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Escapist's Fortitude ICD is too low, needs to be higher.


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One glaring issue that doesn't seem to be mentioned often is how Daredevil is allowed to cleanse at every evade which they have plenty of given all the benefits that follow, making any slight amount of condition pressure redundant as a whole because should every attack be at once and precisely timed which is already something necessary to do any damage, it allows users to basically bunk/tank all sort of pressure in a way that is too easy to pull off without much worry or effort of the resources they have.


I do think this trait design is great and well done, but the idea that "every" evade which is something easily accessible to the Daredevil reward so much that they're almost if not immune to any condition build is really unfair for anyone else running condition.


I could go on, explain and elaborate how I understand the way they can be dealt with as currently but the window of opportunity in their utility gives so much freedom that whether you'd care to be landing every single condition patiently and perfectly, the utility has too great of a synergy to do anything significant to win unless the user itself does a major mistake, that is not even mentioning the disengaging that they have either.


My suggestion would be to change the ICD to 3 seconds rather than one so that evades are a little bit more precious than just always be so rewarding, as many as there is.

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The key thing to remember that they only cleanse a condi on a _successful_ evade, so they actually have to dodge something not just spam evade skills. If you condi bomb them and then stow your weapons they'll be forced to use cooldowns to cleanse, which will put much more pressure on them in a fight.


The issue is that in group fights it scales much better because there's always a couple of people that mindlessly spam skills, but in that respect it's no different to spellbreaker's full counter. If you play more intelligently, you can play around the skill pretty easily.

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Well i aggree with the op. In a spec which can spam evades non stop with dodges, weapons and utility that trait is simply too strong. Anet has revealed they are looking into it too.

An increased cd is needed for this trait to not promote evade spamfiesta, but the daredevil to use it when its really needed.



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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> Well i aggree with the op. In a spec which can spam evades non stop with dodges, weapons and utility that trait is simply too strong. Anet has revealed they are looking into it too.

> An increased cd is needed for this trait to not promote evade spamfiesta, but the daredevil to use it when its really needed.




It's one of the strongest traits I'll probably never use mostly for the reasons Jugglemonkey explained, those kind of traits leave me with little to work with if my opponent stays mostly calm. They can just load me up and wait for me to kill myself depending on the condi lineup. Inf Return is deliberate, under the cost of actions I'm already taking for the most part, and I can untarget and contain or mask my condi clearing. Esc Fort has the benefit for you of pulling from a different resource pool instead of Initiative, but can be denied to you in the worst way.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> The key thing to remember that they only cleanse a condi on a _successful_ evade, so they actually have to dodge something not just spam evade skills. If you condi bomb them and then stow your weapons they'll be forced to use cooldowns to cleanse, which will put much more pressure on them in a fight.


> The issue is that in group fights it scales much better because there's always a couple of people that mindlessly spam skills, but in that respect it's no different to spellbreaker's full counter. If you play more intelligently, you can play around the skill pretty easily.


A lot of condition builds rely on AoE's or Multi hits that stays and feed easy evades to the DD while some other skills have incredibly telegraphed delays that makes it very hard to land, even after a CC. The synergy is too strong as it stands for now, like one Condi Mirage for example can't tell it's clones nor stop from generating them to prevent that proc everytime, allowing it to stay in action pretty much indefinitely where as even the best of Spellbreakers do need to back off occasionally to work some CD's, that's the biggest and obvious issue to me.


It's easy to imagine how 3 seconds will re-introduce the idea to those builds who have personal space that should be respected have coordinated attacks to be defeated.


I've fought many DD's with great patience and with the pressure they can afford, it very very often ended in stalemates or disengaging, the oppression of the trait functionality to every evade while you have to absolutely keep yourself from attacking is really time consuming which means easy recovering with Signet of Agility and Shadowstep, conditions take a lot time to be effective with being en masse and there's no build that can bomb without multi hits. I didn't want to get into it, but looks like it's best to explain anyway, it was considered.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > The key thing to remember that they only cleanse a condi on a _successful_ evade, so they actually have to dodge something not just spam evade skills. If you condi bomb them and then stow your weapons they'll be forced to use cooldowns to cleanse, which will put much more pressure on them in a fight.

