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Upcoming Balance Notes - 10/1/2019

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Greetings all! As before, here are the planned Balance update notes for next week's release! We look forward to your discussions and theorycrafting.


~GW2 Systems Team




## Profession Skills


### General


When we originally created the alacrity and barrier effects, they were intended to be profession specific, but we've changed this stance after seeing how the game changed and evolved over time. While the original effects were visually iconic to their initial professions, it was a good time to update them with a look that could fit any profession.


- Barrier: Updated the visual effects of this effect to be less profession specific.

- Alacrity: Updated the visual effects of this effect to be less profession specific.

- Special Forces Training Area: Conditions on the Preview Holo-Golem will no longer be removed by player skills.

- Low-Health Traits: Updated traits that activate when the user drops below a specified health threshold so that they behave more consistently.


### Items


- Superior Rune of Antitoxin: This rune no longer removes additional conditions from allies cleansed by the player. Instead, it removes an additional condition from the player whenever a condition is removed from the player.


### Elementalist


In this update, we're following up on some of the tempest changes from the previous update. Speedy Conduit has been a lackluster trait for a while, so we're combining it with Harmonious Conduit and creating a new trait that grants concentration. Imbued Melodies is being removed—we felt it wasn't very interesting while also being unnecessarily restrictive by being tied to the warhorn. Its replacement, Transcendent Tempest, provides an effect that is unique among other grandmaster traits, which we hope will provide a more meaningful choice when compared to the other options.


- Signet of Air: This skill can now be activated to break stuns without a target. Activating the skill while out of range of a target or without a target while not under control effects will put it on interrupt cooldown.

- Glyph of Renewal (Renewal of Fire): Reduced the amount of invulnerability granted when reviving the elementalist from 5 seconds to 1 second.

- Burning Rage: Reduced the burning duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.

- Speedy Conduit: This trait has been removed. Its functionality has been combined with Harmonious Conduit, and it has been replaced with Gathered Focus.

- Gathered Focus: This new trait takes the master tier, minor trait slot, and it grants 120 concentration plus an additional 120 concentration while the elementalist is above 90% health.

- Harmonious Conduit: This trait no longer increases damage after completing an overload. Instead it grants swiftness in addition to stability. It has also changed positions with Invigorating Torrents.

- Invigorating Torrents: This trait has switched positions with Harmonious Conduit. Its functionality is unchanged.

- Imbued Melodies: This trait has been reworked, and its name has been changed to Transcendent Tempest. This trait reduces the time it takes to attain a singularity by 33% when switching elements and increases outgoing damage and condition damage by 7% for 7 seconds after an overload completes.


### Engineer


When the scrapper's profession ability was changed to an F5 skill, the tool belt skill from Sneak Gyro, Detection Pulse, was replaced. That skill was sorely missed as it provided useful and skilled counterplay if well timed. As the profession mechanic needed to remain on the F5 key, we looked elsewhere and saw that Purge Gyro, an inherently defensive and utility-centric ability, had a tool belt skill that did not fit its intent. Scrapper is also getting a bit of a tune-up with its hammer skills and a reduction to the vitality loss of the Impact Savant trait, which was leaving them a bit squishier than we intended for a bruiser style of play.


- Equalizing Blow: Increased damage by 9%.

- Electro Whirl: Increased damage by 9%.

- Rocket Charge: Increased damage by 10%.

- Shock Shield: Reduced recharge from 20 seconds to 18 seconds.

- Thunderclap: Increased damage by 6%. Reduced recharge from 24 seconds to 20 seconds.

- Corona Burst: Reduced might gained in WvW to the same amount as granted in PvP. Reduced the damage of this skill by 20% in PvP and WvW.

- Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.

- Function Gyro: Increased damage by 100%. Increased land radius to 240 and underwater radius to 360. Added clarification to skill description to clarify that function gyros are destroyed when their skill is interrupted. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

- Shaped Charge: This trait now increases damage by 0.5% per stack of vulnerability instead of by a flat amount.

- Solar Focusing Lens: This trait now also grants 2 stacks of Afterburner when deactivating photon forge. Increased stacks granted from overheating from 5 to 6.

- Chemical Field: This skill has been replaced by Detection Pulse as the tool belt skill for Purge Gyro.

- Detection Pulse: This skill replaces Purge Gyro's previous tool belt skill, Chemical Field. The radius of this skill has been reduced from 1200 to 900, and its targeting has been improved in large group settings.

- Purge Gyro: The tool belt skill for Purge Gyro has changed from Chemical Field to Detection Pulse.

- Sneak Gyro: Increased the cooldown of this skill from 45 to 60 seconds in WvW.

- Med Kit: This kit can now be used underwater.

- Med Blaster (Med Kit): Increased healing to match tooltip.

- Cleansing Field (Med Kit): Fixed a bug that caused this skill to remove more conditions than intended.

- Elixir U: Fixed a bug that could cause this skill to give endurance.

- Supply Crate: Fixed a bug in which the Healing Turret created from this skill would not overcharge.

- Health Insurance: Updated description and tooltips to accurately reflect the functionality of this trait. This trait increases incoming healing by 10% and increases outgoing healing by 20% while using Med Kit.

- Mechanized Deployment: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to grant less than the listed 15% recharge reduction.

- Mass Momentum: Increased stability duration from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.

- Impact Savant: Reduced the vitality loss from this trait from 300 to 180.


### Guardian


Firebrand prevalence in group content has been quite strong as they offer significant support options to the point that they were crowding out other builds. In particular, Tome of Courage had a bit more power than was healthy, so we've sought to tweak that down while retaining its overall playstyle by removing some of its boon generation. We're also reducing scepter damage and increasing sword damage in PvE as the best melee damage option should not be a ranged weapon.


- Orb of Wrath: Reduced damage by 10% in PvE only.

- Symbol of Blades: Removed the double strike that occurs when the symbol is first created. Increased damage of each strike by 20% to compensate. Overall damage is unchanged.

- Zealot's Defense: Increased PvE damage by 20%.

- Sanctuary: Increased number of enemies that can be knocked back by this skill before it expires from 10 to 20. Decreased duration from 6 seconds to 5 seconds. Decreased recharge from 75 seconds to 60 seconds.

- Tome of Resolve—Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery: The existing split of cleansing 2 conditions in PvP has been brought to WvW as well. This skill continues to cleanse 3 conditions in PvE.

