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Resurrection teammate or Capture the point, which one is preferred?


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If you can only choose one, which one should you choose?

I hope that players above ranked1600 will answer. Thank you.


First of all, I put Capture the point first. I used to help my teammates, but helping my teammates won't make me win. Some teammates don't care about Capture the point. The players opposite today told me a few words.

![](https://i.imgur.com/CwLRHuf.jpg "")

I really want to know if it is right or wrong to give up the resurrection teammates to Capture the point.



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Depends if I have a chance capture point first is preferred as you get an immediate advantage.


If for instance, I get into a situation where I know in my instinct alone to cover point because someone is there then saving the person who's sitting on point is prefered to help capture the point

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If your team dies your enemy can outnumber you and kill you easier. This puts you on respawn when your allies are fighting making your allies now outnumbered.


This means your team is kept in a perpetual state of 3v5 which in any match at remotely the skill level you are at is going to be a loss unless you all regroup which rarely happens. You will be snowballed.


Winning fights is more important than capping nodes as you can start a snowball effect on the enemy.


There's a lot of different situations that can happen where this is not the correct course of action but that's where experience comes into practise.

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It really depends on how likely getting the resurrection is.


If going for the resurrection is a waste of time because of a safestomp or worse _dangerous_ because of the cleave, I'd probably resolve to try and get free damage on the enemy rather than try to capture the point or rez. Though I'll probably try to both decap and get free damage in if that's possible.


If the resurrection is something I feel very confident I can get with minimal risk I'll do that instead.


If there is clearly a multitude of enemies snowballing onto a point and obliterating a downed teammate I'll try for a decap but getting to safety is the top priority.

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Situation: me(thief) and team mate near home with enemy thief running around somewhere.

I will most likely make sure that the thief doesn’t decap my node or will cap it even if my team mate is at risk of dying. If my team mate does die then I will most likely risk a decap to go Rez him, Unless we are in crunch time where 1 node is win or lose. Then I’ll be greedy and sit on that 1 node.

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Gonna join in with the depends crowd :P Honestly most times your teammates will just tell you "pls don't res, go!" Most of the time I do not actually try to res. In scenarios where you aren't going to actually res, most of the time you can still use the down to your advantage by *feigning* a res. You should only feign a res if no other option makes sense in the moment (decapping, you have cd's so you need to kite immediately ect.) When you feign a res two things could happen - there will either be a glimmer of light that you'll res your friend OR the enemy is going to hopefully sink a ton of resources into the downed body. You absolutely need to force out these cooldowns from the enemy in most scenarios like this. Your chances of escaping or kiting them become that much greater. A well-timed dodge is usually enough to get out unscathed by the cleave but it takes practice to master.

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reviving allies is priority over anything, unless you stomp an enemy (which will instantly revive ally). Even if you capture the point, if you are outnumbered you cannot hold it.


Only exception, if you cannot Rez the ally due to high damage. It also depends on what class and build you are playing. I do not expect you to Rez much as thief. If you are engi and not Rezing ally (assuming you know you will not be downed in the process) you are playing seriously wrong.

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There is no solid rule of thumb here, but rather a list of things you need to evaluate before choosing whether to revive or whether to sacrifice the player in favor of taking the node:


1. Has the player been carrying his weight? is he even worth reviving? If NO, cap the node. If YES, proceed to 2.

2. Is the revive realistic? How many people are trying to cleave him? Are they DPS heavy classes? Do they have a lot of CC? Do you have stability or stealth ready or an invuln? Is it realistic to attempt to revive the player? If NO, cap the node. If YES, proceed to 3.

3. Stop and think 2 steps ahead, whether or not it is important to revive the player. Did he go down during a 2v2? Is he important to revive for you to be able to win a 2v2 on that node? Sometimes if you are a confident player, it is more important to take the node while enemies are off node, if you know you'll be able to stale 1v2 until the team mate respawns and comes back. If you revive him, are you just going to lose the 2v2 again? Is it ultimately going to result in having to retreat from the node anyway? If this is the case, it may be better to let the team mate die, which will give you distraction to disengage and reset while heading to a node that you can actually defend, so that at least one of you survive.

4. You have to be able to quickly size up & weigh out whether taking the risk to revive someone will be worth it or not. The better you know the game, the better your ability is to be able to do this.


