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[Expansion #3 and beyond] What's the next expansion seller for you?


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I don't see why people keep asking for a new race. It would have no major impact, it would be just a lot of work for a little content. We do not use racial skills anyway. GW1 had only one race and still people had a lot of fun. Yes, maybe some story with Tengu and opening of their city would be something, but not as a playable race. I think 5 races are enough. I prefer devs to focus on adding new contents like some really nice elite specs, housing, new maps etc.

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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> I don't see why people keep asking for a new race. It would have no major impact, it would be just a lot of work for a little content. We do not use racial skills anyway. GW1 had only one race and still people had a lot of fun. Yes, maybe some story with Tengu and opening of their city would be something, but not as a playable race. I think 5 races are enough. I prefer devs to focus on adding new contents like some really nice elite specs, housing, new maps etc.


Because a new race means a new way of interacting with the world, while player housing would be nothing more than a fun gimmick everyone'll forget about in 6 to 7 work days. Besides, you already have player housing, the guild hall is massive and has literall skritttons of decirations

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I stopped caring about player housing after playing a couple of MMOs that had that. You spend a lot of time decorating, but hardly anyone else will see it and most of your time is spent adventuring anyway. It'd be even more pointless in GW2 because there's no global chat, so there's really not much you can do at 'home'.

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Don't forget to vote, guys. If your option is not there, check Other, and if you have multiple, just choose one anyway!


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> WTB multiple option polls...


> Voted new race but also want new dungeons, hardcore world bosses, New weapons, and "Other" in the form of underwater content revamp and expansion. And wouldn't mind seeing 500 Jeweller, and upgrades to guilds (esp missions).


Seen a few people talking about an underwater revamp, so I'm going to edit the first post to include that option in the discarded list =).


> @zealex.9410 said:

> I find the inclusion of world bosses silly since we dont know if the maps will feature any.


Hardcore world bosses, not just world bosses. It's been years since we got one, that's why it's there.


An expansion seller is supposed to be a "new shiny thing", if we know we're getting it then it's not, it's just part of the basic content we were already expecting.

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> @Lonami.2987 said:

> Don't forget to vote, guys. If your option is not there, check Other, and if you have multiple, just choose one anyway!


I never vote in polls that offer loaded, akwardly-written, or incomplete options. It ends up distracting people from the ideas or issues being raised. (Usually I don't bother mentioning this — I simply don't participate — but in this case, the OP is trying to suggest that "Other" is a viable alternative when one doesn't accept the premise of the question as it's originally worded. You want to use the polling feature of the forums? Sure, by all means; that's what it's there for. But set it up and let people respond as they think appropriate.)

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> @Lonami.2987 said:

> Procedural dungeons are the future. Even if you don't generate the terrain itself procedurally, you can close/open different rooms and get a similar result, where every run is different.


Um, fractals were originally like that, and people just kept quitting and restarting until they got the easiest first part. I don't want to go back to that again.

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New race or profession. Compared to other MMOs, despite the amazingly beautiful art, the gw2 world feels rather on the small and empty side. I've always attributed this to the limited number of races and cities more than a lack of professions, though. The new maps have been gorgeous -- I love the dimension and complexity in the HoT maps -- but the story feels weak.. i don't know what it is, I can only say it feels rushed or "surface" somehow. I believe a new race/profession combo would help give the world more depth.


I'm tired of hearing the same voice come out of my four Norn ladies even though to me they are very different people and should sound different. Not to mention the same voice comes out of every other female Norn, too, and I hear it when I'm just passing by. It ruins the depth of the world for me to have so much be cookie-cutter. I've been listening to the same few voices saying the same very few lines -- from my characters and everyone else's -- for long enough. Although to be fair I guess I could just turn the sound off and stop listening to Charr yell "RETREAT!" in the middle of Lion's Arch (becsuse that makes any kind of sense...).


