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Game Update Notes: December 3, 2019

Fire Attunement.9835

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> @"CelestialCat.6240" said:

> Warrior could also use some nerfing to the invulnerability in PvP to cut the duration by half and reduce the passive blocks skills duration by half also to make warriors stop macroing the defensive skills to offset their all power berserker's gear. I've had enough of warriors jumping into zergs and getting away alive. Blocks and invulnerability should be used sparingly when needed not as a way to offset the need for toughness and vitality gear. It should be go tank or go dps not have both in one. The passive heals on might could also use some reworking (aka nerfing) to also reduce the use heal on might as another form of negating the need for defensive stat gear.


> I've seen a build that can solo any champion including some of the super tough ones as well being able to solo zergs and groups in PvP and WvW. Warriors are to Over Powered as they stand.


while i agree that the warrior blocking in pvp and the shield are abit over power and could use a nerf ! i think that warrior has been nerfing enough in this patch to not be op but fairly balanced ! but it doesnt change the fact the the amount of block from shield is still annoying to deal with.. but nerf that aswell would be over nerfing warrior because.. Basically the peak performance and Rampage were abit over nerfed ! instead of nerfing abit of the damage rampage brings and abit of the insane CC and survive it gives.. like abit from everything.. and make it still useful in all cases but just not as op... they went on and just literally removed the damage.. not nerfed but removed..

this will result in not even 1 warrior using it on 1v1 for the simple reason even if you lock down a target with cc you still gotta kill it.. and it will be impossible on rampage with 0 damage.. but at the same time Rampage will continue being OP and only choice for warrior in group fights.. as the amount of survive and CC is still silly..

rampage could still select a target and lock it with cc after cc and let the team kill it..

peak performance was also op partly due to its combo with Rampage.. but if Rampage got no damage at all.. who cares about the 20% damge increase after casting Rampage? so its silly.. anyways shield on warrior is def abit too strong but after the massive nerf to peak and rampage nerfing shield aswell will result in over nerfing warrior and i think warrior is really balanced right now in all game modes

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Still haft to laugh, next clone gen for all Mesmer. Such shot sighted changes across the board really. Honestly a net. Get a better balance team that understands at least the basics. If you believe an elite spec is over performing u make changes to the elite. NOT the base class skills and weapons. We players often get told by you as a company that you wish for diversity and balance yet you actively make changes counter to your claims by making blind changes that result in clunky mechanics, and affect different areas of a class more than the intended area.


You believe reducing clone gen hits mirage more, the elite with active ways to help clones survive. Or core that is not really used for obvious reasons, or chrono that can’t shatter without clones and has a trait requiring 3 clones alive to shatter to gen 1 clone.


Poor changes, poor form, and to sum things up. Once again trying to fix the class clockwork with a hammer while blindfolded.


Ps throw chrono a bone, no IP is fine and in many situations beneficial if u know how to play with it(talking to fellow old time players) but remove clone requirement from CS leave it at max 3 second duration and make it so if you don’t activate the skill a 2nd you don’t get pulled back to casting point. That’s a fair trade off and massive QoL improvement.


If clone gen is an issue on mirage instead of nerfing it By core just make max clones per skill 1 on mirage and go from there


Start thinking differently, instead OMG needs nerf, think how can we balance this while keeping everything else viable. How can we make trade offs that are noticeable but not overkill.


Chrono - no IP, but can double up skills with cs


Mirage - better clone damage + survivability and pseudo offensive dodge and manoeuvrability, less clone gen


Core - base clone gen, with IP for classic shatter potential and combos

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I said earlier I like the patch but here is my list of other things I can see nerfed in the future. This is a personal list made with sPvP in mind. I am not fully aware of every interactions (as you are going to see) so I just tried to pick what seems to offers little counterplay or just do not like about a profession design.



