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Jumping on that GW3 Bandwagon !

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> @"Sriep.5718" said:

> The only thing I think is important for a GW3 is an improved the graphics engine; GW2 feels like your playing a cartoon on a watercolour painting.

> FI its what gives ESO such an edge over GW2, if it wasn't for the graphics I would take GW2 every time.

> Next after graphics some new storylines. Oh and update crafting so its meaningful for levelling players.


I think you'll find this a personal opinion among a lot of people...I prefer GW2 over ESO for graphics, as for crafting, raising your crafting level and your character go hand in hand, I think that's meaningful enough(you can, if you choose to, craft your own gear as you level up).


Otherwise, forget about GW3, just keeping expanding on 2, which they can do indefinitely, even after the last Elder Dragon is dead, the stories are limitless.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> As long as it has a release date 7-10 years from now I'm fine XD

Gw1 development got stopped the moment they started working on gw2, even though that was still many years away. Just saying.


> @"Sriep.5718" said:

> The only thing I think is important for a GW3 is an improved the graphics engine; GW2 feels like your playing a cartoon on a watercolour painting.

> FI its what gives ESO such an edge over GW2, if it wasn't for the graphics I would take GW2 every time.

Actually, ESO graphics are one of the things that are a turnoff to me. The more realistic graphics strive to be, the more we notice how they're lacking. A game with stylized art can get away with a lot of things that a realistic art cannot.


> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Kas.3509" said:


> >

> > Isn't plan for GW3 scrapped though? I felt like all the layoff s and abandoning new projects they were working on, inclined that there will be no GW3 :<.


> From what i know they still have more people at the company than they did at the start of Path of Fire. (290 now vs 220 then).

Unsure. That's all employees vs only devs, so it's not so directly comparable.


If anything, it seems they have now _less_ manpower than during PoF era. Then, they could work on LS and on expac in parallel. Now, they can only do one of those things.

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Maybe _eventually_ I'd like a GW3, and I'd like it as a hybrid of GW1 and GW2 with a new engine (combine not only the mechanics but also some aspects of the art style). I personally **really** dislike the idea of all the classes sharing all the same weapons and armor, and I **DO** **NOT** want it in a modern or futuristic setting, what we have now thanks to the Asura is bad enough. Otherwise, its something to think about at a later date.

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> @"roamzero.9486" said:

> Just take Archeage, put in GW2's combat system and everything under Anet's management.


So you want to put everything under the management of a company with terrible communication and complete lack of transparency, which is leaning heavily on the micro/macro transaction side of things (while XLGames and Gamigo are doing the exact opposite with AA:U), and has a penchant for treating any sort of criticism as toxicity? Yeah. Let's do that.

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> @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> I sincerely hope they won't make another mmorpg any time soon. GW2 has a lot left to explore and a lot of room for improvement and it is by no means time to stop developing GW2 or put ressources somewhere else, especially after the lay offs. GW2 has improved a lot lately from my point of view and I think it is time that they work harder than ever to release better and better content and balance updates in the future (don't rush it, put more time and effort in it! I prefer quality over quantity and most people will agree!... Hopefully, not sure about reddit... ).


On paper this seems to be true, but in reality, the game is on it's last legs. Any new map they release goes dormant in 2-4 weeks. Even the newest map I never even saw that full on the first few days of release. This is a bad sign. People will have to come to grips with this sooner rather than later.


The problem is, the people that were the backbone of Gw2 are no longer around anymore. The best we can hope for is a spinoff or successor from the team that recently left. Their smartest move would be to make a WvW/PvP focused game with a minor focus on PvE (the way Gw2 should have been handled in the first place. Can't make end game out of PvE content, but that doesn't mean it has to be ignored. They could have buffed up and expanded on the maps already in place, expanded on the dungeons, new stories within the maps etc..

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> @"Bobzitto.8571" said:

> > @"roamzero.9486" said:

> > Just take Archeage, put in GW2's combat system and everything under Anet's management.


> So you want to put everything under the management of a company with terrible communication and complete lack of transparency, which is leaning heavily on the micro/macro transaction side of things (while XLGames and Gamigo are doing the exact opposite with AA:U), and has a penchant for treating any sort of criticism as toxicity? Yeah. Let's do that.