> >

> > The issue is that in group fights it scales much better because there's always a couple of people that mindlessly spam skills, but in that respect it's no different to spellbreaker's full counter. If you play more intelligently, you can play around the skill pretty easily.


> A lot of condition builds rely on AoE's or Multi hits that stays and feed easy evades to the DD while some other skills have incredibly telegraphed delays that makes it very hard to land, even after a CC. The synergy is too strong as it stands for now, like one Condi Mirage for example can't tell it's clones nor stop from generating them to prevent that proc everytime, allowing it to stay in action pretty much indefinitely where as even the best of Spellbreakers do need to back off occasionally to work some CD's, that's the biggest and obvious issue to me.


> It's easy to imagine how 3 seconds will re-introduce the idea to those builds who have personal space that should be respected have coordinated attacks to be defeated.


> I've fought many DD's with great patience and with the pressure they can afford, **it very very often ended in stalemates or disengaging**, the oppression of the trait functionality to every evade while you have to absolutely keep yourself from attacking is really time consuming which means easy recovering with Signet of Agility and Shadowstep, conditions take a lot time to be effective with being en masse and there's no build that can bomb without multi hits. I didn't want to get into it, but looks like it's best to explain anyway, it was considered.


So you're saying a fair fight isn't something the thief profession should be included in? You don't have to keep yourself from attacking, you need to adjust your build or pick a build that's not "oppressed" by that trait. Talk to DE's about the time consumed by keeping yourself from attacking and they get called OP and "toxic" to gameplay. If conditions overall took a long time to be effective people wouldn't bother with condi bombs.

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Are we really having this discussion?


Daredevil is based on evades. Destroy this and change the GM traits and you basically destroyed the very idea of the daredevil.

But beyond the concept... Escapist really isn't that strong.


In the way condi currently work, it's relatively easy to counter Escapist:

- Use condi covers and spam


- Condi bomb and stop hitting so DD cannot successfully evade.


If condi application, in general, was more granular and there were no such things as multi-condi condi bomb, then Escapist would be too good. In the current meta? Naaah!


And the whole argument about having too many AoE application of condi... Oh boy... DD will last a bit inside a scourge AoE but not that long because there are too many condi applications and 1 sec ICD for a single condi cleanse is actually often not enough... Unless the DrD plays reaaaally good and the condi-attacker is somewhat bad.


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This topic came up well over a year ago and was started by A Necro. He had the same complaints. I suggested he just change his tactics and refrain from attacking after those conditions loaded. He did that and started killing said thief with relative ease.


I have landed condition bombs on Daredevil staff that then tries to chain evades to get cleanses. Just stop attacking and watch them die. Even if they DO manage to get an evade in their it not like the cleanse guaranteed to remove a damaging condition. They might have to chain several evades in a row as they work their way through cover conditions. The skill is fine.

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> @"Trianox.3486"

> @"babazhook.6805"


I enjoy seeing all these implications on paper, sure we can do that right here.


Put my build Condition Revenant that has absolutely no problem dealing with anything but this particular setup.


If I was to perfectly land the biggest condition skill of 4 stack of torment every 8 seconds and take away all the boons with Banish Enchantment while perfectly kitting all of the Daredevil kit stowed and doing absolutely nothing while he so claims melt, he has withdraw alone to compensate easily for it. Try to do anything with an AoE and it'll be a free evade with whatever it wishes from his weapons to cleanse. Not counting that they can stand still as well as not use any skills to get no harm confusion.


Put a Mesmer build in there, any condition build. There's gonna be opportunities to evade at any given time. Makes it straight counter as if core S/D wasn't enough.


Put Necromancer, any build. Same case, super slow telegraphed attacks that cannot be used for condition burst because of disengaging potential as well as easily pin down Necromancer because it's weak like that.


Put Guardian as burn, they've already lost, easily.


