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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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> @"ancafr.9274" said:

> I tried this 'template' again but i think it only work with SAME WEAPONS, I tried on my ranger with the same weapons and it worked but it didnt work for my thief with different weapons, can anyone explain me why? or this ONLY WORKS with same type of weapons on all templates? and IF IT WORKS with different type of weapons can anyone tell me how do i get this to work please? Thanks.


The weapon type is irrelevant. You seem to not understand a specific mechanic which must be causing the confusion.


Can you explain in detail what you are trying to do so we can figure out the error of thinking? :)

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> Is there a way to hotkey the templates?


> Even if there is a 3 sec build template or 10 sec equipment time to signify swapping mindset and items in inventory. It would keep mid-combat swapping to extremely tactical situations.


> I know you can do the same thing just as quick with the Hero tab, but for a person who has multiple builds it could cut down on accidental mistakes.


Yes, builds and armour/weapon load outs have key binds in the options menu

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> @"BlackyWarsX.5384" said:

> > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > What I am asking myself: How could this system pass QA?


> That's a really good question. The behaviour of legendary items within the system makes it look like they didn't test it fully.



I'm sure they tested it. I'm also sure that they found many of the issues before release. However, in my experience QA just find the issues and create tickets to record and track them. They don't decide release schedules and they don't typically have the authority to prevent a release.

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> @"amnessa.6154" said:

> Imagine one of the most followed topic is unsticked wow. What would be the odds of it hah. Oh wait...


Technicly is not

It may has 31k views , but it combined of many threads with posts and views


They used some debious method to access its popularity :

By creating a second thread , 2 days later and not combining any threads to it


106 posts -2.400 views

But they should fix the bugs althought


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> @"Solitude.2097" said:

> But they should fix the bugs althought

That makes it very strange. They publish something at September and didn't plan any resources for bugfixes till January (or even later)?


I mean there are so many things that are broken:

- they are not working as templates

- Revenant is broken

- Legendaries are broken

- Dyes are broken

- Skins are broken

- Mantras are broken

- The existing loadouts are broken


These and many improvements have to wait for 4 months? In the meantime one or two living world chapters may be released and we are still waiting for bugfixes? And these are against those people that may spend a lot of money in this game? (Hint those people that have Legendaries may have more playing time as the average player and therefore will pay more money.)


I would never expect a buxfix for an update in the Summer will have to wait till Winter to get fixed. Such late response time may lead to less people playing the game and therefore less people paying.

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@"BadHealer.3608" what do you exactly mean with broken? broken like too good or broken in terms of weak or something cause why should a skin be broken?. Well anyways my feedback to templates is quite easy: Templates are in my opinion a useless rip-off. The old system used to be much better, you had 1 build per char per gamemode and now u have 1 build per char for all gamemodes and you have to use templates to save other builds for quick changes so basically 3 template slots are needed if u use 1 build per gamemode now on every char. having 8+ chars that i use in every single gamemode means i have to spend quite some money to get to the old "free" level again making the new system more than unnecessary in my opinion.


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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"ancafr.9274" said:

> > I tried this 'template' again but i think it only work with SAME WEAPONS, I tried on my ranger with the same weapons and it worked but it didnt work for my thief with different weapons, can anyone explain me why? or this ONLY WORKS with same type of weapons on all templates? and IF IT WORKS with different type of weapons can anyone tell me how do i get this to work please? Thanks.


> Can you maybe explain better?

> What do you mean by different weapons? are you trying to leave them in your inventory?


> I have 3 gear templates on my necro and each use completely different weapons and stats.


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"ancafr.9274" said:

> > I tried this 'template' again but i think it only work with SAME WEAPONS, I tried on my ranger with the same weapons and it worked but it didnt work for my thief with different weapons, can anyone explain me why? or this ONLY WORKS with same type of weapons on all templates? and IF IT WORKS with different type of weapons can anyone tell me how do i get this to work please? Thanks.


> The weapon type is irrelevant. You seem to not understand a specific mechanic which must be causing the confusion.


