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[Vid] Who is arenanet trying to attract with mechanics like this?


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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" thief absolutely counters mirage too, plasma is + thief in and out type of combat wrecks mesmer.

> you keep getting chunked for 1/3-1/4hp then they port out, you cant follow them, when they get plasma they can just faceroll you, if you do follow them up daggerstorm kills you, condi does nothing becouse if you manage to hit them they cleanse, and the nature of clones/phantasms means that they are good against stationary oponents but not against sword2.





Mesmer Profession in video



'Condition Damage 'kittens' Trying To Kill Me For 15 Mins' S/P Daredevil - Redeemer

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" thief absolutely counters mirage too, plasma is + thief in and out type of combat wrecks mesmer.

> > you keep getting chunked for 1/3-1/4hp then they port out, you cant follow them, when they get plasma they can just faceroll you, if you do follow them up daggerstorm kills you, condi does nothing becouse if you manage to hit them they cleanse, and the nature of clones/phantasms means that they are good against stationary oponents but not against sword2.

> >


> **+1**


> Mesmer Profession in video




> 'Condition Damage 'kittens' Trying To Kill Me For 15 Mins' S/P Daredevil - Redeemer


Preety much this, now immagine its not WvW where mirage gets extra dodges, immage there is terraint thief can use to sword 2 like monkey :D

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" thief absolutely counters mirage too, plasma is + thief in and out type of combat wrecks mesmer.

> > > you keep getting chunked for 1/3-1/4hp then they port out, you cant follow them, when they get plasma they can just faceroll you, if you do follow them up daggerstorm kills you, condi does nothing becouse if you manage to hit them they cleanse, and the nature of clones/phantasms means that they are good against stationary oponents but not against sword2.

> > >

> >

> > **+1**

> >

> > Mesmer Profession in video

> >

> >

> >

> > 'Condition Damage 'kittens' Trying To Kill Me For 15 Mins' S/P Daredevil - Redeemer


> Preety much this, now immagine its not WvW where mirage gets extra dodges, immage there is terraint thief can use to sword 2 like monkey :D


Yup, never liked s/p for this reason.

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When I was new to the game I did encounter this build (it exists since mesmer exists and is not bound to an elite spec) and I got oneshot. I am still playing the game and I don't get oneshot anymore. Not on necro with 0 life force and not on any other class.


RisenHowl what happened? Do I remember correctly that you play a lot of WvW? WvW is full of this gimmicky mesmer build. Tons of training opportunities... Your positioning leaves also some room for improvements. Esp. in the first scene: as a necro stay behind your team mates (and I mean literally!) until you got some life force. You are not the frontline at the beginning of a match! Never! If they move in slow motion to mid, you move even slower!


Besides that, when you encounter a coordinated team while being in a team of pugs with bad map and team awareness, you get farmed (and me too!). And that will happen in any multiplayer-videogame. That's not GW2 specific.

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Im more so curious to know how much toughness you had.

If I see that your hp is quite high so i can assume you are running something with vitality but i cant tell what exactly just from watching the first bit of the video but yes.


I dont think burst like this especially from stealth should be in the game but mesmer is one of the most infamious professions known for skill cast stacking being able to use a great number of skill cast at the same time basically to combo that kind of damage. Generally its not fun to run into


In the first starting point of the match though you did make a critical mistake. You ran in as necromancer first when you are at your weakest because anet forces you to start with 0 life force still for some freaking reason.


Secondly you are running plague signet (dont use this, especially if using signets of suffering)

Spectral armor would have helped you greatly here as the clones and shatter hits count as indivual hits meaning they can each proc the 8% life force gain along side the mesmer itself.


Ideally you never run into a point first if anything you hide and hope your team does ok for a few seconds without you and try to slip into the fight un noticed hoping you can make enough of a difference and still win the fight. Generally speaking you were screwed the moment you ran in first with no other team members infront of you.


Still burst like this are generally just disgusting to me even more so when you have a very high toughness build and they still slice through it like a hot knife through butter.

Makes toughness and defensive stat investment irrelevant.


I personally wish anet would just remove all amulets from spvp and make people fight with profession base stats + a rune. If you want any additional stats you can only gain them via traitlines and traits. This would solve alot of the bs that exists in pvp alone but not all of it.


Most importantly stop forcing necormancer to start the match with 0 life force. Give them 25% or something.


