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What do you miss from GW that you would like to have in GW2?

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As others have said, the ability to dissect a failure and make a build to address it. When GW Beyond came in, I was having a hard time with some of the White Mantle missions, the ones full of res sigs and capable res monks. Very frustrated, and then the "Frozen Soil" light bulb came on. I had not used it outside of Z challenges. End of problems.


There were very few "bad" skills in GW, but a lot that were situational and excellent in one context. I do miss build crafting quite a lot, and building for synergy with hero group. Actual synergy, not a random shot through a combo field you can't see most of the time.

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> @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> > @"Amanda Whitemoon.6173" said:

> > When i was thinking of a story that would have made POF better i came across the minnions of menzies, imagine if in the next s4 and expansion they add enemies with gw1 style skill effects, like

> > Signet of Humility, disables elite skill

> > Diversion, increase recharge of next used skill

> > Energy Surge, draisn endurance (was called energy in begining) and deal damage for endurance lost.

> > Signet of Binding, takes control of enemy summons, like ranger spirits and necro minions.

> > Mark of Pain, when you take damage deal aoe damage around you

> > Cry of Frustration


> A lot of dead player chars with no counters to those skills.


and why would it cause alot of death players?, yes the effects arent really counterable, but most dont deal damage either, and they only aaffect you if you clump up.

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"green items" drop from different boss in maps that are out of the way and not going to affect other players. with the same type of stats that the guild wars ones had

http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Forgotten_Axe http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Axe_of_the_Firstwatch to give a idea of what I am talking about.


http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Signet_of_Capture would be welcomed back too . as well as making skills change out like the guild wars skills was. do not have to change the stats but make it so we can set the skills up how we want to work for us .


Elite skill http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Elite_skill would be nice to have back in the game as well .


a UI that you could move things around on . such as the mini map and daily's and so forth . as well as make it so if you want to you can have every thing gone from the game but your skills .


Missions would be fun to have back as well . with lore and good story lines unlike we have with living story now ..



Inscriptions would also be a nice add as well too . http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Inscription


npc Collectors with a random items from food to weapons to armor http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Collector


http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Boss also bosses unlike the current ones that are in the game . make them so you do not need a lot of people to do it .


that is just some of the stuff I would like to see from guild wars myself


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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> We were talking about it with guildies yesterday and here is our top 5:

> 1. Heroes & Henchies.

> 2. The Menagerie.

> 3. A Guild Hall available to everybody (With GW2 concept, little guilds can't have one. There should be a "poor" version of GH allowed to All).

> 5. Seeing foes as red dots on compass.

> 6. Following professions: Ritualist, Assassin (with the great skill chain concept) and Dervish.


> How is it for you? What do you miss from old times? :)


The Gw1 Guild system its 10 times better with 1 main guild and up to 7 guilds in the alliance.

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> @"Amanda Whitemoon.6173" said:

> > @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> > > @"Amanda Whitemoon.6173" said:

> > > When i was thinking of a story that would have made POF better i came across the minnions of menzies, imagine if in the next s4 and expansion they add enemies with gw1 style skill effects, like

> > > Signet of Humility, disables elite skill

> > > Diversion, increase recharge of next used skill

> > > Energy Surge, draisn endurance (was called energy in begining) and deal damage for endurance lost.

> > > Signet of Binding, takes control of enemy summons, like ranger spirits and necro minions.

> > > Mark of Pain, when you take damage deal aoe damage around you

> > > Cry of Frustration

> >

> > A lot of dead player chars with no counters to those skills.


> and why would it cause alot of death players?, yes the effects arent really counterable, but most dont deal damage either, and they only aaffect you if you clump up.


GW2 stacked zerg and Mark of Pain-Energy Surge combo. Geee, that wouldn't hurt a bit. And with no cast bar no reliable way to see it coming. Unless you intend to introduce these not scaled to a level 80 game.