- Tome of Courage—Chapter 2: Daring Challenge: This skill now grants retaliation for 3 seconds instead of aegis.

- Tome of Courage—Epilogue: Unbroken Lines: This skill no longer grants retaliation. The existing split of a 15-second cooldown in PvP has been brought to WvW as well. This skill retains a 12-second cooldown in PvE.

- Purging Flames: This skill no longer reduces the duration of incoming conditions. Instead of removing 3 conditions from allies when cast, it now removes 1 condition from allies and 1 additional condition every second the skill persists. Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from being properly extended when Master of Consecrations was equipped.

- Eternal Armory: Changed burning from 2 stacks for 2 seconds to 1 stack for 4 seconds.

- Stoic Demeanor: This trait now inflicts burning for 5 seconds in addition to inflicting slow. Reduced the internal cooldown from 5 seconds to 3 seconds. Cooldown is now determined per target instead of globally.


### Mesmer


Chaotic Interruption has been reworked as a trait that offers a dynamic and skillful form of play by giving savvy players a means to use their abilities to recharge weapon skills. Some chronomancer tweaks are also in to offer another means of granting group quickness and to clean up some functional redundancy between Delayed Reactions and Lost Time.


- Illusion of Life: Reduced the amount of time a resurrected ally is invulnerable from 5 seconds to 1 second. This skill should now target more effectively in group situations.

- Power Break (Mantra of Pain): This skill now requires mesmers to face their target and respects line of sight.

- Power Lock (Mantra of Distraction): This skill now requires mesmers to face their target and respects line of sight.

- Chaos Storm: This skill now always dazes on the first strike but can no longer randomly daze on other strikes. This change also applies to Lesser Chaos Storm. Added a skill fact to show Chaos Storm's duration.

- Chaotic Interruption: This trait has been reworked. When interrupting a foe, it now recharges one of your currently recharging equipped weapon skills by 5 seconds. This trait has a 1-second internal cooldown.

- Delayed Reactions: This trait no longer grants alacrity but now triggers on any control effect rather than only on interrupts. Added a 3-second cooldown per target.

- Lost Time: This trait has been reworked. It now grants 3 seconds of alacrity to the mesmer when applying slow to a target. This effect has a 3-second cooldown.

- Seize the Moment: This trait now applies quickness in a 240 area-of-effect radius around the mesmer and can hit 5 targets (including the mesmer).


### Necromancer


The Death Magic specialization has had a significant rework this update, revolving around a new effect and various means of gaining additional defense while bringing together a more cohesive set of playstyles. The scourge elite specialization has also undergone a significant change such that its shade skills will only fire around them when they do NOT have a shade up. If they do have a shade present, then those skills will happen around their summoned sand shades. Alongside this change, the scourge and each sand shade now affect an increased number of targets by default, which can be increased further through the use of the grandmaster trait Sand Savant. This change leans into the dependence a scourge has on their unique elite specialization mechanic, shades, and opens up the specialization to future potential improvements across its kit. This change creates a choice between whether scourges expose themselves to some melee risk but charge in to affect foes around them, or whether they hang back and summon a shade near their foe and are unable to affect themselves with shade abilities (unless they also place one on their own location). We'll be keeping a close eye on the results of this change and making adjustments accordingly.


- Scourge: Shade skills no longer affect the area around the scourge while they have a shade present in the world. Increased the number of targets affected by shade skills from 3 to 5.

- Manifest Sand Shade: The duration of sand shades in WvW and PvP has been increased from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.

- Minion Summoning Skills: Fixed a bug that could allow minions to persist after the skill was unequipped.

- Oppressive Collapse: This skill now requires line of sight.

- Feast of Corruption: Reduced damage by 20% in PvP and WvW. The existing split of corrupting 2 boons in PvP has been brought to WvW as well. This skill continues to corrupt 3 boons in PvE. This skill now queues behind other skills rather than interrupting them.

- Devouring Darkness: Reduced damage by 20% in PvP and WvW. The existing split of corrupting 2 boons in PvP has been brought to WvW as well. This skill continues to corrupt 3 boons in PvE. This skill now queues behind other skills rather than interrupting them.

- Grasping Darkness: Fixed an issue that could cause the claw effect to pop out of existence before the skill completed. Removed misleading legendary projectile effects from this skill due to it not being a projectile.

- Blood Bond: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to heal the necromancer when it activated.

- Sand Savant: Increased the number of targets affected by the larger shade from 2 to 5 so that it now affects up to 10 targets.

- Death Magic: This trait line has been reworked. Many traits now revolve around a new effect called Death's Carapace that increases toughness by 20 for each stack up to a maximum of 30 stacks. Death's Carapace stacks are applied for 10 seconds from all traits except Flesh of the Master.

- Minor:

- Armored Shroud: This trait now gives 5 stacks of Death's Carapace when entering shroud.

- Soul Comprehension: In addition to its previous effects, this trait now also grants 1 stack of Death's Carapace for each kill the necromancer participates in.

- Beyond the Veil: This trait has been reworked. It now reduces condition damage by 10% while the necromancer has at least 10 stacks of Death's Carapace.

- Adept:

- Flesh of the Master: Instead of granting armor for each minion, this trait now causes the necromancer's minions to grant them 2 Death's Carapace stacks as long as the minions are alive.

- Putrid Defense: This trait has changed positions and its functionality has changed. It now causes poison to deal 15% more damage and grants 1 Death's Carapace stack when applying poison.

- Shrouded Removal: This trait has changed positions. In addition to its previous effects, it now grants 3 Death's Carapace stacks when a condition is removed.

- Master:

- Necromantic Corruption: This trait is unchanged.

- Dark Defiance: This trait is unchanged.

- Deadly Strength: This trait has been reworked. It now causes Death's Carapace to grant an additional 10 power per stack.

- Grandmaster:

- Death Nova: Updated skill facts and description. Updated attack name from Lesser Poison Cloud to Poison Nova in order to indicate that it has different behavior from Corrosive Poison Cloud. Fixed an issue that caused this trait to use the minion's stats instead of the necromancer's. Fixed various issues that caused this trait to behave inconsistently with certain minions. Increased damage by 60% in PvE only.

- Corrupter's Fervor: This trait has been reworked. It now grants 1 Death's Carapace stack when applying any condition. Additionally, at 25 Death's Carapace stacks or above, the necromancer gains pulsing protection for 3 seconds every 3 seconds.

- Unholy Sanctuary: This trait is unchanged.