Ive had matches like this and worse when i was on necro as its my most played profession and its generally not a good feeling. The feeling of "not being able to play" basically because you dont have tools to deal with that kind of pressure. Thats just a match where once they are spawn camping and you have made several attempted efforts with your team and still cant get out of the base you go afk to twitter till the match ends.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> @topic

> When I was new to the game I did encounter this build (it exists since mesmer exists and is not bound to an elite spec) and I got oneshot. I am still playing the game and I don't get oneshot anymore. Not on necro with 0 life force and not on any other class.


> RisenHowl what happened? Do I remember correctly that you play a lot of WvW? WvW is full of this gimmicky mesmer build. Tons of training opportunities... Your positioning leaves also some room for improvements. Esp. in the first scene: as a necro stay behind your team mates (and I mean literally!) until you got some life force. You are not the frontline at the beginning of a match! Never! If they move in slow motion to mid, you move even slower!


> Besides that, when you encounter a coordinated team while being in a team of pugs with bad map and team awareness, you get farmed (and me too!). And that will happen in any multiplayer-videogame. That's not GW2 specific.


First target in every fight is the necro, it wouldn't have mattered if I went out first, third, or all at once. I was going to get targeted first. Not a problem with 1 mes, but with 4 there's no chance of avoiding the 1 shot. This was a no-win situation

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Im more so curious to know how much toughness you had.

> If I see that your hp is quite high so i can assume you are running something with vitality but i cant tell what exactly just from watching the first bit of the video but yes.


> I dont think burst like this especially from stealth should be in the game but mesmer is one of the most infamious professions known for skill cast stacking being able to use a great number of skill cast at the same time basically to combo that kind of damage. Generally its not fun to run into


> In the first starting point of the match though you did make a critical mistake. You ran in as necromancer first when you are at your weakest because anet forces you to start with 0 life force still for some freaking reason.


> Secondly you are running plague signet (dont use this, especially if using signets of suffering)

> Spectral armor would have helped you greatly here as the clones and shatter hits count as indivual hits meaning they can each proc the 8% life force gain along side the mesmer itself.


> Ideally you never run into a point first if anything you hide and hope your team does ok for a few seconds without you and try to slip into the fight un noticed hoping you can make enough of a difference and still win the fight. Generally speaking you were screwed the moment you ran in first with no other team members infront of you.


> Still burst like this are generally just disgusting to me even more so when you have a very high toughness build and they still slice through it like a hot knife through butter.

> Makes toughness and defensive stat investment irrelevant.


> I personally wish anet would just remove all amulets from spvp and make people fight with profession base stats + a rune. If you want any additional stats you can only gain them via traitlines and traits. This would solve alot of the bs that exists in pvp alone but not all of it.


> Most importantly stop forcing necormancer to start the match with 0 life force. Give them 25% or something.


> Ive had matches like this and worse when i was on necro as its my most played profession and its generally not a good feeling. The feeling of "not being able to play" basically because you dont have tools to deal with that kind of pressure. Thats just a match where once they are spawn camping and you have made several attempted efforts with your team and still cant get out of the base you go afk to twitter till the match ends.




All the 7 years including alpha/beta justification that because Necromancer Profession are at fault for being +1 shotting/instantly killed is where the problems lies


In other word; if a Necromancer Profession instantly gets killed, it's completely our fault-we are excused of everything because of the extra life bar.


In fact during guild wars 2 beta and through the years; us Necromancer Professions begged Anet to remove our second bar in replacement of more worth and value in the game. I believe a Anet dev stated that Necromancer Profession didn't need any of it because of our second life bar.




after watching the Op video, it clearly showed that nobody noticed how fragile and vulnerable our Profession are


While Elementalist, Engineer, Guardian, Thief, Ranger Professions have all the necessary all-in-one builds and unkillable mechanics at their disposal, Necromancer Profession have with only one


In addition of being the slowest Profession in the game; we are forced to use our second bar as a punching bag while others have unlimited get-out-of the jail card escapability at their disposal.


In conclusion, Necromancer Profession need to be completely redone and to be brought back to their origin root


**'Necromancers , calling on the spirits of the dead, and even death itself, to overpower enemies and assist allies'**










By the way, Necromancer Profession should be the most feared Profession with having the most survivability because of death with their undead minions on their side



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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> All the 7 years including alpha/beta justification that because Necromancer Profession are at fault for being +1 shotting/instantly killed is what the problem is.


> In other word; if a Necromancer Profession instantly gets killed, it's completely our fault-we are excused of everything because of the extra life bar.


> In fact during guild wars 2 beta and through the years; us Necromancer Professions begged Anet to remove our second bar in replacement of more worth and value in the game. I believe a Anet dev stated that Necromancer Profession didn't need any of it because of our second life bar.