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Ohhh boy... Saw this at work while at lunch and was compelled to make my own list too! In wishing there was a "Guild Wars 1.5", this is in no particular order; just typing as I think of them.



• Swappable build templates (I know it's been mentioned a ton, but it's being mentioned for a reason!)

• Professions actually having more than one or two builds to use to begin with. I honestly believe that there was no true "best way" for a number of builds in that game just due to sheer options, and even the best builds could have hard counters to them.

• Dual professions.

• About a thousand more skills to choose from, especially as they (most) weren't tied to a specific weapon. The sheer amount of build complexity is what kept me enjoying that game for nearly a decade.

• Elite skills. Good ones.

• Capes.

• Guilds actually having a purpose.

• Dye-able weapons.

• The ability to have every effect work on everything (no such thing as a break bar existed, and stuff like knockdowns, blindness, weakness, cripplied, etc., worked on anything. Even bosses).

• Prince Rurik.

• Morale and Death Penalty.

• Interrupts. Specifically interrupts that had additional consequences attached to it for pulling them off under the ideal circumstances.

• On that subject, the old "dazed" effect. Brutal, that. And, yes, it could be applied to bosses too. Love how there were no limitations on strategic approach!

• Game design where skills used and enemy health bars were pretty congruent with level 20 PvP encounters, such that PvE and PvP didn't feel like an entirely different game. After all, the monsters had (mostly) the same skills you could bring.

• No stealth.

• Less RNG-reliant damage (all non-physical damage did exactly the damage it says it would on the tooltip [after being effected by the targets armor], and in melee, hitting someone who's running from you in the back ALWAYS critically hit).

• There were also a lot of skills, mainly spells, that just outright ignored armor too.

• Damage types that mattered, or in some cases stacked (like Conjure Lightning on a warrior with a lightning damage weapon for instance).

• Smaller health bars across the board against all encounters. No real boss fights that threaten to put you to sleep.

• No such thing as veteran, elite, champion, and legendary mobs. Stabbing something in the face with Deep Wound and a few following powerful attacks would kill it. With the exception of Shiro, most human-looking enemies you couldn't just Eviscerate twenty-something times and only knock off a quarter of its health. I thought GW2 had less magic in it!

• The dead stayed dead. Monsters didn't respawn, unless they specifically had a revive skill to use on others, like Resurrect Gargoyles.

• Due to a combination of a few of the points above, there were plenty more viable support options too. It wasn't just all a DPS and DPS-support fest.

• Diverse skill types in general. (Hexes, enchantments, stances, flash enchantments, weapon skills, bundle skills, conditions, attack skills, "specific weapon" attack skills). When Livia used Fragility in the Living Story and the description showed "Hex," I felt trolled. Hard.

• Having condi be more of a system of degenerating pips instead of acting like an AOE zone you couldn't move out of (and degeneration could not only be countered by removing the conditions or hexes on you, but could also be out-regenerated). Damage over time had a cap as well; that might not sound so great to most of you.

• The ability to select a party member from the party window and use a skill on them instead of trying to have to find them. Very useful for healing, and not having to worry about overhealing and/ or wasting heals.

• Enemy grouping mentality. Monsters tended to attack you in packs, all being tethered to their specific groups. To keep them from being dumb enough to being pulled one at a time and jumped by a party of eight.

• Cantha. Specifically Kaineng City. I feel playing in it while now having access to a z-axis that actually contributes to the gameplay experience would be amazing.

• Level 20. Fortunately trivialized by the sheer amount of tomes and scrolls I have sitting around nowadays, but I've never been a fan of leveling. It just doesn't seem bad the first time you play through because your mind's preoccupied with seeing the world. But in GW2, you're locked out of most decent abilities until about level 70 or so. In GW1, you could go right for the skills you wanted with a fresh character, either by having them already unlocked on your account or by just knowing where to find them. Signet of Capture was a lovely thing.

• Fort Aspenwood.

