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State Of Class & Conquest Balance - Quality Of Life Discussion 10/17/2019

Trevor Boyer.6524

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> @"noiwk.2760" said:

> but what about PVE? alot of us players care alot for PVE. open world/fractals raids / metas and such.. i feel like Scourge is completely removed from the game after last patch.. its basically just a WvW mule for when you have a big Group to protect you.. if there are not many people its still trash and free meat walking..

> i think Scourge is in a awful sport righjt now.. no mater what you try build of it and where you wanna use it.. its completely trash and clunky.

> i seem to fail find another class i enjoy as i enjoyed my Scourge.. and i fail to see the buffs to Scourge coming.. so honestly at the moment im considering to say good bye to this game and move to Archeage Unchained untill Scourge is fixed.


Come on over :) AA unchained destroys this game hard but be warned queues are long on every server at the moment like 3000-6000 long so que few hrs before ur able to actually play.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"noiwk.2760" said:

> > but what about PVE? alot of us players care alot for PVE. open world/fractals raids / metas and such.. i feel like Scourge is completely removed from the game after last patch.. its basically just a WvW mule for when you have a big Group to protect you.. if there are not many people its still trash and free meat walking..

> > i think Scourge is in a awful sport righjt now.. no mater what you try build of it and where you wanna use it.. its completely trash and clunky.

> > i seem to fail find another class i enjoy as i enjoyed my Scourge.. and i fail to see the buffs to Scourge coming.. so honestly at the moment im considering to say good bye to this game and move to Archeage Unchained untill Scourge is fixed.


> Come on over :) AA unchained destroys this game hard but be warned queues are long on every server at the moment.


yeah i think thats what im gonna do.. maybe if enough people will quit the will start thinking seriously about fixing their shit balance game..

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> @"noiwk.2760" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"noiwk.2760" said:

> > > but what about PVE? alot of us players care alot for PVE. open world/fractals raids / metas and such.. i feel like Scourge is completely removed from the game after last patch.. its basically just a WvW mule for when you have a big Group to protect you.. if there are not many people its still trash and free meat walking..

> > > i think Scourge is in a awful sport righjt now.. no mater what you try build of it and where you wanna use it.. its completely trash and clunky.

> > > i seem to fail find another class i enjoy as i enjoyed my Scourge.. and i fail to see the buffs to Scourge coming.. so honestly at the moment im considering to say good bye to this game and move to Archeage Unchained untill Scourge is fixed.

> >

> > Come on over :) AA unchained destroys this game hard but be warned queues are long on every server at the moment.


> yeah i think thats what im gonna do.. maybe if enough people will quit the will start thinking seriously about fixing their kitten balance game..


Sometimes I feel like the devs do try it's just seems to me almost like the parent company doesn't have gw2 in a position within thier companies prioriies to invest in it to a degree that would allow gw2 to progress to where it needs to be in today's market. Lack of personal maybe to be able to provide resources into adding more content like player housing, sea battles, farming and fishing for real benefit, more constant map content like this would help retain interest in older maps, more map releases, weapons, balance passes, more pvp game modes, man the list goes on. Pve in this game is as stale as the rewards and the pvp is no different. I kno alot of people dont like the idea of pvp in pve but if at certain times certain maps or areas went pvp that would be a huge refreshing shake up and that's what this game needs. My opinion are subjective of course but those are the reasons I never log on anymore, game just seems to be crawling along while bleeding players and even if the devs are trying the games not invested in enough by funders for the attention it needs. Future will tell.

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idk.. .honestly i tried ele and it was okaish to play untill i went to HoT and tried to play HoT as ele.. the experience was horrbile as i had 10k life and every small frog attack you fast from range for like 8k damage and leap back.. it was constant dying and the game become so empty at times. that you must play solo but the game is actually not solo friendly for most classes. i spent alot on this game and now im sorry about this.. i enjoyed it when i had my Scourge but they make poor decisions ruining classes.. we will see what will become of this game but i dont see a good future for it.. to me it seems like this game is on the milinking money stage where maplestory and archeage been at some months ago.. eventually the milinking phase ends and there we have new archeage unchain. def gonna go to archeage now :) GW2 could be such a good game if only the company was better at keeping it stable.. if anything i could always go back to PoE where they do make good job giving you freedom of how to play.

gw2 got 0 freedom. maybe im just being too salty now but i balme them for ruining Scourge and only making very few classes/build vailble

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"noiwk.2760"

> @"Psycoprophet.8107"


> Let's keep this thread focused on discussion about class balance & suggestions for the game mode.