Back in the early stages of the game i can see that because damage was not as crazy as it is now. The damage soaker mentality or mechanic that is shroud was enough to make it keep up with the other professions if anything make others a bit spiteful of how well it worked. But in 2019 the damage is just too high from both power and condition and the while the damage soaking mechanic or play style is something that can still work it needs more QoL to make it work specif. There is not nearly enough stability or boons like retaliation to complement the damage soaker style of play that is shroud.


Basically when the game first came out it felt complete of right now it feels unfinished because other things have advanced via elites or reworks while the core base of how shroud works has seen no big improvements.


> after watching the Op video, it clearly showed that nobody noticed how fragile and vulnerable our Profession are


Necromancers are tough in the sense that they have a lot of hit points but fragile in terms of stability in other worse its easy for them to get locked down and nuked before the lock down expires Where as other professions might have better active tools to get out of lockdown before they would be nuked or just tools that allow them to void the lock down attempts for a while altogether.


They are also fragile in the idea of using conditional defense as a major part of their defense when conditional defense changes from season to season based on the number of other strong condition builds in rotation. For example right now weaver, mesmer, thief, and firebrand all pump out alot of annoying and strong conditions so people take alot of condi clear. Even as a power build necromancer needs to be able to apply weakness, chill, and cripple to ensure that foes cant stay on its face 24/7 but these conditions are not effective as they use to be back before HoT especially when chill and cripple hindered movement skills.


Its now possible for a chilled target to stick to you with just using leap or dash skills then all they need to do is cc you or immobe you. to lock you down. If other professions were not meta in condition people would run less condi clear and necros conditional defense aspect would be a bit stronger than what it is right now.



> While Elementalist, Engineer, Guardian, Thief, Ranger Professions have all the necessary all-in-one builds and unkillable mechanics at their disposal, Necromancer Profession have with only one


> In addition of being the slowest Profession in the game; we are forced to use our second bar as a punching bag while others have unlimited get-out-of the jail card escapability at their disposal.


> In conclusion, Necromancer Profession need to be completely redone and to be brought back to their origin root


I dont think it needs to be completely redone. The issue can be solved by toning down boons across the board which would lower damage or sustain from alot of the professions that have much higher insane kill potential right now or by simply retouching death magic a bit more. They are already reworking Unholy Sanctuary in todays patch which is a good start but as i said necromancer lacks tools to complete its base ideal of being a damage soaker. Im fine with being a damage soaker if i have the proper tools to soak that damage and not just be stunned the whole time for example death magic providing more stability or some other form of sustain mechanic.



> **'Necromancers , calling on the spirits of the dead, and even death itself, to overpower enemies and assist allies'**


ESO's necromancer plays a bit like this and its really fun but it lacks a shroud mechanic >.< which i still think visually is a very cool mechanic for a spectral technique. But ESO Necro minions work more like mesmer phantoms they pop up do a big attack or a few attacks and go away leaving you a soul to consume after the fact.


> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necromancer






Lol the all caps xD


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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @topic

> > When I was new to the game I did encounter this build (it exists since mesmer exists and is not bound to an elite spec) and I got oneshot. I am still playing the game and I don't get oneshot anymore. Not on necro with 0 life force and not on any other class.

> >

> > RisenHowl what happened? Do I remember correctly that you play a lot of WvW? WvW is full of this gimmicky mesmer build. Tons of training opportunities... Your positioning leaves also some room for improvements. Esp. in the first scene: as a necro stay behind your team mates (and I mean literally!) until you got some life force. You are not the frontline at the beginning of a match! Never! If they move in slow motion to mid, you move even slower!

> >

> > Besides that, when you encounter a coordinated team while being in a team of pugs with bad map and team awareness, you get farmed (and me too!). And that will happen in any multiplayer-videogame. That's not GW2 specific.


> First target in every fight is the necro, it wouldn't have mattered if I went out first, third, or all at once. I was going to get targeted first. Not a problem with 1 mes, but with 4 there's no chance of avoiding the 1 shot. This was a no-win situation


It would have trust me you had you waited a bit you at least would have likely been able to wait out the mesmers stealth so you would have at least seen the mesmer coming at you.


Necros cannot run in first with 0 life force because you are just asking to be slapped to the floor by any profession that looks at you. Now some teams will always turn to focus you which can be good or bad depending on you and your team as your team gets the pressure pulled off them which might let them peel or support you. It really depends though. Yes necro is usually focused first which is why you dont go in first.... If you think you cant do mid then even try going far first (depending on whats there) you odds might be better. I usually depending on the map at least look to see what profession ran far on the enemy team before going to mid if I go to mid first im just asking to be killed because i have 0 LF i cant really defend myself without LF as a reaper and my offensive pressure is also not going to be very great without LF.