I think what he means is:

He enjoys Archeage. The company doing the monetization, release of content and support for Archeage is far worse than Arenanet. They wish they had Arenanet as developer for a game they enjoy.


Which basically summarizes into: there is far worse developers of MMORPGs out there with way worse monetization models. Only people who played more than just GW2 would know though.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Gw1 development got stopped the moment they started working on gw2, even though that was still many years away. Just saying.


Incorrect. There was still Eye of the North...


> Actually, ESO graphics are one of the things that are a turnoff to me. The more realistic graphics strive to be, the more we notice how they're lacking. A game with stylized art can get away with a lot of things that a realistic art cannot.


Agreed, although I love the ESO graphics (apart from female characters' unrealistic posture, their bodies look "twisted" at the hip; then again, female humanoids in GW2 also have weird elements like awkwardly twisted knees and annoyingly "girly" idle animations). I'd play ESO and drop GW2 in a second if I didn't feel so lost in ESO as a late beginner. I feel for people who are just starting out in GW2, but GW2 is more structured in many ways, hence easier to catch up on.


> If anything, it seems they have now _less_ manpower than during PoF era. Then, they could work on LS and on expac in parallel. Now, they can only do one of those things.


My assumption as well.

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> @"Dondarrion.2748" said:

> Guild Wars 2 still has a lot of potential and years in it; please not another restart in the franchise!!


That's what I usually say as well, but in the light of recent events, I might change my mind after all and say this: As long as GW3 becomes all that GW2 promised to be, but hasn't delivered to date, I'd gladly play it. (Not that I believe there will be a GW3 anytime soon, or ever.)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > Gw1 development got stopped the moment they started working on gw2, even though that was still many years away. Just saying.


> Incorrect. There was still Eye of the North...

They haven't really started working on gw2 until after that. They might have been in early design phases, but as for actual work, at that time they didn't have the cpability to work on 2 projects of such magnitude concurrently.


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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > @"Kas.3509" said:

> > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > > I think if there is any GW3, it should not be a MMO. It's easier to refactor the whole engine than to make up for all the missing content.

> > >

> > > Unless you design the system to do procedural content, that is.

> >

> > I mean, every mmo starts from smaller world and builds in time, doesn't it? Compare GW2 base game and GW2 now - like two completely different games. No one would want to just remake GW2 into new engine and deliver copy paste GW2 but newer. I think if GW3 happens it will be after/before the times in GW2 with different story and it will evolve over time like every other mmo does.


> That's the problem, though. A new MMO, starting from a smaller world, has to compete with the existing MMOs that have many years of content. Just being newer is no longer enough on its own.


If you follow with that way of thinking no mmo could release ever, (GW2 included), because they had to compete with older games that had 5-10 years of content.

Maybe that's actually why no company wants to release new mmo - because players have unrealistic expactations like this one. For me MMO's were the games that grow over time and it's a pleasure to watch them grow. They usually start to really shine and have best content in 4-6 years after initial release and then they go slower and slower and they die off to be replaced by a new one 10-12 years after they released-> of course thats "usual" pattern, there are exceptions, obviously.


Also I disagree partially. JUST being new is not enough, but new game - with good engine and graphics - even with nothing "new" or "inventive" is going to catch many players. I'd actually just love something very similiar to GW2 or ESO but with new graphics, new story, new adventure. Why? Because I enjoyed these games but after 5-6 years I'm bored. I bet new game similiar to base GW2/WoW/ESO etc. would get many interested players.



Anyway sadly I don't think it will happen. Maybe I'm not right though - I hope I'm not.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > Just being newer is no longer enough on its own.


> Exactly. Had they stayed in tune with what they did in GW1, they would have had the coolest, most unique MMO out there right now. GW2 might still be unique in some aspects, but it just lacks the many great things GW1 had going for itself. They strayed away too far from their own game model with its fantastic skill and dual-class system, its super exciting PvP game modes, and its tense and mature story-telling.


