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Do you all consider Spies an issue?


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Was wondering where you all stand in this. Server spying.

When getting harassment messages from a spy may be an issue on its own. But that's different issue all together. But spying in general seem like it can spoil some of the gameplay and tactics. Not sure what can be done about it. But just asking what you all think about it.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> Was wondering where you all stand in this. Server spying.

> When getting harassment messages from a spy may be an issue on its own. But that's different issue all together. But spying in general seem like it can spoil some of the gameplay and tactics. Not sure what can be done about it. But just asking what you all think about it.


it's not worth it unless - there's wvw seasons. :)

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> spies? never heard off. Trolls and noobs? Yeah, they happen. Accidental tactivator activation because someone placed food/banner to close to it has also been observed. But spies? You hear stories, but seeing them?


> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> spies? never heard off. Trolls and noobs? Yeah, they happen. Accidental tactivator activation because someone placed food/banner to close to it has also been observed. But spies? You hear stories, but seeing them?


lol, it is a myth. They don't actually exist

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I met the best spy last week.

So we got fully wiped off ebg last week.

Started to get structures back and tier them up but as soon as the tactic became available, this troll kept coming online and would put auto turrets on all towers and keep.

Later on enemy zerg would come break walls and take towers again.

Happened few times.

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Spies are technically an issue because they invalidate the technical purpose of the game...but since that hasn't been valid for a few years, there's not a whole lot of damage to be done.


Would love for them to disappear, but it's not a huge priority. We can't even get actual hackers banned, so...

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yesterday someone was reporting my position to cd. it happens. i got a friend who reports maguma to me. and i report my position to my gom commander friend.


we are all spies @,..,@


but i dont troll tacs. i'm stingy, thats too expensive for me..@,..@


rockout is de way.


oh yeah


@"ArenaNet Team.4819"


please make us a rockout finisher

<3 <3 <3

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> Accidental tactivator activation

I did that once, but it wasn't accidental, just was running past them (also they usually are inactive) and clicked one. They consume supplies or something? I wont do that again, but just curious.



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> @"voidek.5738" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > Accidental tactivator activation

> I did that once, but it wasn't accidental, just was running past them (also they usually are inactive) and clicked one. They consume supplies or something? I wont do that again, but just curious.


No, it just puts them on cooldown.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> That 'spy' controversy makes me puke.Every single time someone makes even tiniest mistake in world vs world he is a 'spy' calm the f down.

Whoops I accidentally logged onto GW2 and accidentally joined WvW and accidentally ran to SM and accidentally activated EWP and then enemies showed up by accident. I swear its just a mistake! I'm not running for garri EWP I just accidentally jumped to home border and then accidentally pushed F when running past something and the option showed up and its a complete accident that we are now outmanned.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> > That 'spy' controversy makes me puke.Every single time someone makes even tiniest mistake in world vs world he is a 'spy' calm the f down.

> Whoops I accidentally logged onto GW2 and accidentally joined WvW and accidentally ran to SM and accidentally activated EWP and then enemies showed up by accident. I swear its just a mistake! I'm not running for garri EWP I just accidentally jumped to home border and then accidentally pushed F when running past something and the option showed up and its a complete accident that we are now outmanned.



Stop taking wvsw too serious.Its biggest fail ever in any game.

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Thing is, some people get so worked up about miss used tactics pull that they do infact blame it on a spy.


I pulled air ship last night in the sm for lolz, (way past prime time where nothing much was happening) ofc a few people in map chat and foam coming from their mouths but even after I admitted of pulling the air ship they was still moaning and blaming it at spies logging on from another server

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The only way to stop spies would be ensuring one person could only play on one server at a time- no alt accounts, no other gw2 accounts in the same IP address infact to achieve this- and that they also could not use any third party communication services- discord, messenger etc- while they are playing gw2, which is just plain impossible for so many reasons.


Though i don't really think they're an issue, the most harm they can do- pulling tactics and seige spam- are things that i think, for both, non-spy problems are much worse and in general if a better solution existed it would also largely take care of spies using them alongside other parties who are a bigger problem. In short, it's a whole differnet discussion.

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