I would rather be late and have a chance to make a change in the team fight then be the first and dead and not have gotten to fight at all.


Im not excusing the fact that you would have still not gotten blown up in this specific match of pvp but i mean that initial first opening kill they got on you most certainly could have been avoided. especially if you saw at the start of the match you were up against 2 or 3 mesmers NEVER GO TO MID FIRST. That many mesmers on a team is just the perfect idea to start with Mass invis it would have 100% been worth it to hang back even if you still lost the team fight at mid because of it.


Trust me ive ran into mesmer comps that have hit me with this before too. ITs not fun, its frustrating, and just god awful but still. Some basic things you can do you should still do if it might make a difference.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > > I new player can easily practice and be reasonably good at pulling similar bursts with a meme build. Some MMO knowledge and Google is all you need. Such builds should not exist at all.

> > > >

> > > > A new player can easily practice to be reasonable good at preventing getting 1shots, MMO knowlege and google exist, there is a player that took time and effort to learn against player that didnt take time or even try. Player that took time and effort should win.

> > >

> > > An average new player doesn't go around googling. The ones wanting to abuse bad builds, do it more often. Irrespective of that, there's no place for such builds in game.

> >

> > then an average player is at fault, if you lose and dont bother figuring out how then you dont belong in PvP anyway, go play something else.

> > and to say that things like this push people away is silly, plenty of BIG games have mechanics like this.


> Gonna throw this out there bucko, The one game I've ever seen this in was WoW. Rogues were just animals and were impossible to catch and paladins/priests were just horrendously hard to kill. What did blizz do? They nerfed the ever loving kitten out of them, almost into oblivion and have kept them under their thumb for the better part of like four or so years. They can still do their job but it requires way more effort now than it ever did prior, Especially with counters like Demon hunter and other classes who basically will be able to clap them now.


> The issue is there is no counter, no chance to counter this as any and all reveal is situational and you don't want to waste it. Maybe YOU don't belong in PvP because you don't desire a fair and honestly more rewarding fight. Maybe go back to the hole you crawled out of and stop giving all PvPers a bad name? I pvp in every game I play and I love RvR to boot (Warhammer online was my kitten) and Id never once condone this trash gameplay. One shot builds? Instant death from stealth? Condi-thieves running a muck and perma-stun locking in WvW? Oh and don't even get me started on the hacks, which are beginning to run rampant and no one has the stomach to do a dang thing about it.


> No this should not exist, it should not be allowed but its here because A-net sees no reason to fix it. And people like you are the problem~


Well countering that build is as easy to just keep a finger on the dodge key at all times, or some block/invulnerability skill, or anything with at least 1 or 2 evade frames actually, stealth in this game is a complete mess because it was designed to last for a few seconds, but now there are some classes who can achieve almost 100% uptime, but you can still predict or at least be ready to be bursted so you can react in time, usually as soon as you see one power mesmer bursting thats enough to keep your fingers sharp in case you are his next victim, but 5 power shatter mesmers thats rough can't deny that

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @topic

> > > When I was new to the game I did encounter this build (it exists since mesmer exists and is not bound to an elite spec) and I got oneshot. I am still playing the game and I don't get oneshot anymore. Not on necro with 0 life force and not on any other class.

> > >

> > > RisenHowl what happened? Do I remember correctly that you play a lot of WvW? WvW is full of this gimmicky mesmer build. Tons of training opportunities... Your positioning leaves also some room for improvements. Esp. in the first scene: as a necro stay behind your team mates (and I mean literally!) until you got some life force. You are not the frontline at the beginning of a match! Never! If they move in slow motion to mid, you move even slower!

> > >

> > > Besides that, when you encounter a coordinated team while being in a team of pugs with bad map and team awareness, you get farmed (and me too!). And that will happen in any multiplayer-videogame. That's not GW2 specific.

> >

> > First target in every fight is the necro, it wouldn't have mattered if I went out first, third, or all at once. I was going to get targeted first. Not a problem with 1 mes, but with 4 there's no chance of avoiding the 1 shot. This was a no-win situation


> It would have trust me you had you waited a bit you at least would have likely been able to wait out the mesmers stealth so you would have at least seen the mesmer coming at you.


