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New Generation Roamers lack the Bravery of the Old Guards


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i'm sorry but... "new generation" ??? who are you talking about? there is no new generation of roamers, roaming is dead since warclaws, and it was dying long before, you might see 10 man squads form just to cap camps but only servers with high pop like blackgate can do those things.

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Its not about new generation roamer or old generation roamer. You just can't solo roam anymore. They roam in group of 3 to 5, chase you with mount (Impossible to escape unless you are one of those rifle 4 DE). Mounts killed roaming. Before mounts, you could kite, run from 5 man chasing and have some fun while running for your life. Now, you just accept your fate once you see 5 man jumping on you.

Meta has changed, you get oneshoted even you play with 3000 armor+, roaming is not fun and rewarding anymore.

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As others have already alluded to, I don't think it is an issue with bravery among the players and rather that the environment has changed.


People have mentioned the upgrades system, the shrinking overall playerbase relative coverage to that and the particular changes in roamer amounts or shifts in player demography towards anonymous players following pickup groups to a higher degree than before.


Another aspect that hasn't been mentioned (or at least when I read the thread this afternoon) is the introduction of the Warclaw. Alot of the attention in the Warclaw debate has been put on unwilling combatants and ganking vs. squad reconnection. An aspect that has been given far less attention even though it is arguably more important for the health of the mode as a mode is that it shifted the balance between attackers and defenders. That is sometimes mentioned with regards to reconnecting to a defensive fight (say, from spawn for a keep) but if you are looking at everyday gameplay and general statistics it har arguably affected roamers and havocers more.


That is another reason for the topic of this thread and it's contribution should not be underestimated. Running slower on hostile soil and being easier caught by superior numbers (even more so on hostile soil) will discourage alot of the activities that roamers and havocers did behind enemy lines by fighting around spawn camps and back-towers or attempting to capture them sneakily. That balance shifted more towards a defenders' advantage and while you can still certainly do it (and reap area benefits by claiming areas behind enemy lines to roam on) there is more of an entry barrier and bits of discouragement to attempting it now. That affects statistics even if it doesn't affect possibilities.

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> @"len.7809" said:

> Its not about new generation roamer or old generation roamer. You just can't solo roam anymore.


Well........not entirely true. I am primarily a solo roamer and not a DE aaaaaaaaaaand can usually (not 100% but maybe 80%) peace out before the roaming parties jump on me.


The rest of your statements I can get behind however

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I feel like this thread is trying to glorify the past more than it deserves. There were always better and worse roamers, they often tried to cap camps before they needed to fight or just pick out the newbs that were staggering behind their groups. The biggest difference nowadays is the introduction of warclaw, but just because you happen to meet groups rolling over camps, doesn't mean that solo/duo roaming is dead. Because it's not, it just seems you guys don't spend time doing it, so you have a weak sample. And btw, they have mounts but you do too, so if you still get steamrolled by groups when you didn't want to pick that fight, it's really *at least* partially on you. Raoming =/= dueling, not sure what you expected lmao.




> @"Mikhael.2391" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Mikhael.2391" said:

> > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > > @"Mikhael.2391" said:

> > > > > Well i go around looking for fights but when a iget outnumbered not using a broken class that can get in and out at will like thief mesmer rangers warrior and holo my skill means nothing against these classes with better tools.

> > > > >

> > > > > I still do it and am happy when i win against other bad players since the same lvl of skill ones will win most times due to the class they have.

> > > >

> > > > Don't you love this logic? If I win, it's because I'm better! But if I lose, it's because you play easier/better class. At this point I'd advice playing "the better class" and stop making excuses when you happen to lose. :D

> > > > bonus tip! You're not limited to playing a single class and you can swap them depending on what you want to do :open_mouth:

> > >

> > > I might loose ofc. But unlike a mesmer that has the tools to fend off a guardian and necro players at same time that have the same skill level because of the class mechanichs and invulns damage denials WHILE dealling damage works better and can be more bursty from a safe distance the other way around will not happen. A guardian cannot disengage at will and successfully run away to get cds back nor a necro.

> > >

> > > And that is not up to discussion .

> >

> > Then why arent you playing those classes? Im sure you're playing necro/guard because they're so bad :D

> > Tbh it seems you're just making excuses whenever you fail.


> I play them because they are more fun and were the first 2 i played at launch.


> Not making excuses but any necro that wins against a thief means the thief was bad.


On the other hand any guard that loses to thief means the guard is bad. What a great way to "discuss" o/

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Times are changing. I feel like a lot of people complain about the good old days. Like we are a bunch of old guys sitting at a restaurant sharing remember when stories. While the youth is looking at us laughing secretly saying in their head, "Get with the times nothing stays the same". I've found that no matter how much I want things to be like the days of Old it just is never going to happen. Things get harder and easier we just have to adapt. Especially with the ebb and flow of the WvW player base which I believe is the main reason for these camps. We just don't have coverage like we used to...

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Dedicated havoc guilds started dying off since HoT came in. These days you cap camps to pull a fight but people would rather gank with bigger numbers anyways, there's no real reason to waste time trying to cut supply from something upgrading, waypoints became less important with ewp gliders and mounts for faster travel.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> Times are changing. I feel like a lot of people complain about the good old days. Like we are a bunch of old guys sitting at a restaurant sharing remember when stories. While the youth is looking at us laughing secretly saying in their head, "Get with the times nothing stays the same". I've found that no matter how much I want things to be like the days of Old it just is never going to happen. Things get harder and easier we just have to adapt. Especially with the ebb and flow of the WvW player base which I believe is the main reason for these camps. We just don't have coverage like we used to...


it is similar, my experience. and my guys are indeed not young anymore. :/



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Nike Rangers Unite!!!

I almost exclusively solo roam on a Greatsword, sword/warhorn soulbeast with a bird pet. I can't tell you how much fun I have had flipping camps and getting groups to chase me all over the map. I have more fun lately than I have had in a while.


I'm not positive but I think Papasmurf plays a mesmer, which is not condi cancer, but everyone knows that mesmers have some serious cooties. Lol.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> I don't think anybody was ever brave. They either played builds they knew they could run away on, played builds that could win every 1v1 or just learned to not care if they died.


I was the third

I really contributed negatively to our warscore sometimes :)


That SWC is for MY BAY....STAY OUT (all 4-6 of you thieves, brave ranger at 1500 range and illusions and clones coming from somewhere)

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> Tiered camps being guarded by 2 and 3 people at 2am on a Monday morning in T4 by the second place team and they still refuse to leave the camp for a "fight" with 1 roamer unless they have another 2-3 more for said "fight" Yes, clearly there's a lack of bravery on the roamers part these days...


This so much, in the last year of solo roaming ive never seen so many players camping on camps(the last month has been terrible) and refusing to fight unless they either outnumber you or have backup incoming already.

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