### Ranger


In this update, we're making a major change to sword skills in order to better improve their flow during combat. Monarch's Leap, Hornet Sting, and Serpent's Strike are all shuffling around into new slots, which should make the weapon a little easier to understand. We're also including some enhancements for the off-hand dagger, which has been a pretty weak weapon that hasn't kept up with the pace of the game very well. Finally, we're simplifying the greatsword's Counterattack skill and taking some power out of the chain-attack sequence. We hope these changes will make the weapon feel a little smoother while removing some of the frustrating random dodges that happen when fighting against it.


- Long Range Shot: Reduced the minimum damage of this skill by 14% and the maximum damage by 11% in WvW only.

- Sword Chain-Attack Sequence: Updated icons for Crippling Thrust and Precision Swipe.

- Stalker's Strike: Base damage of this attack has been increased by 200%. This attack now deals double damage and inflicts 2 additional poison stacks if it strikes a foe with a movement-impairing condition.

- Crippling Talon: This skill now uses the ammunition system and has 2 ammo with a 15-second count recharge time and a 1-second recharge between uses. Reduced cripple duration from 6 seconds to 4 seconds. Reduced bleeding duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds.

- Hornet Sting: This sword skill has moved to weapon slot 3. It now recharges Monarch's Leap if it hits. Its recharge has been increased from 8 seconds to 15 seconds.

- Monarch's Leap: This sword skill is now the primary skill in weapon slot 2. Using this skill flips it over to Serpent's Strike for 5 seconds. It now has an 8-second recharge.

- Serpent's Strike: This skill is now the follow-up skill to Monarch's Leap. It no longer has a recharge.

- Swoop: Fixed an issue that prevented the casting bar for this skill from matching the actual casting time of the dash.

- Counterattack: Removed the Crippling Throw follow-up skill. This skill no longer automatically uses Counterattack Kick when blocking a foe within the range threshold. Instead, blocking any attack flips the skill to Counterattack Kick for 5 seconds. Increased the number of targets for Counterattack Kick from 1 to 3. Counterattack Kick now evades for its duration and activates faster.

- Power Stab: This skill no longer evades for its duration. Its name has been changed to Enduring Swing. This skill now grants 15 endurance if it hits.

- Quick Draw: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from reducing recharge time.


### Revenant


In addition to some changes to Coalescence of Ruin and Gaze of Darkness aimed at WvW play, we are also tuning up a few of Mallyx's Legendary Demon Stance skills from the last update as we felt they ended up on the weak side. Jalis's Legendary Dwarf Stance skills are also seeing some improvements aimed at making them more powerful and easier to use to better warrant the use of your energy.


- Coalescence of Ruin: This skill no longer deals increased damage with successive impacts; it now always deals damage equal to what was previously the second-impact damage. Its damage remains split between game modes. Added a red warning rectangle visible to enemies.

- Embrace the Darkness: Lowered the recharge from 10 seconds to 3 seconds.

- Gaze of Darkness: This skill now reveals stealth enemies up to a range of 600, inflicting blindness and vulnerability.

- True Nature (Assassin): Reduced radius from 600 to 360.

- Call to Anguish: Decreased energy cost from 35 to 30. Reduced recharge from 5 seconds to 3 seconds. Increased radius from 240 to 360. Damage increased by 33%.

- Inspiring Reinforcement: Increased pulsing stability duration from 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds. Increased initial stability duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds. Increased the speed at which the road is built by 100%. Increased road length from 600 to 900.

- Forced Engagement: Increased damage reduction from taunted targets from 20% to 33%. This skill now also throws chains at up to 4 additional targets within a range of 360 of the selected target.

- Focused Siphoning: Increased base healing by 88% in PvE.

- Elder's Respite: Added a 10-second internal cooldown to this trait.


### Thief


The previous Shadow Arts update landed pretty well overall, but we think that the siphons ended up a little weak. We're tuning these up a bit, as well as touching up a few other traits that didn't feel quite right. In addition to these changes, we're updating Improvisation to recharge a random utility skill on the skill bar rather than a random utility skill type. This change is intended to lower the variance on the trait and to allow for more flexibility in utility selection. Finally, stolen bundles now use the ammo system in order to help with readability.


- Steal: Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations.

- Swipe: Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

- Hidden Thief: Fixed a bug that could cause this trait to activate even if Steal failed.

- Leeching Venoms: This trait now immediately grants a stack of spider venom when the thief first enters stealth and every 3 seconds after.

- Improvisation: Instead of recharging an entire skill category at random, this trait now recharges one of your equipped utility skills at random.

- Stolen Bundles: Stolen bundles now show their number of uses as ammunition.

- Shadow Siphoning: Increased base healing by 62%.

- Cloaked in Shadow: Increased base damage and the damage multiplier by 100%. Increased base healing by 100% and the heal multiplier by 60%.

- Lead Attacks: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to grant less than the listed 15% recharge reduction.


### Warrior


In this update, we're focusing on changes to the Tactics trait line and warhorn skills. We've removed the traits related to reviving allies in order to make room for new traits and improvements to old traits that focus more on ways warriors can affect allies while they are still in the fight. The new Tactics traits are focused around empowering allies through boons and effects, helping allies who are taking a beating, and a selection of warrior-enhancing battlefield strategies.


- Charge: The icon for this skill has been updated. This skill now only removes movement-impairing conditions. It now increases the damage of affected allies' next 2 attacks by 25% (10% in WvW) for 8 seconds in addition to its previous effects. Increased swiftness duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. This skill is now a blast finisher.

- Call to Arms: This skill has been renamed Call of Valor, and its functionality has changed. Removed an unnecessary unblockable skill fact. This skill now removes 3 conditions from affected allies instead of specific conditions. It also now applies barrier in addition to vigor.

- Sight beyond Sight: Increased the radius of this skill to reveal stealth enemies within a radius of 600.

- Burning Arrows: This trait has been removed, and its effects have been merged with Crack Shot in the Discipline line.

- Crack Shot: Instead of granting bonus adrenaline for base harpoon gun shots, this trait now adds 3 seconds of bleeding to each shot.

- Tactics: The Tactics line has been reworked. Several traits in this line now revolve around a new effect called Soldier's Focus, which grants bonuses when executing bursts.

- Minor:

- Marching Orders: This new trait grants the Soldier's Focus effect every 15 seconds. This effect is expended when hitting with a burst to grant 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds to allies within a range of 300.