> Necros cannot run in first with 0 life force because you are just asking to be slapped to the floor by any profession that looks at you. Now some teams will always turn to focus you which can be good or bad depending on you and your team as your team gets the pressure pulled off them which might let them peel or support you. It really depends though. Yes necro is usually focused first which is why you dont go in first.... If you think you cant do mid then even try going far first (depending on whats there) you odds might be better. I usually depending on the map at least look to see what profession ran far on the enemy team before going to mid if I go to mid first im just asking to be killed because i have 0 LF i cant really defend myself without LF as a reaper and my offensive pressure is also not going to be very great without LF.


> I would rather be late and have a chance to make a change in the team fight then be the first and dead and not have gotten to fight at all.


> Im not excusing the fact that you would have still not gotten blown up in this specific match of pvp but i mean that initial first opening kill they got on you most certainly could have been avoided. especially if you saw at the start of the match you were up against 2 or 3 mesmers NEVER GO TO MID FIRST. That many mesmers on a team is just the perfect idea to start with Mass invis it would have 100% been worth it to hang back even if you still lost the team fight at mid because of it.


> Trust me ive ran into mesmer comps that have hit me with this before too. ITs not fun, its frustrating, and just god awful but still. Some basic things you can do you should still do if it might make a difference.


Tell you what, how about I get 4 other people to play mesmer and record us vs you. That way you can show me, and everyone else, how to survive it properly?

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > @topic

> > > > When I was new to the game I did encounter this build (it exists since mesmer exists and is not bound to an elite spec) and I got oneshot. I am still playing the game and I don't get oneshot anymore. Not on necro with 0 life force and not on any other class.

> > > >

> > > > RisenHowl what happened? Do I remember correctly that you play a lot of WvW? WvW is full of this gimmicky mesmer build. Tons of training opportunities... Your positioning leaves also some room for improvements. Esp. in the first scene: as a necro stay behind your team mates (and I mean literally!) until you got some life force. You are not the frontline at the beginning of a match! Never! If they move in slow motion to mid, you move even slower!

> > > >

> > > > Besides that, when you encounter a coordinated team while being in a team of pugs with bad map and team awareness, you get farmed (and me too!). And that will happen in any multiplayer-videogame. That's not GW2 specific.

> > >

> > > First target in every fight is the necro, it wouldn't have mattered if I went out first, third, or all at once. I was going to get targeted first. Not a problem with 1 mes, but with 4 there's no chance of avoiding the 1 shot. This was a no-win situation

> >

> > It would have trust me you had you waited a bit you at least would have likely been able to wait out the mesmers stealth so you would have at least seen the mesmer coming at you.

> >

> > Necros cannot run in first with 0 life force because you are just asking to be slapped to the floor by any profession that looks at you. Now some teams will always turn to focus you which can be good or bad depending on you and your team as your team gets the pressure pulled off them which might let them peel or support you. It really depends though. Yes necro is usually focused first which is why you dont go in first.... If you think you cant do mid then even try going far first (depending on whats there) you odds might be better. I usually depending on the map at least look to see what profession ran far on the enemy team before going to mid if I go to mid first im just asking to be killed because i have 0 LF i cant really defend myself without LF as a reaper and my offensive pressure is also not going to be very great without LF.

> >

> > I would rather be late and have a chance to make a change in the team fight then be the first and dead and not have gotten to fight at all.

> >

> > Im not excusing the fact that you would have still not gotten blown up in this specific match of pvp but i mean that initial first opening kill they got on you most certainly could have been avoided. especially if you saw at the start of the match you were up against 2 or 3 mesmers NEVER GO TO MID FIRST. That many mesmers on a team is just the perfect idea to start with Mass invis it would have 100% been worth it to hang back even if you still lost the team fight at mid because of it.

> >

> > Trust me ive ran into mesmer comps that have hit me with this before too. ITs not fun, its frustrating, and just god awful but still. Some basic things you can do you should still do if it might make a difference.


> Tell you what, how about I get 4 other people to play mesmer and record us vs you. That way you can show me, and everyone else, how to survive it properly?


Gosh pls yes, i would watch that video, no matter in which way that will turn out it will make my day!

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > @topic

> > > > When I was new to the game I did encounter this build (it exists since mesmer exists and is not bound to an elite spec) and I got oneshot. I am still playing the game and I don't get oneshot anymore. Not on necro with 0 life force and not on any other class.

> > > >

> > > > RisenHowl what happened? Do I remember correctly that you play a lot of WvW? WvW is full of this gimmicky mesmer build. Tons of training opportunities... Your positioning leaves also some room for improvements. Esp. in the first scene: as a necro stay behind your team mates (and I mean literally!) until you got some life force. You are not the frontline at the beginning of a match! Never! If they move in slow motion to mid, you move even slower!