> Can you explain in detail what you are trying to do so we can figure out the error of thinking? :)


Is just like i said... on my ranger that uses the same type of weapons, longbow/axe/torch on both templates slots it works perfect fine.. but on my thief i use rifle/sword/dagger template 1 and i wanted to make one with dual pistol/sword/dagger on template slot 2 but when i switch to template 2 only the rifle/sword/dagger trait remains and i have to manually open the char window with H then switch manually. Plus I cant use any rifle skills cause the trait for Deadeye isnt active and i get a 'shadow' on the weapons skills. For exemple is like if you equip deadeye trait but then you replace with a core without remove the previous weapon.. it remain in hand but u cant use any skills.


In other words, the template is active but the weapons DO NOT switch...





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> @"ancafr.9274" said:

> Is just like i said... on my ranger that uses the same type of weapons, longbow/axe/torch on both templates slots it works perfect fine.. but on my thief i use rifle/sword/dagger template 1 and i wanted to make one with dual pistol/sword/dagger on template slot 2 but when i switch to template 2 only the rifle/sword/dagger trait remains and i have to manually open the char window with H then switch manually. Plus I cant use any rifle skills cause the trait for Deadeye isnt active and i get a 'shadow' on the weapons skills. For exemple is like if you equip deadeye trait but then you replace with a core without remove the previous weapon.. it remain in hand but u cant use any skills.


> In other words, the template is active but the weapons DO NOT switch...


And there is your error of thinking: Build loadouts and weapon loadouts are NOT connected. You _have_ to switch each one separately, there is no link between the two. It is _not_ a bug but the way it was designed.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"ancafr.9274" said:

> > Is just like i said... on my ranger that uses the same type of weapons, longbow/axe/torch on both templates slots it works perfect fine.. but on my thief i use rifle/sword/dagger template 1 and i wanted to make one with dual pistol/sword/dagger on template slot 2 but when i switch to template 2 only the rifle/sword/dagger trait remains and i have to manually open the char window with H then switch manually. Plus I cant use any rifle skills cause the trait for Deadeye isnt active and i get a 'shadow' on the weapons skills. For exemple is like if you equip deadeye trait but then you replace with a core without remove the previous weapon.. it remain in hand but u cant use any skills.

> >

> > In other words, the template is active but the weapons DO NOT switch...


> And there is your error of thinking: Build loadouts and weapon loadouts are NOT connected. You _have_ to switch each one separately, there is no link between the two. It is _not_ a bug but the way it was designed.


Ashantara is right. It's by design. Arguably unintuitive and clumsy design but ..by design.


One thing you can do to make it easier is set some hotkeys. I use Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, etc for the equipment templates, and Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3 for the build templates.

So when I want to change to the first "loadout" I press Ctrl-1 then Alt-1. For loadout 2, I press Ctrl-2 then Alt-2.

It's not much but if you're going to keep using the templates, it might help.

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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> Hi, everyone,


> Thank you for all the constructive feedback you’ve provided about templates. We’ve spent a lot of time reading and discussing your thoughts, and we’ve identified a few updates we feel confident we can start working on.


> Here are the pieces of feedback we’re currently working on addressing:

> • Automatically switching build and equipment templates when a character enters or exits PvP and WvW. We’ll need to make updates to this functionality to further integrate templates with PvP.

> • Ease of swapping legendary equipment between characters.

> • Greater flexibility when making experimental changes to templates.

> Because we have limited time to program, test, and implement these changes before the winter holidays, we’ll be able to give you a progress update early in the new year.


> We’ll keep reading your feedback, so please continue to share your thoughts as you play with templates.

> Thank you!



Appreciate that these 3 points being talked about.

But other very important ones raised in the thread are still unanswered.

Especially what has been called the "Monetization fiasco" in other threads.

It kinda feels weird to make a post here and not even mention them.

Because that kinda makes me feel they are ignored.

And I imagine others feel the same as well.

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As a person who never used the arc-template, I certainly do not have what others have exprienced as a big downgrade from arc, but I do feel that the current system is not really helpful even if it's the first time for me to use a template.


