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Invisible Footwear Skin - Gemstore


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> @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> > > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > > But they have a point, why should one expensive item be added to the gem store and not another just because you want it?

> > >

> > > Maybe because invisible boots are a rare RNG drop while a legendary weapon is a guaranteed reward for determined players

> >

> > And yet, a determined player that wants to grind the gold can have the skin as well.


> and also @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" , @"Ototo.3214"


> I just suggested a reason for the OP's proposal. Please do not assume that I support the OP's idea.


> I do not think that putting rare drops in the gem store is a good idea. It's a slippery slope ending with pay-to-win, in my opinion. However, I do think that there should be alternative, non-RNG-based ways to obtain those rare drops. Buying from TP is **not** one of those ways.


> Ideally, I would love to see more meaningful collections. However, it might take too much time and effort for developers to come up with collections for each rare item in the game. A more realistic approach would be a guaranteed drop after a certain number of kills. For example, 300 Treasure Mushroom kills would guarantee an invisible boots box. If you are lucky to drop them before that time, the counter resets.


> If implemented, this drop mechanic will inevitably lead to grinding for those players who are determined to get a certain item. However, there will be much less frustration since people will know that even in the worst case they are still guaranteed to get their shiny within a very well determined time. Attainable goals make people happy.


This has already been implemented in Diablo 3, your chances increase for drops after certain time. It still devalues the item, except in Diablo 3, there are stats involved and the perfect drop is still RNG. A good approach would be something similar. Guarantee drop, but a lesser version , or parts of it. Then multiple chances to grind and perhaps attain full item. There's already lots of non RNG items in game, a healthy mix of both is best for the game IMO.

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Since the drop rate and the scarcity of the mob that can drob the invisible shoes is a extremely literal showcase of Anet's opinion on barefoot players.


They do not want us to have have digital feet.

Therefore I doubt they'll change anything with them.

They will neither put them on the gem store, nor make them a collection rewards.

They won't even add them to newer contents' loot tables.

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Always should have been a check box like the gloves, shoulders and helms but that ship sailed. Adding them to the gem store is not the way to go imo. If they do anything at all I would like an increased drop rate. The current scarcity for a skin that is literally nothing creates a price I am unwilling to pay to get it. It's not worth it to me for what it is. I don't value prestige anyway though so to each their own.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"Cronospere.8143" said:

> > You wouldnt want those slippers if it wasnt a prestige reward as it is now..


> That's the whole point. To make it less prestige. Unlike infusions or legendary weapons with high stats, the slippers are totally cosmetic.


You can buy +5 infusions at a very low cost (wvw infusions, for instance), no need for them to cost 3k+ gold. A legendary weapon costing 2.5k+ has the same stats as a 40g ascended weapon. Higher stats doesnt apply here. The prestige was, is only one thing, here : cosmetic. You want a purely cosmetic item. And this game is p2lookgood, not p2w.




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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> Those invisible slippers in the TP are too ridiculously priced.


> ANet please put up a different kind of invisible footwears in the Gemstore and I will buy them even if they cost 2k gems.


> This will help bring down the price of the invisible slippers and also make some $$$ for ANet.


They are on the gem store. You can buy gold with gems. You can buy the item with gold. Sounds like you just don't like the gem price.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Always should have been a check box like the gloves, shoulders and helms but that ship sailed.


And the existence of Invisible Boots almost guarantees they will never add that check box to the boots. How do you think a player would feel if they had dropped 3K gold for something everyone could then do for free via the UI?



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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> Ok since i am not playing WvW anymore, i will try farming for them. I may get it on my first try and save my 2k gem... and also to test on my new minion master build ^^


I wish you luck. I killed the mushroom every day (without missing a day) for 3 years and didn't get one. I know at least 40 other people who killed it multiple times a day for over 2 years without a drop. Of the 7 people I know who have them, they bought them on the TP, not a single one was a drop. Talking to the few people on GW2efficiency who have them, none of them got them as drops, they bought them on the TP. I don't know how they are getting listed on the TP, but they don't actually drop in game.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> The question remains: why make an option to hide headgear and shoulders while hiding footwear is 'prestige'. It's inconsistent and annoying. And it was an outrage back then. And now I see 80% defending this kitten attitude...


That's because the others have lost hope and interest. I seriously wanted them invis shoes, but honestly, I don't even care anymore and when I want my toon to run barefoot, he does just that and maybe smells the ground a little bit more often but not that much.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> The question remains: why make an option to hide headgear and shoulders while hiding footwear is 'prestige'. It's inconsistent and annoying. And it was an outrage back then. And now I see 80% defending this kitten attitude...



Date March 25, 2019, regarding the largest, longest running, and most profitable MMO in history. GW2 doesn't seem to be an outlier here.


And lol @ outrage.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> Those invisible slippers in the TP are too ridiculously priced.