Not bothered to imagine Warrior even though if they could land a good amount of Bleed, it's unlikely.


Same for Ranger, nothing spectacular given it's trap based and give easy evades.


Engineer would have somewhat of a chance given his damage not purely Torment based, but it's gonna be extremely dependant of Blowtorch.


And Thief, the best of chance because most actions are nearly instant and barely delayed at all, Poison is and will be the worst Condition because of it's specific effect and requirement to be cleansed.


That being said, if one can perfectly land every CC and under every possible circumstance make every single utility work right after one another, given that no evade frame was ever triggered from the weapons or utilities with just Sword 2 being the main mitigation of condition which is already super strong for disengaging and just standing still with the conditions being likely Torment or Confusion. The situation being as unlikely as it is, makes any good Daredevil pretty much immune to anything that's condition based given that it would take at least 3 perfect CC lock with 3 major condition burst to do anything significant due to that single trait alone because the level of avoidance is extremely high and even worst if boons removal isn't an option.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Trianox.3486"

> > @"babazhook.6805"


> I enjoy seeing all these implications on paper, sure we can do that right here.


> Put my build Condition Revenant that has absolutely no problem dealing with anything but this particular setup.


> If I was to perfectly land the biggest condition skill of 4 stack of torment every 8 seconds and take away all the boons with Banish Enchantment while perfectly kitting all of the Daredevil kit stowed and doing absolutely nothing while he so claims melt, he has withdraw alone to compensate easily for it. Try to do anything with an AoE and it'll be a free evade with whatever it wishes from his weapons to cleanse. Not counting that they can stand still as well as not use any skills to get no harm confusion.


> Put a Mesmer build in there, any condition build. There's gonna be opportunities to evade at any given time. Makes it straight counter as if core S/D wasn't enough.


> Put Necromancer, any build. Same case, super slow telegraphed attacks that cannot be used for condition burst because of disengaging potential as well as easily pin down Necromancer because it's weak like that.


> Put Guardian as burn, they've already lost, easily.


> Not bothered to imagine Warrior even though if they could land a good amount of Bleed, it's unlikely.


> Same for Ranger, nothing spectacular given it's trap based and give easy evades.


> Engineer would have somewhat of a chance given his damage not purely Torment based, but it's gonna be extremely dependant of Blowtorch.


> And Thief, the best of chance because most actions are nearly instant and barely delayed at all, Poison is and will be the worst Condition because of it's specific effect and requirement to be cleansed.


> That being said, if one can perfectly land every CC and under every possible circumstance make every single utility work right after one another, given that no evade frame was ever triggered from the weapons or utilities with just Sword 2 being the main mitigation of condition which is already super strong for disengaging and just standing still with the conditions being likely Torment or Confusion. The situation being as unlikely as it is, makes any good Daredevil pretty much immune to anything that's condition based given that it would take at least 3 perfect CC lock with 3 major condition burst to do anything significant due to that single trait alone because the level of avoidance is extremely high and even worst if boons removal isn't an option.


Oh you are overstating the case. Daredevil thief wins every match against Condition because he can cleanse on a successful evade|? Do you play the same game?


Evade does not cleanse all conditions. It cleans ONE on a successful evade. If you rely on only one condition in a condition build then you are not a condition build.

Virtually all the classes you list outside Burn Guardian have multiple conditions. A SUCCESSFUL evade does not remove all conditions. It is LIFO meaning it just as likely to remove a cripple as a torment.


You then throw in Sword 2. Sword 2 has nothing to do with EA. It a totally separate skill available only to thieves that use sword. There a number of classes that have multiple condition removal and there are Builds more immune to Condition damage then a daredevil thief using EA.


My warrior is more immune to condition damage then any daredevil thief I have seen. He just has to use a shout and removes conditions. No need to evade at all and he has more shouts then a thief has evades. A thief using trickster and loading up scorpion wire will be better at removing conditions then a thief using EA.

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@"Shao.7236" really, if DrD is the only build that can survive your renegade condi as you claim... Then it's actually a VERY good news. It means there are counters to your build, and there should always be counters to every single build.