> > > >

> > > > Besides that, when you encounter a coordinated team while being in a team of pugs with bad map and team awareness, you get farmed (and me too!). And that will happen in any multiplayer-videogame. That's not GW2 specific.

> > >

> > > First target in every fight is the necro, it wouldn't have mattered if I went out first, third, or all at once. I was going to get targeted first. Not a problem with 1 mes, but with 4 there's no chance of avoiding the 1 shot. This was a no-win situation

> >

> > It would have trust me you had you waited a bit you at least would have likely been able to wait out the mesmers stealth so you would have at least seen the mesmer coming at you.

> >

> > Necros cannot run in first with 0 life force because you are just asking to be slapped to the floor by any profession that looks at you. Now some teams will always turn to focus you which can be good or bad depending on you and your team as your team gets the pressure pulled off them which might let them peel or support you. It really depends though. Yes necro is usually focused first which is why you dont go in first.... If you think you cant do mid then even try going far first (depending on whats there) you odds might be better. I usually depending on the map at least look to see what profession ran far on the enemy team before going to mid if I go to mid first im just asking to be killed because i have 0 LF i cant really defend myself without LF as a reaper and my offensive pressure is also not going to be very great without LF.

> >

> > I would rather be late and have a chance to make a change in the team fight then be the first and dead and not have gotten to fight at all.

> >

> > Im not excusing the fact that you would have still not gotten blown up in this specific match of pvp but i mean that initial first opening kill they got on you most certainly could have been avoided. especially if you saw at the start of the match you were up against 2 or 3 mesmers NEVER GO TO MID FIRST. That many mesmers on a team is just the perfect idea to start with Mass invis it would have 100% been worth it to hang back even if you still lost the team fight at mid because of it.

> >

> > Trust me ive ran into mesmer comps that have hit me with this before too. ITs not fun, its frustrating, and just god awful but still. Some basic things you can do you should still do if it might make a difference.


> Tell you what, how about I get 4 other people to play mesmer and record us vs you. That way you can show me, and everyone else, how to survive it properly?


I think you missed the part where i said you would likely still die in the end but still there were alot of things in that video especially before you started getting spawn camped that you could have or rather should have been doing that you didn't do. As i said that first death could have been avoided or less immediate had you waited for a bit or not gone in first.


Necro is already at a disadvantage vs most mesmer builds especially ones like these that incorporate things like mantra of distraction (power lock). 1 Mesmer like that i could probably handle with a few lucky reads but 2 or 3 at the same time is not possible for anything thats not like thief or another mesmer to handle.


With necro literally knowing is half the battle because you dont have many tools to cover your mistakes or get you out of trouble once you get into it.


Im no pro but i know not to run into the mid first as a necro i use to do it too but i got tired of getting immediately focused like that bit it from a stealth kill or 4 people jumping on you at once so i dont run in first anymore i dont care what the rest of my team is or what im playing aginst i dont run in first on necro lol. You could bring 5 thieves or better yet 5 elementalist which generally are countered by necros for all i care and i still wouldnt run in first. Thats just not wise and if you keep running in like that you will keep getting killed like that till you learn not to do it unless they change something with necro thats more modern than flesh wurm that lets them escape bad situations.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> Gosh pls yes, i would watch that video, no matter in which way that will turn out it will make my day!


IT would turn out with me no doubt getting murdered by 5 mesmers. Especially ones running that build. **insert wheezing laughter here**


If i was doing it for sake of bsing and fun(knowing what im about to run into and having the choice to do it) i wouldnt be frustrated by it. IF i was going into a standard pvp match i would be extremely frustrated running into that and i sympathize with him on that regard. That said if people are giving you blunt open tips on how to not die as quick as necro then its prob worth giving them a try before taking it with an aggressive tone.

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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > > > I new player can easily practice and be reasonably good at pulling similar bursts with a meme build. Some MMO knowledge and Google is all you need. Such builds should not exist at all.

> > > > >

> > > > > A new player can easily practice to be reasonable good at preventing getting 1shots, MMO knowlege and google exist, there is a player that took time and effort to learn against player that didnt take time or even try. Player that took time and effort should win.

> > > >

> > > > An average new player doesn't go around googling. The ones wanting to abuse bad builds, do it more often. Irrespective of that, there's no place for such builds in game.

> > >

> > > then an average player is at fault, if you lose and dont bother figuring out how then you dont belong in PvP anyway, go play something else.

> > > and to say that things like this push people away is silly, plenty of BIG games have mechanics like this.

