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Scooby Doo called, they want their bad guy outfit back...

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You look like a cross between a Firey from Labyrinth and Oscar the Grouch.


You look like a rejected extra experiment from Swamp Thing.


You look like a typical Scooby Doo Villian, but we never figured out who the bad guy was.


You look like a green hand duster made love to a Tengu.


You look like a Sonic the Hedgehog side character that hung out with Austin Powers too long.


(give me some time while I think of some more, or add your own)

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"slpr.2647" said:

> > i see they changed me post title. to long? or didnt like anet being mentioned? the reason i mentioned them in the title was so theyd SEE it


> 'They' didn't change your title; your thread was merged into the existing thread on the same topic.


it was changed first, then i got a warning :) then it got merged

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> @"Kaliwenda.3428" said:

> > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> >...

> > Lisa-Wandering off muttering to herself that she needs to find a flock of Ravens.

> >

> I'm glad you love it, I really am. For me, I'd be expecting this eyesore to attract a flock of seagulls. Who would promptly target it with airborn splotches. As they do.



You made me laugh with delight at the image your words painted. Thank you :)

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> @"Udolpho.1209" said:

> This outfit looks like a Muppet Troll doll going to a rave.


> ...It made me laugh. A LOT. It's hard to really hate something that makes you laugh. It might fall into the "so bad, it's good" category. I'm actually tempted to buy it, now that my utter disbelief has past. I don't know what the designers were smoking, but it's got good vibes man.


> To critique it:

> - It's disappointing that the ladies get an elaborately cut-out body suit, with *extra-special* attention given to the behind, while the guys get a ripped sack cloth held up with rope (and noticeably less attention given to the same area).

> - Having the shiny metal of the chest piece use the same dye channel as the inked body tattoo was a huge mistake imo. Because if you want the metal to look like metal, gold or silver, you end up with yellow or grey tats. If you dye for the tats, you end up with weird looking metal. I'd have linked the skin tats to the earring detail/eyes color channel.


I have not tried it on a female, or on any other race other than male Norn, but my angry "Commander of Ravens" is barefooted.


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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> > Or a Wookie. It's not pretty. People buy this? I hope the next round of BL stuff will be more Utility related again. :)


> Lisa gleefully responds...I bought it yesterday as soon as I saw it. Loving it.


> People like different things..on a serious note, my mom is suffering from Dementia and I am her caretaker. I need something silly in my life...


Well, I can understand it. I have bought a raptorskin myself that lots of people would consider over the top(Dreadnought). Good luck with your mom, that must be tough.

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> @"slpr.2647" said:

> > @"Melech.4308" said:

> > > @"slpr.2647" said:

> > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > >

> > > > Outfits are basically a one-piece suit, plus the head piece. This is why you can toggle the head piece visible/invisible (on/off).

> > > >

> > >

> > > yes, i know this, but why? i want to *why* specifically we cant have a toggle for shoulders. simply because they dont want us to be able to toggle shoulders and gloves? it simply doesnt make sense. if they can give us a headpiece toggle, they can give us a shoulder/glove toggle. nobody is asking to have the ability to use armor in its place, simply toggle them off. like we can headpieces

> >

> > Because it is more expensive and time consuming for them to create armor skins rather than outfits

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/969914/#Comment_969914

> >

> > "Armor sets are by far the most expensive reward we can make. A full set includes heavy, medium, light, times five races, times two sexes, so it's like developing 30 sets. It takes nine months to develop. (That's for a normal armor set -- legendary is much longer.) It's not something we can do for Living World episodes. Individual pieces are good rewards for Living World episodes; full sets are more something for expansion packs." - Mike O'Brien


> not asking for them to be turned into armor sets! giving a toggle option cant be that hard, they did it for headpieces! we dont want outfits turned into armor sets. giving a toggle for shoulders and gloves doesnt have anything to with weight classes, nothing at all


I'm sorry that you're not understanding how outfits are made. They cannot make the change that you are suggesting.

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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > @"Kaliwenda.3428" said:

> > > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > >...

> > > Lisa-Wandering off muttering to herself that she needs to find a flock of Ravens.

> > >

> > I'm glad you love it, I really am. For me, I'd be expecting this eyesore to attract a flock of seagulls. Who would promptly target it with airborn splotches. As they do.

> >


> You made me laugh with delight at the image your words painted. Thank you :)


Hugs to you and your mom. One of my friends is care-giver to his wife with the same condition so I see some of it first-hand. Rock that outfit, you sassy thing, you! :)

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> @"mbhalo.1547" said:

> FFXIV gets Nier Automata outfits and armor as in-game rewards and we get this and in the cash shop.

The business model is entirely different. SE makes enough money from the subscriptions that they can but all the visual progression ingame.

Many of the Cash shop items used to be available ingame, too.



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> @"Jokel.5164" said:

> > @"Evil Seabass.5214" said:

> > I mean, even the color scheme used in the gemstore pic screams scooby doo bad guy...

> > ![](http://evilseabass.homestead.com/files/gw023.jpg "")

> >

> What’s the weapon you have on your back there?



Looks to be the gen 2 legendary greatsword



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