- Empowered: Moved from the adept tier. The effects are unchanged.

- Mending Might: This trait now heals you when you grant might to an ally.

- Adept:

- Leg Specialist: In addition to its previous effects, this trait now also grants a 7% damage bonus against foes suffering from a movement-impairing condition. The cooldown on this trait is now calculated per target.

- Soldier's Comfort: This new trait heals nearby allies when Soldier's Focus activates.

- Roaring Reveille: This new trait increases the number of targets for warhorn skills from 5 to 10 and causes warhorn skills to grant an additional boon. It grants fury for Charge and resistance for Call to Arms. It also grants an additional 120 concentration.

- Master:

- Warrior's Cunning: This new trait increases damage by 25% against foes with health above 90%. Additionally, it increases damage by 50% against foes that have barrier. These bonuses do not stack.

- Shrug It Off: This trait has moved, and its icon has been updated. In addition to its previous effect, it also causes the warrior to heal allies when removing damaging conditions from them.

- Empower Allies: In addition to its previous effects, this trait also increases the radius of Soldier's Focus to 600. Added a missing number of targets skill fact.

- Grandmaster:

- Martial Cadence: This new trait causes Soldier's Focus to reduce the warrior's equipped weapon skill cooldowns by 3 seconds.

- Vigorous Shouts: This trait no longer grants adrenaline when using shouts. Instead, it grants healing power equal to 13% of power.

- Phalanx Strength: Increased might duration from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.

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Does the function gyro still have only 1000 health? And now it's destroyed when interrupted (by almost every down skill except ele and thief)?


So it's definitely garbage at finishing AND rezzing then. Clarification helps. It should be renamed "Might as well not exist gyro" because _it certainly doesn't function_.

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Friendly reminder that the function gyro has so little health that it dies to passive arena damage in raids, making it just about useless.


And another friendly reminder that, despite the function gyro being nearly useless, you've now attached Detection Pulse to a utility skill. The only time Detection Pulse has any use in PvE is against Smokescales. So if a PvE Scrapper wishes to provide condition cleanses, they're now more or less foregoing two out of five tool belt skills.


One more friendly reminder that Bulwark Gyro does not actually draw damage from allies against most strike damage. I'm actually not sure it works against any sources of damage any more. Scrapper is in a very poor state, design and bug-wise.


This should have been done more elegantly. Detection Pulse should have been added to Function Gyro as part of the Expert Examination trait, which currently sees no use in any mode.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> Greetings all! As before, here are the planned Balance update notes for next week's release! We look forward to your discussions and theorycrafting.


> ~GW2 Systems Team


> ---


> ## Profession Skills


> ### General


> When we originally created the alacrity and barrier effects, they were intended to be profession specific, but we've changed this stance after seeing how the game changed and evolved over time. While the original effects were visually iconic to their initial professions, it was a good time to update them with a look that could fit any profession.


> - Barrier: Updated the visual effects of this effect to be less profession specific.

> - Alacrity: Updated the visual effects of this effect to be less profession specific.

> - Special Forces Training Area: Conditions on the Preview Holo-Golem will no longer be removed by player skills.

> - Low-Health Traits: Updated traits that activate when the user drops below a specified health threshold so that they behave more consistently.


> ### Items


> - Superior Rune of Antitoxin: This rune no longer removes additional conditions from allies cleansed by the player. Instead, it removes an additional condition from the player whenever a condition is removed from the player.


> ### Elementalist


> In this update, we're following up on some of the tempest changes from the previous update. Speedy Conduit has been a lackluster trait for a while, so we're combining it with Harmonious Conduit and creating a new trait that grants concentration. Imbued Melodies is being removed—we felt it wasn't very interesting while also being unnecessarily restrictive by being tied to the warhorn. Its replacement, Transcendent Tempest, provides an effect that is unique among other grandmaster traits, which we hope will provide a more meaningful choice when compared to the other options.


> - Signet of Air: This skill can now be activated to break stuns without a target. Activating the skill while out of range of a target or without a target while not under control effects will put it on interrupt cooldown.

> - Glyph of Renewal (Renewal of Fire): Reduced the amount of invulnerability granted when reviving the elementalist from 5 seconds to 1 second.

> - Burning Rage: Reduced the burning duration from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.

> - Speedy Conduit: This trait has been removed. Its functionality has been combined with Harmonious Conduit, and it has been replaced with Gathered Focus.

> - Gathered Focus: This new trait takes the master tier, minor trait slot, and it grants 120 concentration plus an additional 120 concentration while the elementalist is above 90% health.

> - Harmonious Conduit: This trait no longer increases damage after completing an overload. Instead it grants swiftness in addition to stability. It has also changed positions with Invigorating Torrents.

> - Invigorating Torrents: This trait has switched positions with Harmonious Conduit. Its functionality is unchanged.

> - Imbued Melodies: This trait has been reworked, and its name has been changed to Transcendent Tempest. This trait reduces the time it takes to attain a singularity by 33% when switching elements and increases outgoing damage and condition damage by 7% for 7 seconds after an overload completes.


> ### Engineer


> When the scrapper's profession ability was changed to an F5 skill, the tool belt skill from Sneak Gyro, Detection Pulse, was replaced. That skill was sorely missed as it provided useful and skilled counterplay if well timed. As the profession mechanic needed to remain on the F5 key, we looked elsewhere and saw that Purge Gyro, an inherently defensive and utility-centric ability, had a tool belt skill that did not fit its intent. Scrapper is also getting a bit of a tune-up with its hammer skills and a reduction to the vitality loss of the Impact Savant trait, which was leaving them a bit squishier than we intended for a bruiser style of play.


> - Equalizing Blow: Increased damage by 9%.

> - Electro Whirl: Increased damage by 9%.

> - Rocket Charge: Increased damage by 10%.

> - Shock Shield: Reduced recharge from 20 seconds to 18 seconds.

> - Thunderclap: Increased damage by 6%. Reduced recharge from 24 seconds to 20 seconds.

> - Corona Burst: Reduced might gained in WvW to the same amount as granted in PvP. Reduced the damage of this skill by 20% in PvP and WvW.

> - Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.

> - Function Gyro: Increased damage by 100%. Increased land radius to 240 and underwater radius to 360. Added clarification to skill description to clarify that function gyros are destroyed when their skill is interrupted. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

> - Shaped Charge: This trait now increases damage by 0.5% per stack of vulnerability instead of by a flat amount.