• Humans and nothing else. I liked how GW1 didn't give in to the "must have multiple races" thing to be successful. Subjectivity at its finest, but unless an MMO provides a completely different play style when choosing different races (and I mean EXTREMELY different), they feel ultimately pointless as an option. Too much work for humans-with-a-different skin. Even their lore is just a mishmash of human history.

• Killroy Stonekin.



• Heroes. If only for the fact that they eventually made PvE exceedingly anti-social.

• Death. Possibly because I've become used to the "downed" implementation, but also there's a lot more one-shotting in GW2 if you build for glass. Though all of the various resurrection skills were nice.

• Prince Rurik's A.I.

• Movement. Compared to GW2, having to stop to use abilities just feels sluggish these days. But it was absolutely fine for its own game.

• Lack of traits. I know GW1 didn't have them, or really have a place for them, but I'm always a fan of things added for a since of variance, and traits is a big part of doing that in GW2. Except of course it could use more of them. Like possibly implemented in the spaces where the unmovable minor traits are.

• The instance system. Love/ hate relationship with it, but at the time, it was a necessary thing to provide more complex explorable zones and having quests in them and the like. Thing is, you had places like Lion's Arch and Kamadan which showed that the game was perfectly capable of allowing more than eight people in them at a time.


Okay, I think I'm done now. :)

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I do not miss heroes and henchmen, they made GW1 a single player game in 50% of scenarios and I'm glad they are gone.


1.Foes as red dots on compass

2.Dervish and scythe as melee weapon

3.Build and gear templates

4.Being able to move skills on the bar

5.Customizable UI


7.Polymock or another collectible pvp mini game

8.Dyeable weapons



10.GvG with public spectators and whats more important, XTH and Zaishen rank emote


11.Way less miniatures so every one of them was recognizable, not 999 humanoids who looks almost the same


12.Titles divided into tiers, so you can show them even if you don't have them maxed

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  • 11 months later...

> @"Dravyn.4671" said:

> > @"Lustre Of Havoc.9173" said:

> > > @Dravyn.4671 said:

> > > I don't remember what it was called, but that Fort that was a pvp area you could queue for that had lots of players on both sides...Man i spent more hours doing that than anything else I think

> >

> > Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry? Those were boring as hell.


> Yea, Fort Aspenwood. I loved that, spent hours upon hours in that place doing pvp.


I had a blast doing those!! Those and random arenas. I don't like PvP much in gw2 but gw did it so right

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My own GW1 characters... I still would like to can play with them in the GW2 engine...


I also like the Dervish, Ritualist, Asassin and Paragon, but I fear that they won't replace my old loved characters from GW1.


I also would like to can see Cantha in the enhaced GW2 visuals. I'm quite happy with Elona's work.


And Fort Aspenwood, that was totally awesome. It was the PVP mode I played the most. (I liked be a Ele/Healer and cause many problems to the Luxons healing the target, so they couldn't kill it, and when we were 2 healers in the group, the battle was won, The two of us just holding up back there XD) (I presume that if Fort Aspenwood return, it will be better balanced, but I enjoyed that a lot).


That reminds me, better healing and support skills. It's nice to can help other players. :)

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> @"PopeUrban.2578" said:

> 1. Wanting skins and actually playing the game to get them in stead of the gem store.

> 2. Interrupt focused builds being useful in stuff other than boss fights.

> 3. Actual penalties for failure (before they added those awful consumable items that "fixed" your morale)

> 4. Not having half my bar dictated by my weapon choice, and in stead getting to choose the skills.

> 5. Actually having energy to manage in stead of cooldowns. Cooldowns tell you what skills to use. Energy let you decide and screw up or be awesome.

> 6. Expansions that actually had endings in stead of advertisements for content I can't play yet. Seriously. The ending of PoF is terrible. The final battle is boring. It's like they skipped the real ending and just went with the first episode of LS4 in stead.