As a DrD I sometimes run into opponents that I can't get to scratch. But I know other classes/builds can. I'm fine with that.


When however something is a universal pain, to every single build, then it should not exist, or there should be builds, at least one, that will be a hard counter.

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Honorable mention of Sword 2, not "just" Sword 2.


I was overstating a perfect scenario where a perfect DD and all it's utility against any perfect match up and theirs would regardless have the biggest advantage against any of those professions because the synergy of the trait is strong enough that 1 second is overkill. 3 seconds keeps the DD from being careless and unstoppable in people that actually plays it right which adds value to the dodges that are already abundant to prevent condition pressure in the first place so that people who have "back off skills" as AoE which are meant to keep pressure away actually does instead of just cleansing someone because they can spam avoidance and with the same avoidance


Traiting for Tricks would be that 3 utilities have the potential to remove 1 guaranteed condition with the trait itself, which is a ton given that weapons have evades, Daredevil has 3 evades with the likely Acrobatic Vigor with Sword Traits and the utilities being Withdraw, Roll For Initiative and Daggerstorm include just as many.


Finally most profession do not have one single hit condition burst, it's all multi-hit which adds to the unfair aspect of asking someone to just lay any condition and wait it out, just like it happened everytime against an actual good Daredevil, they can easily shrug it off. Not everyone is a condition thief with instant casting skills.


You're asking every professions to deal every hits they have on someone that has 12 evades on demand, actually forced to CC every time perfectly a player with my telegraphed 8 seconds cooldown skill to land a one hit condition that only removes half of health over 12 seconds "if moving".


That most people think any good Daredevil would fall for the same trick over and over, with again 12 evades on demand.



Core/Herald/Renegade, I play them all. This encounter was on my Core Mallyx/Dwarf against Daredevil S/D, fair fight as I am far from immortal on any Revenant build, it takes a lot of effort to not die against anything.


I avoided using any significant boons to be stealed or Upkeep AoE so that there's no evade. Precise auto attack for torment, CC and Mace 3 on opportunities with the occasionally Axe 4 legend swap for extra conditions or Axe 5 for long conditions given the timing could also apply confusion which was mostly when things got bad for it. Always went like this and the results were a boring either stale fight that couldn't end because the process takes too long and CD's are recovered or shadowstep/shortbow disengage to passively return with Sword 2.


There was just no way to punish or condi bomb because if I ever did, it would only make it easy for them to avoid and pressure me as a Revenant wasting energy. The window of Call to Anguish is extremely low and Forced Engagement was the only way to make sure I could get more than 2 hits with the expertise increase taunt to 3 seconds.


My reasoning, there's already plenty evades to avoid condition, if each consecutive evade can cleanse whether defensive or offensive.. There's not a lot any condition builds can do if they don't have any instant cast skills to catch off guard, the rest is always perfectly timed after evade.


If it's not 3 seconds, make it 2. Just the consecutive latter is too precise and tedious, it never ends because either parties can go all out and end up with nothing done in the end.. Mostly nothing, Daredevil is likely to have something for itself to work with, not so much for the other. Magic of Initiative.


Dare I even have the chance to set my condi bomb on a slippery theif I just CC perfectly for the 3rd time without fearing that my attack is quickly wasted again and again.

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Well I face these thieves as well using a condition build and have no issues killing them. EA is not a great condition cleanse. There are other classes that pose a greater challenge when it comes to the ability to shrug off conditions.


I suggest you roll up a thief and use those "12 evades to remove conditions". You will find that a fraction of those evades actually result in condition removal and these very often just removing a cover condition. The bulk of removal will come from other sources which I have mentioned and the more efficient removal comes from the tools in the thief kit that removal damaging conditions directly.



This is L2p.

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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> Well I face these thieves as well using a condition build and have no issues killing them. EA is not a great condition cleanse. There are other classes that pose a greater challenge when it comes to the ability to shrug off conditions.