For reasons I won't go into, i can only bring myself to play Norn or Human characters. And a Norn just looks like a big human so... pretty boring. By contrast, I played Everquest for 14 years and I was a gnome necromancer, a wood elf bard, an iksar (lizard) beastlord, a vah shir (cat) shaman, a barbarian (norn) rogue, a dark elf enchanter, a froglok wizard, a high elf paladin, a human shadow knight, a dwarven cleric, a halfling ranger, a half elf warrior, an Erudite magician, a troll shaman. Never did play an ogre but that was an option! The world was huge, dynamic, rich, full of variation. Worth playing -- and paying monthly for -- for over a decade (for better or for worse haha). Guild wars is nice, but it feels smaller and somewhat less magical.


I don't see that adding a new playable race has to be as difficult as some make it sound, either. Any anthropomorphized animal race like tengu wouldn't be wearing normal clothes anyway since presumably the anatomy would prevent it somewhat; you could get away with most skins looking like a strap across the chest and a loin cloth. It's fine. Give us tengu and dress them Donald Duck style to save on having to make pants skins. Whatever. Recording new voice isn't that huge and costly an undertaking either, except that we are assuming they'd have a personal story. But I there's no reason we couldn't have a new playable race, a new city, but NOT give them a personal story or access to the previous story lines. Lord knows most people are just gonna use their 50 billion experience scrolls to bring their new character up to lvl 80 instantly anyway; if all the xpacks have been geared toward lvl 80 content with nothing for lower level players, why not just make a new playable race that starts at lvl 50 or even 80? Other games have used similar mechanisms to introduce new content and allow veteran players to skip over the newbie stuff. Just make it a requirement that you have at least 1 lvl 80 character and have purchased pof to create a tengu or a centaur or whatever. Alternatively, there could be some other cool way to introduce people to their new character, something similar to a personal story but only available to the new race. All the other story lines were a very limited "choose your own adventure" that merged around lvl 50 anyway, so it's not like they were super unique. Most people have seen Claw Island quite enough times and don't need to go back (especially if it's still buggy as all get-out).


As others have said, it provides a new way to interact with the world. I don't do dungeons or fractals or pvp. I'm a pve player, and I'd like to go through the world with new skills, a new voice, and maybe some feathers instead of boring old human features. And I'm cool doing it Donald Duck style, so please don't think you need to spend money making pants. ;)

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Heroes/Henchmen for Fractals and Dungeons only. Not necessarily so that I can do (farm?) these alone but because of the wonderful meta-game of mixing and matching Heroes and their Builds to an optimum. Probably a huge headache and a humongous amount of work for the devs, since GW2 was not built with this in mind, then again, players let those skills and abilities work together also so why not?


I wonder if GW1 was built with Henchmen and Heroes in mind. I know the Heroes came in a later expansion, not sure about the Henchmen though.


I want to add that I think the expansions are already nailing the most important thing for me: more areas to explore, more Lore and Lands to wander in, more Dynamic Events and more loot. So I am pretty happy to start with. :)

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Gotta be a new race, If the next expansion does not offer something new then im probably not gonna bother. Because Spec's will only go so far, a new class/race will be needed to warrant an expansion. As it stands now this new expansion feels like a major content patch, similar to how HoT felt with everyone of course justifying it saying "Expansions are not the way they were back whenever". However I dont know how long A-net will be able to compete with new and more ballsy MMORPG's or the horrizon, the "Its too much work " motif only works for so long.. frankly im tired of hearing it.


I would cut them some slack but I dont like, nor did I ever want the mounts so for me this expansion is all story for me as I am here to finish balthazar and kill him. The specs did not get me, the mounts and stupid little mini-games did not enthrall me. It was the Idea of finishing the villian I started to work against, and the fact that he is a human god and I have alot of pent up aggression against them specifically from guild wars 1. "Go fight abbadon for me because I ... well dont do things" ... "Oh now we let Kormir become a god, even though YOU did all the work and heavy lifting." I freaking hate kormir....

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armor sets>dungeons to gain armor sets(like what we have now)> more armors in general


or put the armors in hearts, but make the hearts harder to complete, or put the armor in jumping puzzle.

for example, puzzle 1 head piece, puzzle 2 shoulder piece, and so on... or put the armor in as a hero challenge reward instead of hero points.

just more armors, because right now, everyone wears the same armors. It's so boring...

or put armors as rewards for mini games.


also, make improvements in pvp, and wvw. Make GUILD WARS happen please. or 10v10v10, 20v20v20, or 30v30v30. armor as rewards of course.