> - Solar Focusing Lens: This trait now also grants 2 stacks of Afterburner when deactivating photon forge. Increased stacks granted from overheating from 5 to 6.

> - Chemical Field: This skill has been replaced by Detection Pulse as the tool belt skill for Purge Gyro.

> - Detection Pulse: This skill replaces Purge Gyro's previous tool belt skill, Chemical Field. The radius of this skill has been reduced from 1200 to 900, and its targeting has been improved in large group settings.

> - Purge Gyro: The tool belt skill for Purge Gyro has changed from Chemical Field to Detection Pulse.

> - Sneak Gyro: Increased the cooldown of this skill from 45 to 60 seconds in WvW.

> - Med Kit: This kit can now be used underwater.

> - Med Blaster (Med Kit): Increased healing to match tooltip.

> - Cleansing Field (Med Kit): Fixed a bug that caused this skill to remove more conditions than intended.

> - Elixir U: Fixed a bug that could cause this skill to give endurance.

> - Supply Crate: Fixed a bug in which the Healing Turret created from this skill would not overcharge.

> - Health Insurance: Updated description and tooltips to accurately reflect the functionality of this trait. This trait increases incoming healing by 10% and increases outgoing healing by 20% while using Med Kit.

> - Mechanized Deployment: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to grant less than the listed 15% recharge reduction.

> - Mass Momentum: Increased stability duration from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.

> - Impact Savant: Reduced the vitality loss from this trait from 300 to 180.


> ### Guardian


> Firebrand prevalence in group content has been quite strong as they offer significant support options to the point that they were crowding out other builds. In particular, Tome of Courage had a bit more power than was healthy, so we've sought to tweak that down while retaining its overall playstyle by removing some of its boon generation. We're also reducing scepter damage and increasing sword damage in PvE as the best melee damage option should not be a ranged weapon.


> - Orb of Wrath: Reduced damage by 10% in PvE only.

> - Symbol of Blades: Removed the double strike that occurs when the symbol is first created. Increased damage of each strike by 20% to compensate. Overall damage is unchanged.

> - Zealot's Defense: Increased PvE damage by 20%.

> - Sanctuary: Increased number of enemies that can be knocked back by this skill before it expires from 10 to 20. Decreased duration from 6 seconds to 5 seconds. Decreased recharge from 75 seconds to 60 seconds.

> - Tome of Resolve—Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery: The existing split of cleansing 2 conditions in PvP has been brought to WvW as well. This skill continues to cleanse 3 conditions in PvE.

> - Tome of Courage—Chapter 2: Daring Challenge: This skill now grants retaliation for 3 seconds instead of aegis.

> - Tome of Courage—Epilogue: Unbroken Lines: This skill no longer grants retaliation. The existing split of a 15-second cooldown in PvP has been brought to WvW as well. This skill retains a 12-second cooldown in PvE.

> - Purging Flames: This skill no longer reduces the duration of incoming conditions. Instead of removing 3 conditions from allies when cast, it now removes 1 condition from allies and 1 additional condition every second the skill persists. Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from being properly extended when Master of Consecrations was equipped.

> - Eternal Armory: Changed burning from 2 stacks for 2 seconds to 1 stack for 4 seconds.

> - Stoic Demeanor: This trait now inflicts burning for 5 seconds in addition to inflicting slow. Reduced the internal cooldown from 5 seconds to 3 seconds. Cooldown is now determined per target instead of globally.


> ### Mesmer


> Chaotic Interruption has been reworked as a trait that offers a dynamic and skillful form of play by giving savvy players a means to use their abilities to recharge weapon skills. Some chronomancer tweaks are also in to offer another means of granting group quickness and to clean up some functional redundancy between Delayed Reactions and Lost Time.


> - Illusion of Life: Reduced the amount of time a resurrected ally is invulnerable from 5 seconds to 1 second. This skill should now target more effectively in group situations.

> - Power Break (Mantra of Pain): This skill now requires mesmers to face their target and respects line of sight.

> - Power Lock (Mantra of Distraction): This skill now requires mesmers to face their target and respects line of sight.

> - Chaos Storm: This skill now always dazes on the first strike but can no longer randomly daze on other strikes. This change also applies to Lesser Chaos Storm. Added a skill fact to show Chaos Storm's duration.

> - Chaotic Interruption: This trait has been reworked. When interrupting a foe, it now recharges one of your currently recharging equipped weapon skills by 5 seconds. This trait has a 1-second internal cooldown.

> - Delayed Reactions: This trait no longer grants alacrity but now triggers on any control effect rather than only on interrupts. Added a 3-second cooldown per target.

> - Lost Time: This trait has been reworked. It now grants 3 seconds of alacrity to the mesmer when applying slow to a target. This effect has a 3-second cooldown.

> - Seize the Moment: This trait now applies quickness in a 240 area-of-effect radius around the mesmer and can hit 5 targets (including the mesmer).


> ### Necromancer


> The Death Magic specialization has had a significant rework this update, revolving around a new effect and various means of gaining additional defense while bringing together a more cohesive set of playstyles. The scourge elite specialization has also undergone a significant change such that its shade skills will only fire around them when they do NOT have a shade up. If they do have a shade present, then those skills will happen around their summoned sand shades. Alongside this change, the scourge and each sand shade now affect an increased number of targets by default, which can be increased further through the use of the grandmaster trait Sand Savant. This change leans into the dependence a scourge has on their unique elite specialization mechanic, shades, and opens up the specialization to future potential improvements across its kit. This change creates a choice between whether scourges expose themselves to some melee risk but charge in to affect foes around them, or whether they hang back and summon a shade near their foe and are unable to affect themselves with shade abilities (unless they also place one on their own location). We'll be keeping a close eye on the results of this change and making adjustments accordingly.


> - Scourge: Shade skills no longer affect the area around the scourge while they have a shade present in the world. Increased the number of targets affected by shade skills from 3 to 5.

> - Manifest Sand Shade: The duration of sand shades in WvW and PvP has been increased from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.

> - Minion Summoning Skills: Fixed a bug that could allow minions to persist after the skill was unequipped.

> - Oppressive Collapse: This skill now requires line of sight.

> - Feast of Corruption: Reduced damage by 20% in PvP and WvW. The existing split of corrupting 2 boons in PvP has been brought to WvW as well. This skill continues to corrupt 3 boons in PvE. This skill now queues behind other skills rather than interrupting them.

