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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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They dont work, they punnish people who use legendary weapons by doing bullkitten like automatically removing the sigils and infusions from your weapons each time you try to change your weapon set (I have the default 2 tabs). Its horrible. I wish I could just have no templates again like before. It was MUCH less hassle WITHOUT the garbage template system.

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> @"Moradorin.6217" said:

> They dont work, they punnish people who use legendary weapons by doing bullkitten like automatically removing the sigils and infusions from your weapons each time you try to change your weapon set (I have the default 2 tabs). Its horrible. I wish I could just have no templates again like before. It was MUCH less hassle WITHOUT the garbage template system.


Does this also happen when I use my legendary only in one of my two ~~templates~~ loadouts?

Not that I have one yet.

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> @"Poormany.4507" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > Tell that to all the people who demanded the feature in the first place, despite constant warnings of exactly this happening.


> Most people who wanted build templates (not loadouts), myself included, were expecting a system similar to GW1 and/or the now blocked ArcDPS plugin: easy to understand and use, no cluttered/complicated interface, and most importantly _unlimited_ and _free_ template storage. We didn't get any of that, hence many people are justifiably upset and want other options and/or for the current system to get a major revamp. The current system seemed to have been rushed out for quick monetization without making sure it is up to quality and player expectations/feedback.



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> @"Moradorin.6217" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > Works fine and well but without a “how to” it can be confusing to those who can’t figure things out on their own.


> Actaully its totally non working garbage if you use legendary weapons and have to swap weapons in and out of weapon slots, because it automatically removes your sigils and infusions on them each time, its a kitten nightmare.

It is working but why are you swapping weapons out of your load out? Pre-stacking buffs?



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After the holiday break I would like to see an update and some possible answers to the multitude of questions and feedback you received, ANET:

Here are three core questions I'd like to see answered:

1. Cost - Are you going to lower the cost of adding "templates"? The Vast Majority believe this feature is too expensive. If you are going keep it that way, at least make the purchases ACCOUNT WIDE. It makes no sense for people to purchase dozens if not hundreds of expansions to a feature for separate characters. I for one stopped at the primary characters I use and will not spend another dime/gem on templates at this time unless this is addressed.

2. Legendary Equipment fix - Are you addressing the Legendary equipment problem when we swap in equipment? This feature was supposed make switching builds easier, but it does not do this.

3. Are you going to lock the builds or give us a check box that locks the builds so that simply switching a piece of equipment or a skill doesn't alter a "saved" build?


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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> The new system did exactly what I expected and what I wanted. For my necromancer here I can swap between different reaper skill loadouts, as well a different itemset with a staff on swap. So I consider it a success.


It's great that you're happy - but from what you describe your expectations are so much lower than everybody else that the new system couldn't help but fall over the line for you. If all you've tried of it is the one small part you wanted, and that part happens to work for you, that's really meaningless as a review. What do you think of the whole thing? Do you have multiple toons? Have you tried setting up layouts for more than one toon? Have you had to buy more slots? What do you think of the cost? Have you tried different specialisations on different slots? Have you tried using legendaries with this system? There are 20 pages in the official thread that testify to people who have tried these things and found them wanting. What are your thoughts?


And, yes, this should be in the official thread.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > Works fine and well but without a “how to” it can be confusing to those who can’t figure things out on their own.

> >

> > Actaully its totally non working garbage if you use legendary weapons and have to swap weapons in and out of weapon slots, because it automatically removes your sigils and infusions on them each time, its a kitten nightmare.

> It is working but why are you swapping weapons out of your load out? Pre-stacking buffs?




Actually, No Its NOT working. Specifically, I use primarily Legendary weapons and armor. I have 2 templates I can use for weapon sets, but I have MANY more than 2 weapon setups I use even within 1 trait line "build". When I move a weapon from inventory to a weapon slot due to the new garbage system, EVERY KITTEN TIME I MOVE A WEAPON FROM A WEAPON SLOT THE SIGIL DROPS OUT OF IT AND THE INFUSION TOO. THIS MEANS **EVERY TIME I PUT A** DIFFERENT **WEAPON INTO A WEAPON SLOT I ALSO HAVE TO REAPPLY SIGILS AND INFUSIONS._ THIS ONLY HAPPENS WITH LEGENDARY GEAR_**. How the Kitten can u say that is working!?!?!?! Its totally broken nightmare garbage. ALL IT DID WAS MAKE IT TAKE MORE TIME AND BE MORE CONFUSING FOR ME TO CHANGE WEAPONS VS THE OLD BASIC SYSTEM.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> one bonus Ive noticed, is that you need less infusions.