But again, there is no solid rule of thumb here. So don't be lured into cleave traps just because you have a silver 3 team mate yelling at you "Hey Thief! Revive man!" as he's getting cleaved by a Holo & a Herald. The players who get frustrated and yell this kind of stuff are usually the guys who just don't understand the game well enough to see that it would have been impossible for you, on any class, to go over to him being cleaved by two high DPS classes, and actually get him off the ground. If you had actually tried to do it, the Holo & the Herald would either kill you in the process, or you'd barely escape and certainly not have been able to secure a revive.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> There is no solid rule of thumb here, but rather a list of things you need to evaluate before choosing whether to revive or whether to sacrifice the player in favor of taking the node:


> 1. Has the player been carrying his weight? is he even worth reviving? If NO, cap the node. If YES, proceed to 2.

> 2. Is the revive realistic? How many people are trying to cleave him? Are they DPS heavy classes? Do they have a lot of CC? Do you have stability or stealth ready or an invuln? Is it realistic to attempt to revive the player? If NO, cap the node. If YES, proceed to 3.

> 3. Stop and think 2 steps ahead, whether or not it is important to revive the player. Did he go down during a 2v2? Is he important to revive for you to be able to win a 2v2 on that node? Sometimes if you are a confident player, it is more important to take the node while enemies are off node, if you know you'll be able to stale 1v2 until the team mate respawns and comes back. If you revive him, are you just going to lose the 2v2 again? Is it ultimately going to result in having to retreat from the node anyway? If this is the case, it may be better to let the team mate die, which will give you distraction to disengage and reset while heading to a node that you can actually defend, so that at least one of you survive.

> 4. You have to be able to quickly size up & weigh out whether taking the risk to revive someone will be worth it or not. The better you know the game, the better your ability is to be able to do this.


> But again, there is no solid rule of thumb here. So don't be lured into cleave traps just because you have a silver 3 team mate yelling at you "Hey Thief! Revive man!" as he's getting cleaved by a Holo & a Herald. The players who get frustrated and yell this kind of stuff are usually the guys who just don't understand the game well enough to see that it would have been impossible for you, on any class, to go over to him being cleaved by two high DPS classes, and actually get him off the ground. If you had actually tried to do it, the Holo & the Herald would either kill you in the process, or you'd barely escape and certainly not have been able to secure a revive.

This is pretty comprehensive but what about the situation I presented.


> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> Situation: me(thief) and team mate near home with enemy thief running around somewhere.

> I will most likely make sure that the thief doesn’t decap my node or will cap it even if my team mate is at risk of dying. If my team mate does die then I will most likely risk a decap to go Rez him, Unless we are in crunch time where 1 node is win or lose. Then I’ll be greedy and sit on that 1 node.


This person was useful so 1 check 2 it is realistic to Rez someone against 1 thief that made just be in stealth so check 3 he went down basically 1v1 and is just trying to leave so might as well Rez him 4 seems fine because it’s low risk and gives reward of having 1 more team mate. What if it is a very realistic Rez but the other thief tries to safe stomp with shadow step and in the process decals the node. Based on your rules it seems 90% safe to Rez but there’s 10% chance that they get a decap and a stomp. Maybe I’m wrong but this situation has passed through the rules or maybe a very competent player will find a way to decipher this at rule 4 but I think most players will say at rule 4 that as long as this node isn’t the only one we need to win then it’s ok to lose so go ahead and Rez. But you Rez him to 95% and boom safe stomp + decap and you lost the other teams thief just rotates out or stealths up

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> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > There is no solid rule of thumb here, but rather a list of things you need to evaluate before choosing whether to revive or whether to sacrifice the player in favor of taking the node:

> >

> > 1. Has the player been carrying his weight? is he even worth reviving? If NO, cap the node. If YES, proceed to 2.

> > 2. Is the revive realistic? How many people are trying to cleave him? Are they DPS heavy classes? Do they have a lot of CC? Do you have stability or stealth ready or an invuln? Is it realistic to attempt to revive the player? If NO, cap the node. If YES, proceed to 3.

> > 3. Stop and think 2 steps ahead, whether or not it is important to revive the player. Did he go down during a 2v2? Is he important to revive for you to be able to win a 2v2 on that node? Sometimes if you are a confident player, it is more important to take the node while enemies are off node, if you know you'll be able to stale 1v2 until the team mate respawns and comes back. If you revive him, are you just going to lose the 2v2 again? Is it ultimately going to result in having to retreat from the node anyway? If this is the case, it may be better to let the team mate die, which will give you distraction to disengage and reset while heading to a node that you can actually defend, so that at least one of you survive.

> > 4. You have to be able to quickly size up & weigh out whether taking the risk to revive someone will be worth it or not. The better you know the game, the better your ability is to be able to do this.

