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fat characters?

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> Add a left-handedoption as well.

> And rename the "Right-handed Strength" trait into something that doesn't discriminate 12% of the playerbase.


As much as I'd love to see it that actually seems less likely because I've heard it's not an easy thing to change. Link in the Legend of Zelda series is usually left-handed but when they released Twilight Princess on the Wii Nintendo were concerned that right-handed players would find controlling a left-handed character too confusing, so they switched it - by mirror imaging **the entire game** - because apparently that was easier. (IMO it's an absurd change anyway, I played it with left-handed controls - Wii remote in my left, nunchuck in my right and it didn't bother me at all, but then I am also dyslexic and mix up left and right all the time, so maybe that's why.)


At the very least they'd have to have two sets of attack animations and probably various other animations too.


The closest you're likely to get is a character who is using something like dagger main hand and sword off-hand so it looks like they're left-handed. (That's what my warden does in Elder Scrolls Online. And my character in Skyrim, but that was by accident - I always equipped the sword first and always pushed the left button first, didn't think about it until a friend pointed it out.)

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> As much as I'd love to see it that actually seems less likely because I've heard it's not an easy thing to change.


Is it really that hard to simply mirror a character model?

If even Nintendo managed to do it with an entire game YEARS ago, modern computers should have no problem with mirroring characters.


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> @"Hellcop.4981" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Maybe. Maybe not. If you were too fat, your mount wouldn't be able to carry you.


> Maybe that explains why the Griffon can't actually fly? It's saying yeah no, we are going down...


Why does a Griffon sink with an Asura riding it then?

Are their brains that heavy?

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Funky.4861" said:

> > Don't really want to see unhealthy, fat pc's in-game, i see more than enough of that IRL tyvm.


> being "over-weight" doesn't equal being unhealthy.

> I know quite some perfectly healthy "over-weight" people.


I dunno man... Im thinking that poster was American and from what the TV shows the rest of the world about that country is literally a bunch of round people drinking 4 litre cokes eating lard and deep fried everything.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > I want to make BroThor but can't find the pot belly option...

> >

> > its all abs.


> I named a char after my acc name and that lasted 2 years (from beta). I am sure there are some people out there that would take offense to fat players and report them


There's also people who take offense to skin colour but that's still available to us.


I don't think we should held back by those people.

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:


> > being "over-weight" doesn't equal being unhealthy.


> From an actual medical standpoint this is grossly incorrect. I mean, heart disease is only the leading cause of death in this country. You ever seen a heart covered with fat? I assure you, being obese is not healthy.




Their is quite a big difference between overweight and obese

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I support this but only if they adjust your character's physique and stats based on their diet. If you're not making sure your character eats a balanced set of meals every Tyrian day, they should suffer by being malnourished and having lower stats. Also, if your character only eats one thing, that should also play into it!

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:


> > being "over-weight" doesn't equal being unhealthy.


> From an actual medical standpoint this is grossly incorrect. I mean, heart disease is only the leading cause of death in this country. You ever seen a heart covered with fat? I assure you, being obese is not healthy.




Depends on what the weight is from, but if it's muscle, chances are the bones and rest of the body is good enough to deal with that weight. If it's fat, that's when it starts causing problems. But let's not really derail the thread with this.

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> From an actual medical standpoint this is grossly incorrect. I mean, heart disease is only the leading cause of death in this country. You ever seen a heart covered with fat? I assure you, being obese is not healthy.


There are many "over-weight" people with no heart problems, or other over-eating related health issues.

It's merely the U.S.A. poster child is the one with diabetes, increased pulse to pump enough blood through the body, diminished muscle tissue and fat coating every single organ and fat layers between the brain cells, possibly even a few dead tape worms that couldn't keep up with food intake.

Don't just assume that it's the norm for fat people; neither in the U.S.A. nor anywhere else.


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"Funky.4861" said:

> > > Don't really want to see unhealthy, fat pc's in-game, i see more than enough of that IRL tyvm.

> >

> > being "over-weight" doesn't equal being unhealthy.

> > I know quite some perfectly healthy "over-weight" people.


> I dunno man... Im thinking that poster was American and from what the TV shows the rest of the world about that country is literally a bunch of round people drinking 4 litre cokes eating lard and deep fried everything.


O.o Not _all_ of us do that. Some of us work hard and earn what we have. From age 7-15 I mowed yards and did outside work 'cause I hate being indoors. Also, I have absolutely no idea how people can eat that crap called lard.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > From an actual medical standpoint this is grossly incorrect. I mean, heart disease is only the leading cause of death in this country. You ever seen a heart covered with fat? I assure you, being obese is not healthy.


> There are many "over-weight" people with no heart problems, or other over-eating related health issues.

> It's merely the U.S.A. poster child is the one with diabetes, increased pulse to pump enough blood through the body, diminished muscle tissue and fat coating every single organ and fat layers between the brain cells, possibly even a few dead tape worms that couldn't keep up with food intake.

> Don't just assume that it's the norm for fat people; neither in the U.S.A. nor anywhere else.



Why did I get a feeling this thread would turn defensive?


I can assure you being overweight for the majority of humans has severe medical ramifications - some may take time to develop so it may appear you are fine. Let's not go into exceptions to try justify a clearly proven medical issue. I know plenty of smokers who are healthy, yet I would never recommend being a smoker.


Too much extra weight on your frame not only increases you chances for heart stress/issues, it increases your chance of developing diabetes, many related types of cancers, high blood pressure, arterial issues, tendons/bone stress and so on. It also has many visual draw backs such as stretch marks and it can change the genetic make-up of your fat storage system, permanently .


Society should be condoning a sensible diet and consistent exercise. This has positives effects on your economy, working population and healthcare system.


Being too skinny also has it's problems and a bit of fat is actually healthy for your immune system and protection of organs but I am talking around 15% bf at most. Like with everything, it's a compromise and moderation.


But yes in a game it doesn't really matter, though naturally people will be more drawn to stronger looking body types. I mean I wouldn't mind a pot belly if I wanted to have my character themed as Santa or something. :)






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