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Appeal of the Russian-speaking community Guild Wars 2


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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> There is a difference. Most of us don’t want to have Cyrillic in the chat. We want Latin letters, doesn’t matter if we understand or not. It would destroy our gaming experience having the chat full of letters that are different than ours. So Cyrillic letters should be on Russian servers but not on the European server.


No one will be required to use Cyrillic, most of the players already leave chat off because of the amount of trash talk. Cyrilic is beautiful and will improve the game experience.


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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> Then they should add Arabic, Hebrew and Greek letters as well.


Idk about Russians but in Greece there was always a great push to learn to speak and read English due to us interactimg often woth tourists as well as the posibility of going out of country for work or smth.


Greek alphabet wouldnt really be needed. It would be a cool qol for very young players but not needed.


The cyrillic crowd tho look lile they would very much enjoy having it.


Also russia has a couple x our population so compairing the 2 is kinda strawman.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > Then they should add Arabic, Hebrew and Greek letters as well.


> Idk about Russians but in Greece there was always a great push to learn to speak and read English due to us interactimg often woth tourists as well as the posibility of going out of country for work or smth.


> Greek alphabet wouldnt really be needed. It would be a cool qol for very young players but not needed.


> The cyrillic crowd tho look lile they would very much enjoy having it.


> Also russia has a couple x our population so compairing the 2 is kinda strawman.


UTF supports Greek among other languages. If ArenaNet implements Unicode support for chats everybody will be able to use their native language regardless of their writing system. That's the beauty of this solution. You do it once and it works for everyone.

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Мы не просим полную локализацию игры, хотябы дайте возможность нам между собой общаться на родном языке!


We are no longer ask for a full translation, at least give us the opportunity to communicate with each other in our native language.


Pls Anet add Cyrillic in the game chat! :3


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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Ofcourse it do, its not supported now so is a 100% extra cost in personel.


Ah, I thought you meant game support personel. Sorry.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> Filling the forums with the same "please ANET give us Cyrillyc", isn't really the way to go imo.


This one was at least creative and humorous. :)

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INOY, thanks for mentioning me and my site! I was pleasantly surprised. :)

To be honest - my site does not fit the rules of the partner program as it has a game name in the URL. IMO - strange rule, but I can understand it. So that is not a question :)


But I can not understand - is it really hard to add Cyrillic in the game at least in some chat channels?

OK. Maybe you don't want us to use Cyrillic in the map or area chat... maybe I can understand this...

But why couldn't you add support for Cyrillic letters at least in guild, group and personal chats in the game?

Hope developers will change their mind.


Kind regards,



P.S. fun fact - this is my first comment on the official forum, tho I'm reading them regularly :D

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> There is a difference. Most of us don’t want to have Cyrillic in the chat. We want Latin letters, doesn’t matter if we understand or not. It would destroy our gaming experience having the chat full of letters that are different than ours. So Cyrillic letters should be on Russian servers but not on the European server.


> @"yoni.7015" said:

> And if there would be Cyrillic letters in European servers most of us couldn’t even read the name of the players. I don’t want to play with people whose name I couldn’t even read.


Not even inaccurate... these are simply wrong, on both counts.


Firstly, you have no proof of what other players want. I'm fine with Cyrillic in chat. I do not care if players use Latin characters or not, and given that I usually play in the OCX-SEA time zones, I commonly see Korean characters in chat, which I can't read at all. It does not "destroy my gaming experience" - it makes it more interesting. If you have a problem with people who don't communicate in western European languages, build a bridge and get over it.


Secondly, all player names use the Roman alphabet for names, including those who don't use it to communicate. Again, if you don't like people with unfamiliar names, that's more of a you problem.


Not supporting Cyrillic on account of compatibility problems is one thing, and is perfectly acceptable. But opposing it because you, personally, can't read it is appalling.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> Anet should rather invest the time and the money in something that benefits all players, not just a minority of russian speaking players.


TBH that is kind of a poor mans reasonings... if they wish to market the game globally then this should of been something that was implemented out of the box imo.

As long as there is a way for players to hide it if they do not wish to see'/read it or have LFG's etc showing listings in Cyrillic then I don't understand players having an issue with it.

To be clear I am from the UK, but I have zero issue with ANET supporting Cyrillic, but as I have already said only ANET can make that call .. so I guess the question is can ANET justify the time/cost in making it happen against the return they get from it.

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I think that every nation that use cyrillic alphabet deserve to speak on their native languages, or just give the exact answer, why a.net dont want to add cyrillic into game? Its not a localization and you dont need to spend 5219538592351243$ on that.

Belarus, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan.

All these countries will be grateful to you for using their native language in game chat. Just help once and make thousands of people life easier.