> I suggest you roll up a thief and use those "12 evades to remove conditions". You will find that a fraction of those evades actually result in condition removal and these very often just removing a cover condition. The bulk of removal will come from other sources which I have mentioned and the more efficient removal comes from the tools in the thief kit that removal damaging conditions directly.



> This is L2p.


Yeah, L2P on the Daredevils that you're fighting in WvW probably. Ignore completely all the facts mentioned which in a perfect world would still be a loss.


Whether I land perfectly everything without proccing a single evade is still a loss. Good on me.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > Well I face these thieves as well using a condition build and have no issues killing them. EA is not a great condition cleanse. There are other classes that pose a greater challenge when it comes to the ability to shrug off conditions.

> >

> > I suggest you roll up a thief and use those "12 evades to remove conditions". You will find that a fraction of those evades actually result in condition removal and these very often just removing a cover condition. The bulk of removal will come from other sources which I have mentioned and the more efficient removal comes from the tools in the thief kit that removal damaging conditions directly.

> >

> >

> > This is L2p.


> Yeah, L2P on the Daredevils that you're fighting in WvW probably. Ignore completely all the facts mentioned which in a perfect world would still be a loss.


> Whether I land perfectly everything without proccing a single evade is still a loss. Good on me.


You do not have to "land it perfectly" at the end of every evade frame the person evading is vulnerable and that's when you attack. People that just spam attacks as quick as they can will generate more evades.


This why it can often be harder to apply conditions when you are fighting in a group against an EA specced Daredevil. You have no control over what the others do so when you do get those condition stacks on , the rest of your group mindlessly attacking will help him cleanse.


I have used this in a thief spec and it not as you suggest. Out of those "12 evades" you claim the thief you are doing well to get cleanses on 4 and those 4 are as likley to remove a cripple as a burn.


If the skill was OP as you suggest , I would not worry about the skill level or build of the person I face. I can come up against any number of Condition specs of the same class or of a different class and the effectiveness of EA as a cleanse is tied directly to that players skill level or build and not to the trait itself. Most thieves that spec this trait know it a supplementary cleanse.

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No, cooldown is fine.


You have to actually evade an attack, it's not just on dodge press.


If the thief is getting some benefit while in the ever crapping aoe, then it is fully working as intended.


They redesigned this so thief could have some better sustain.


Not everyone has to be melted by your random are condi spam.


Better yet, go play thief.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> No, cooldown is fine.


> You have to actually evade an attack, it's not just on dodge press.



Well, there is a 1 sec ICD, but yes, I agree with what you said.


I'll further add:

In AoE large fights, EA assists sustaining a thief that would otherwise melt very fast. In a very large scale fight, EA isn't enough as the diversity and intensity of condi is can be way too high, and as you move a lot as a thief, you might miss a lot of the group cleanses if you do not pay attention. So EA is very well balanced at the moment.


As for Shao: man, again, this is normal to be countered by certain classes/builds. And you can also reflect on the fact that skills such as Call to Anguish might do we'll in certain circumstances and do poorly in order. This is why you have acess to swap legends/utilities and weapons. :-X

But renegade should not suffer too much in the hand of a DrD, that being said... Try to play with your build a bit.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> The key thing to remember that they only cleanse a condi on a _successful_ evade, so they actually have to dodge something not just spam evade skills. If you condi bomb them and then stow your weapons they'll be forced to use cooldowns to cleanse, which will put much more pressure on them in a fight.



^This. You just need to be smart in running your condition build. If you know they are cleansing on evade, don't give them anything to evade from.


No need to change the trait, this is a L2P issue.



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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> Is this wvw?


I'm assuming so. I doubt the trait is much of a problem in PvP. Honestly it's not much of a problem in WvW either, it's pretty strong when combined with antitoxin runes vs people who spam skills but honestly if you're doing that you're sacrificing something else like poison duration or a power rune to do it, which seems fair.


> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > Well I face these thieves as well using a condition build and have no issues killing them. EA is not a great condition cleanse. There are other classes that pose a greater challenge when it comes to the ability to shrug off conditions.