I'm in between casual and hardcore. I don't raid like others, but I do fractals regularly, and enjoy mostly casual content, that means I don't really need more than 2 builds on each character (in most cases I just use a new character slot for different purpose); however, being a hardcore-casual like me have met veterians, I was being encouraged to start raiding, start doing fractal CM, it's the vets who played many builds taught me how to improve my playing style, and I've begun to understand the boons/class skills/mechanics and all that, I was even encouraged to try a different build, therefore I really wish the game cater for vets so they can play around with builds and later teach players like me (who is absolutely too dumb to play the game) , and it's the vet who has the ability to convert the casual to the hardcore, like how I was converted.


What I find flaws in the current system is that:


1. **Having loadout & template separated makes the system so clunky** - personally I've never used the loadout at all (tested it once may be), because there's no need for me share builds to a different character on the same account, and if I need to grab a new build from the website, I can just copy the link and paste it directly to the template itself, but I must praise that sharing builds is a great idea; however I do have a "thought" to improve it and it's drafted, but the basic idea was to scratch the tabs on the right hand side, and be able to do everything on the left panel.


2. **The heavy monetization were the biggest problem/mistake** - prior to the launch, I was planning to get a few gem cards to prepare for this launch, just at that time the local store doen't sell it (luckily), or I'll be hugely disappointed. I once joked about the template would be like 400 gems each, my team disagreed on me, they thought I was crazy to predict that Anet to charge on template, or even charge that much if it were to monetized, but I was sad to found out that I was right..... and it was taken to the next level: tripple monetization with each function cost a premium. I'm new to the raid and was already asked to make different builds for different situation and bosses, but since the gear/build templates charged a premium and the upgrade were only character-bound, I feel no incentive to buy more slot, nor to make a different build (with different gear set). I just lost my motivation to experience different things on the same class for raid (and I'm only just started). I wish the gear/build templates were only charged once (but not twice nor thrice), 100 gems each (and be able to buy up to 10-20 slots), and better yet, account-wide unlock if you plan to charge more.


3. **Character/soul-bound unlock for gear/build templates were a mistake** - well-done on the gear tabs that clears up the bag slot, just unfortunately I never liked any soul-bound unlock, just like I'd rather pay more for a 32-slot bag so that I can later transfer it to a different character, I'd never ever pay for any soul-bound bag slot unlock. The reason is that if after I've spent the money, time and effort on a character , incomes a huge nerf patch few months later and made the said character no longer viable in the game mode that I play anymore, it'd be a huge waste. Please make soul-bound unlock account-bound instead, or it'll be the same situation as bag-slot, that I'll never want to unlock any if it's soul-bound.


4. **The free templates weren't really free** - in shorts, they were taken from PVP/WVW/PVE that existed in the game, I'm sure I don't need to explain how inconvenient it is to have the automatic switch-over got taken off.


5. **There are only 2 gear tabs for 3 templates...** - yes you can buy the 3rd, but keep in mind that each game mode/build uses different gear/weapon combo, 2 gear tabs for 3 templates doesn't really work, it'd be great if there's 1 more free gear tab.


6. I've never used legendary therefore I cannot comment on that.


I hope my feedback will be taken into consideration, because not all but like many others we all felt the same the same way. I'll be happy to unlock more template slots but not at the current price.... Account-wide would be more reasonable.


Holiday is coming up, I wish everyone here Merry Christmas.

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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> One thing you can do to make it easier is set some hotkeys. I use Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, etc for the equipment templates, and Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3 for the build templates.

> So when I want to change to the first "loadout" I press Ctrl-1 then Alt-1. For loadout 2, I press Ctrl-2 then Alt-2.

Which is yet another example of the clunky and unfinished design. People who do max out their loadouts are supposed to reserve 12 to 20 (after the expected upgrade to 10 each) buttons reserved just for switching builds? Who ever came up with that.

Why not just have 2-4 buttons total: "Next loadout", "next equipment", maybe also "previous" each.



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> @"Fenella.2634" said:

> > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > One thing you can do to make it easier is set some hotkeys. I use Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, etc for the equipment templates, and Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3 for the build templates.

> > So when I want to change to the first "loadout" I press Ctrl-1 then Alt-1. For loadout 2, I press Ctrl-2 then Alt-2.

> Which is yet another example of the clunky and unfinished design. People who do max out their loadouts are supposed to reserve 12 to 20 (after the expected upgrade to 10 each) buttons reserved just for switching builds? Who ever came up with that.