> >

> > Gonna throw this out there bucko, The one game I've ever seen this in was WoW. Rogues were just animals and were impossible to catch and paladins/priests were just horrendously hard to kill. What did blizz do? They nerfed the ever loving kitten out of them, almost into oblivion and have kept them under their thumb for the better part of like four or so years. They can still do their job but it requires way more effort now than it ever did prior, Especially with counters like Demon hunter and other classes who basically will be able to clap them now.

> >

> > The issue is there is no counter, no chance to counter this as any and all reveal is situational and you don't want to waste it. Maybe YOU don't belong in PvP because you don't desire a fair and honestly more rewarding fight. Maybe go back to the hole you crawled out of and stop giving all PvPers a bad name? I pvp in every game I play and I love RvR to boot (Warhammer online was my kitten) and Id never once condone this trash gameplay. One shot builds? Instant death from stealth? Condi-thieves running a muck and perma-stun locking in WvW? Oh and don't even get me started on the hacks, which are beginning to run rampant and no one has the stomach to do a dang thing about it.

> >

> > No this should not exist, it should not be allowed but its here because A-net sees no reason to fix it. And people like you are the problem~


> Well countering that build is as easy to just keep a finger on the dodge key at all times, or some block/invulnerability skill, or anything with at least 1 or 2 evade frames actually, stealth in this game is a complete mess because it was designed to last for a few seconds, but now there are some classes who can achieve almost 100% uptime, but you can still predict or at least be ready to be bursted so you can react in time, usually as soon as you see one power mesmer bursting thats enough to keep your fingers sharp in case you are his next victim, but 5 power shatter mesmers thats rough can't deny that


You 100% cant reactively dodge the burst if done properly. and even if you do its not just evade, you have to remove stun first.

technically the combo takes 0,25s to land. but in reality its about 0,5-0,6s. Gets much longer if you are in distance from meser, in melee its gonna be 0,3s in slight range about 1s. thats why you gotta blink on top of people to remove that chance to dodge.


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Last time I ran into this build (with my non meta DPS Mirage build myself), got hit with about 1.2k HP left, however I run Illusionary Ambush and was able to pop that, get out of the followup damage and turned it around. Unfortunately you dont have that option, however you do have acess to a teleport (or 2) one being Wurm. You can teleport once you see it coming, thus negating their full burst.


This is only 1 option mind you that I can think of, as I dont know off hand of there are any others that are effective

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On a side note versus 5 core PU burst mesmer I will probably give a try to :


1) take 5 condi necro.

2) take staff.

3) camp in mark.

4) as soon as you see a mark trigger, prepare for their burst, insta fear aoe them. Or if they clone to trigger mark -> clone will get feared or die to aoe so you save up to 5kF1.

5 ) Even if they kill a necro, if they get hit by 2 condi mark, it's over for them.


It will probably be a thing with a proper mark rotation.

Then make a vid to buff mesmer please.


There is a reason why WvW blob are full of necro and not mesmers.

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Seems like a good way to balance oneshot builds. Just removing the elite spec "looking at chrono here" and players find another build to oneshot on. Problem is not how the class work. Its from stacking every single dmg modifier with the ability do a como that oneshot from stealth. Much like both thief and ranger can. Nerf the amulets or nerf the 1 skill that is problematic. In this case its mesmer traitlines focused on dmg and greatsword itself. Power mesmer will never be viable for anything else then oneshot if you do not change how greatsword work. On top of this i want to see them reworking mirage and the chaos traitline for mes. Passive gameplay is just not fun.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > > @topic

> > > > > When I was new to the game I did encounter this build (it exists since mesmer exists and is not bound to an elite spec) and I got oneshot. I am still playing the game and I don't get oneshot anymore. Not on necro with 0 life force and not on any other class.

> > > > >

> > > > > RisenHowl what happened? Do I remember correctly that you play a lot of WvW? WvW is full of this gimmicky mesmer build. Tons of training opportunities... Your positioning leaves also some room for improvements. Esp. in the first scene: as a necro stay behind your team mates (and I mean literally!) until you got some life force. You are not the frontline at the beginning of a match! Never! If they move in slow motion to mid, you move even slower!

> > > > >

> > > > > Besides that, when you encounter a coordinated team while being in a team of pugs with bad map and team awareness, you get farmed (and me too!). And that will happen in any multiplayer-videogame. That's not GW2 specific.