> >

> > I suggest you roll up a thief and use those "12 evades to remove conditions". You will find that a fraction of those evades actually result in condition removal and these very often just removing a cover condition. The bulk of removal will come from other sources which I have mentioned and the more efficient removal comes from the tools in the thief kit that removal damaging conditions directly.

> >

> >

> > This is L2p.


> Yeah, L2P on the Daredevils that you're fighting in WvW probably. Ignore completely all the facts mentioned which in a perfect world would still be a loss.


> Whether I land perfectly everything without proccing a single evade is still a loss. Good on me.


Out of interest OP, are you playing shiro on your condi rev? One of the best ways to land condi a daredevil is to use ports and instant cast skills like weapon swap to target their vulnerable frames (like the end of dodges). If you set up your sigils and skills properly you can get a reasonable condi bomb without burning your main cooldowns, which can very much help you to force their cleanses early and tip the fight your way.


Rev can get 4 on swap sigils to proc every 10 seconds (by swapping legend to proc the current set, then swapping weapon to proc the next, just make sure to delay the key presses slightly to get both sets proccing). I don't know what sigils you run currently, but I'm assuming you're running something like grieving gear with tormenting runes so with roiling mists added you should have a decent amount of crit chance. I'd consider equipping a combo like doom, geomancy, torment and blight, which would give you 5 poison, 3 bleed, and 2 torment stacks, not massive durations but enough to chunk the thief and force something like signet of agility. Using shiro to port into the daredevil as they finish an evade, legend swapping then weapon swapping to proc all these sigils and then immediately following with staff 5 or sword 4 will give you a fast spike that has a pretty good shot at landing if you time it well. You can do the same thing when they daze you with steal, you can weapon swap at any time and legend swap is a stunbreak, so take advantage of the fact that most thieves don't dodge when they're bursting to land the swap sigils and follow with a hard CC. Other than that, try to avoid using AoE's as they are easy to trigger the cleanse off of EA, instead use single target skills if possible.

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Escapists Fortitude is annoying but I can suggest a few ways to deal with it.


1) Daredevil doesn’t have infinite evades. You can wear them down effectively by reapplication.


2) After you fight them for a while you will be able to force a few cleanses. Load them up at this point and stop attacking. EF won’t trigger and you can chunk their HP.


3) Rinse and repeat.

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You can't Quickness Mace 3 which is the only big hitter, Mace 2 is a free AoE to dodge in even though it's a big hitter so not worth it. Off-Hand Sword Conditions were removed because people were complaining for whatever reason, killing another hybrid potential. Torment from Chill is additional pressure but not significant compared the burst which is EASY to dodge because like all condition builds, it relies on Multi-hits as well as AoE.


Staff is a sustain weapon with little as Torment on crits or Poison on Sigil of Doom. Weakness from everything else which is easy to read.


Daredevil can harass as much as it wants while there's a 8 seconds to 15 seconds gap waiting in between skills that can do anything worthwhile to them in ANY form of condition build for Revenant AND other mentioned profession builds aside Thief suffer from even worst cases where it's all AoE based or have no way to stow what's already done. Autoattacking holds nothing worth the risk of a random evade and the massive damage from Staff or S/D in close as well as evades from the weapons themselves.


It's surprising that many people keep repeating what I've already said I know and do like it's actual L2P issues whereas the events and chances of it happening be on paper or in practice are incredibly difficult to the point where the other player has to actually be that bad for it to die. I'm not here throwing assumptions at what people can and can't do, because I'd be fairly certain nobody plays Condition Revenant competitively high in the LB's here, I'm not stupid, just FYI.


I also play Thief in all sort of ways, I know how it's like that's how I can establish the fact here this Trait with the avoidance is overtuned because it allows careless plays and make everything that's not instant cast like Thief steal worth a damn trying to fight, one good Power Daredevil will be impossible to kill because while they pressure you they have all the means to ignore any sort of pressure because of how Condition builds work + they have the best disengaging potential.