Gw1 wasnt an mmo.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Bobzitto.8571" said:

> > > @"roamzero.9486" said:

> > > Just take Archeage, put in GW2's combat system and everything under Anet's management.

> >

> > So you want to put everything under the management of a company with terrible communication and complete lack of transparency, which is leaning heavily on the micro/macro transaction side of things (while XLGames and Gamigo are doing the exact opposite with AA:U), and has a penchant for treating any sort of criticism as toxicity? Yeah. Let's do that.


> I think what he means is:

> He enjoys Archeage. The company doing the monetization, release of content and support for Archeage is far worse than Arenanet. They wish they had Arenanet as developer for a game they enjoy.


> Which basically summarizes into: there is far worse developers of MMORPGs out there with way worse monetization models. Only people who played more than just GW2 would know though.


Oh, believe me, I do know...I've played more MMOs than I can count, some of them much worse than GW2 indeed, like AA itself, BDO, and BnS. Thing is, I don't excuse a company doing a pisspoor job simply because there are others that do it worse.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > Gw1 development got stopped the moment they started working on gw2, even though that was still many years away. Just saying.

> >

> > Incorrect. There was still Eye of the North...

> They haven't really started working on gw2 until after that.


They announced GW2 long before EotN was released. EotN was only created to bridge the gap between GW1 and GW2 after they had dropped the third expansion, "Eutopia", in favor of a new game.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> How many people will be excited to see GW3 when the micro-transaction and/or subscription based model comes with it? Do people really think that the studio would suddenly turn away from what makes them the most cash? Or ignore business models which might bring in more cash?

Yeah. I personally seriously doubt it. People somehow think, that gw3 will miraculously avoild all the problems they see in gw2, not understanding, that if Anet wanted to/was capable of doing it, those problems would _not_ be present in gw2 either.


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> They announced GW2 long before EotN was released.

Yes, but announcing it didn't mean they started seriously working on it. At that time they simply had no capability of working on both (they didn't have that capability until well after HoT launch, actually). All the work on GW2 until after EotN launched was most certainly mainly conceptual one, as most devs were still involved in gw1 content up until that point. That would be quite consistent with what we've been hearing after that as well.




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> @"Aerick Blackmoore.8167" said:

> Dear Fellow Guildwarians !


> With the recent departure of MO and the speculation articles that his team could've been working on GW3 a thread of what you would like to see in GW3.

> ...............................


I have doubts that any bit of programming has been performed for GW3. Let's see why:


1. MO is leaving ANet. It is a little unusual to leave your own Company, that means MO is not the owner of ANet anymore.

2. When buying such a Company you want to make sure that you will not see next week on the market the same thing you bought. This is why I think NCSoft put in the contract some clauses preventing MO to keep the GW rights and also preventing him to lead/work to something meaning competition for GW / GW2 for a period of time (3-5 years usually).

3. So, it remains the possibility that the team worked on GW3 for NCSoft. But from the NCSoft reaction in February - shuting down projects on ANet / passing Anet under the jurisdiction of NCSoft West / and firing a lot of developers, I can understand that these were projects **not agreed** by NCSoft. So, no chance for GW3 - at least now.

4. Most probably MO and the some developers who left ANet in February and now (8 others left ANet with MO) worked to MO's new game. Using NCSoft money =). I think this is the reason of the violent NCSoft reaction. And now, probably the time period stipulated in the sale agreement between ANet and NCSoft ended and MO is free to make another game.


Of course, the points 3. and 4. are speculations and it is (very) possible to be not correct. We shall see. A game takes an average of 5 years from the design phase to the test phase. If we will have something from the new MO"s company in the test phase in less than 2 years, that means the points 3 and 4 were not entirely wrong.


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Gw3 = let's say 200-300 mil over 4-5 years to develop if you want a good engine well optimised and as rich content as any other successful aaa mmorpg. Thrn gw2 dev costs to keep custa happy during that time. On top of that you are taking a hundreds of millions punt that your design will be desired in 5 years. Thats a risk that has arguably never been taken up by an aaa mmorpg. Game Is still alive and well so this thread is speculating about content that's at least 5 years away :)

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> @"Aerick Blackmoore.8167" said:

> Dear Fellow Guildwarians !


