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Spoiler: Whisper in the dark: Final Cinematic.


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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> I think my long speculated theory is going to become true this Season!


> We go BEYOND! The way the cinematic starts with the shot at the starry, astralaria-like thing above us, as if hinting that the true problems lie not on Tyria, but somewhere else.




I don’t quite agree...buuut I certainly lean more towards something more than being just another ED.



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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Thank you for providing this, was wanting to watch it again.


> And gods do I love that creepy attempted smile after "I want to help her". Hard to make a corpse smile when its muscles prefer to droop, eh, Jormag?


The corpse emoting was spectacularly well done. Very unnerving

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > I think my long speculated theory is going to become true this Season!

> >

> > We go BEYOND! The way the cinematic starts with the shot at the starry, astralaria-like thing above us, as if hinting that the true problems lie not on Tyria, but somewhere else.

> >

> >


> I don’t quite agree...buuut I certainly lean more towards something more than being just another ED.




If the gods are beings from the mists and aren't really on the same level as Elder Dragons, I'm not really sure what could be out there that could be threatening to something like Aurene though. Or, if it is strong enough that Aurene would truly need help from Jormag, I'm not really sure what we would even be able to do to help. Besides, we had a cosmos eating elder dragon last season, so I doubt it will be anything more menacing than that.


I'm really just suspecting deep sea dragon. The theme of ice fortifying, this Lovecrafian theme or whatever. The bit in the cinematic with the sinking ships.


I think since we're in the area though tying in the dwarven fractal they added recently with the cryptic spider and being that possesses people could be interesting. We haven't really seen any ancient evils other than elder dragons thus far. Might be cool to see some entities similar to evil versions of the celestials/spirits of the wild.


Still really curious as to what the point of all of these new classifications are, like "fallen" and what not. I mean, outside of them solely existing to justify the mastery, do they have any other meaning? Thus far we really only knew about icebrood, but are these other things other forms of corruption or evil that's taken root? Something not even related to the elder dragons?

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I'm not seeing the DSD connection or why it should be the one Dragon that would finally mean the Dragons are forming sides against each other.


I get there was Krait and an underwater scene in the trailer, but big glacial lakes are a part of the Shiverpeaks. Drakkar itself slept under one and more were created with Jormags rising. I saw no more evidence that this was one of those.


My idle speculation is that a new World Order is forming. Civilisation is realising the Dragons are increasingly less of a threat as they no longer a force of nature, but a dwindling super power that has lost half its number already. As war looms or factions via to step up and start to make moves on other races, Jormag is luring people in to think they still need the Dragons to keep control. Perhaps Aurene will see that much of Tyria may not appreciate her , perhaps reject her and become jaded against the World she strives to protect.


Or perhaps the change in balance with the All will cause further unexpected consequences and many come to realise the Dragons are more necessary than they ever wanted to believe.


Whatever the missing piece is, I am not yet ready to be convinced it is simply another Dragon



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"Nothing terrifies an Elder Dragon, not even Death."

In this video Jormag speaks only about Kralkatorrik, but why She didn't speak about Mordremoth or Zhaitan? We defeated them too. Maybe because Kralkatorrik became the strongest elder dragon after absorbing Balthazar?

Anyway, probably we don't have to believe Jormag words because this is one of her abilities: The Persuasion. She knows what to say for create doubts.

The peace She was talking about it's all Tyria submitted to her, not the peace we want.

Terrible lurks over the horizon? Unless Jormag is also able to predict the future probably She was talking about Primordus, a face to face against him maybe we'll end with the Death of both dragons and she's searching allies to prevent it. But there is a possibility that it refers to something else, not a dragon. I'm still thinking (from Kralkatorrik defeat) that something corrupted Elder Dragons, something that wants the destruction of Tyria, that's why all Elder Dragons are so hostile against all liviling things. Why they have so much hatred? At the start maybe They were only like wild creatures, Dangerous and territorial, not like now ofc. Maybe the magic itself?

Does absorbing too much magic lead to madness? Or there is one kind of dark magic that Elder Dragons ate

unawares? Or… there is a Dark entity capable to corrupt them all?

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > I think my long speculated theory is going to become true this Season!

> > >

> > > We go BEYOND! The way the cinematic starts with the shot at the starry, astralaria-like thing above us, as if hinting that the true problems lie not on Tyria, but somewhere else.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I don’t quite agree...buuut I certainly lean more towards something more than being just another ED.

> >

> >


> If the gods are beings from the mists and aren't really on the same level as Elder Dragons, I'm not really sure what could be out there that could be threatening to something like Aurene though. Or, if it is strong enough that Aurene would truly need help from Jormag, I'm not really sure what we would even be able to do to help. Besides, we had a cosmos eating elder dragon last season, so I doubt it will be anything more menacing than that.


> I'm really just suspecting deep sea dragon. The theme of ice fortifying, this Lovecrafian theme or whatever. The bit in the cinematic with the sinking ships.