> >

> > But again, there is no solid rule of thumb here. So don't be lured into cleave traps just because you have a silver 3 team mate yelling at you "Hey Thief! Revive man!" as he's getting cleaved by a Holo & a Herald. The players who get frustrated and yell this kind of stuff are usually the guys who just don't understand the game well enough to see that it would have been impossible for you, on any class, to go over to him being cleaved by two high DPS classes, and actually get him off the ground. If you had actually tried to do it, the Holo & the Herald would either kill you in the process, or you'd barely escape and certainly not have been able to secure a revive.

> This is pretty comprehensive but what about the situation I presented.


> > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > Situation: me(thief) and team mate near home with enemy thief running around somewhere.

> > I will most likely make sure that the thief doesn’t decap my node or will cap it even if my team mate is at risk of dying. If my team mate does die then I will most likely risk a decap to go Rez him, Unless we are in crunch time where 1 node is win or lose. Then I’ll be greedy and sit on that 1 node.


> This person was useful so 1 check 2 it is realistic to Rez someone against 1 thief that made just be in stealth so check 3 he went down basically 1v1 and is just trying to leave so might as well Rez him 4 seems fine because it’s low risk and gives reward of having 1 more team mate. What if it is a very realistic Rez but the other thief tries to safe stomp with shadow step and in the process decals the node. Based on your rules it seems 90% safe to Rez but there’s 10% chance that they get a decap and a stomp. Maybe I’m wrong but this situation has passed through the rules or maybe a very competent player will find a way to decipher this at rule 4 but I think most players will say at rule 4 that as long as this node isn’t the only one we need to win then it’s ok to lose so go ahead and Rez. But you Rez him to 95% and boom safe stomp + decap and you lost the other teams thief just rotates out or stealths up


Sounds to me like this situation would depend on what the timer & score was at. Few examples of what I mean:


1. If it was 50 to 50 and match just started, it would probably be the better choice to revive the player because in the long term of the rotation, if he was a good player worth reviving, by reviving him you'd have less of a chance of losing the rotation as a whole in the end, meaning your team wins a big team fight and gets to create the snowball, which will make up for the temporary decap that you incurred to revive him. Actually the snowball effect in your team's favor would more than make up for it, when the clock & score allows you to do so.

2. However, if it were 475 to 475 and your team currently HELD two nodes and the enemy only had one, by holding those two nodes, it is very likely you'll win the game by holding those two nodes at all costs. In this scenario, if you were to sacrifice the node into neutralization to revive the player, you now risk the enemy being par for par in point ticks, which makes the match get dangerous. At 475 to 475, sacking the node to revive a player, will likely not yield enough time for that revived player to effectively achieve anything for your team before the match is over. Sure he's alive, but do you even have enough time to retake that node that you lost? This close to the end of the match, sacking the node in attempts to coordinated a stronger long term rotational outcome is usually not going to be worth sacking the node for. Because worst case scenario, you 1v2 for a bit and sustain just long enough to where when they down you, you make sure to go downstate on the node so you're still holding it, which will be just long enough for someone else to show up and do the same thing.


There are a lot factors that would really decided what the best idea was, which we'd never really be able to evaluate unless you had a recording for us to watch. Because this is about more than just res or hold cap. It's also about what was in your team, where they were at the time, what was on the other team, where they all were at the time. These kinds of things heavily dictate decision making on whether to revive or let die or if to bail the node or hold it at all costs.

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your team mate is always the first priority, because if someone jump at you stealthed/outplay you and you die you lose both the team mate and the node, but maybe im a bad person and i use my team mates as shields, when someone try to finish him i stun him and throw everything at his face same to downed enemy players

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> @"huluobo.7036" said:




> If you can only choose one, which one should you choose?

> I hope that players above ranked1600 will answer. Thank you.


> First of all, I put Capture the point first. I used to help my teammates, but helping my teammates won't make me win. Some teammates don't care about Capture the point. The players opposite today told me a few words.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/CwLRHuf.jpg "")

> I really want to know if it is right or wrong to give up the resurrection teammates to Capture the point.




Ressing is so situational it's really dependant on what rating your playing at, what players the match maker has put you with (good/bad?), your composition, enemy composition, your class, whats going on around you at the time.


The higher rating you go vs non dps heavy comps you will find a lot of people who will ress together. Below plat you are really going to struggle to get people to ress together, you have to be so fast some time to get players up before you get nuked so at lower rating or when playing with lower rating players you can't afford to go for the risky stuff.


