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Flame Legion Request

White Kitsunee.4620

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With the re-initiation of Flame Legion to the Legions, I think it would not only be really fitting but also super awesome if we gained the ability to roll a Flame Legion Charr.

Not only does it make a lot of sense from a story telling standpoint but from a game play stand point I think its really cool too. They Flame Legion is now our ally, it be really cool to see them running around in the wild as our allies now, just like all of our other allies.


As for the comments about the logistics about this, I think its rather simple:

1. An achievement for completing a certain story step unlocks this customization option in the create a character menu. This option is either grayed out or not visible if you don't have the achievement.

2. This new Flame legion character would start at a raised level(maybe even 80?), and would have a different personal story then a regular character. Meaning he would also have a different starter zone, Grothmar Valley would probably work fine.

3. Some of the other Personal story options would also have to be changed to fit the new story.

4. No tutorial, a short story that introduces some more details about why and how the Flame Legion are re-initiating themselves back into Charr society. Could be as short as 1-2 instances.

5. Different story for Male/female Charr

6. To solve the issue of this character being the commander in future story, make it so Flame Legion Charr cannot open story missions, simple blanket solution.


I know this is pretty extra, but this would be really awesome. One of the biggest things I've felt GW2 is missing is interesting flavor things that don't really effect gameplay. Stuff like the Shadowstone and the hidden quests add a lot of flavor and life to the game.

Though this is 2 or 3 orders of magnitude more work then what the Shadowstone or the Calledbolg epilouge probably took, but its also really cool.


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I think the chances are 0. They aren't going to make a new personal story for one sub section of a race when they don't want to do that for an entire new race. And not be able to open story missions seems even more limiting.


I understand the desire for it, but logistical problems or limitations outweigh any real benefits. Better to just have flame legion armour, outfits, tonic etc available to existing Charr

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Adding new playable races to the game is already a massive task and a colossal continuity mess, the same probelm applies here with the flame legion.


Far too much work for far too little payoff.


We'll see how things go with Flame going forward but if it goes well maybe you'll be able to play one in a sequel game if one ever comes to be.

Best you can hope for as far as Gw2 goes is a combat tonic so you can RP a Flame Legion.


Speaking of combat tonics though, we really do need more of those.

How there isn't a Tengu one already is absolutely beyond me.. the demand for that one is so high you could sell that right in the gemstore.

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> @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:

> With the re-initiation of Flame Legion to the Legions, I think it would not only be really fitting but also really awesome if we gained the ability to roll a Flame Legion Charr.


That wouldn't make sense, storywise, since the personal story begins in 1325 AE, 7 years before the Flame Legion were reinstated. In addition, the first chapter of the PS deals with fighting Flame, and being of the other three legions. Making a brand new personal story for them would be too much work for something too little - it's already a lot of work for a new race, and we're not getting tengu still, so I can't see them making a "new faction personal story". And having a different story based on character gender is even MORE work there.


So it makes no sense from a story telling standpoint or a gameplay standpoint either.


And as for "seeing them in the wild as our allies" - charr players can easily dress their characters to resemble Flame Legion charr, and can easily roleplay such. A Flame Legion PC would be visually no different than any other charr, anyways. Same goes for Elonian humans, Olmakhan charr, Novus asura, etc.

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While it would be nice, I don't think it's realistic. Either you prevent the Flame Legion charr from participating in literally EVERYTHING--living stories and both expansions--prior to the current timeline, or you have an impossible lore-breaking Flame Legion Charr pact commander who everyone is chill with.

I have two charr characters who I dress and role play as Flame Legion. While it sucks that their personal story is pretty much invalid, and that game-coding-wise they aren't really Flame Legion--it is easier than the alternative of implementing Flame Legion as a character creation choice. Plus, I've gotten to max level and 100% map completion on my "Flame Legion" characters, and I'd HATE to re-create them and lose all that.


HOWEVER, I agree that I REALLY want more details into the Flame Legion lore. We know the civil war since Gaheron's death has nearly wiped them out, to the point that they are refugees... but that's about it.

I want to know more about Efram Greetsglory--who is he? Why is he so nice? Is he Gaheron's son? (he sure looks like it).


What, specifically, has happened to the Flame Legion in the years since Gaheron died?


How did female flame legion re-gain equality? Who made that decision? Was there a violent female uprising? Or a peaceful uprising in which they stepped up because the extremists were all dead?

Although we see female soldiers with armor and weapons--do they even know how to fight? One female NPC was worried that she'd be forced into the fahrar with cubs in order to learn.

And, lastly, what was life like for Flame females prior to the change? We have gross little details... one Shaman mentioned breeding farms in an event; there's also an ex-Flame NPC who was drugged for so many years she didn't know how to interact socially, speak, or even bathe. Was drugging, torture, and sexual abuse the norm? Perhaps it was not, because Efram's daughter talks about how much she misses lessons with the other girls, and the adult females in the Flame camp don't behave as if it was.


I desperately hope Arenanet goes into all of this. Whether through in-game story and conversations with NPC's, or out-of-game short stories and discussions with the devs... they need to give us more.





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As always. That is a great idea that we could expect to see being implemented on WoW.


We won't see this on GW2, sadly. I wish it could happen.


- class-specific quests

- new racial abilities each new expansion

- new races available

- new factions for races


It's all there, we're just never going to see this happen in GW2.


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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> tbh, I am pretty disappointed with the Flame Legion stuff on Guild Chat.


> From the book and core game events, we get a picture of flame legion females not only being kept in servitude but also being almost feral.


> In GC say talked about flame legion females covering all jobs not directly fighting related :/


The impression I get is that only rebellious females got put in chains and kept feral, or sent to the breeding farm. The NPC who was drugged into being feral probably rebelled, used to be a member of the Allied Legions, or was picked out by a particularly sadistic warband for torture.

Well-behaved females are probably the ones who get the jobs like medic, cook, ect.

There is also the possibility that, much like in real-life cultures, the rights women had depended on who was in power. A more moderate Flame Imperator might permit females to have all sorts of non-fighting and non-leadership jobs (and the education to perform those jobs), whereas an extremist would want them locked in their houses with no education and no job outside breeding.

Alternatively, Flame Legion might have become more moderate over the past 250 years. Prior to Kalla Scorchrazor, all charr women were subservient, and possibly were kept feral. Post-Kalla, the Flame Legion has had tons of opportunities to see females from the other legion working, fighting, and leading successfully... so while they may not have adopted equal rights, they could have loosened up a little. That, or since they're outnumbered by 3 enemy legions, they have needed every male fighting in the field and were forced to let females take more jobs at home (kind of like Rosie the Riveter era in the USA)

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> @"Svennis.3852" said:

> I could see the devs adding new hair and horn options that relate to Flame Legion, similar to what they did with the Olmakhan. The rest you’d have to RP or headcanon.


I'd like this. Flame, Lava, and Smoke Shamans all have unique male faces. If they removed the burning effects from the eyes, these would be great faces to add to the character creator. Same for their unique horns.

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