> > > >

> > > > First target in every fight is the necro, it wouldn't have mattered if I went out first, third, or all at once. I was going to get targeted first. Not a problem with 1 mes, but with 4 there's no chance of avoiding the 1 shot. This was a no-win situation

> > >

> > > It would have trust me you had you waited a bit you at least would have likely been able to wait out the mesmers stealth so you would have at least seen the mesmer coming at you.

> > >

> > > Necros cannot run in first with 0 life force because you are just asking to be slapped to the floor by any profession that looks at you. Now some teams will always turn to focus you which can be good or bad depending on you and your team as your team gets the pressure pulled off them which might let them peel or support you. It really depends though. Yes necro is usually focused first which is why you dont go in first.... If you think you cant do mid then even try going far first (depending on whats there) you odds might be better. I usually depending on the map at least look to see what profession ran far on the enemy team before going to mid if I go to mid first im just asking to be killed because i have 0 LF i cant really defend myself without LF as a reaper and my offensive pressure is also not going to be very great without LF.

> > >

> > > I would rather be late and have a chance to make a change in the team fight then be the first and dead and not have gotten to fight at all.

> > >

> > > Im not excusing the fact that you would have still not gotten blown up in this specific match of pvp but i mean that initial first opening kill they got on you most certainly could have been avoided. especially if you saw at the start of the match you were up against 2 or 3 mesmers NEVER GO TO MID FIRST. That many mesmers on a team is just the perfect idea to start with Mass invis it would have 100% been worth it to hang back even if you still lost the team fight at mid because of it.

> > >

> > > Trust me ive ran into mesmer comps that have hit me with this before too. ITs not fun, its frustrating, and just god awful but still. Some basic things you can do you should still do if it might make a difference.

> >

> > Tell you what, how about I get 4 other people to play mesmer and record us vs you. That way you can show me, and everyone else, how to survive it properly?


> I think you missed the part where i said you would likely still die in the end but still there were alot of things in that video especially before you started getting spawn camped that you could have or rather should have been doing that you didn't do. As i said that first death could have been avoided or less immediate had you waited for a bit or not gone in first.


> Necro is already at a disadvantage vs most mesmer builds especially ones like these that incorporate things like mantra of distraction (power lock). 1 Mesmer like that i could probably handle with a few lucky reads but 2 or 3 at the same time is not possible for anything thats not like thief or another mesmer to handle.


> With necro literally knowing is half the battle because you dont have many tools to cover your mistakes or get you out of trouble once you get into it.


> Im no pro but i know not to run into the mid first as a necro i use to do it too but i got tired of getting immediately focused like that bit it from a stealth kill or 4 people jumping on you at once so i dont run in first anymore i dont care what the rest of my team is or what im playing aginst i dont run in first on necro lol. You could bring 5 thieves or better yet 5 elementalist which generally are countered by necros for all i care and i still wouldnt run in first. Thats just not wise and if you keep running in like that you will keep getting killed like that till you learn not to do it unless they change something with necro thats more modern than flesh wurm that lets them escape bad situations.


So, no then? Because you must by now realize it's a no win scenario. If I had avoided the first mesmer, the second would have killed me. They open from stealth and will always target the necro first, even when tHeY wAiT tO oG iN.


You can't camp the fear mark either, it's not like it's invisible. There's nothing stopping them from using f3 before blink.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> Last time I ran into this build (with my non meta DPS Mirage build myself), got hit with about 1.2k HP left, however I run Illusionary Ambush and was able to pop that, get out of the followup damage and turned it around. Unfortunately you dont have that option, however you do have acess to a teleport (or 2) one being Wurm. You can teleport once you see it coming, thus negating their full burst.


> This is only 1 option mind you that I can think of, as I dont know off hand of there are any others that are effective


Wurm is the the only option on necro, but it wouldn't have worked in this scenario unless all 4 had hit at the exact same time

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> Let me preface this by saying yes, i understand it's a meme build. It's easy to kill when you have invuln for the initial burst. Just Dodge. Only bad players die against power mes. Bring a reveal. Watch the minimap. etc.


> GW2 pvp player population is at an all time low, imagine someone starting out in pvp running into this. Why on earth would they come back?




I mean if we want to get technical the types of PvP videos that are always the most popular are ones with extreme domination like one shots. Like I'm pretty sure the Unbreakable video from WoW featuring a Windfury Shaman with Hand of Ragnaros one shotting people is still one of if not the most viewed WoW PvP video.


So really the best way to advertise PvP is to show absurd levels of domination like one shots and combos with the promise of "If you pick up and play you can become a god too". Regardless of how healthy it is once you're in game.


At the end of the day your team still won though. Shouldn't that make you happy?

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