> ANet please put up a different kind of invisible footwears in the Gemstore and I will buy them even if they cost 2k gems.


> This will help bring down the price of the invisible slippers and also make some $$$ for ANet.


Don't have them, but no. Just as there are items you can only get from the store, there needs to be items you can only get in game. That keep things in balance. If anything we need more items like this.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > At OP, you can circumvent the gem store by just buying 9817 gems, convert it to hooks and buy it of the TP


> That's what i did when i bought my Bifrost. But i won't do it again. Not after what ANet has done recently.


Then build eternity, by crafting both of the precursors for twilight and sunrise, and sell eternity. It would provide you with content for several weeks, and give you enough gold to buy the slippers.


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> @"Mushuchalaka.9437" said:

> > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> > Ideally, I would love to see more meaningful collections. However, it might take too much time and effort for developers to come up with collections for each rare item in the game. A more realistic approach would be a guaranteed drop after a certain number of kills. For example, 300 Treasure Mushroom kills would guarantee an invisible boots box. If you are lucky to drop them before that time, the counter resets.

> >

> > If implemented, this drop mechanic will inevitably lead to grinding for those players who are determined to get a certain item. However, there will be much less frustration since people will know that even in the worst case they are still guaranteed to get their shiny within a very well determined time. Attainable goals make people happy.


> This has already been implemented in Diablo 3, your chances increase for drops after certain time. It still devalues the item, except in Diablo 3, there are stats involved and the perfect drop is still RNG. A good approach would be something similar. Guarantee drop, but a lesser version , or parts of it. Then multiple chances to grind and perhaps attain full item. There's already lots of non RNG items in game, a healthy mix of both is best for the game IMO.


Your solution is still based on RNG, unfortunately. To be honest, I do not see RNG-based drops as healthy. RNGs are great for simulating spontaneous response and event modelling. RNG-based drops not only produce inaccurate reward/harvesting/etc. models, but also activate neural pathways associated with addictive behaviours. I believe games and players would benefit from predictable reward mechanics.

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> @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> > @"Mushuchalaka.9437" said:

> > > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> > > Ideally, I would love to see more meaningful collections. However, it might take too much time and effort for developers to come up with collections for each rare item in the game. A more realistic approach would be a guaranteed drop after a certain number of kills. For example, 300 Treasure Mushroom kills would guarantee an invisible boots box. If you are lucky to drop them before that time, the counter resets.

> > >

> > > If implemented, this drop mechanic will inevitably lead to grinding for those players who are determined to get a certain item. However, there will be much less frustration since people will know that even in the worst case they are still guaranteed to get their shiny within a very well determined time. Attainable goals make people happy.

> >

> > This has already been implemented in Diablo 3, your chances increase for drops after certain time. It still devalues the item, except in Diablo 3, there are stats involved and the perfect drop is still RNG. A good approach would be something similar. Guarantee drop, but a lesser version , or parts of it. Then multiple chances to grind and perhaps attain full item. There's already lots of non RNG items in game, a healthy mix of both is best for the game IMO.


> Your solution is still based on RNG, unfortunately. To be honest, I do not see RNG-based drops as healthy. RNGs are great for simulating spontaneous response and event modelling. RNG-based drops not only produce inaccurate reward/harvesting/etc. models, but also activate neural pathways associated with addictive behaviours. I believe games and players would benefit from predictable reward mechanics.


There have been Suggested alternatives NOT based on RNG.


It just takes longer than people want.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> ANet please put up a different kind of invisible footwears in the Gemstore and I will buy them even if they cost 2k gems.


Just why ??? They have to be the worst skin in the game. I mean seriously just take off your shoes, don't bother with them and get the same effect for free ;-)


.....and people put them in TP for 2K+ G, lmfao. I wouldn't even pay 25G for such a shit skin. My advice: Save your money and your time, choose a better skin ! (Like even Recruits Boots skins are better looking and like 0.001% of the price)



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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > Always should have been a check box like the gloves, shoulders and helms but that ship sailed.


> And the existence of Invisible Boots almost guarantees they will never add that check box to the boots. How do you think a player would feel if they had dropped 3K gold for something everyone could then do for free via the UI?




Hence "but that ship has sailed" ;)

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > Ok since i am not playing WvW anymore, i will try farming for them. I may get it on my first try and save my 2k gem... and also to test on my new minion master build ^^


> I wish you luck. I killed the mushroom every day (without missing a day) for 3 years and didn't get one. I know at least 40 other people who killed it multiple times a day for over 2 years without a drop. Of the 7 people I know who have them, they bought them on the TP, not a single one was a drop. Talking to the few people on GW2efficiency who have them, none of them got them as drops, they bought them on the TP. I don't know how they are getting listed on the TP, but they don't actually drop in game.


They dropped before but maybe not anymore. This is one of the reasons why i am not buying gems for gold conversion. No more.

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