> No offense intended and with all due respect! Just trying to keep this thread healthy and productive.


np sorry, good idea :) i should make one like this about pve aswell and cry my ass for Scourge fix :))

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By and large the balance at the moment in the game is OK across all classes. If you own all the expansions (and there's few reasons not to anymore) then you have at least 1 build that is viable in PvP to the point where personal skill will be the limiting factor to 99.5% of people in PvP at this time, this meta and state. This is from a PoF perspective.


That doesn't mean we're skipping around in lush green fields of happiness, singing and holding hands on the way to the may pole.


The game still feels very dumbed down especially with holosmith, condi/staff daredevil, rampage and mirage. If you're looking at the state of the game from a mid 2015 perspective everything is skill-less and overpowered almost where the finesse of consistently activating skills to land in the precise millisecond of a precast, aftercast or dodge is gone, map awareness is almost gone from most of the playerbase as is rotations and combos which separated experienced players from novices is almost gone.


Many skills and traits are disgustingly bloated and the power creep is warping very fundamental aspects that kept classes in check, a good example is necromancer corrupts, these kept boon heavy classes like guardian, ele and engineers in check while low boon classes like power shatter mes, thief and to some extent warrior could take them out or force them away. With the increase in boons, even on classes that used to have few, we've seen corrupts increase too from necromancers skewing this dynamic and it gets worse in WvW. All this a consequence of boon spam, increasing even after it was a problem not long after the trait rework, with this idea of "don't nerf it, just buff other stuff to be as good" which has been propagated by short sighted individuals (even ex ESL players) has led to a frustration many players feel.


@"Trevor Boyer.6524" In particular to Chrono, the reason Chrono is dead is because a lot of meta classes frequently hit for 2.5k or more even on auto attacks and clones have 2.4k health (+whatever armour value mesmer has) which means clones don't live long on chrono. This means Chronomancer has an extremely short window of opportunity to use it's shatters due to Illusionary Persona being removed which may not be at the time they need to especially with traits being tied to shatters. With phantasms no longer being shattered either it means much of chronomancers shatter fodder is non existent.


This weakness is covered up on core shatter mesmer because it spawns a clone when needed and shatters the clone, while mind wrack is baseline stronger and requires less set up. It is covered up on mirage because infinite horizon allows clones to evade more of the damage while staying ranged thanks to using scepter and staff. You can make chronomancer work in some aspect with a hefty commitment to clone production however it is vulnerable to target drop (detarget or stealth) and AoE damage which is very common in most side node builds atm.


Edit: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusion


I even made a post on this subject and this is again an aspect where power creep has really upset balance and caused frustration: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/66714/buff-clones

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I agree with most of it. Lots of professions/builds feel ok. I still am not sure if all professions/elite specs should be great in sPvP. (I never said not playable, I said they should just be good)

I will just highlight some specs impacted by last patch or when you asked for a feedback.


DH : I am not sure the problem is really stability. I would say that it is aoe based + in close combat. Meaning it is either very strong and frustrating to fight or not strong enough and people can dance around (Hello ranger traps)

DD : I have mostly seen the condi build. I am giving a try to the condi version now that the season is over and I agree that sometimes it’s op sometimes it is hard to do something. DD condi or staff are really frustrating to play against.

Scrapper : Seems decent? The hp trait was bugged so wait and see.

Holo : The nerf looked small (they still are) but the one on the shockwave feels so good in teamfights :joy:.

Elementalist : I have seem some core ele or tempest fa and even support. Support felt ok but it is missing a little something to become good. I do not know what, I leave that to main ele. I think fire weaver is fine. (I guess that is the weaver build you mentioned)

Ranger : Slb is playable but has waaayyy too many weaknesses to be good. Core ranger is quite strong for solo queue players.

Mirage : Feels way less frustrating to fight. I still loose vs the condi application but it looks more like a duelist and probably does not need any more nerf.

Scourge : almost disappeared.


Not seen to barely seen : core engi / core rev / renegade (I remember some players being strong with it) / chrono / druid


Khylo : I do not think we need to buff treb. Or just a little. The map offers a lot of options for every playstyle making it already good. (maybe too good for professions with shadowstep)

2 V 2 : I do not care about this at all ^^

I do not think I have seen any cheaters. (I see people afk after 1 or 2 fights every seasons so I do not know if that can be called cheating but I still report them)

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Necromancer - Core Necro is actually in a good spot. Pretty fun to play, does pretty well actually.