> I think since we're in the area though tying in the dwarven fractal they added recently with the cryptic spider and being that possesses people could be interesting. We haven't really seen any ancient evils other than elder dragons thus far. Might be cool to see some entities similar to evil versions of the celestials/spirits of the wild.


> Still really curious as to what the point of all of these new classifications are, like "fallen" and what not. I mean, outside of them solely existing to justify the mastery, do they have any other meaning? Thus far we really only knew about icebrood, but are these other things other forms of corruption or evil that's taken root? Something not even related to the elder dragons?


The Gods are on the same level as the Elder Dragons.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> I think my long speculated theory is going to become true this Season!


> We go BEYOND! The way the cinematic starts with the shot at the starry, astralaria-like thing above us, as if hinting that the true problems lie not on Tyria, but somewhere else.




I think that you're right. There have been a few hints strewn through the game that support the idea that our current problems aren't isolated to Tyria.

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> @"AntoSparrow.4065" said:

> "Nothing terrifies an Elder Dragon, not even Death."

> In this video Jormag speaks only about Kralkatorrik, but why She didn't speak about Mordremoth or Zhaitan? We defeated them too. Maybe because Kralkatorrik became the strongest elder dragon after absorbing Balthazar?


Because Kralkatorrik is much more recent in everybody's minds. We didn't fear Mordremoth or Zhaitan the same way we were scared of Kralkatorrik, as the stakes were higher and we understood the danger of the elder dragon rampaging, and the danger of killing him.


If Jormag was to wake back up, we don't have a replacement for the ice dragon.



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> @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > @"AntoSparrow.4065" said:

> > "Nothing terrifies an Elder Dragon, not even Death."

> > In this video Jormag speaks only about Kralkatorrik, but why She didn't speak about Mordremoth or Zhaitan? We defeated them too. Maybe because Kralkatorrik became the strongest elder dragon after absorbing Balthazar?


> Because Kralkatorrik is much more recent in everybody's minds. We didn't fear Mordremoth or Zhaitan the same way we were scared of Kralkatorrik, as the stakes were higher and we understood the danger of the elder dragon rampaging, and the danger of killing him.


> If Jormag was to wake back up, we don't have a replacement for the ice dragon.




I think it's partly that, and also partly that... well, Zhaitan clipped the airship we were flying on. Mordremoth, our Commander may have only faced as a tubby dinosaur in a dreamscape. But Kralkatorrik? We stared down his gullet at point-blank range, helpless, and should have died if it weren't for the seeming sacrifice of someone our Commander is supposed to be emotionally bonded to. It was a much more viscerally close call than the other two presented, so especially for non-sylvari characters, I'm not surprised to see Jormag suggest that that's the one stuck in the Commander's mind.

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What IF, the "Mother" Kralkatorrik said about its the "Steve"? Deep SEA Dragon...As we know, water represent the element of life (metaphorically speaking). Maybe DSD its the creator of all EDs, since her domain will be the biggest of all (The Unending Ocean). I mean even the devs told us that, Kralkatorrik's last word was not something random like "LuL iz ded". And let's not forget, that Kralkatorrik crashed in the ocean (along side with all those inslands brought from Domains of the Gods). Just my opinion.

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> @"SidewayS.3789" said:

> What IF, the "Mother" Kralkatorrik said about its the "Steve"? Deep SEA Dragon...As we know, water represent the element of life (metaphorically speaking). Maybe DSD its the creator of all EDs, since her domain will be the biggest of all (The Unending Ocean). I mean even the devs told us that, Kralkatorrik's last word was not something random like "LuL iz ded". And let's not forget, that Kralkatorrik crashed in the ocean (along side with all those inslands brought from Domains of the Gods). Just my opinion.

I'm not so sure it's DSD. If we look at The All, the 6 ED keep the balance of Tyria in place. The questions then change...if this "Mother" is who created the ED, does that then mean that said "Mother" is the creator of Tyria itself since the ED are needed to keep Tyria alive? Is said "Mother" a giant ED? Where is said "Mother", in the Mists or elsewhere? Could said "Mother" be...the very Tyria we explore itself?

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Does using the dead as puppets represent a general ability for Jormag? Or perhaps it is only possible because the puppet is exceptionally corrupted by Jormag.


I don't think the new threat is the DSD. Jormag's language alludes to larger scale change, something new that we wouldn't expect or know about. Combined with Aurene's last scene in PoF where she flaps her wings, blows away fog revealing a star and galaxy filled sky and tells us she will show us 'all'; and I think the new threat emerges from a deeper level of cosmology or magi-physics. I am still leaning towards the All as the emergent gestalt state of magic and will that every planet represents. The All has been wounded and will convulse into a different configuration. The studio may personify the All to accomplish this. Jormag is going to offer to protect Tyrians as the All reconfigures but will eventually try to dominate the new configuration. This could lead to Aurene becoming the dominant or sole sphere or, hopefully, a configuration that includes all or most Tyrians.