One tip for you is if you think you can get a ress off you can target the person you are gonna ress really fast to get your team mates attention.

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In a perfect world where everyone carries their own weight and is equal in skill, in the majority of cases you should more than likely attempt to res unless It's going to without a doubt going to result in your death depending on who's nearby on the enemy team. Most players who generally end up prioritizing the point rather than the team fight do themselves a disservice. Because if the major team fight is lost and could have been won with your presence you're essentially shooting yourself in the foot.


Because you may have captured a point and gotten say ten to twenty points. But you're risking giving up complete map control and being snowballed because you have your priorities mixed up.



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> @"Trigr.6481" said:

> In a perfect world where everyone carries their own weight and is equal in skill, in the majority of cases you should more than likely attempt to res unless It's going to without a doubt going to result in your death depending on who's nearby on the enemy team. Most players who generally end up prioritizing the point rather than the team fight do themselves a disservice. Because if the major team fight is lost and could have been won with your presence you're essentially shooting yourself in the foot.


> Because you may have captured a point and gotten say ten to twenty points. But you're risking giving up complete map control and being snowballed because you have your priorities mixed up.


> Countless


THIS a 100%.


Of course it's always dependant on the situation.

But there is really just one question to ask yourself: Can you get this rezz (or will you die if you try)?


Kills equal momentum in conquest and momentum translates into map control.

If one of two teams is always down a player, due to them being on respawn, you basically create a map wide advantage, since it is a mapwide 5v4 scenario.

And what is commonly called a "snowball" is essentially maintaining this mapadvantage for a prolonged period of time by getting even more kills thanks to this advantage.

And since we currently are in a super high dmg meta, map advantage (or disadvantage for that matter) has far more impact than holding a node for ~5 more seconds.


If you are certain you can get a rezz, you should always go for it. If you are sure you will die for trying (feeding even more into the enemy "snowball"), you don't.

It's really not rocket science.

(All assuming ofc, that you are in the general vicinity of the body....altho travel-distance, in a way, also kinda coincides with the "likeliness" of getting a ress).


Just picture the following scenario(s):


Lets say we play on Forest of Niflhel and you come into mid from your home point.

You see one of your teammates in downstate on the ramp on the opposite side of the node.

There is one enemy Thief around (probably the one that downed your teammate) who has 20% health remaining and in the distance you can see an enemy warrior approaching.


The correct play would be to ignore the cap and go for the rezz/kill on the thief.

A 20% health thief is not enough of a threat to keep you from rezzing, since they would most likely die if they try to stop you.

You delay the cap and stop the enemy from setting up a potential snowball.


If you go for the cap first, your teammate will die and you will face the enemy warrior and enemy thief in a 1v2.

You will get a few score ticks, but you won't be able to hang on to your cap for long in that 1v2, so the enemy team gets two kills off this maneuver and will almost immediately retake the node.


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From the text i see you left your team mate to get pummeled while capping for 14 seconds, it is always good to decap their point and help a your team mate kill the bad man and then cap safely, cause if your buddy is fighting alone he will die and the cap will be pointless since how he said it "you are next" and they will get +10 points on top of the cap. This is the only situation i can think off someone writing that and it happens way too often for my licking .

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99 out of 100 times I'd rezz my team mate. Not only do you prevent the enemy team from getting 5 points for the kill, you also prevent fighting outnumbered and therefore keep the opponents momentum/snowball potential low(er) but you can also potentially kill the guy on the point, recapturing it and snowball yourself.

So unless 1) you are confident you wouldn't be able to rezz him because you either can't outheal the cleave or you are too squishy to survive the rezz or 2) he is a REALLY bad player and constantly dies/feeds into teamfights, I would argue to never leave a mate alone to die for said reasons above.

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I also have something like a procedure:

- Do I have realistic chance to rezz without dying myself?

- Is the enemy low and I can downstate and stomp him to get my mate out of downstate by making a kill?


one of them a "yes" then rezz. Both a "no" then go on with capture.


In very seldom situations I even stop rezzing in between when e.g. another enemy arrives and I see that I cant outheal the cleave damage.

Then leave the rezz, bomb the position, if enemy let loose , return to rezz or if enemy too strong leave it, do other useful thing.

Getting your teammate up prevents the enemy team earning points for the kill. but never risk to die also cause that makes enemy + 10 points for the 2 kills.


As time goes by you have the experience and feeling for the situation. Each downstate situation can be different. There is no "yes always go for rezz" for sure. ;)

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