> - Devouring Darkness: Reduced damage by 20% in PvP and WvW. The existing split of corrupting 2 boons in PvP has been brought to WvW as well. This skill continues to corrupt 3 boons in PvE. This skill now queues behind other skills rather than interrupting them.

> - Grasping Darkness: Fixed an issue that could cause the claw effect to pop out of existence before the skill completed. Removed misleading legendary projectile effects from this skill due to it not being a projectile.

> - Blood Bond: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to heal the necromancer when it activated.

> - Sand Savant: Increased the number of targets affected by the larger shade from 2 to 5 so that it now affects up to 10 targets.

> - Death Magic: This trait line has been reworked. Many traits now revolve around a new effect called Death's Carapace that increases toughness by 20 for each stack up to a maximum of 30 stacks. Death's Carapace stacks are applied for 10 seconds from all traits except Flesh of the Master.

> - Minor:

> - Armored Shroud: This trait now gives 5 stacks of Death's Carapace when entering shroud.

> - Soul Comprehension: In addition to its previous effects, this trait now also grants 1 stack of Death's Carapace for each kill the necromancer participates in.

> - Beyond the Veil: This trait has been reworked. It now reduces condition damage by 10% while the necromancer has at least 10 stacks of Death's Carapace.

> - Adept:

> - Flesh of the Master: Instead of granting armor for each minion, this trait now causes the necromancer's minions to grant them 2 Death's Carapace stacks as long as the minions are alive.

> - Putrid Defense: This trait has changed positions and its functionality has changed. It now causes poison to deal 15% more damage and grants 1 Death's Carapace stack when applying poison.

> - Shrouded Removal: This trait has changed positions. In addition to its previous effects, it now grants 3 Death's Carapace stacks when a condition is removed.

> - Master:

> - Necromantic Corruption: This trait is unchanged.

> - Dark Defiance: This trait is unchanged.

> - Deadly Strength: This trait has been reworked. It now causes Death's Carapace to grant an additional 10 power per stack.

> - Grandmaster:

> - Death Nova: Updated skill facts and description. Updated attack name from Lesser Poison Cloud to Poison Nova in order to indicate that it has different behavior from Corrosive Poison Cloud. Fixed an issue that caused this trait to use the minion's stats instead of the necromancer's. Fixed various issues that caused this trait to behave inconsistently with certain minions. Increased damage by 60% in PvE only.

> - Corrupter's Fervor: This trait has been reworked. It now grants 1 Death's Carapace stack when applying any condition. Additionally, at 25 Death's Carapace stacks or above, the necromancer gains pulsing protection for 3 seconds every 3 seconds.

> - Unholy Sanctuary: This trait is unchanged.


> ### Ranger


> In this update, we're making a major change to sword skills in order to better improve their flow during combat. Monarch's Leap, Hornet Sting, and Serpent's Strike are all shuffling around into new slots, which should make the weapon a little easier to understand. We're also including some enhancements for the off-hand dagger, which has been a pretty weak weapon that hasn't kept up with the pace of the game very well. Finally, we're simplifying the greatsword's Counterattack skill and taking some power out of the chain-attack sequence. We hope these changes will make the weapon feel a little smoother while removing some of the frustrating random dodges that happen when fighting against it.


> - Long Range Shot: Reduced the minimum damage of this skill by 14% and the maximum damage by 11% in WvW only.

> - Sword Chain-Attack Sequence: Updated icons for Crippling Thrust and Precision Swipe.

> - Stalker's Strike: Base damage of this attack has been increased by 200%. This attack now deals double damage and inflicts 2 additional poison stacks if it strikes a foe with a movement-impairing condition.

> - Crippling Talon: This skill now uses the ammunition system and has 2 ammo with a 15-second count recharge time and a 1-second recharge between uses. Reduced cripple duration from 6 seconds to 4 seconds. Reduced bleeding duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds.

> - Hornet Sting: This sword skill has moved to weapon slot 3. It now recharges Monarch's Leap if it hits. Its recharge has been increased from 8 seconds to 15 seconds.

> - Monarch's Leap: This sword skill is now the primary skill in weapon slot 2. Using this skill flips it over to Serpent's Strike for 5 seconds. It now has an 8-second recharge.

> - Serpent's Strike: This skill is now the follow-up skill to Monarch's Leap. It no longer has a recharge.

> - Swoop: Fixed an issue that prevented the casting bar for this skill from matching the actual casting time of the dash.

> - Counterattack: Removed the Crippling Throw follow-up skill. This skill no longer automatically uses Counterattack Kick when blocking a foe within the range threshold. Instead, blocking any attack flips the skill to Counterattack Kick for 5 seconds. Increased the number of targets for Counterattack Kick from 1 to 3. Counterattack Kick now evades for its duration and activates faster.

> - Power Stab: This skill no longer evades for its duration. Its name has been changed to Enduring Swing. This skill now grants 15 endurance if it hits.

> - Quick Draw: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from reducing recharge time.


> ### Revenant


> In addition to some changes to Coalescence of Ruin and Gaze of Darkness aimed at WvW play, we are also tuning up a few of Mallyx's Legendary Demon Stance skills from the last update as we felt they ended up on the weak side. Jalis's Legendary Dwarf Stance skills are also seeing some improvements aimed at making them more powerful and easier to use to better warrant the use of your energy.


> - Coalescence of Ruin: This skill no longer deals increased damage with successive impacts; it now always deals damage equal to what was previously the second-impact damage. Its damage remains split between game modes. Added a red warning rectangle visible to enemies.

> - Embrace the Darkness: Lowered the recharge from 10 seconds to 3 seconds.

> - Gaze of Darkness: This skill now reveals stealth enemies up to a range of 600, inflicting blindness and vulnerability.

> - True Nature (Assassin): Reduced radius from 600 to 360.

> - Call to Anguish: Decreased energy cost from 35 to 30. Reduced recharge from 5 seconds to 3 seconds. Increased radius from 240 to 360. Damage increased by 33%.

> - Inspiring Reinforcement: Increased pulsing stability duration from 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds. Increased initial stability duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds. Increased the speed at which the road is built by 100%. Increased road length from 600 to 900.

> - Forced Engagement: Increased damage reduction from taunted targets from 20% to 33%. This skill now also throws chains at up to 4 additional targets within a range of 360 of the selected target.