Power burst : I am going to be honest, I do not know what to nerf. This is not a bad build because it is a burst build, but because it is one of the most frequent burst with little to no tell (and fast 100%-0%). At least other burst builds are polite enough to warn you. FA weaver (cc or big red attack), FA tempest (usually air overload), sicem sniper (sound + effect on you), Berserker (Activation of berserker mode + signet [to be honest you have to look at the berserker to see that signet but this one goes up front in the fight])



Profession is fine in general. At first I was thinking about the focus but to be fair it is not the issue. I only dislike it because it stacks so well with weaver or tempest other defense sources. Overall I just do not like that they can stack so many condi/dmg + defense even if they do not have too much burst which is why they are seen as "ok" for most people. (also like mirage I do not like the dodge + dmg). (edit : so this is more a design issue)



Corrupt boon : 1200 range, unblockable, little to no tell, short cd. Make it blockable, add some damage to make it pop aegis and just add the animation before the removal on the target so they can react.



Add some tell on gazelle charge, decrease the damage. Maybe do not make it rush so far.



Waiting for the nerfs to go live then will see.



Right now I do not know what to nerf (still hate that they can spam anything)



Core / spellbreaker interactions:

Spellbreaker just highlights how some things are just incredibly strong on warrior. The rampage nerf is a good start but how many things do I have to dodge? Cc, burst, dodge their blocks and even dodge their dodge?

arcing slice : adrenaline level has no importance, high damage, the animation is fast and is refreshed on spellbreaker.

Reckless dodge : Damage and unblockable. The damage sounds small at first. But magebane tether + Might makes right it becomes just too much. All the might increasing the damage, the fact that it triggers more often suddenly becomes a free harass, even a finisher if the enemy is low and tries to block. (edit : I am targeting this instead of the tether + might combo because I think spellbreaker can keep the sustain if they get less damage. You could also target the duration/might of the tether.)



I am more looking at symbolbrand because of the stacking coming from zeal. Has nice damage while being hard to take down. At least you can fight it but what a light show. Rest is fine, waiting for the future effect on shield.



Again not sure. Herald is the only thing I can think of. It still has high mobility, high damage and a decent sustain. The build still can perform incredibly well but is less common in ranked. Maybe something on staff which brings a lot?

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> Grenadier: Fall damage reduction has been removed from this trait. This trait now also casts Lesser Grenade Barrage on your location when using a healing skill.


Please, pretty please realize that this is a terrible idea. Here is why: it puts an offensive skill on a defensive action. You don't always want to do damage. In fact, sometimes you have to actively avoid it. Putting this on healing means you now have to avoid healing to avoid damage, which is quite some disadvantage and was likely not intended (or was it?). Also, Grenadier is a trait that is a "must" for lots of builds, so it is not something you could easily not choose.


I can understand that you likely just wanted another trigger for the falling-damage-effect, but please do not use healing.


Just some things that would be really awkward with the proposed change:

- healing close to Subject 5 (reactor fractal) while it is shielding

- healing while running away through crowds of mobs. You might be close to dying, so you want to go fast and you want to heal yourself. Getting ooc is key to be fast. But you cannot heal, as that would hit mobs close to you, keeping you in combat a lot longer

- healing being close to neutral NPCs: oops, I didn't want to kill you, only heal myself

- healing while "enemy players" being close in certain raids

- healing while being invisible (and staying invisible)

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> @"Ghos.1326" said:

> Any sneak peak or early information on what you guys are going to do with the Inventions trait line for the Engineer to make it synergize more with its purpose: healing and defense? Currently, as is, it's sad to say it, but Alchemy alone does the job that Inventions is supposed to do, but better.


MDF is highest heal output in healscrapper. Overshield is actually a very protection source and makes shield worth bringing to wvw zerg fights. And pistol as a sigil-holder, I guess... Mecha-legs is perhaps a bit lackluster, but many like to use it. The additional heal of soothing detonations is however noticable.

Auto-bomb-dispenser as a ticking auto-blind and smoke-field on CC is pretty awsome for defense, too.

Automatic medical response is usually pretty useless, though... Maybe letting it give a charge in addition to your healskill for 10s would be better.

Anticorrosion plating is still great with holo for aoe-cleansing hardlight-arena, while bunker-down is often used for the sustain part in roaming builds.


