 3-10 Thieves, pick up the Trait Invigorating Precision (GM, meaning Grand Master as in last in the line, in Critical Strikes), hit 1 (set up as auto attack by default, meaning it repeats attacking on it's own without further player input) and go make a coffee. When you come back the Strike will be beaten, congratulations!


> This was more like a tutorial for instanced content where players should learn stuff like /GG(well teleport in this one), stacking, reading chat etc. For many players this might have been their first time when they Even join in 10 men squad. Perhaps next strike mission shows some more basic mechanics like CC etc and maybe later there will be actual mechanics in future strike missions.


And while i can appreciate that, the ramp is so low that instead of taking 3 stair steps into Raids directly, you will need to walk for, depending on the release schedule of these things, 2-10 years at a not even noticeable incline to get to the same point.


And with all respect, do we really need tutorial instances for typing /gg, joining a Squad and reading chat?

If this unlocked in the personal story at level 30, alright. But this is max level content 2 expansions deep, accessed in a level 80 LW map. I just feel like the bar is a little low for where it's placed in the game.


Anet needs to stop patronizing it's players and instead challenge them a little with some bare minimum gameplay. More than being able to set a few characters to Autoattack and going afk.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > So it's solo content, except even then it's still boring with the only "challenge" being having to hit the DPS check solo while fighting not to fall asleep.

> > > For 10 man, idk how <2k personal DPS is going to prepare anyone for raiding, and I'm not sure why Anet is so desperately afraid to challenge the "average" player in any way, as that is precisely why this massive skill gap between players exists in the first place.

> > >

> > > For groups somehow struggling, just take 3-10 Thieves, pick up the Trait Invigorating Precision (GM, meaning Grand Master as in last in the line, in Critical Strikes), hit 1 (set up as auto attack by default, meaning it repeats attacking on it's own without further player input) and go make a coffee. When you come back the Strike will be beaten, congratulations!

> >

> > This was more like a tutorial for instanced content where players should learn stuff like /GG(well teleport in this one), stacking, reading chat etc. For many players this might have been their first time when they Even join in 10 men squad. Perhaps next strike mission shows some more basic mechanics like CC etc and maybe later there will be actual mechanics in future strike missions.


> And while i can appreciate that, the ramp is so low that instead of taking 3 stair steps into Raids directly, you will need to walk for, depending on the release schedule of these things, 2-10 years at a not even noticeable incline to get to the same point.


> And with all respect, do we really need tutorial instances for typing /gg, joining a Squad and reading chat?

> If this unlocked in the personal story at level 30, alright. But this is max level content 2 expansions deep, accessed in a level 80 LW map. I just feel like the bar is a little low for where it's placed in the game.


We do need tutorial for those? i already learned it today while doing strike missions. But yeah next strike mission should Be already a bit harder imo.

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > So it's solo content, except even then it's still boring with the only "challenge" being having to hit the DPS check solo while fighting not to fall asleep.

> > > > For 10 man, idk how <2k personal DPS is going to prepare anyone for raiding, and I'm not sure why Anet is so desperately afraid to challenge the "average" player in any way, as that is precisely why this massive skill gap between players exists in the first place.

> > > >

> > > > For groups somehow struggling, just take 3-10 Thieves, pick up the Trait Invigorating Precision (GM, meaning Grand Master as in last in the line, in Critical Strikes), hit 1 (set up as auto attack by default, meaning it repeats attacking on it's own without further player input) and go make a coffee. When you come back the Strike will be beaten, congratulations!

> > >

> > > This was more like a tutorial for instanced content where players should learn stuff like /GG(well teleport in this one), stacking, reading chat etc. For many players this might have been their first time when they Even join in 10 men squad. Perhaps next strike mission shows some more basic mechanics like CC etc and maybe later there will be actual mechanics in future strike missions.

> >

> > And while i can appreciate that, the ramp is so low that instead of taking 3 stair steps into Raids directly, you will need to walk for, depending on the release schedule of these things, 2-10 years at a not even noticeable incline to get to the same point.

> >

> > And with all respect, do we really need tutorial instances for typing /gg, joining a Squad and reading chat?

> > If this unlocked in the personal story at level 30, alright. But this is max level content 2 expansions deep, accessed in a level 80 LW map. I just feel like the bar is a little low for where it's placed in the game.


> We do need tutorial for those? i already learned it today while doing strike missions. But yeah next strike mission should Be already a bit harder imo.


Fair enough, I just think you learn those things anyway by just joining the content that makes use of that within minutes of just watching or talking to other players, without the need to take the dev time to create this entire thing for it.


At least Breakbars could have been already included in this one, like he very slowly charges up an arena wide wipe over 20 seconds while going immune to damage (signaling something else has to be done), with a 1k small breakbar to overcome, which should be do able by 10 people even on accident still, using all skills on CD's.


At this rate the next Strike will have some breakbars and the third one will go, have you heard about those things called boons? And in 2 years+ something will come along that requires more than auto attacking, having covered all the basic game mechanics one should have picked up by hour 10 of playing.

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The strike mission barely serves as an introduction to Ascalonian Catacombs (or other low level dungeons) as it's easier than any dungeon and any T1 fractal. As an introduction to Raids it doesn't do anything really.


> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> This was more like a tutorial for instanced content where players should learn stuff like /GG(well teleport in this one), stacking, reading chat etc.


Dungeons and Fractals exist to teach players those things, why did we need something new?

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> The strike mission barely serves as an introduction to Ascalonian Catacombs (or other low level dungeons) as it's easier than any dungeon and any T1 fractal. As an introduction to Raids it doesn't do anything really.


> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > This was more like a tutorial for instanced content where players should learn stuff like /GG(well teleport in this one), stacking, reading chat etc.


> Dungeons and Fractals exist to teach players those things, why did we need something new?


For dungeons and fractals you have to use LFG, some players are scared to join Dungeons or fractals coz of that. However joining for strike mission is something where you just show up when you talk with npc. After the first strike mission players realise that instanced content isn't that scary afterall.

Note, i have no idea why i am even defending strike missions, for me they were totally pointless but i will try to understand their purpose.

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > The strike mission barely serves as an introduction to Ascalonian Catacombs (or other low level dungeons) as it's easier than any dungeon and any T1 fractal. As an introduction to Raids it doesn't do anything really.

> >

> > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > This was more like a tutorial for instanced content where players should learn stuff like /GG(well teleport in this one), stacking, reading chat etc.

> >

> > Dungeons and Fractals exist to teach players those things, why did we need something new?


> For dungeons and fractals you have to use LFG, some players are scared to join Dungeons or fractals coz of that. However joining for strike mission is something where you just show up when you talk with npc. After the first strike mission players realise that instanced content isn't that scary afterall.

> Note, i have no idea why i am even defending strike missions, for me they were totally pointless but i will try to understand their purpose.


If that is the case, couldn't they have added a autogrouping system to T1 Fractals (as well as dungeons)?

Seems like a perfect fit.

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