> - Focused Siphoning: Increased base healing by 88% in PvE.

> - Elder's Respite: Added a 10-second internal cooldown to this trait.


> ### Thief


> The previous Shadow Arts update landed pretty well overall, but we think that the siphons ended up a little weak. We're tuning these up a bit, as well as touching up a few other traits that didn't feel quite right. In addition to these changes, we're updating Improvisation to recharge a random utility skill on the skill bar rather than a random utility skill type. This change is intended to lower the variance on the trait and to allow for more flexibility in utility selection. Finally, stolen bundles now use the ammo system in order to help with readability.


> - Steal: Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations.

> - Swipe: Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

> - Hidden Thief: Fixed a bug that could cause this trait to activate even if Steal failed.

> - Leeching Venoms: This trait now immediately grants a stack of spider venom when the thief first enters stealth and every 3 seconds after.

> - Improvisation: Instead of recharging an entire skill category at random, this trait now recharges one of your equipped utility skills at random.

> - Stolen Bundles: Stolen bundles now show their number of uses as ammunition.

> - Shadow Siphoning: Increased base healing by 62%.

> - Cloaked in Shadow: Increased base damage and the damage multiplier by 100%. Increased base healing by 100% and the heal multiplier by 60%.

> - Lead Attacks: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to grant less than the listed 15% recharge reduction.


> ### Warrior


> In this update, we're focusing on changes to the Tactics trait line and warhorn skills. We've removed the traits related to reviving allies in order to make room for new traits and improvements to old traits that focus more on ways warriors can affect allies while they are still in the fight. The new Tactics traits are focused around empowering allies through boons and effects, helping allies who are taking a beating, and a selection of warrior-enhancing battlefield strategies.


> - Charge: The icon for this skill has been updated. This skill now only removes movement-impairing conditions. It now increases the damage of affected allies' next 2 attacks by 25% (10% in WvW) for 8 seconds in addition to its previous effects. Increased swiftness duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. This skill is now a blast finisher.

> - Call to Arms: This skill has been renamed Call of Valor, and its functionality has changed. Removed an unnecessary unblockable skill fact. This skill now removes 3 conditions from affected allies instead of specific conditions. It also now applies barrier in addition to vigor.

> - Sight beyond Sight: Increased the radius of this skill to reveal stealth enemies within a radius of 600.

> - Burning Arrows: This trait has been removed, and its effects have been merged with Crack Shot in the Discipline line.

> - Crack Shot: Instead of granting bonus adrenaline for base harpoon gun shots, this trait now adds 3 seconds of bleeding to each shot.

> - Tactics: The Tactics line has been reworked. Several traits in this line now revolve around a new effect called Soldier's Focus, which grants bonuses when executing bursts.

> - Minor:

> - Marching Orders: This new trait grants the Soldier's Focus effect every 15 seconds. This effect is expended when hitting with a burst to grant 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds to allies within a range of 300.

> - Empowered: Moved from the adept tier. The effects are unchanged.

> - Mending Might: This trait applies might to an ally and heals the warrior.

> - Adept:

> - Leg Specialist: In addition to its previous effects, this trait now also grants a 7% damage bonus against foes suffering from a movement-impairing condition. The cooldown on this trait is now calculated per target.

> - Soldier's Comfort: This new trait heals nearby allies when Soldier's Focus activates.

> - Roaring Reveille: This new trait increases the number of targets for warhorn skills from 5 to 10 and causes warhorn skills to grant an additional boon. It grants fury for Charge and resistance for Call to Arms. It also grants an additional 120 concentration.

> - Master:

> - Warrior's Cunning: This new trait increases damage by 25% against foes with health above 90%. Additionally, it increases damage by 50% against foes that have barrier. These bonuses do not stack.

> - Shrug It Off: This trait has moved, and its icon has been updated. In addition to its previous effect, it also causes the warrior to heal allies when removing damaging conditions from them.

> - Empower Allies: In addition to its previous effects, this trait also increases the radius of Soldier's Focus to 600. Added a missing number of targets skill fact.

> - Grandmaster:

> - Martial Cadence: This new trait causes Soldier's Focus to reduce the warrior's equipped weapon skill cooldowns by 3 seconds.

> - Vigorous Shouts: This trait no longer grants adrenaline when using shouts. Instead, it grants healing power equal to 13% of power.

> - Phalanx Strength: Increased might duration from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.


This is a start, but cloaked in Shadow and Shadow Siphoning are still *massive* downgrades to their previous versions. For Cloaked in shadow, in order for the healing to reduce damage as much as preventing a single crit from an auto attack (not even a proper skill), you need to get *15* blinds. Quite frankly, an increase of 1000% (which wouldve been the bare minimum) would still not make the trait good. It would merely make it at least worth ever considering. This change will fall far short of the level at which the trait is anything but a complete joke. Please consider simply reverting it to its previous, superior version, or stop being overly cautious and give it a buff that would at least make it not totally useless. As for Shadow Siphoning, ignoring for a second how little it matters since noone outside of DE uses stealth attacks (who doesnt care for shadow siphoning), it also is massively too weak. Compared to 25% less damage, youd need to get 10 stealth attacks just to heal enough to make up for 3 hits in stealth.

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After reading the previous threads, i'd assumed the Chaos Storm change had been thrown out, given it wasn't mentioned after the first/second feedback posts, and I am seriously disappointed at another over-nerf due to a synergy that's being removed with the same patch.


Without the oppressive effects of Chaotic Interruption's immobilization triggering from the dazes, Chaos Storm simply becomes a five-second area lockdown ability, interrupting revives and providing some area pressure, with this change it seems to lose 90% of it's utility and only becomes useful on condition heavy builds.


Even with the new reworked Chaotic Interruption, there is an internal cooldown of one second, meaning because Chaos Storm has a _chance_ to daze, it could only potentially trigger every other second at the most.


This is of course just as I started doing world completion for The Bifrost because staff looked useful again, very disappointing change.


On other changes:

* Illusion of Life nerf seems rather heavy handed, as I posted in the feedback threads, a reduction to two seconds would be preferable - however five has always been far too long.

* Mantra changes are still quite disappointing, but won't really affect too much except for some added clunkiness in use.


Chrono changes look potentially interesting:

* Delayed Reactions synergizing to prevent targets escaping when using focus pulls - which remain one of the only reasons that mesmers are still wanted in zerg play alongside Illusion of Life, so potential enhancements there are very welcome.