Only thing that's useless is experimental turrets. But not because of the trait, but the turrets themself. If the trait would be +100% dmg, -50% CD, +200% HP on turrets, they would still be useless in most situations.


So, In my opinion, inventions (heal/defense) is the least problematic traitline to fix. firearms (condi/power/boons/krit) or alchemy (boons/defense/heal), might be more problematic.

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I will greatly miss the fall damage trait in WvW. With all the increases to mobility of enemies while in their territory (gliding, their mounts move faster, plus now dismounting lance) it's really hard to avoid getting chased down by groups of 10+ brave, bloodthirsty enemies while roaming. I would use this trait to turn the tables by jumping off a cliff then ccing them while they try to glide, failing this try to blink back up the cliff. I run ele but this is putting more and more pressure to go to a stealth class.

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> - Starting at level 10, elementalists can now swap weapons while out of combat, gaining an additional pair of weapon slots on their Hero panel.


> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> - Starting at level 10, engineers can now swap weapons while out of combat, gaining an additional pair of weapon slots on their Hero panel.


People complain that they feel rob for the prices of Equipment Templates (instead of special bags for example or another implementation wich takes the slots you use into account) when in most cases it's just some minor adjustements (stats or weapons at hand) and share 80% of gear with another Equipment Template. (Among other things)


ANET: Hey, let's give Engineer and elementalist an extra weapon they can change out of battle so they don't feel robbed giving the Equipment Templates to those classes cause of those 2 slots they don't have.


It worries me because this fix seems to point in the direction that you are just not gonna adress the main issue wich is how the Equipment Template works (makes no sense and this fix seems to point even ANET considers it as a gear storage of sorts).




Also another note.

Engi and Ele didn't have another weapon set cause they already have a great diversity of skills even with just one.

Other classes, let's say warrior don't have that. They need to be able to swap weapons to reach that skill diversity.

So what this fix is going, is creating the issue, that now engi and ele are able to do something (change the weapons they are ussing according to situation) wich requires to waste a Equipment Template for other clases.


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> @"areliorn.3165" said:

> > Grenadier: Fall damage reduction has been removed from this trait. This trait now also casts Lesser Grenade Barrage on your location when using a healing skill.


> Please, pretty please realize that this is a terrible idea. Here is why: it puts an offensive skill on a defensive action. You don't always want to do damage. In fact, sometimes you have to actively avoid it. Putting this on healing means you now have to avoid healing to avoid damage, which is quite some disadvantage and was likely not intended (or was it?). Also, Grenadier is a trait that is a "must" for lots of builds, so it is not something you could easily not choose.


> I can understand that you likely just wanted another trigger for the falling-damage-effect, but please do not use healing.


> Just some things that would be really awkward with the proposed change:

> - healing close to Subject 5 (reactor fractal) while it is shielding

> - healing while running away through crowds of mobs. You might be close to dying, so you want to go fast and you want to heal yourself. Getting ooc is key to be fast. But you cannot heal, as that would hit mobs close to you, keeping you in combat a lot longer

> - healing being close to neutral NPCs: oops, I didn't want to kill you, only heal myself

> - healing while "enemy players" being close in certain raids

> - healing while being invisible (and staying invisible)


Well, hopefully, there will be an ICD because if not what I'll do is simply slot medkit and spam lesser grenade barrage while healing myself with F1. Yes, indeed, you can heal yourself with F1 most of the time which make your arguments not really convincing.

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> # 12/03/2019—Skills and Balance Update

> - Warrior's Cunning: Reduced damage bonus against targets above 90% health from 25% to 7% in PvP only. Reduced damage bonus against targets with barrier from 50% to 10% in PvP only.

> - Rampage: Some Rampage skills have been adjusted as follows:

> - Kick: Power coefficient has been reduced from 1.2 to 0.01 in PvP only.

> - Throw Boulder: Power coefficient has been reduced from 2.0 to 0.01 in PvP only.

> - Seismic Leap: Power coefficient has been reduced from 1.6 to 0.01 in PvP only.