> Why not just have 2-4 buttons total: "Next loadout", "next equipment", maybe also "previous" each.




I already use shift+, Ctrl+ and Alt+ for many other skills. I really don't have room for any more hotkeys. If they make equipment and build templates connected would make more sense and function better. Or even make a UI tab/icon as they did for mounts or novelties.

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> @"UnDeadFun.5824" said:

> > @"Fenella.2634" said:

> > > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > > One thing you can do to make it easier is set some hotkeys. I use Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, etc for the equipment templates, and Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3 for the build templates.

> > > So when I want to change to the first "loadout" I press Ctrl-1 then Alt-1. For loadout 2, I press Ctrl-2 then Alt-2.

> > Which is yet another example of the clunky and unfinished design. People who do max out their loadouts are supposed to reserve 12 to 20 (after the expected upgrade to 10 each) buttons reserved just for switching builds? Who ever came up with that.

> > Why not just have 2-4 buttons total: "Next loadout", "next equipment", maybe also "previous" each.

> >

> >


> I already use shift+, Ctrl+ and Alt+ for many other skills. I really don't have room for any more hotkeys. If they make equipment and build templates connected would make more sense and function better. Or even make a UI tab/icon as they did for mounts or novelties.

Well you can still change manually in the meantime. I also want linked template shortcuts but it takes ~2 seconds to do both using the menus.


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"ancafr.9274" said:

> > Is just like i said... on my ranger that uses the same type of weapons, longbow/axe/torch on both templates slots it works perfect fine.. but on my thief i use rifle/sword/dagger template 1 and i wanted to make one with dual pistol/sword/dagger on template slot 2 but when i switch to template 2 only the rifle/sword/dagger trait remains and i have to manually open the char window with H then switch manually. Plus I cant use any rifle skills cause the trait for Deadeye isnt active and i get a 'shadow' on the weapons skills. For exemple is like if you equip deadeye trait but then you replace with a core without remove the previous weapon.. it remain in hand but u cant use any skills.

> >

> > In other words, the template is active but the weapons DO NOT switch...


> And there is your error of thinking: Build loadouts and weapon loadouts are NOT connected. You _have_ to switch each one separately, there is no link between the two. It is _not_ a bug but the way it was designed.


I see now... like I said kinda useless since the weapons DO NOT CHANGE.. it only saves the times of doing a new trait for WvW, PvP etc etc. If they make it to change the weapons too without need to change them manually then it would be perfect. Sorry Elementalist and Engineer.. no ''weapons switching'' for ya come again next time xD. Btw ty for the help.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hi all, I have some more news for you. Like I mentioned in [last week's post](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1099265/#Comment_1099265 "last week's post"), we had a list of updates we felt confident we could start working on and planned to give you an update on that list early in the new year. That has changed because one of the updates to build and equipment templates will be ready earlier than expected.


We've been working on an update that will automatically switch your build and equipment templates when you enter or exit PvE, WvW, or PvP. The game will remember which build and equipment template tabs were last active when you return to a game mode.


Also, PvP equipment will be integrated into all Equipment Templates, which will bring all of your equipment management into one convenient place. Our current plan is to add a new button to the equipment menu to view the PvP equipment slots in each template. By doing this, it means you to be able to manage your PvP equipment whenever you like, even outside of PvP game modes. Because PvP equipment is very different from normal inventory items, it will not take any space away from your standard equipment.


This update to Build and Equipment Templates will go live on December 3. We'll still follow with another update early in the new year.


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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> We've been working on an update that will automatically switch your build and equipment templates when you enter or exit PvE, WvW, or PvP. The game will remember which build and equipment template tabs were last active when you return to a game mode.


Can we choose if we want this or not?


Like a tick box in the menu, to say if we want the game to remember?

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> @"Cronos.6532" said:

> > Because PvP equipment is very different from normal inventory items, it will not take any space away from your standard equipment.


> Aight but I'm totally still going to have to use a PvE build in Structured PvP from now on because I can't afford to give up a slot



This was my fear - we needed 1 or 2 other equip slots granted to match the build count or something., though I get the feeling PvP will get some other "phantom slots" that are strictly for use in PvP. That would please the player base in that mode, I think.

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