If one is gonna avoid the damage evading so often, it might as well not just beneficial everytime so that people trying to just push back get an actual chance of fighting back, note that detail, people TRYING to just push back, not do damage.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> Daredevil can harass as much as it wants while there's a 8 seconds to 15 seconds gap waiting in between skills that can do anything worthwhile to them in ANY form of condition build for Revenant AND other mentioned profession builds aside Thief suffer from even worst cases where it's all AoE based or have no way to stow what's already done. Autoattacking holds nothing worth the risk of a random evade and the massive damage from Staff or S/D in close as well as evades from the weapons themselves.



That is by design and that is what Thief in any Elite Spec suppose to do. You just happen to be using an inferior build that's played inefficiently that is easily taken apart by a Daredevil. I too have a Revenant and I've dabbled in making condition build works, but that's like cutting my legs off -- Revenant is not applying enough variety of conditions to make it work. A single cleanse can shut down your damage output because if it's not bleeding, it's torment -- that's it. The burning (elite skill only) and poison (10s ICD) are both restricted, they're not even worth taking.


Wooden Potato made a Renegade power build that I started using with some tweaks. It is more effective in dealing damage than trying to make condition work -- it's just not gonna happen with the Revenant.


You need to rethink your strategy. Just because Revenant can deal condition damage it doesn't necessarily mean they can run a full condition build. Your experience is already a proof that Revenant needs improvement in the condition damage department. The Revenant's dysfunction is not the Thief's problem.


You can't fix Revenant's flat tire by poking holes in the Thief's tires. Learn to change tires.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> @"Jugglemonkey.8741"

> You can't Quickness Mace 3 which is the only big hitter, Mace 2 is a free AoE to dodge in even though it's a big hitter so not worth it. Off-Hand Sword Conditions were removed because people were complaining for whatever reason, killing another hybrid potential. Torment from Chill is additional pressure but not significant compared the burst which is EASY to dodge because like all condition builds, it relies on Multi-hits as well as AoE.


> Staff is a sustain weapon with little as Torment on crits or Poison on Sigil of Doom. Weakness from everything else which is easy to read.


> Daredevil can harass as much as it wants while there's a 8 seconds to 15 seconds gap waiting in between skills that can do anything worthwhile to them in ANY form of condition build for Revenant AND other mentioned profession builds aside Thief suffer from even worst cases where it's all AoE based or have no way to stow what's already done. Autoattacking holds nothing worth the risk of a random evade and the massive damage from Staff or S/D in close as well as evades from the weapons themselves.


> It's surprising that many people keep repeating what I've already said I know and do like it's actual L2P issues whereas the events and chances of it happening be on paper or in practice are incredibly difficult to the point where the other player has to actually be that bad for it to die. I'm not here throwing assumptions at what people can and can't do, because I'd be fairly certain nobody plays Condition Revenant competitively high in the LB's here, I'm not stupid, just FYI.


> I also play Thief in all sort of ways, I know how it's like that's how I can establish the fact here this Trait with the avoidance is overtuned because it allows careless plays and make everything that's not instant cast like Thief steal worth a kitten trying to fight, one good Power Daredevil will be impossible to kill because while they pressure you they have all the means to ignore any sort of pressure because of how Condition builds work + they have the best disengaging potential.


> If one is gonna avoid the damage evading so often, it might as well not just beneficial everytime so that people trying to just push back get an actual chance of fighting back, note that detail, people TRYING to just push back, not do damage.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're stupid at all. I just didn't recognise your name from the thief forums so it's generally better in that case to risk patronising you in order to be clear about what I mean, no offence intended or implied :)


Ok, so lets look at cleansing on a staff thief then. For the sake of consistancy, I'm considering an acro staff daredevil using withdraw, roll for initiative and daggerstorm, and I'm considering all cooldowns as they stand in PvP. Pain response fully cleanses all damaging condis when hit under 75% health on a 40s cooldown. That plus withdraw removing torment three times a minute, shadowstep removing 3 condis on return once every 50s and signet of agility removing 3 every 30s would mean they are able to cleanse an average of 20.4 condis per minute even without EA. Only withdraw is torment specific, the others are any condi, so even without that you're looking at a full cleanse every 20 seconds give or take. which for a highly evasive +1 class (which shouldn't be fighting you toe to toe to start with) means they'd likely still have enough cleanses to wall your build if played correctly with a spike and retreat playstyle.