Goodbye face-roll warrior mains in PvP

Good riddens!!!!



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> @"Tazer.2157" said:

> > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > lol support FB buffed, no nerf to symbol fb and herald lol ok..

> > btw what happens in pvp with ele/engi, can they swap OOC too, that would be the most BS i've ever seen lol


> I think the engineer and the ele can swap weapons in pvp but only out of combat unlike other classes that can swap during combat and thank goodness for that or else the amount of active skills they would have would be too much.


would still be op, like swap for dagger for mobility then swap to focus for combat, or like staff for team fight and sword focus for duels


> @"solemn.9608" said:

> > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> > # 12/03/2019—Skills and Balance Update

> > - Warrior's Cunning: Reduced damage bonus against targets above 90% health from 25% to 7% in PvP only. Reduced damage bonus against targets with barrier from 50% to 10% in PvP only.

> > - Rampage: Some Rampage skills have been adjusted as follows:

> > - Kick: Power coefficient has been reduced from 1.2 to 0.01 in PvP only.

> > - Throw Boulder: Power coefficient has been reduced from 2.0 to 0.01 in PvP only.

> > - Seismic Leap: Power coefficient has been reduced from 1.6 to 0.01 in PvP only.


> :D

> :D

> :D

> :D

> Goodbye face-roll warrior mains in PvP

> Good riddens!!!!




so called face roll warrior only exist in gold. but anyway good for u

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**PvP only??**


**WvW excluded??**


-WvW is as important as PvP, why treat it with partial treatment and with unsympathetic intolerance?-


'If you change nothing, nothing will change'


WvW need those changes; in fact Anet owes WvW years of past due treatments of PvP to WvW.


Instead of treating all game modes with all players fair, Anet instead force them to chose or else Punish them to deal with Toxicity at its maximum in WvW?


Rinse+Repeat.....History repeats itself once again.


As a reminder;


**'If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad'**

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> **PvP only??**

> **WvW excluded??**

> -WvW is as important as PvP, why treat it with partial treatment with unsympathetic intolerance?-

> 'If you change nothing, nothing will change'

> WvW need those changes; in fact Anet owes WvW years of past due treatments of PvP to WvW.

> Instead of treating all game modes with all players fair, Anet instead force them to chose or else Punish them to deal with Toxicity at its maximum in WvW?

> Rinse+Repeat.....History repeats itself once again.

> As a reminder; **'If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad'**


The PvP exclusive changes? Are you saying that WvW needs *these* changes, or attention in general?

I'm not sure if many of these changes are particularly relevant to WvW. Maybe I don't play in the right groups but condi thieves and engineers aren't oppressive in the same way as in PvP. Rampage Warriors are a pita roaming though for sure.

Wouldn't be surprised if they're just not digging in to WvW changes until we get Alliances.

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> Finally.

> Thank you for adding weapons swaps to the Engi and Eles, about time they became on par with the rest of the classes... only took 7 years haha


> Why out of combat, why not like all the other classes... boggles the mind...


Cuz ele will have then 40 weapon's skills...40, yes, you have to be a pianist but you'll become a god in pvp.


In other hand, they better have to rework kits than that for engi.

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> @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > Finally.

> > Thank you for adding weapons swaps to the Engi and Eles, about time they became on par with the rest of the classes... only took 7 years haha

> >

> > Why out of combat, why not like all the other classes... boggles the mind...


> Cuz ele will have then 40 weapon's skills...40, yes, you have to be a pianist but you'll become a god in pvp.


> In other hand, they better have to rework kits than that for engi.


If they ever give ele or engi weapon swap in combat then they'd have to increase the CDs on attunements, and put all attunements and weapon swap on CD when a weapon is swapped or attunement switched. Every kit on an engi would need to be put on CD once one is equipped or a weapon swapped, and the kits would need to go on CD if a weapon is swapped. And this would just be for balance sake.


So, yeah... let's not discuss in combat weapon swapping for those two classes.

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

> > > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > > Finally.