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What have the two expansions brought completely new?

HoT brought gliding,

PoF will bring mounts, all others: raids, elite specializations, new maps, new races etc. are new iterations of elements already present in the game.

What could bring completely new third expansion?

a)Housing ... maybe something inside the guild hall. Every guild member would have the right to consider his a place inside guild hall and then customize it as he likes.

b)Henchman's like in GW1 can be another option, the ability to recruit your own party is appealing at least for dungeons and low level fractals. Obviously, you can add other content where you can use them.

c)Trading - Using special mounts to transport materials in PVE Maps. Players can be merchants or thieves (Open World PVP), and the winnings of such activities may be personal but also to the benefit of the server on which the player operates. For example, each server (WvW wise) gets some important benefits at reset.

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> @ekarat.1085 said:

> > @Lonami.2987 said:

> > Procedural dungeons are the future. Even if you don't generate the terrain itself procedurally, you can close/open different rooms and get a similar result, where every run is different.


> Um, fractals were originally like that, and people just kept quitting and restarting until they got the easiest first part. I don't want to go back to that again.


They were random, but each fractal was the same all the time, except minor differences.


Procedural means a new unique experience each time you play.


> @Thornwolf.9721 said:

> Gotta be a new race, If the next expansion does not offer something new then im probably not gonna bother. Because Spec's will only go so far, a new class/race will be needed to warrant an expansion. As it stands now this new expansion feels like a major content patch, similar to how HoT felt with everyone of course justifying it saying "Expansions are not the way they were back whenever". However I dont know how long A-net will be able to compete with new and more ballsy MMORPG's or the horrizon, the "Its too much work " motif only works for so long.. frankly im tired of hearing it.


Couldn't agree more. Let's hope things get better!

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  • 4 weeks later...

With the personal story, how would you begin to place a new race in the game without it getting all muddled an confusing?

The professions in the menu currently fit so nicely there, why ruin symmetry? Especially when Elite specs essentially add new ways to play them.

Player housing would take a lot of effort to make, we already have home instances that we store stuff in and realistically if I had a house in the game I would rather have those nodes and cats stored in a house rather than my home instance. Obviously the home instance would still be a thing if they made housing but it wouldn't have purpose. What would growing crops and livestock do? In other games with housing, doesn't it usually serve a purpose to make profit in said game?


Terrestrial weapons would be cool, but underwater should not be ignored. A key issue about the under water experience is that it lacks enough weapons for each class.

Underwater is something that needs to be focused. When the underwater Dragon becomes a thing, this is something that should hopefully be the motivation need to focus on this. The irritating things of being a support druid under water with healing states and neither of the weapons reflect that and not being able to access the glyphs under water make part of certain support druid builds redundant. Being able to either have more options under water including viable healing equivalents for many of the more supportive classes or changing into a system that allows you choose from a menu your stats under water so long as you are wearing at least one set of armor on land and that your specializations can be different underwater, this would minimize the need to add more weapons by just being able to have builds that better reflect the under water weapons they have.

Underwater is often so pretty, it sucks to always see it hindered by lack of versatility or it's inability to reflect the builds we have equipped.

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> With the personal story, how would you begin to place a new race in the game without it getting all muddled an confusing?

If it were race such as Tengu? Seems easy enough. They're already present in the story. The player character could be, for instance, a diplomat (or a trader) who's sent as an envoy to work with the other races. That'd give plenty of story opportunities. And if they've already been assisting the other races, it wouldn't seem so odd if they became the pact commander.

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> @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> Other, Easymode Raids, buffed Power Reaper, Elite Spec Minion Master with a Melee Hammer that offers Protection.


Why would you need a minion master elite spec, it is already possible now with Reaper.

Rise shout is your best friend as a minionmancer, I have this weird mesh of stats necro that gives me both condi and power on a minion build and she is practically unstoppable. Minion Elite Spec is soooooo not required.

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