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How to Fix Thiefs/DD


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stealth of thief is not a problem, it's the full map teleport, look like a hack, thiefs can just leave/back to the fight without being punished, they need to make shadowstep and infiltrator arrow cost 8-10 initiative points, also remove the return from shadowsteps, now if they jump on someone they have to fight

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> stealth of thief is not a problem, it's the full map teleport, look like a hack, thiefs can just leave/back to the fight without being punished, they need to make shadowstep and infiltrator arrow cost 8-10 initiative points, also remove the return from shadowsteps, now if they jump on someone they have to fight


Lmao u have literally no idea about thief as a class and how to play it, that's evident in ur suggestions and the post amounts to nothing more than a rage post cuz u dislike thieves. These changes would erase thief and make it unplayable but then again I think that's ur agenda right?lol

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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> Yeah, totally agree. Thief only has mobility to show for itself, LeTS rEmOVe iT!


and perma stealth or extreme evade uptime combined with the ability to pick fights at will and leave fights at will. Everytime a thief dies, it's because the thief player made a wrong decision. Thief should only every die to others thiefs as only a thief has the means to fight/kill a skilled thief.

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > Yeah, totally agree. Thief only has mobility to show for itself, LeTS rEmOVe iT!


> and perma stealth or extreme evade uptime combined with the ability to pick fights at will and leave fights at will. Everytime a thief dies, it's because the thief player made a wrong decision. Thief should only every die to others thiefs as only a thief has the means to fight/kill a skilled thief.


I laugh so hard when I read ridiculous post like this.

A thief does die if it makes a mistake sure but it also dies if a players knows a bit about the class and cc's it,pays attention to its s2 return spot, pressures it in almost any way cuz let's be honest 3 or so hits landed and thief's dead hence why their disengagement is so good, otherwise more times than not they'd be free food. Aoe's kill them fast which are spammed these days,any ranged weapons on most classes strip their small hp super fast. I could go on but to anyone who actually played the class understands pretty fast why it needs mobility, high evade uptime and even stealth to a degree especially when u add in to the noodle dps its weapon do outside of malicious backstabs, DE rifle bursts and the occasional vault ala assassin signet lol.

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I laugh sometimes especially in wvw when someone's running away from u to a keep they own and ur right behind them auto attacking them with some skills mixed in and the auto's and the just run for a minute or two real time until they get to the safety of their keep lol like ur a misquote annoying them lol. Of course a good back stab, stealth rifle burst or a good vault using ass sig can pull good dps but the rest is like killing an enemy with 1000 cuts which combined with s2 is why their a +1 class. I love how people that dont play it think they pull good dps outside of those few instances lol

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Thief is already mediocre and hard to play. It cant hold nodes for shit if they dont play staff daredevil and are overall squishy as fuck. The only thing most of the thief builds are good at is plus ones and fast rotations and you would ruin that one and only role thiefs can do. Staff thief and condi thief are a problem not shadowsteps and their disengage potential.

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> @"Bashi.8902" said:

> Thief is already mediocre and hard to play. It cant hold nodes for kitten if they dont play staff daredevil and are overall squishy as kitten. The only thing most of the thief builds are good at is plus ones and fast rotations and you would ruin that one and only role thiefs can do. Staff thief and condi thief are a problem not shadowsteps and their disengage potential.


thief hard do play, lol


press 2-2-2-2--2-2

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > > Yeah, totally agree. Thief only has mobility to show for itself, LeTS rEmOVe iT!

> >

> > and perma stealth or extreme evade uptime combined with the ability to pick fights at will and leave fights at will. Everytime a thief dies, it's because the thief player made a wrong decision. Thief should only every die to others thiefs as only a thief has the means to fight/kill a skilled thief.


> I laugh so hard when I read ridiculous post like this.

> A thief does die if it makes a mistake sure but it also dies if a players knows a bit about the class and cc's it,pays attention to its s2 return spot, pressures it in almost any way cuz let's be honest 3 or so hits landed and thief's dead hence why their disengagement is so good, otherwise more times than not they'd be free food. Aoe's kill them fast which are spammed these days,any ranged weapons on most classes strip their small hp super fast. I could go on but to anyone who actually played the class understands pretty fast why it needs mobility, high evade uptime and even stealth to a degree especially when u add in to the noodle dps its weapon do outside of malicious backstabs, DE rifle bursts and the occasional vault ala assassin signet lol.


i find tif of any kind super annoying, condi is just... you know its aids.

but against power, the weakness is just screwing us both over. sometimes 2 mistakes, and glancing glancing, he doesnt die and i lose the duel.

and sometimes 1 good burst, glances dont land and he dies or runs at 10% doesnt feel fair for both sides.

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Really they just need to make it not so passive carried. Nearly 80% of the burst comes entirely from passives, which is a problem due to how condi passives work.


Lets say you know that a certain passives ICD is up, such as the DA bot trait that grants poison stacks on your next attack every 5 seconds. Guess what happens if you dodge their attack at the 5 second mark? It simply procs on the next time an ability lands. You still take the stacks. You have accomplished nothing.


In other words, most of these passives work so they proc on the next **HIT** not the next **ATTACK**. meaning that there is ZERO counterplay to them. And for PvP, that's bad. It's encouraging unskilled and spammy gameplay. Which is sad because thief is supposed to be a high skill cap class and yet the meta has now shifted to forcing thieves to play one of the lowest skill cap builds in the game.

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I dun get it. Our damage was so nerfed over time that now we can only +1 and decap cuz of our mobility. Can't even 1v1 if it comes to holding a point anymore. (we used to be able to 1v1 if thief is skilled. risky but still possible. now it's not even worth a try.) And now u wanna nerf the only thing that thief still has his mobility? Alright. Remove mobility and there's nothing left for this class. People would surely ask to change character before match starts cuz they'd know thief is useless. Hell even now thief is kind of a joke. Not every1 likes a decapper class in their matches. They'd rather stick to teamfights and actually holding a node. I mean.. hell.. i would surely prefer a FB or Holo in my team rather then thief. Basically wut would happen is what happened with power mesmer. Power thief would become 100% obsolete and u would see only condi thieves and more of em. And then what would happen people would cry in forums to nerf condi thief.. like they do now. Vicious cycle of insanity.


To OP: go roll a power thief and actually play some matches. I'm sure your opinion will change drastically about this class once you'll get wiped out over and over again. 1minor mistake = dead.

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These duplicate threads need to be merged.


People seem to think if they spam the same (incorrect) arguments in a dozen threads it will be nerfed.


First, when you say condi thief you actually mean Daredevil Sword/Dagger condi Thief. 75% of complaints about condi thief come down to complaints about Sword 2 and Lotus Dodge.


Sword 2 gets complaints because you can jump in and out, each jump in is a chance to immobilize and apply poison. Then you get the additional Lotus Dodge which adds cripple and more condi. You may also see a small AoE from caltrops for more bleed and cripple.


That isn’t the only source of damage. Swipe applies a long duration poison that does not insignificant damage if it isn’t cleansed. You may also face a few stacks of poison from venom utility or Leeching Venoms.


So, Thief burns multiple initiative skills, F1, one or more dodges, and probably a utility skill.


If you have a major cleanse and time it right: Thief will do little damage and will have to wait to try again while being useless to the team.


Very OP. You should try playing it.

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