> > > Thank you for adding weapons swaps to the Engi and Eles, about time they became on par with the rest of the classes... only took 7 years haha

> > >

> > > Why out of combat, why not like all the other classes... boggles the mind...

> >

> > Cuz ele will have then 40 weapon's skills...40, yes, you have to be a pianist but you'll become a god in pvp.

> >

> > In other hand, they better have to rework kits than that for engi.


> If they ever give ele or engi weapon swap in combat then they'd have to increase the CDs on attunements, and put all attunements and weapon swap on CD when a weapon is swapped or attunement switched. Every kit on an engi would need to be put on CD once one is equipped or a weapon swapped, and the kits would need to go on CD if a weapon is swapped. And this would just be for balance sake.


> So, yeah... let's not discuss in combat weapon swapping for those two classes.


Wrong target ;)


I explain **WHY** they haven't weapon swap in combat :)

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> @"aymnad.9023" said:

> I said earlier I like the patch but here is my list of other things I can see nerfed in the future. This is a personal list made with sPvP in mind. I am not fully aware of every interactions (as you are going to see) so I just tried to pick what seems to offers little counterplay or just do not like about a profession design.


> **Mesmer**:

> Power burst : I am going to be honest, I do not know what to nerf. This is not a bad build because it is a burst build, but because it is one of the most frequent burst with little to no tell (and fast 100%-0%). At least other burst builds are polite enough to warn you. FA weaver (cc or big red attack), FA tempest (usually air overload), sicem sniper (sound + effect on you), Berserker (Activation of berserker mode + signet [to be honest you have to look at the berserker to see that signet but this one goes up front in the fight])


Start with something similar to what you called out for corrupt boon with Arcane thievery tbh considering its very similar in regards of range, unblockable, and has little to no tell and a short cd.


As far as limiting burst reducing the number of skills that can be multi cast ontop of one another is also something you can start with. This would mean adding even a short cast time to a few skills to limit how many skills could be used at the same time along side one another.



> **Necro**:

> Corrupt boon : 1200 range, unblockable, little to no tell, short cd. Make it blockable, add some damage to make it pop aegis and just add the animation before the removal on the target so they can react.


This is fine only if things similar to it get the same change



> **Ranger**:

> Add some tell on gazelle charge, decrease the damage. Maybe do not make it rush so far.


This is a nice idea but hardly solves any of the other dozen problems with ranger.

Imo locking pets to the relatable xpac elites would go along way. Too many ranger builds in competitive regardless of core, rarely druid, or soul beast depend on smoke scale. Limiting smokescale would tone down ranger utility because in truth this one pet does too much for all builds.



> **Engi**:

> Waiting for the nerfs to go live then will see.


Not sure much will change Holo is still going to be low risk with high reward elite spec.



> **Warrior**:

> Core / spellbreaker interactions:

> Spellbreaker just highlights how some things are just incredibly strong on warrior. The rampage nerf is a good start but how many things do I have to dodge? Cc, burst, dodge their blocks and even dodge their dodge?

Thats just warrior in general lots of things you are forced to dodge or take high damage really the might stacking in high counts is likely the issue here.

> Reckless dodge : Damage and unblockable. The damage sounds small at first. But magebane tether + Might makes right it becomes just too much. All the might increasing the damage, the fact that it triggers more often suddenly becomes a free harass, even a finisher if the enemy is low and tries to block. (edit : I am targeting this instead of the tether + might combo because I think spellbreaker can keep the sustain if they get less damage. You could also target the duration/might of the tether.)


This needs to be made blockable or should not be able to crit then it would be fine.



> **Guard**:

> I am more looking at symbolbrand because of the stacking coming from zeal. Has nice damage while being hard to take down. At least you can fight it but what a light show. Rest is fine, waiting for the future effect on shield.


Dont go looking to nerf core lines when the problems are with firebrand mind you.

Symbols with core guardian are not a problem as core guardian has counters and weaknesses and lacks the sustain that firebrand brings along side it. I would start with lowering mantra effectiveness. Possibly reducing counts on all of them from 3 charges down to 2 charges.