Love you all <3

Бәріңді жақсы көремін <3

Ҳамаи шуморо дӯст медорам <3

Кахаю вас усіх <3

Ве сакам сите <3

Све вас волим <3

Обичам ви всички <3

Люблю вас всіх <3

Та бүхэнд хайртай <3

Мен силерге баарын сүйөм <3

Люблю вас всех <3

*God save the google translate*

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> @"OlafKS.7904" said:

> INOY, thanks for mentioning me and my site! I was pleasantly surprised. :)

> To be honest - my site does not fit the rules of the partner program as it has a game name in the URL. IMO - strange rule, but I can understand it. So that is not a question :)


> But I can not understand - is it really hard to add Cyrillic in the game at least in some chat channels?

> OK. Maybe you don't want us to use Cyrillic in the map or area chat... maybe I can understand this...

> But why couldn't you add support for Cyrillic letters at least in guild, group and personal chats in the game?

> Hope developers will change their mind.


> Kind regards,

> OlafKS


> P.S. fun fact - this is my first comment on the official forum, tho I'm reading them regularly :D


Whilst I have no issues with them implementing this request, don't forget it's not just a technical thing. If chat has Cyrillic, then all languages involved must be able to be translatable by someone in Support in cases of moderation and other issues. That means hireing more people onto their staff at extra costs. It's a non-negotiable point - whatever languages exist to type must be able to be translated by Anet.


And no, they couldn't bring in players or volunteers to do that role

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Whilst I have no issues with them implementing this request, don't forget it's not just a technical thing. If chat has Cyrillic, then all languages involved must be able to be translatable by someone in Support in cases of moderation and other issues. That means hireing more people onto their staff at extra costs. It's a non-negotiable point - whatever languages exist to type must be able to be translated by Anet.


> And no, they couldn't bring in players or volunteers to do that role

This is only half-true. They could tap a player to hire as a translator. But vetting someone as a translator is a difficult thing, and not something to be done lightly.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> It’s a bit late to ask for this after seven years. You all did fine the last seven years without Cyrillic letters.


this really. I can imagine chat been spammed with it. which would cause other issues.

Besides making a point using it on an English forum doesn't do yourself any favours, apart from prove my point.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"OlafKS.7904" said:

> > INOY, thanks for mentioning me and my site! I was pleasantly surprised. :)

> > To be honest - my site does not fit the rules of the partner program as it has a game name in the URL. IMO - strange rule, but I can understand it. So that is not a question :)

> >

> > But I can not understand - is it really hard to add Cyrillic in the game at least in some chat channels?

> > OK. Maybe you don't want us to use Cyrillic in the map or area chat... maybe I can understand this...

> > But why couldn't you add support for Cyrillic letters at least in guild, group and personal chats in the game?

> > Hope developers will change their mind.

> >

> > Kind regards,

> > OlafKS

> >

> > P.S. fun fact - this is my first comment on the official forum, tho I'm reading them regularly :D


> Whilst I have no issues with them implementing this request, don't forget it's not just a technical thing. If chat has Cyrillic, then all languages involved must be able to be translatable by someone in Support in cases of moderation and other issues. That means hireing more people onto their staff at extra costs. It's a non-negotiable point - whatever languages exist to type must be able to be translated by Anet.


> And no, they couldn't bring in players or volunteers to do that role


This is a moot point. Right now people talk in their native languages but substitute native alphabets with Latin letters, i.e. use transliteration. While moderators can recognise the letters, they still have no idea about the message. Moreover, it is harder to translate transliterated texts than normal texts since dictionaries and automatic translation software use language's native writing systems.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> > @"EyeQ.9724" said:


> > But what about ru-community? They don't have it at all :(


> They didn’t have it for the last seven years and it was not a problem.



Actually, it was a problem, and there was a 40k-signed petition many years ago. But ANet didn't want to hear us. OK, we can take it (in-game localization). But all what we ask for - just to add a possibility to use Cyrillic in chat, that's all. Is it too much to ask ANet even to try???

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> @"Rognik.2579" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Whilst I have no issues with them implementing this request, don't forget it's not just a technical thing. If chat has Cyrillic, then all languages involved must be able to be translatable by someone in Support in cases of moderation and other issues. That means hireing more people onto their staff at extra costs. It's a non-negotiable point - whatever languages exist to type must be able to be translated by Anet.

> >

> > And no, they couldn't bring in players or volunteers to do that role

> This is only half-true. They could tap a player to hire as a translator. But vetting someone as a translator is a difficult thing, and not something to be done lightly.


Of course that's an option and when things start to happen, errors, bugs, and worse .. it is ANET that get left with egg face and have to sort it out.. not worth the risk from that point of view imo… better to hire/employ a pro and ANET take full control and responsibility, but can they, should they, will they.. only ANET know the answer.

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