Reaper - Reaper has fallen away a bit during this past season, but it was mostly due to the reappearance of Condi Thieves and the sheer amount of Weakness spam they have. When Reapers went into Shroud, they couldn't self clear Weakness or any condis at all for that matter. This Condi Thief play showing up alongside of Scourges & Condi Mirages & Sage Firebrand & Condi Weaver play, was just too much condi for Reaper shroud. The buffs to Death Magic and all the condi defense therein may allow Reaper to hold its position. But regardless, Reaper is in a debatably bad place right now.

Scourge - Just not feeling their presence much after the recent nerfs. I'm not seeing them in final rounds of ATs lately either. Seems to be falling away.


@"Trevor Boyer.6524"


Just wanted to say that Necro in general is no longer Fun to play or does well at all. I think you can probably get away with playing Core Necro on a good team as long as the FB knows how to actually support however overall this Spec sucks ass now. The Dps output feels super SLOW and LACKLUSTER. I don't think core necro is "bad" but it isn't completely "good" either imo.


Reaper is just straight up fucking trash at the moment because of how the meta is. Anything can just dumpster it and they NEED reaper in order to stay alive+to deal damage with them just losing it in seconds they become useless.


Scourge has 0 value to be played over Core necro IMO. Being a Sitting Duck now in Spvp is just a throw and completely putting your entire team at risk of losing. Worked hard to get into a good feel for Necro just for the entire class to downright just suck ass or need major baby sitting to be any good. It's NOT fun and it's NOT worth playing at the moment Unless u got a try hard team willing to learn how to play with it.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> Core Power Shatter Mesmer is actually IMO superior to Power Mirage(and Chrono obviously) as a +1 spec.

> It certainly has more burst damage and can realistically build for more stealth access. The GS Ambush on Mirage has its own gameplay niche but it doesn't help you burst down a single target, and Mirage itself doesn't give any damage modifiers.

Chaos give less damage boost than mirage.

Mirage has damage modifiers thanks to ambush who put vulnerability/give power + do damage should it be GS or sword.

When you look at +1 spec efficiency, core mes isn't at all on the top board.



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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> By and large the balance at the moment in the game is OK across all classes. If you own all the expansions (and there's few reasons not to anymore) then you have at least 1 build that is viable in PvP to the point where personal skill will be the limiting factor to 99.5% of people in PvP at this time, this meta and state. This is from a PoF perspective.


> That doesn't mean we're skipping around in lush green fields of happiness, singing and holding hands on the way to the may pole.


> The game still feels very dumbed down especially with holosmith, condi/staff daredevil, rampage and mirage. If you're looking at the state of the game from a mid 2015 perspective everything is skill-less and overpowered almost where the finesse of consistently activating skills to land in the precise millisecond of a precast, aftercast or dodge is gone, map awareness is almost gone from most of the playerbase as is rotations and combos which separated experienced players from novices is almost gone.


> Many skills and traits are disgustingly bloated and the power creep is warping very fundamental aspects that kept classes in check, a good example is necromancer corrupts, these kept boon heavy classes like guardian, ele and engineers in check while low boon classes like power shatter mes, thief and to some extent warrior could take them out or force them away. With the increase in boons, even on classes that used to have few, we've seen corrupts increase too from necromancers skewing this dynamic and it gets worse in WvW. All this a consequence of boon spam, increasing even after it was a problem not long after the trait rework, with this idea of "don't nerf it, just buff other stuff to be as good" which has been propagated by short sighted individuals (even ex ESL players) has led to a frustration many players feel.


> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" In particular to Chrono, the reason Chrono is dead is because a lot of meta classes frequently hit for 2.5k or more even on auto attacks and clones have 2.4k health (+whatever armour value mesmer has) which means clones don't live long on chrono. This means Chronomancer has an extremely short window of opportunity to use it's shatters due to Illusionary Persona being removed which may not be at the time they need to especially with traits being tied to shatters. With phantasms no longer being shattered either it means much of chronomancers shatter fodder is non existent.


> This weakness is covered up on core shatter mesmer because it spawns a clone when needed and shatters the clone, while mind wrack is baseline stronger and requires less set up. It is covered up on mirage because infinite horizon allows clones to evade more of the damage while staying ranged thanks to using scepter and staff. You can make chronomancer work in some aspect with a hefty commitment to clone production however it is vulnerable to target drop (detarget or stealth) and AoE damage which is very common in most side node builds atm.


