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Get rid of weapon swap CD

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > > > > As a game redesign. I would be ok with removing the cd on swap if and only if the weapons you swapped out do not cd while they aren't selected. So if you use all 5 skills then switch, when you switch back all 5 skills are still on cd.

> > > > > This way you can't keep switching back and forth for fresh cd on every skill. The net result would actually be easier to balance.

> > > >

> > > > I was thinking same thing. Weapon cd's stayed as they were so u can't just swap to spam the same skills. I was just thinking I'd at so many more possible rotations plus would allow the weapons and their skills to be used in a more reactionary way as well adding more depth to the combat. Like for example a thief using poison field than cluster bomb swap to sword or dagger to attack than back to sb to IA to kite etc just as an example. Sometimes u know the skill u need and would benefit u in the fit at that moment but unfortunately the weapon swap us on CD and u can't swap. Just think it's a un needed restriction that holds back depth of combat for no real reason. I get the rune bonuses on swap but just give them a cooldown to balance so they work on the CD and not swap.

> > >

> > > Curious, if you want to maintain the cd's on weapon skills you have used but want the ability to keep swapping weapons without a cooldown, how does that really help rotations when your effectively going to be sat waiting to use the skills anyway as they would and should still be on cd.

> >

> > Cuz u may and prob will have a skill off CD or one u didnt use before swapping? Like if u used poison feild and cluster bomb on thief sb than switched to use some s/d skills than swapped few secs later to use sb evade back or IA. Those rotations are impossible with CD on weapon swap.


> Sure, but if you wanted to use that skill why wait for the next weapon swap.. sorry I see this as a dead horse and serves no real benefit other than originally you just wanted to get rid of cd's full stop so you could endlessly swap, spam rinse repeat.. it wasn't until @"SinisterSlay.6973" brought the point up you strangely backpedalled.


Sry but I dont understand what u mean in ur first sentence. Why wouldnt I just use the skill before swapping? Because using it made more sense few seconds later after using a skill or two off the other weapon set. I dont just use skills to use them before swapping lol I use what I think I need to at the time regardless of what weapon I'm on, dont u? Sometimes a skill makes sense at different times in a fight and having access to it when I need it and not held behind a CD adds complexity as well as more rotation possibilities in my mind.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> Youve got it backwards.


> Removing the cooldown would be ,"dumbing," things down. Removing variables that people need to keep track of in order to make something easier is dumbing things down.


Yeah adding way more rotation possibilities, being able to use all skills on both weapon sets in any combination u want to adapt to each fight and having to remember all the active cd's definitely dumbstruck down the combat.


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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > I can agree to changing it to 5 sec but no cd would not be good.

> > >

> > > *stares in warrior*

> >

> > finally discipline wouldn't feel like such a mandatory choice eh?


> Hey warriors have wanted baseline fast hands since 2013.


some have.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > Youve got it backwards.

> >

> > Removing the cooldown would be ,"dumbing," things down. Removing variables that people need to keep track of in order to make something easier is dumbing things down.


> Yeah adding way more rotation possibilities, being able to use all skills on both weapon sets in any combination u want to adapt to each fight and having to remember all the active cd's definitely dumbstruck down the combat.



Yea you have to access the situation should I swap now or will I have to use shortbow evade before the next 9 seconds have passed,

You do know you have dodges aswell right?


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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > Youve got it backwards.

> > >

> > > Removing the cooldown would be ,"dumbing," things down. Removing variables that people need to keep track of in order to make something easier is dumbing things down.

> >

> > Yeah adding way more rotation possibilities, being able to use all skills on both weapon sets in any combination u want to adapt to each fight and having to remember all the active cd's definitely dumbstruck down the combat.

> >


> Yea you have to access the situation should I swap now or will I have to use shortbow evade before the next 9 seconds have passed,

> You do know you have dodges aswell right?



Can I dodge on a vertical platform? Just one example. IA was just a example. There are many skill rotations that would open up being able to use weapon set 1' skill 1 and 4 than weapon set 2's skill 3 and 5 than immediate swap back to weapon set 1 to use skill 2,3 or 5. It would add soo many rotational possibilities.

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> @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > why stop there? just remove all cooldowns. if anet can't balance that then I donit know what to say. No wonder the games where it is right now lmao.


> A for fun pve event where this was the case would exciting.


Theres always a line. But in this case eso does it just fine. Yeah I know this is a gw2 forum so eso combat is complete garbage blah blah I get it lol

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > why stop there? just remove all cooldowns. if anet can't balance that then I donit know what to say. No wonder the games where it is right now lmao.

> >

> > A for fun pve event where this was the case would exciting.


> Theres always a line. But in this case eso does it just fine. Yeah I know this is a gw2 forum so eso combat is complete garbage blah blah I get it lol


ESO has and is a completely different game, balanced differently with a completely different combat enging and design...


Rotation possibilities would increase, strategic and intelligent weapon swapping would decrease since the limitation of not having to weigh if swapping is the correct decision (say if stuck on a weapon set with no required utility skills) falls away.


It's a trade-off literally in line with replacing strategic combat with more twitch and braindead button mashing off cooldown. One not necessary to be made at this point in time since the current system works just fine.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > why stop there? just remove all cooldowns. if anet can't balance that then I donit know what to say. No wonder the games where it is right now lmao.

> > >

> > > A for fun pve event where this was the case would exciting.

> >

> > Theres always a line. But in this case eso does it just fine. Yeah I know this is a gw2 forum so eso combat is complete garbage blah blah I get it lol


> ESO has and is a completely different game, balanced differently with a completely different combat enging and design...


