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Forcing the Issue Event


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As suggested by Svarty, I decided to propose an event idea in a new thread.


The idea is to pull the fights to dedicated areas of the map.


Event suggestion ___make all objectives invulnerable except keeps and smc___


Why? It will bring ppl together for fun and excitement

It offers play for both attackers and defenders ( you will always know where to go)


Limitations: You cannot T3 the keep. Thus, if one side has night coverage and takes your keep it will not be impossible to retake.

Plus, There should be enough people regardless of tier to have action on each map. If you are unable to take back a well defended keep you simply attack another to draw ppl away (same as before).


Ok, let's go live with this tomorrow.





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Everything would be T0 and easily destroyed walls/doors sure, but you'd be *incredibly* starved for supplies across all maps. To say that "you simply attack another" isnt really viable.


Now, you may also say that "well commanders will have to budget their siege" but I think we all know they dont have that capability. You'll have 50 man zergs run around with 100 supplies because they only way to get new is from a T0 camp on the other side of the map.

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I'd rather they just leave everything the way it is now, including smc upgrading, but remove supply from smc. Takes yaks to upgrade, can still get to T3, but remove the supply huts from the castle altogether. You want to treb everything from smc, better walk to a camp or your keep. That would be a better start.

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So you cant attack towers and camps...

You cant siege a keep from a nearby tower, because you cant get inside

You cant take away supplies from enemies by constantly taking away camps with roamers.

You dont even have to bother attacking a keep, when you dont have a full 50+ zerg.


Aye, sounds incredibly fun... Yikes.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> Scheduled events have been done in other games. They have one major drawback, lag. Gw2 chokes to death without drawing 3 map queues to one spot intentionally.


yeah just look at wvw reset night, its our unnoficial "scheduled event". those who left behind will lose the best of the party for hours;

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> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> As suggested by Svarty, I decided to propose an event idea in a new thread.


> The idea is to pull the fights to dedicated areas of the map.


> Event suggestion ___make all objectives invulnerable except keeps and smc___


> Why? It will bring ppl together for fun and excitement

> It offers play for both attackers and defenders ( you will always know where to go)


> Limitations: You cannot T3 the keep. Thus, if one side has night coverage and takes your keep it will not be impossible to retake.

> Plus, There should be enough people regardless of tier to have action on each map. If you are unable to take back a well defended keep you simply attack another to draw ppl away (same as before).


> Ok, let's go live with this tomorrow.

> Thanks





This would even further favor the bigger server with more coverage. Keeps and SMC are the only thing to cap, meaning limited variation, even further reducing what people can do. This also fully removes roamer and havoc groups from being able to add anything to the matchup as they will have to ball up with the rest of the zerg. Since there is nothing else to do but blob, so assuming people actually play for the event, we would have even larger blobs than we have now with even more skill lag.


Since camps and towers can't be capped, the keeps will have endless supply, as such defenders will have endless siege building ability, run out of supply in the keep? You have a tower and camps full of it, since you can't cap them to cut off or get more supply yourself, which favors defenders even more, as you can't cap a camp or tower to get supply, you have to run back to your own side of the map every time you push. Which yet again favors the bigger blob as it can carry more supply.


It will turn the maps into a ktrain because those uncappable towers with endless supply? Yeah, before you even kill lord are going to be hitting the keep with siege to cap it back, you know why? Because if you cap another keep, guess what? IT WILL NEVER GET SUPPLY, so you are then surrounded by uncapable enemy structures, without access to supply caravans, you can't build siege because of this (and keep will never upgrade for you), to counter the other siege, which wouldn't matter anyway, as those structures can't be taken anyway and any siege you take out will be rebuilt in no time with the tower being full of supply and a camp that is untakeable constantly feeding it.


So, people will probably not bother with keeps at all, everyone will circle cap them, they can't be T3ed so no WP advantage of trying to hold to upgrade (and no caravans to upgrade it with anyway), and with camps and towers being invulnerable it means the only thing to cap for rewards or wxp etc are a very limited number of keeps.

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> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> I am trying to build my resume for a certain gaming company.

> Thus, I have decided the event will be great.

> I have heard your feedback (sort-of) and choose to ignore it.

> The event should go forward and you will learn to love it.

> Thanks,

> -management


u sir are hired! actually..wait... no ... not once did u mention a new item or skin for the gemstore... better luck next time.

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> @"acidic.4356" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > I am trying to build my resume for a certain gaming company.

> > Thus, I have decided the event will be great.

> > I have heard your feedback (sort-of) and choose to ignore it.

> > The event should go forward and you will learn to love it.

> > Thanks,

> > -management


> u sir are hired! actually..wait... no ... not once did u mention a new item or skin for the gemstore... better luck next time.


Maybe it's a -- once they get here we'll nickle and dime them on event merchandise. I mean each team needs its own Jersey and fans NEED tees, hats, pompoms.

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