> **Revenant**:

> Again not sure. Herald is the only thing I can think of. It still has high mobility, high damage and a decent sustain. The build still can perform incredibly well but is less common in ranked. Maybe something on staff which brings a lot?


This is likely a might stacking issue. Reducing self might gen here would be ideal considering it can generate a decent range of other boons.


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> @"noiwk.2760" said:

> > @"CelestialCat.6240" said:

> > Warrior could also use some nerfing to the invulnerability in PvP to cut the duration by half and reduce the passive blocks skills duration by half also to make warriors stop macroing the defensive skills to offset their all power berserker's gear. I've had enough of warriors jumping into zergs and getting away alive. Blocks and invulnerability should be used sparingly when needed not as a way to offset the need for toughness and vitality gear. It should be go tank or go dps not have both in one. The passive heals on might could also use some reworking (aka nerfing) to also reduce the use heal on might as another form of negating the need for defensive stat gear.

> >

> > I've seen a build that can solo any champion including some of the super tough ones as well being able to solo zergs and groups in PvP and WvW. Warriors are to Over Powered as they stand.


> while i agree that the warrior blocking in pvp and the shield are abit over power and could use a nerf ! i think that warrior has been nerfing enough in this patch to not be op but fairly balanced ! but it doesnt change the fact the the amount of block from shield is still annoying to deal with.. but nerf that aswell would be over nerfing warrior because.. Basically the peak performance and Rampage were abit over nerfed ! instead of nerfing abit of the damage rampage brings and abit of the insane CC and survive it gives.. like abit from everything.. and make it still useful in all cases but just not as op... they went on and just literally removed the damage.. not nerfed but removed..

> this will result in not even 1 warrior using it on 1v1 for the simple reason even if you lock down a target with cc you still gotta kill it.. and it will be impossible on rampage with 0 damage.. but at the same time Rampage will continue being OP and only choice for warrior in group fights.. as the amount of survive and CC is still silly..

> rampage could still select a target and lock it with cc after cc and let the team kill it..

> peak performance was also op partly due to its combo with Rampage.. but if Rampage got no damage at all.. who cares about the 20% damge increase after casting Rampage? so its silly.. anyways shield on warrior is def abit too strong but after the massive nerf to peak and rampage nerfing shield aswell will result in over nerfing warrior and i think warrior is really balanced right now in all game modes


implying that rampage is the only way to deal damage, rampage is just half shot ko, while any other skills like their burst will be one shot

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I like these changes.

However I believe there are some keypoints that need reviewing for the necromancer ;

-**Dhuumfire** : the number of Burn stacks and duration should change based on the specialization currently in use.

-**Foot in the Grave** : the short duration of the provided stability is much too small to truly compete with the other grandmaster traits. Perhaps it could pulse stability instead of providing a single stack?

-**Putrid Defense** : a flat damage increase for a condition in a trait-line dedicated to defense is quite strange to me. Perhaps it could be replaced to something akin to "reduce damage taken per condition on yourself"?

-**Soul comprehension** : this trait has been criticised for a very long time. The increase of generated life-force from death is not only quite small, but it is also much too situational. If it is to remain a trait meant to bolster generation from kills, perhaps it could instead allow kills to generate life force when life force replaces health too? Otherwise, I believe it should be entirely redesigned.

- **Lich Form** : I do not know if my opinion is unique, but to have a transformation skill atop our transformation profession mechanics seems redundant. However, there are 2 skills tied to it that could make for perfect replacements ; **Grim Specter**, if slightly tuned, could very well become the new spectrale Elite, and **Summon Madness** could replace the somewhat clunky Flesh Golem!


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Hey people of tyria we know all the game modes and are giving you this great new freeing up the traits feature that comes with more instant deaths to cliffs and terrain glitches in wvw merry wintersday!!! Oh also people will use the new detection pulse for a couple weeks before complaining that they have to actually slot the goggle skill and then complain that they don't have a passive way that just counters the enemy for them.

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