> Rotation possibilities would increase, strategic and intelligent weapon swapping would decrease since the limitation of not having to weigh if swapping is the correct decision (say if stuck on a weapon set with no required utility skills) falls away.


> It's a trade-off literally in line with replacing strategic combat with more twitch and braindead button mashing off cooldown. One not necessary to be made at this point in time since the current system works just fine.


See I find no CD not so much twitchy but reactionary and allows a player to tactically use skills when needed as I think that's what draws a lot of people to the initiative system. It's only twitchy if u achieve the same results spamming as u would using skills strategically which is a pure balance issue. I also feel removing CD doesn't translate to more braindead play but the exact opposite. Like I said though I can understand the skill cd's just think weapon swap cooldown is a unneeded restriction which of course is just my opinion and is subjective.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > Youve got it backwards.

> >

> > Removing the cooldown would be ,"dumbing," things down. Removing variables that people need to keep track of in order to make something easier is dumbing things down.


> Yeah adding way more rotation possibilities, being able to use all skills on both weapon sets in any combination u want to adapt to each fight and having to remember all the active cd's definitely dumbstruck down the combat.



Glad you agree that reducing variables to track is dumbing things down.

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Weapon swap cd is there to force you to make a decision before swapping weapons, make a commitement. Goal is to make it so that an enemy can read your play and punish you for making a bad decision (losing a defensive spell that could be used to counter one of his most important skills).

Imagine being able to have an answer ready at any time to get out of a sticky situation.

Imagine having a ranged weapon, then attacking a gap-closing enemy, swap to a melee weapon to use all your close range burst, then immediatly swap back, use your mobility to get away and start finishing them from out of range.

Does that feel fair ? You could say "just use a ranged weapon, every profession has one" (gl eles and engis btw) Ok then does forcing a ranged weapon on every single build seem a good balancing change? Making then mandatory cause OP ? You could say "just make ranged weapons not that strong so that you lose a lot of potential by having one" Well then that just means you nerf ranged weapons into oblivion.

Ok so that makes half of the weapons either OP or useless, does that feel like a good balance choice?

Skills are bound to weapons so that they can only be used with a certain set of other skills. Goal of that system is to make sure you only have 5 weapon skills avaliable every 9+ secs, to keep up with the 15ish max skills avaliable at any time, removing CD would completely go against what makes this combat system unique in its core, every action you take has importance, every skill used, every dodge roll, and every weapon swap, remove that and you don't even need a weapon swap mechanic, just make every weapon have either 5 or 10 skills and make them all avaliable at the same time, surprise ! you just recreated AION.


tl:dr weapon swap CD is part of what makes this game unique, remove it and what you have left is just another Korean RPG

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> @"Trazer.1860" said:

> Weapon swap cd is there to force you to make a decision before swapping weapons, make a commitement. Goal is to make it so that an enemy can read your play and punish you for making a bad decision (losing a defensive spell that could be used to counter one of his most important skills).

> Imagine being able to have an answer ready at any time to get out of a sticky situation.

> Imagine having a ranged weapon, then attacking a gap-closing enemy, swap to a melee weapon to use all your close range burst, then immediatly swap back, use your mobility to get away and start finishing them from out of range.

> Does that feel fair ? You could say "just use a ranged weapon, every profession has one" (gl eles and engis btw) Ok then does forcing a ranged weapon on every single build seem a good balancing change? Making then mandatory cause OP ? You could say "just make ranged weapons not that strong so that you lose a lot of potential by having one" Well then that just means you nerf ranged weapons into oblivion.

> Ok so that makes half of the weapons either OP or useless, does that feel like a good balance choice?

> Skills are bound to weapons so that they can only be used with a certain set of other skills. Goal of that system is to make sure you only have 5 weapon skills avaliable every 9+ secs, to keep up with the 15ish max skills avaliable at any time, removing CD would completely go against what makes this combat system unique in its core, every action you take has importance, every skill used, every dodge roll, and every weapon swap, remove that and you don't even need a weapon swap mechanic, just make every weapon have either 5 or 10 skills and make them all avaliable at the same time, surprise ! you just recreated AION.


> tl:dr weapon swap CD is part of what makes this game unique, remove it and what you have left is just another Korean RPG


Wow so removing weapon swap on it's own makes this game a Korean rpg? got it lol. Well I'm glad having a weapon swap makes this mmo so unique for u :)

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> @"Trazer.1860" said:

> tl:dr weapon swap CD is part of what makes this game unique, remove it and what you have left is just another Korean RPG


Korean games have had weapon swaps before GW2. Never mind weapon swaps, you could fully swap out your entire gear set too... I remember playing a game where mid combat I would swap half my gear for bonuses when I used an ability then swap back to my other set right after. There were even pay to win CH/KR games that sold the ability to swap weapons/builds mid combat.


In short weapon swapping is only unique if Guild Wars is the only MMORPG you've played.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> why stop there? just remove all cooldowns. if anet can't balance that then I donit know what to say. No wonder the games where it is right now lmao.

I know you said half in jest, but no thank you! Elder Scrolls Online has no weapon-swap nor skill cooldowns, and it's an awful mechanic (Though arguably the animation cancelling nonsense compounds every combat issue in that game multi-fold).

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> @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > why stop there? just remove all cooldowns. if anet can't balance that then I donit know what to say. No wonder the games where it is right now lmao.

> I know you said half in jest, but no thank you! Elder Scrolls Online has no weapon-swap nor skill cooldowns, and it's an awful mechanic (Though arguably the animation cancelling nonsense compounds every combat issue in that game multi-fold).


nah m8, it's all in jest

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