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OPTIONAL Premium and housing


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> @"reative.4093" said:

> > @"googel.3278" said:

> > > @"reative.4093" said:

> > > > @"googel.3278" said:

> > > > lets make more pixels for the role players for their pretend characters!

> > >

> > > This is what we call **RP** (role playing)

> >

> > you dont say


> Too late... i just said that.


dont remember talking with you on the phone



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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> > @"reative.4093" said:

> > > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > > @"reative.4093" said:

> > > > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > > > > I am pumping real money into the game every month, because I like it. But I am against that 'premium' idea. I would like to be able to customize my home instance a bit tbh - and I would pay for that priviledge. But it is something I can happily live without.

> > > >

> > > > I pumping money also every month, like 20$ every month even if i don't need. Because i like game. This is why i post this idea, because i like GW2 and i don't want see this game dead.

> > > > And also i see what is trendy now in MMO games - housing.

> > >

> > > But many of us would take our money and go elsewhere.

> > >

> > > Would the number who buy the premium outweigh those of us that leave?

> >

> > I think is better try then just sitting, complaining and do nothing.


> Or just maybe they should offer decent items in their Gem store and give good quality content out for free.


> Like is their current policy. Whether they succeed at that or not is subjective.


Sure, this is why ESO have so many players - they offer there so many things for FREE (just in case - they don't, You pay there for every little fragment of content and people pay... WHY? Becouse is a GOOD QUALITY CONTENT).

If You want GOOD QUALITY CONTENT You need pay for this content. Why? Because someone need make this content and this someone need get money for that work, to pay his house rent.

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> @"googel.3278" said:

> > @"reative.4093" said:

> > > @"googel.3278" said:

> > > > @"reative.4093" said:

> > > > > @"googel.3278" said:

> > > > > lets make more pixels for the role players for their pretend characters!

> > > >

> > > > This is what we call **RP** (role playing)

> > >

> > > you dont say

> >

> > Too late... i just said that.


> dont remember talking with you on the phone




Hahaha - i love this Community :)

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There are a lot of problems with this idea. I'll focus on this one: you want players to lose access to something they paid for unless they keep paying. That is completely against this game's design. A selling point of GW2 is that you can leave for a while and come back without having lost any progress. Any unlocks on your account will be waiting for you, as available as on the day you left. (Minor exceptions: the rare case where a skin is altered, such as Flamekissed).

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> There are a lot of problems with this idea. I'll focus on this one: you want players to lose access to something they paid for unless they keep paying. That is completely against this game's design. A selling point of GW2 is that you can leave for a while and come back without having lost any progress. Any unlocks on your account will be waiting for you, as available as on the day you left. (Minor exceptions: the rare case where a skin is altered, such as Flamekissed).


This game have 7y old... WORLD around is changing, business is changing, cost is changing. if you don't evolve, You die.

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> @"reative.4093" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > There are a lot of problems with this idea. I'll focus on this one: you want players to lose access to something they paid for unless they keep paying. That is completely against this game's design. A selling point of GW2 is that you can leave for a while and come back without having lost any progress. Any unlocks on your account will be waiting for you, as available as on the day you left. (Minor exceptions: the rare case where a skin is altered, such as Flamekissed).


> This game have 7y old... WORLD around is changing, business is changing, cost is changing. if you don't evolve, You die.


Change for the sake of change isn't evolution, it's random flailing. They've introduced plenty of changes, most of which have improved the game, but almost all of which have been consistent with their core principles. If you believe you have a wonderful way to improve their revenue while keeping players happy with spending time and money on the game, then go ahead and apply to work for them, get to know their non-public information and researches, and boost them into seven more profitable, engaging years.


Besides, the changes you are pushing for -- more microtransactions sucking at wallets -- are ones that a sizable, vociferous amount of the playerbase is increasingly agitating against in this and other games. It may be an evolutionary dead end.

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Ultima Online - Had fully customizable housing down to the flooring and wall layout by floor. It was a giant hit most people loved it. In UO you could go into other peoples homes if they left the front door unlocked or place vendors to sell your stuff. It was a giant hit. If anything GW2 is behind the times because UO came out when dial up was still a thing...


I would like to see a map with explore able housing. If that ever happens then they can take my money.

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There already is an optional premium if you want to pay one. Just buy a set amount of gems each month and spend it on stuff you like.

As for housing, I don't see any use for it. I'm not big into RP either, I'd rather be somewhere in the open world playing with the community or for myself than spending time in an istance alone. To each their own on this one I guess.

Also it has been proven over time that a F2P model with a gemshop generally generates more income than a game with a monthly fee attached to it.

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Does Premium give you ice cream? 'Cause I like ice cream. Never mind the fact it's Fall. Shhh. In all seriousness, I think premium accounts would be a mixed blessing. On one hand, you could, very well, drum up more revenue at first, but then other, less savory, things start to crop up with the Premium vs. Free and inevitably there will be another huge debacle. And to be quite honest, if a child has to work 8- 14 hours a day, I feel sorry for the kid. :(

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> @"reative.4093" said:


> I think some of You need try different games, see what system they have.