> Lets say you have a staff in equipment template 1, with 2 infusions. in template 2, you have a main hand and an offhand. They will share the infusions. So you only need two instead of four when you flip between the loadouts.


only if you have ledgendary.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> use more equipment templates to flip between different equipment loadouts, instead of manually changing gear. Lets say if you have 3 different legendary offhands in 3 different equipment templates. Then youd only need one sigil of impact and one +5 power infusion. The selection gets shared between all 3


I don't think that many people have 3 ledgie offhands. That's defintely not the way to show build templates are useful for the average player.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> use more equipment templates to flip between different equipment loadouts, instead of manually changing gear. Lets say if you have 3 different legendary offhands in 3 different equipment templates. Then youd only need one sigil of impact and one +5 power infusion. The selection gets shared between all 3


This doesnt happen from my experience, quite the opposite. I have a sigil, and infusion in each legendary and EVERY time I place one into my weapon slot it IS EMPTY of sigils and infusions untill I manually place them AGAIN. EVERY TIME


For instance if I am using a staff then I drop the staff to place frostfang into my primary weapon slot frostfang will have no sigil or infusion. Its just total kitten kitten.


Another example: Secret Lair, I will use focus offhand to stack mobs, then swap it out for pistol offhand for better cc for freezy. I have to remember to put an energy sigil and infusion back into quip or its empty and I lose the benefits of the sigils Im expecting.

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> @"Moradorin.6217" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > use more equipment templates to flip between different equipment loadouts, instead of manually changing gear. Lets say if you have 3 different legendary offhands in 3 different equipment templates. Then youd only need one sigil of impact and one +5 power infusion. The selection gets shared between all 3


> This doesnt happen from my experience, quite the opposite. I have a sigil, and infusion in each legendary and EVERY time I place one into my weapon slot it IS EMPTY of sigils and infusions untill I manually place them AGAIN. EVERY TIME


> For instance if I am using a staff then I drop the staff to place frostfang into my primary weapon slot frostfang will have no sigil or infusion. Its just total kitten kitten


do you have each ledgie in a seperate template?

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> @"Moradorin.6217" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > use more equipment templates to flip between different equipment loadouts, instead of manually changing gear. Lets say if you have 3 different legendary offhands in 3 different equipment templates. Then youd only need one sigil of impact and one +5 power infusion. The selection gets shared between all 3


> This doesnt happen from my experience, quite the opposite. I have a sigil, and infusion in each legendary and EVERY time I place one into my weapon slot it IS EMPTY of sigils and infusions untill I manually place them AGAIN. EVERY TIME


let me tell you how to do it right then.

Make sure ALL equipment templates are empty in that slot. Take your legendary, fill it with stuff, and go to first equipment template page. Put the legendary in the slot. Go to page two. Take your second legendary from the sidebar and slot it in through it on the weapon slot. Drag infusion and sigil to it as well from sidebar. Now the 2 offhands shares the same infusion and sigil, and only needing one set. Can be repeated with more offhands in additional template slots.

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> @"Moradorin.6217" said:

> Right now I have the default 2 templates and zero interest or intention of buying more. I have both tabs setup with my 2 most common weapon setups. Any time I use anything else I have to deal with replacing the sigils and infusions on every weapon I move. It is really really aggravating.


then farm gokd..buy more? or use exotic/ascended

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> @"Nick.5276" said:

> You are correct that people don’t have to buy into the system. People HAVE TO USE the new system though if they are to get back any of the functionality Anet took away to implement the new system. To get any BENEFIT of the new system you DO HAVE to buy into it. By changing how the game functions they have manipulated the environment to exclude other options.


WOAH WOAH ... this is NOT correct. I can and STILL manually swap to have 'build templates' on certain characters ... or simply swap characters that I've created of the same class with different builds. No option that existed as part of the game for 'swapping builds' has been excluded by build templates. Functionality was NOT removed or taken away because that functionality was never part of the game itself. Even if you want to argue that doesn't matter, Anet did not remove it ... the creator did that under agreement with Anet.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> It does work, I have 4 template slots for my reaper

> Eternity + Astralaria - Verdarach

> Eternity + Bifrost

> Eternity + Astralaria - Incinerazor

> Eternity + Astralaria + Binding of Ipos

> Significantly cuts down on the numbers of infusions and sigils needed if using alike ones in all sets.


THANKS FOR PROVING MY POINT THAT IT DOES NOT. I repeat DOES NOT WORK! You are using 4 templates do be able to change weapons without it dropping your sigils and infusions. CONGRATULATIONS ON PROVING MY POINT. ITS KITTEN BROKEN!

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