> Edit: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusion


> I even made a post on this subject and this is again an aspect where power creep has really upset balance and caused frustration: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/66714/buff-clones


To complete your chrono description : during HoT, chrono wasn't using signet of illusion only for reset shatter but also to have the 50% illusion life boost.

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In what world is Core Guardian; "in a great place balance wise within the meta, and even mechanically."?


It is a scuffed version of it's old self. Which at it's height was never even meta to begin with. It gets hillariously outshone by both Herald and Holo in the same roll.


It's too slow to +1, it's too squishy to duel anything that's not a mirage or condi daredevil and it's damage is too low to 100-0 anything that's not on berserker amulet.

Get over yourself.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> In what world is Core Guardian; "in a great place balance wise within the meta, and even mechanically."?


> It is a scuffed version of it's old self. Which at it's height was never even meta to begin with. It gets hillariously outshone by both Herald and Holo in the same roll.


> It's too slow to +1, it's too squishy to duel anything that's not a mirage or condi daredevil and it's damage is too low to 100-0 anything that's not on berserker amulet.

> Get over yourself.


Dang my man. I think you're misunderstanding what I mean when I say something is in a great place balance wise. You've already used Holo & Herald to compare to Core Guardian, which are two notoriously out of whack specs that have been over powered for quite some time. When I say something is "In a great place balance wise" I mean that it is on a level that it should be, that it is an outstanding example of what the game balance should look like. I would never say that something like a Holosmith is "in a great place balance wise" because I feel it is in a bad place balance wise, an outstanding example of something that is overpowered that needs some real nerfing.


I think that you were thinking, when I said "It was in a great place balance wise" that I meant "it's really strong" but that is not what I meant at all.


~ Hope that clears up some confusion.



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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > In what world is Core Guardian; "in a great place balance wise within the meta, and even mechanically."?

> >

> > It is a scuffed version of it's old self. Which at it's height was never even meta to begin with. It gets hillariously outshone by both Herald and Holo in the same roll.

> >

> > It's too slow to +1, it's too squishy to duel anything that's not a mirage or condi daredevil and it's damage is too low to 100-0 anything that's not on berserker amulet.

> > Get over yourself.


> Dang my man. I think you're misunderstanding what I mean when I say something is in a great place balance wise. You've already used Holo & Herald to compare to Core Guardian, which are two notoriously out of whack specs that have been over powered for quite some time. When I say something is "In a great place balance wise" I mean that it is on a level that it should be, that it is an outstanding example of what the game balance should look like. I would never say that something like a Holosmith is "in a great place balance wise" because I feel it is in a bad place balance wise, an outstanding example of something that is overpowered that needs some real nerfing.


> I think that you were thinking, when I said "It was in a great place balance wise" that I meant "it's really strong" but that is not what I meant at all.


> ~ Hope that clears up some confusion.




It doesn't trevor. Your new persona has left me quite confused. Why offer a productive outlet yet in game express a destructive playstyle that predates upon unexpecting duelists? Only to insult them afterwards. Was that your intention for my f2p alt as well?

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > In what world is Core Guardian; "in a great place balance wise within the meta, and even mechanically."?

> >

> > It is a scuffed version of it's old self. Which at it's height was never even meta to begin with. It gets hillariously outshone by both Herald and Holo in the same roll.

> >

> > It's too slow to +1, it's too squishy to duel anything that's not a mirage or condi daredevil and it's damage is too low to 100-0 anything that's not on berserker amulet.

> > Get over yourself.


> Dang my man. I think you're misunderstanding what I mean when I say something is in a great place balance wise. You've already used Holo & Herald to compare to Core Guardian, which are two notoriously out of whack specs that have been over powered for quite some time. When I say something is "In a great place balance wise" I mean that it is on a level that it should be, that it is an outstanding example of what the game balance should look like. I would never say that something like a Holosmith is "in a great place balance wise" because I feel it is in a bad place balance wise, an outstanding example of something that is overpowered that needs some real nerfing.


> I think that you were thinking, when I said "It was in a great place balance wise" that I meant "it's really strong" but that is not what I meant at all.


> ~ Hope that clears up some confusion.




But you say rev is also "in a good place" even it outshines guard in every turn. Except Condi removal.