> With the recent departure of MO and the speculation articles that his team could've been working on GW3 a thread of what you would like to see in GW3.


> Personally:


> - No cosmetic armor restrictions, mechanically it's fine, imo, it could even play a larger role than now, maybe in the way of restistances / stamina?

> - Damage type weaknesses, remember how plants took extra damage from fire in GW1?

> - All weapons available to all classes from the start, with different skills right of the bat, not unlocked through specializations.

> - Skill split between pvp and pve

> - Build savings

> - Fishing, Housing, Races, Polymock, the ability to dye weapons, more costumization and non-serious gameplay.

> - More variety in utility skills.


> As far as Races go:

> *Human

> *Tengu

> *Hylek / Frogmen

> *Centaurs

> *Kodan


> While I like the idea of combo's I think they could be even larger in effect, for instance; Freeze / Shatter combinations - like a freezing skill followed by an earth 'shatter' skill.


> A split between conditions and hexes like we had in GW1, boons and weapon skills / shouts and ofcourse the ability to remove them.


> Keep the jumping, dodging, mounts and all the fun stuff gw2 gave us, but it could be a bit more like GW1.


> Maybe I'll think of more these next few days. Let us know what you think !


Sounds good to me.

Ps. Bring spears and scythes back.

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I don't want GW3 until Anet can figure out how to bake-in class & skill balance into the game design. The current "wing it and tweak it" balance method is almost offensive. GW3 needs a solid longview on mechanics, game modes, story and open world construction, and as far as I can see, there is (as of yet) no vision developing that can provide GW3 with an enduring foundation.


However, I am all for GW3 theory-crafting... debating what worked and didn't work in GW1 and GW2, and how those elements could be expanded and improved.

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I wonder what the storyline in GW2 would be like.


In the original Guild Wars, we...

* Fought to help the Kingdom of Ascalon against the Charr

* Saved the human city of Lion's Arch

* Helped the Kurzick and the Luxon

* Saved the imperial line of Cantha

* Saved Elona from being taken over by a tyrant, with the help of a group of allies


Between the original Guild Wars and GW2...

* The Kingdom of Ascalon was destroyed by the Charr, its king suicided himself and turned what remained of this people into ghosts

* The human city of Lion's Arch was destroyed and submerged

* The Luxon and the Kurzick were almost completely destroyed by the Emperor

* The imperal line led to the rise of a xenophobe Emperor who's a tyrant

* Elona was taken over by Joko, and our allies were killed and tortured for hundreds of years


So if we had a Guild Wars 3, I would expect it to be something like:

* Shahud, the Elder Sea Dragon rises. It's actually the Mother of all Dragons, to an elder dragon as an elder dragon is to a common human. Her appearance (she only raises her head and neck) breaks the Shiverpeaks Mountains in half. Shahud then eats Aurene, and devours all magic in the world.

* Without magic, Rata Sum falls from the sky. The surviving Asura are quickly wiped out, as without their golems and technomagic they're basically just arrogant rats.

* Without magic, the Pale Tree dies. No more Sylvari are born, and so they just slowly die, one by one.

* The destruction of the Shiverpeaks Mountains destroy the Norn civilization. They become nomads and are almost completely wiped out.

* Humans lose contact with the Charr (and with everything to the east of the mountains)

* Lion's Arch is destroyed by the tsunami created by the rise of Shahud.

* The same tsunami destroys all of coastal Elona; only the inland desert survives, dealing with a refugee crisis

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> no charr playable race #thumbsdown :#


Is that why your avatar is a centaur? ;)


> @"Random Wax Orc.7695" said:

> However, I am all for GW3 theory-crafting... debating what worked and didn't work in GW1 and GW2, and how those elements could be expanded and improved.


The only downside in GW1 were the movement limitations (no jumping, no swimming) and the lack of facial animation. Other than that, if it was for me, they could simply copy & paste from GW1 in terms of skill & combat system, skill acquisition, professions & dual-classing, build templates, and everything else.


The only technical aspects that would require improvement are the current game engine (especially its performance issues) and the server performance.

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