So lets look at EA specifically. It allows you to cleanse 1 condi per second, as long as you evade an attack. This sounds good on paper but bear in mind that the cooldown limits the number of condis cleansed to 1 per evade, so how many evades a thief has is now relevant. The average ini cost of a staff evade is 4.5 ini (4 on debilitating arc and 5 on vault) so if we assume swipe (for kleptomaniac), upper hand and roll for initiative are always used/procced as soon as they come off cooldown and that slight of hand is used to give swipe a CD of 16.75 seconds, this means the thief gets 28.16 ini per minute from these sources plus the 60 ini regenerated naturally, giving 88.16 ini per minute. This at 4.5 ini per evade means you'd get 19.59 evades per minute if all you did was spam debilitating arc and vault. Roll for ini, withdraw and daggerstorm combined give you 5.5 evades a minute on average, bringing that total to 25.09 evades per minute.


This means EA would cleanse 25 condis per minute if you did nothing but spam evades in AoE's. That sounds good compared to the 20 condis cleansed per minute from the other sources examined earlier as that brings your cleanses to a potential 45 per minute. This looks strong on paper, but this is working under the assumption that every possible dodge available to the daredevil is successfully evading an attack. So let's work out how many cleanses you'd have if the enemy only attacks in moments you can't dodge to land condis and then stows their weapons while they tick. This means you'd get no benefit from pain response (7.5 condis cleansed per minute) or EA (25 condis cleansed per minute), bringing your total condis cleansed per minute down to just 12.5 condis per minute, 3.3 of which is from withdraw, and the other two cleanses have 30s and 50s cooldowns respectively.


So, lets look at a fight between a condi rev and a daredevil. If you have an 8-15 second gap between skills that can do something worthwhile, that means you can apply 4-7.5 meaningful attacks per minute, so averaging that at 6 attacks per minute for simplicity's sake gives you a meaningful attack every 10 seconds if I take you at your word. I'm assuming you are talking about weapon skills and traits here, so if you took my earlier suggestion of using on swap condi sigils to force cleanses, that would give you an additional 6 instant cast condi applications per minute from weapon swap for a total of 12 meaningful attacks per minute, or one every 6 seconds. In the same period, the daredevil can use withdraw three times, signet of agility twice and shadowstep once, for a total of 12.9 condis cleansed over 6 skills, 3 of which will only remove torment. This means that if you can survive the daredevil's attacks for long enough, he will be unable to sustain against your condis assuming you land your key skills and don't attack needlessly. Of course, what you said about AoE's is very relevant, and it may be the case that condi rev in particular is hard countered because of it's design, but I stand by my point that EA in and of itself is not OP.


TLDR; The cleanses from EA are most significant in group fights with lots of AoE's to dodge through, and when people attack mindlessly. If you avoid attacking into evades in a 1v1 and focus only on skills that are easy to land in the space between evades, you ought to be able to outpace the daredevil's condi cleanse by a pretty significant margin. If you happen to run a build that only uses AoE's, that's when you're going to struggle.


Edit; Say for instance we changed the purpose of EA completely, and made it cleanse 3 condis on a successful evade on a 10s cooldown. This would mean the skill would cleanse 18 condis per minute which is comparable to the 19 condis per minute we worked out that you'd cleanse if you spammed dodges with the current EA, but it would mean I wouldn't have to spam nearly as many evades to get that cleanse reliably (I'd only need 6 successful evades instead of 19), and it would actually drastically increase my chances of hard countering you as each of those 6 cleanses is now more likely to get your damaging condis instead of just the weakness, chill etc. So if you're looking simply to change the cooldowns without outright nerfing the skill into the floor, it would arguably work out in an even worse matchup for you than what you have with the current iteration of the trait. Is that really what you want?

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