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There should be a separate SoloQ option of top of the TeamQ you described.


Cesspool is accurate. Since the two have blended together it's been nothing but bitterness and toxicity. Metagaming and manipulation. I would really like PvP to go back to being at least somewhat like actual PvP instead of having to stress over a bunch of outside factors.


I feel like Merging the two queues together is where it went wrong because none of the broken DuoQ nonsense was fixed when it was re-added back in. Without changing anything, allowing more people to queue together is just amplifying all the existing problems by 3, 4, or 5 times.


Merged queues make the game too mentally taxing and it gets worse and worse as more people leave ranked because of it. I'm hopping on that ship for Season 19 and i'm not coming back until some sort of adjustment is made because Solo/Duo is awful. Not saying I think Ranked should be 5v5 SoloQ conquest only, even though I think it's more fun and fair. I just think people should have the option to SoloQ and only be matched against other SoloQ players if they choose.


In terms of like smaller QoL changes, i'd like to see way harsher punishments be given to the people that throw games just by sitting in spawn. They're wasting the time of 9(or 8) people, forcing their team to lose rank, and it's a real hard blow to motivation to keep playing. It's especially bad when you have entire lobbies reporting players, and then see that same player doing the same thing the very next day. Can't tell you how many exactly how many times I saw it happen in S18, but it did happen A LOT; especially towards the end of the season. Another thing should be adding "Match Manipulation" and "Idle Player" as permanent report options so long as you're in the PvP lobby. There's been times where I meant to report somebody for those reasons, but I left the game too quickly to get a chance so I had to resort to reporting them for something irrelevant like botting or otherwise give them a free pass.

Decay is pretty annoying too. Having to play every 3 days to stay ahead is pretty ridiculous. To compare, Overwatch is a bigger game and decay doesn't start until the higher ranks, and after a week of inactivity. With Gw2, it's 3 days and applies to all divisions. I usually end up wanting to play as little Ranked as possible towards the end of ranked seasons, because that's when there's the most manipulation to ensure those titles are secure ~~on all 10 alt accounts~~.



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"Most players would say it's in a good place"


"__is fine. It's in a good place"


-Justifying Bad Behaviors And Its Excuses with no consequences??!!-


Bad design with bad balancing will always be excused and justifiable in guild wars 2


The only remaining thing to do is cut your losses, learn your lessons, and move on



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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> The only remaining thing to do is cut your losses, learn your lessons, and move on


If you feel this way, why are you still lurking around on these forums? You should have moved on years ago given your dissatisfaction with the game.


Always hard to follow people's advice who do not even follow it themselves.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > The only remaining thing to do is cut your losses, learn your lessons, and move on


> If you feel this way, why are you still lurking around on these forums? You should have moved on years ago given your dissatisfaction with the game.


> Always hard to follow people's advice who do not even follow it themselves.


'Silence is the betrayer...only words communicates the truth'

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > The only remaining thing to do is cut your losses, learn your lessons, and move on

> >

> > If you feel this way, why are you still lurking around on these forums? You should have moved on years ago given your dissatisfaction with the game.

> >

> > Always hard to follow people's advice who do not even follow it themselves.


> 'Silence is the betrayer...only words communicates the truth'


Yes, and the words in this case could be:

A.) you are either not actively playing, just lurking around without any actual ingame experience. As such your opinion and statements are without value


B.) you are still actively playing and just being overly negative on the forums, which would make you a hypocrite


Again, if you are giving advice, follow it yourself if you want others to take you seriously.


I've certainly taken breaks from the game which is often represented in my post hirstory. How? By me not being active on the forums of a game I do not play because I can actually move on.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > The only remaining thing to do is cut your losses, learn your lessons, and move on

> > >

> > > If you feel this way, why are you still lurking around on these forums? You should have moved on years ago given your dissatisfaction with the game.

> > >

> > > Always hard to follow people's advice who do not even follow it themselves.

> >

> > 'Silence is the betrayer...only words communicates the truth'


> Yes, and the words in this case could be:

> A.) you are either not actively playing, just lurking around without any actual ingame experience. As such your opinion and statements are without value

> or

> B.) you are still actively playing and just being overly negative on the forums, which would make you a hypocrite


> Again, if you are giving advice, follow it yourself if you want others to take you seriously.


> **I've certainly taken breaks from the game which is often represented in my post hirstory. How? By me not being active on the forums of a game I do not play because I can actually move on.**


Cyninja, well said

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