Maybe we have and we prefer what GW2 has to offer? I believe that there are many of us who don't play those other MMOs for many of the reasons that you stated in your OP, especially the premium feature suggestion.


I don't think that many of us want to turn GW2 into every other MMO.

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> @"reative.4093" said:

> A company needs money for development, it's natural. The MMO market is not as dynamic as it used to be.


> GW2 offers lots of stuff for free, that's great.


> My idea is, let ArenaNet send a survey to every user what he thinks about the optional PREMIUM game model.

> Every free user will have access to the entire game, both the cradle and the extras.


> Let Premium cost no more than $ 9.99 (i.e. less than in WoW).


> What must PREMIUM offer?

> - free mount skin every month

> - a few crystals for shopping from the store

> - own piece of the world, or home. Only premium owners will have their own home. When the premium expires, we lose access to the house (as in Albion Online), but the house does not delete (as in Final Fantasy XIV).


> There will be additional opportunities to buy home furnishings in the store.


> Let there be a new profession for players, available to everyone, the production of home items.


> Premium will be available for purchase ONLY and only by real currency, not by exchanging gold for crystals.


> GW2 has a large user base who will be happy to pay for their game to develop.


For the thousandth time that someone has brought this up...NO, absolutely not, the game was sold on no subscription(like the original) and it's one of the primary reasons people play it. You might have taken the time to use the search function to look up the other times people have suggested premium, subscription, etc., options before starting your own new thread.

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> @"miraude.2107" said:



> No premium versions (did that with a free to play game and it's been a year and a half and they STILL haven't added anything new for premium members but a ton of cash shop kitten), no 'optional' subs that are basically a way to gut the main game to make it mandatory. No. Just no.


> Want revenue? Give us a free housing instance and put custom furniture and kitten in the shop while allowing access to the rest via crafting the way ESO is set up. (Get the Balthazar furniture set for 1200 gems, includes a statue of Balthy, forged furniture and his dogs to place where you see fit.) Hell, just copy ESO's whole model (I've stated before the Earthtear Cavern carries a $100 price tag) and improve on it cause I know ArenaNet can rock that out so much better than Zeni has. Not only would that give crafting a nice boost with new items to make, it'd give a new way to make gold in game and we can see how creative everyone is with random objects (I still have screenshots of the Futurama plot I found in Wildstar that had Bender fighting the stabby robot!).


I mean, I don't really support a premium model either... but stating that they shouldn't have one and then telling people to look at a game with a premium subscription as an example isn't really a great way to get this point across. "Hell, just copy ESOs whole model" would literally have them lock our crafting material storage behind a $15 a month fee.

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Plenty of threads on this already all of which had been vehemently rejected by the community. No matter what benefits you include, the perception will exist of a change to a sub model. It doesn't matter how you explain it - that perception will be enough to irreparably damage the game at this stage of its life.


Anet have said a couple of years back they have no intention of adding an optional sub anyway, so the point and suggestion is moot

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> @"reative.4093" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > A quick search of the forums will reveal both of these options requested in existing threads you can add your voice to.

> > Characterizing people who would rather not pay a sub fee as "children" doesn't exactly inspire confidence in your message.


> Cheap people is better? But in f2p games play many kids, because it's F2P.


> And be kids is nothing bad, games for everyone. But the problem is that kids, because they are young they don't pay bills. So they don't understand why someone want you pay for something and don't give You this for free.

Neither cheap not a kid. I just prefer to pay for what I want, how often I feel it justified. I don't need an "optional" premium package lumping a bunch of features into a pack that I can only buy (or worse yet, rent) all or none. This game is doing fine with letting me buy exactly what I want for my game, nothing more, nothing less.


> @"reative.4093" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > There are a lot of problems with this idea. I'll focus on this one: you want players to lose access to something they paid for unless they keep paying. That is completely against this game's design. A selling point of GW2 is that you can leave for a while and come back without having lost any progress. Any unlocks on your account will be waiting for you, as available as on the day you left. (Minor exceptions: the rare case where a skin is altered, such as Flamekissed).


> This game have 7y old... WORLD around is changing, business is changing, cost is changing. if you don't evolve, You die.

Going back to outdated concepts games used to depend upon years ago isn't exactly what I'd call evolution.


I can assure you I have played a lot of games, with both mandatory and optional subscriptions (premium, vip access, however you want to call it), some of them for many years, but every single one of them, when you look at it objectively, was selling me stuff I neither wanted nor needed to justify charging a higher price for the stuff I actually wanted because it was only available as a package deal.

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What you are proposing is a subscription fee. Anet's business model is in the exact opposite direction.

Nope. Not a chance in hell.


You want them to turn GW2 into any other MMO. If you want housing, go play a game that has it. Anet will never implement a system just because it's "trendy". They would want to put their own spin on it while maintaining the identity of the game.


Consider mounts, for example. In any other MMO (that I played) mounts basically serve only one function: speed boost. Anet could have very easily added the horse as a mount and be done with it. Instead, they made them unique with abilities that give players certain advantages depending on which one they are using and integrated them in a way that worked best with the already established world. Does this approach make you believe Anet would do housing just because every other MMO has it?


And again, a hard no on the sub fee.

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