* Lost Time change could potentially synergize with the above.

* Seize The Moment change seems positive, giving Mesmer some of it's AoE support options back without relying on a group standing stationary in a well.


As someone who almost exclusively plays Mesmer, I can't really offer comment on any other class changes.

Thank you for seeking feedback for these changes however, it's a good step forward.

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Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.


I insist. 450, or you use 600 range for PvE only! As said previously in another thread, the 600 range is vital, at my eyes it is part of the class concept to be able to interrupt the enemies on large area.

It cover many safe-range distance, reducing it is an additionnal disadvantage.



Turrets still need help.

Holosmith is a high damage for high risk (was how it was introduced) but it isn't difficult to play it: only avoid overheat and that's 0 risks ,you are turning it into low damage. You should have a clear view for holo, it's Dps but not too much dps.... I don't get it, okay for wvw, but why nerfing pve?

The issue I see, if you are hard nerfing those specs into nothing, nobody will play them anymore. Will be hard to play your favourite spec if nothing is viable anymore.


Meanwhile Necro is overpowered and boosted without anyone saying anything. And engie should accept nerfs without contesting. No.


Will something will be made one day to deal with firebrand and scourges red aoe in wvw?! #LeaveEngieAlone



I regret PoF release holo, you are destroying the spec. Really poor balance. Through, for Scrapper, the balance is net.


Guess my bow dragonhunter can continue to cry in corner... my rifle deadeye too surely.... pff when you think zaphirah one shot you...


Don't ignore those four things:

- Druid rework?

- Buff dragonhunter bow?

- Engie kits /turrets?

- Nerf Firebrand/Scourge WvW?


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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> Some chronomancer tweaks are also in to offer another means of granting group quickness and to clean up some functional redundancy between Delayed Reactions and Lost Time.


How about some chronomancer tweaks to restore the enjoyability of playing a class with 5 sensible enjoyable shatters and many sensible enjoyable deep micro-interactions to which people got physically used during a significant period of the previous 4 years?

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.

> I insist. 450, or you use 600 range for PvE only!

> Turrets still need help.

> Holosmith is a high damage for high risk, you are turning it into low damage. I regret PoF releasr holo, you are destroying tje spec. Really poor balance. Through, for Scrapper, the balance is net.


> Guess my bow dragonhunter can continue to cry in corner...


High risk? What u serious?

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Tempest still tries to be a DPS spec when Weaver exists

Scrapper's still meh aside from WvW ham and cheese

FB is still great

Chrono's still ultra-dead for anything but raids, now even more for PvP modes because no extra damage on Lost Time

Scourge will still plague PvP modes

Ranger's sword is little less cumbersome, GS lil toned down in PvP modes

Condirev might be a thing, but most likely still isn't

Condithief slightly buffed, support build is still not happening most likely

Only good thing happened to Warrior, except the banners still unfortunately exist


Final rating: Not worth waiting for months/10

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.

> > I insist. 450, or you use 600 range for PvE only!

> > Turrets still need help.

> > Holosmith is a high damage for high risk, you are turning it into low damage. I regret PoF releasr holo, you are destroying tje spec. Really poor balance. Through, for Scrapper, the balance is net.

> >

> > Guess my bow dragonhunter can continue to cry in corner...


> High risk? What u serious?


It was how they introduced it, if it's false, that's ok, let it become a low risk for low damage spec, this isn't better.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > > Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.

> > > I insist. 450, or you use 600 range for PvE only!

> > > Turrets still need help.

> > > Holosmith is a high damage for high risk, you are turning it into low damage. I regret PoF releasr holo, you are destroying tje spec. Really poor balance. Through, for Scrapper, the balance is net.

> > >

> > > Guess my bow dragonhunter can continue to cry in corner...

> >

> > High risk? What u serious?


> It was how they introduced it, if it's false, that's ok, let it become a low risk for low damage spec, this isn't better.


Wont be low dps that's for sure

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Need a bit of clarification


> Mending Might: This trait applies might to an ally and heals the warrior.


under what situation?


> Martial Cadence: This new trait causes Soldier's Focus to reduce the warrior's equipped weapon skill cooldowns by 3 seconds.


Same here. When you gain Soldier's Focus or when it gets expended?


Shouldn't Death's Carapace give armor instead of toughness? For damage reduction they function the same but giving armor avoids messing with fixation mechanics and IIRC stat conversion stuff doesn't count temporary increases so those shouldn't be impacted either

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > > > Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.

> > > > I insist. 450, or you use 600 range for PvE only!

> > > > Turrets still need help.

> > > > Holosmith is a high damage for high risk, you are turning it into low damage. I regret PoF releasr holo, you are destroying tje spec. Really poor balance. Through, for Scrapper, the balance is net.

> > > >

> > > > Guess my bow dragonhunter can continue to cry in corner...

> > >

> > > High risk? What u serious?

> >

> > It was how they introduced it, if it's false, that's ok, let it become a low risk for low damage spec, this isn't better.


> Wont be low dps that's for sure


Exact, but continuing acharning themselves on engie will not solve anything. Since the start, engie took several nerfs, only scrapper is boosted. Now they have to think about buffing other classes instead of nerfing one. Many classes are doing great, scrapper, necro, p/p deadeye, warrior... but some specs are just crappy. I get that the risk is not obvious (frankly it's just overheat, but what to add, burnings when increasing heat?)

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Lost Time and Delayed Reactions is really infuriating.

Pre patch Lost Time did damage and slow on Landing a CC without an ICD that means you could place a gravity well on a group of mobs and they all got 3 additional damage hits and 9s of slow.

The new delayed reactions will turn this into 3s of slow.


If you happen to take both lost time and delayed reactions you get 3s of slow on each mob and 3s of alacrity.


You lose: 5x6s of slow and 15 packages of damage. You gain 3s of alacrity. This whole thing is not even commented on as a nerf but just stated as redundancies thst were cleared. It's a clear nerf that I don't understand.


Also a trait that offers 3s of alacrity everytime I alow a target (with 3s icd) is not a worthy grandmaster trait.

The ONLY mesmer skill able to trigger this mkre than once is time warp. Each other slow applycant is crippled by the ICD.


To make delayed reactions at least remotely as good as lost time was pre patch remove the ICD (at least in PvE) so you can stack some slow with F3 and gravity well. The new grandmaster trait is just a meme at this point. We have better access to alacrity by shattering than using this trait.

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