Pof had a start middle and ending idk what u on about.

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I suppose I liked Gw1 mobs and bosses because they used player skills with player skill tells (or skills similar to what the player could use). It made them feel genuine, rather than a reskin of the last boss you killed, and presented a challenge without needing to die just so you can adjust to brand new mechanics.


Signet of capture was also an interesting idea - collecting elite skills was for everyone else like pet-hunting was for rangers. I liked that sort of content.


The Gw1 warthog was so cute. I want it in gw2.


Oh, and the skintight outfits. and hairstyles. FOR THE LOVE OF LYSSA, KORMIR AND DWAYNA, BRING BACK THE HAIRSTYLES.

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> We were talking about it with guildies yesterday and here is our top 5:

> 1. Heroes & Henchies.

Yeah those were great but of course in GW2 we don't have a single companion at all.

> 2. The Menagerie.

I admit not being a great ranger fan in GW but as others mentioned actually capturing your pets was cool too.

> 3. A Guild Hall available to everybody (With GW2 concept, little guilds can't have one. There should be a "poor" version of GH allowed to All).

I miss the Alliance set up where you could join 10 guilds together and visit each other's guild halls. That was awesome. This representing business and being able to join multiple guilds really feels disconnected to me.

> 5. Seeing foes as red dots on compass.

And being able to free draw on there to give instructions to your group.

> 6. Following professions: Ritualist, Assassin (with the great skill chain concept) and Dervish.

I would like to add the Paragon, which I thought was a great support class. The Paragon and Ritualist were definitely my favourite classes. I miss having real class definition.

> How is it for you? What do you miss from old times? :)

I also miss zones like FoW/UW/DoA/Deep/Urgoz. They were a cool set up for endgame instead of just having a raid with some boss fights.


There is much more but it has been described already by others. I did also really enjoy collecting elite armour sets because they were worth getting. The graphics may be inferior to GW2 but the design was much stronger and the maps had more atmosphere. I really really miss that atmosphere in game here.


And well I had something like 20 characters in GW1 and I have 7 in GW2 most of which I don't play or not much. It goes back to the class definition element but also having actual healer classes allowed for more interesting combat encounters. Some may argue they exist in GW2 now and that's true in essence, however, the game hasn't been built around having healers. That was mostly done for that handful of raids and also do not have the versatility that GW1 healers had. That probably also came from having clearer definitions of what everything was. I mean when you did a degeneration build you saw the health bars going down proper and things like CC were much more specific like disrupting abilities. And life steal had a clear reason for being as its damage was lower but bypassed mitigation. This mean that mitigation builds like 55 monks were still vulnerable.


Last thing I want to mention here is the skill bar. We had only 8 skills but we got to choose all 8 of them and they didn't have silly cooldown times that a lot of skills have here requiring you to have a basic auto-attack to fill or having to weapon swap. I really liked to be able to choose weapons that I like and choose my skills separately. I mean for martial classes like the warrior you did have skills that were specific to weapon types like sword or hammer skills but you were still free to choose which ones and where you slotted them. I miss that ability to choose skills and slot them wherever I wanted, so I could create my own logical order and not have skills in my bar that I really never use or only use because they're there.


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1. The feeling of going out into a map. Since it was an individual instance, being out there in the wilderness felt so lonely and forlorn. It felt like, if your party died out in the unforgiving wilderness, no one would come to save you, and no one would find your corpse. It felt like there was nothing but wilderness and danger for miles and miles. That feeling is totally lost in GW2, where players and NPC's are around every corner, and there are waypoints a click away.

2. Cantha, specifically the Kurzick faction

3. Heroes and Henchmen--ESPECIALLY when they let you have one of your other characters as a follower to the one you were playing. I have a set of characters who are sister/brother; and other sets of characters who are friends, and I would love to be able to have them roam together.

4. PvP styles like Jade Quarry and Fort Aspenwood

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