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> @"Psientist.6437" said:

> Does using the dead as puppets represent a general ability for Jormag? Or perhaps it is only possible because the puppet is exceptionally corrupted by Jormag.


> I don't think the new threat is the DSD. Jormag's language alludes to larger scale change, something new that we wouldn't expect or know about. Combined with Aurene's last scene in PoF where she flaps her wings, blows away fog revealing a star and galaxy filled sky and tells us she will show us 'all'; and I think the new threat emerges from a deeper level of cosmology or magi-physics. I am still leaning towards the All as the emergent gestalt state of magic and will that every planet represents. The All has been wounded and will convulse into a different configuration. The studio may personify the All to accomplish this. Jormag is going to offer to protect Tyrians as the All reconfigures but will eventually try to dominate the new configuration. This could lead to Aurene becoming the dominant or sole sphere or, hopefully, a configuration that includes all or most Tyrians.


I'm pretty sure one of the Champs is one of those death branded style icebrood, so I'm guessing Jormag still has some of Zhaitan's powers which might explain the puppetry over the dead.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > I think my long speculated theory is going to become true this Season!

> >

> > We go BEYOND! The way the cinematic starts with the shot at the starry, astralaria-like thing above us, as if hinting that the true problems lie not on Tyria, but somewhere else.

> >

> >


> I don’t quite agree...buuut I certainly lean more towards something more than being just another ED.




Jormag says: Terrible things lurk just beyond the horizon.


I guess I put too much weight to "beyond", but well, there is definetely something bad coming.

And the way Jormag speaks about Aurene, it sounds like Aurene leads some conversations with the Elder Dragons, maybe sending a warning to the Dragons themselves.


"All this war. All this pain... Aurene wants to end this [...] I want to help her"


I feel like the commander saying: "right" in the end was because the commander wants to contact with Aurene first to make sure Jormag is not playing with us. (Jormag obviously is playing with us, but maybe to really stand with us against beings that "lurk beyond the horizon")

I think it's obvious we won't have anything about fighting Elder Dragons in the nearest future, I think it's safe to assume, we will go full Lovecraftian - cosmos full of chaotic, strange beings. Story similar to the vibe of Old Gods in WoW.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > Jormag trying to figure out how to make a smile is executed so perfectly

> > Wait hold on... i think no.. .is this a smile wait.. there we go :#


> i wonder how the graphic designer was thinking at moment "holy god how to make a smile that seems a creepy smile?".


To me, it feels like they might have used someone who had a stroke and couldn't control their muscles as reference. That seems to be how it is - Jormag can't quite control the muscles until the end.


> @"RyuDragnier.9476" said:

> > @"SidewayS.3789" said:

> > What IF, the "Mother" Kralkatorrik said about its the "Steve"? Deep SEA Dragon...As we know, water represent the element of life (metaphorically speaking). Maybe DSD its the creator of all EDs, since her domain will be the biggest of all (The Unending Ocean). I mean even the devs told us that, Kralkatorrik's last word was not something random like "LuL iz ded". And let's not forget, that Kralkatorrik crashed in the ocean (along side with all those inslands brought from Domains of the Gods). Just my opinion.

> I'm not so sure it's DSD. If we look at The All, the 6 ED keep the balance of Tyria in place. The questions then change...if this "Mother" is who created the ED, does that then mean that said "Mother" is the creator of Tyria itself since the ED are needed to keep Tyria alive? Is said "Mother" a giant ED? Where is said "Mother", in the Mists or elsewhere? Could said "Mother" be...the very Tyria we explore itself?


I'm in agreement with "Mother" not being the deep sea dragon. The six Elder Dragons have always been presented as (roughly) equals, with opposites. Jormag and Primordus aren't the only opposites - Zhaitan and Mordremoth are also shown to be opposites in Season 3, which would imply Kralkatorrik and the DSD are opposites as well.


Whatever Kralaktorrik meant by "Mother" is either a) his predecessor and thus never going to be a threat because she's been dead for eons, or b) something greater than Elder Dragons, even the DSD. And option 'a' seems more likely to me.


> @"Psientist.6437" said:

> Does using the dead as puppets represent a general ability for Jormag? Or perhaps it is only possible because the puppet is exceptionally corrupted by Jormag.


My guess is that it's how Jormag mixes Mind and Death magic.


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I'm pretty sure one of the Champs is one of those death branded style icebrood, so I'm guessing Jormag still has some of Zhaitan's powers which might explain the puppetry over the dead.


None of the icebrood in the new map are "death-touched". If you're talking about the Svanir Tyrant, this model is from the core game, before Zhaitan's death. Old icebrood end up having their skin peeled away, resulting in just ice and bones like the Colossus and Tyrant models. The Tyrant model has only been used three times, and the first time was [bjarl the Rampager](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bjarl_the_Rampager) when he loses his frost armor.


Though there are curious Sons of Svanir who become icebrood upon death at the Svanir camps. But they just use normal Goliath models.

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